Unvaxxed, and Proud! By James Reed

The declaration below is anonymous, but is true of all of us, who stood against the Covid tyranny, and the globalist tyrannies to come.


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Stand Proud Christian Soldiers: Tom Eglinton By James Reed

In these trying and turbulent times, above all else Christianity is under attack. It is not too difficult to see this, from popular culture to the institutions that form the basis of society, such as education. In this context it is good to see a positive take on being a Christian by Tom Eglinton, who wisely says, that Christians should not apologise, and stand proud against the foul winds of this most evil of  all time.


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Police State America By Charles Taylor

This all began as a rumour, but has now gone public, big time, with tucker Carlson taking the issue up with gusto, perhaps more vibes than usual. It seems that he FBI, under orders from the Biden administration is targeting Trump supporters, seeking to arrest them for what seems to be mere constitutionally protected speech about election fraud. The issue is covered in detail by dt Steve Turley. What this shows is that America has become a leftist police state, with a fall of the rule of law. It is very bad optics, and will prove to be an electoral disaster for the Democrats.


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Covid Vax Liability Issues By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The whistle-blower False Claims Act lawsuit against Pfizer, made by Brook Jackson, who worked as a regional director at one of the trial sites where Pfizer developed its mRNA vax, progresses. Pfizer is countering that it has no liability as the government knew all about what went on. As Jackson says: “Respondents claim fraudulent certifications, false statements, doctored data, contaminated clinical trials, and firing of whistle-blowers can be ignored based on the theory that they contracted their way around the fraud. A drug company cannot induce the taxpayers to pay billions of dollars for a product that honest data would show poses more risks than benefits, and that ignores the actual contract and the law itself.”

However, lawyers for Jackson are to argue that for actions under the False Claims Act to succeed, it is not necessary for the government to know. “Jackson has submitted over 400 exhibits as part of her complaint. Jackson said that a former Taco’s cashier was among those tasked with injecting patients with the experimental jab. She alleged that the trial staff falsified patient signatures on informed consent paperwork. And she has described a daily mess of unsanitary conditions.”

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Dr Jessica Rose: Do the COVID-19 Injections Contain Epigenetic Factors Inducing Cancer, Autoimmunity, Neurological Disorders, Diabetes and More? Is the Spike Protein Also an Epigenetic Factor? By Brian Simpson

Spoiler alert: the highly technical material by Dr Jessica Rose does document how the Covid vaxxes contain epigenetic factors, extra-genetic phenomenon, that are hypothesised to induce cancer, neurological diseases, autoimmunity and possibly heart conditions. Thus, is it sane for the system to move to make mRNA vaxxes more general? The reasons given by Dr Rose are complex, but still compelling.


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Ruled by Fools By Viv Forbes

Australia has become a nation ruled by fools.

We have surrendered power over every aspect of our lives and industry to fifteen debating chambers in eight ruling cities. These assemblies are controlled by lawyers, unionists, centralists, green dreamers, power seekers and tax consumers.

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Beware of the Coming Monkey Business By Brian Simpson

We have been speculating about whether monkeypox will be the next big viral thing. While it has been largely restricted to one particular community, there are claims that it is spreading. It is supposedly hard to get, although some children have caught it. Thus, it is possible that there could be a new crisis generated. This time the disease has alarming features, and will scare people intro submission; the sores are nasty, but then again, so is adult chickenpox. It will pay to get quietly prepared for possible future lockdowns, for we do not want to be like the poor folk in China, welded into their cages. And, the whole vax freak out will begin again. Hopefully, this storm will blow over, but there will be another.


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The King Speaks By James Reed

With a flawless presentation, and beautiful “king’s English,” King Charles III, deliver a truly beautiful, albeit brief, to-the-point speech, which essentially thanked his mother, Queen Elizabeth for her devotion. A human being can do no more. And it is wonderful that the speech ended with the lines from Shakespeare’s Hamlet: “May ‘flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.’”


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The Haters Unload after Queen Elizabeth’s Death By Chris Knight (Florida)

As someone who was born in the US, but until a few years ago lived in Australia, met Eric Butler, and attended League of Rights annual seminars, which is why someone (including my father-in-law, Charles Taylor) from Florida writes for Alor.org blog, I have been a loyal monarchist, and are deeply panged by the death of Queen Elizabeth. But, most from the Left are not, some being outright haters. The same critique is made over and over. She represented colonialism. No, colonialism was dismantled long before she was queen. She symbolises money power … really, with all the super-capitalists and Big Pharma itself who the Left has been cuddling up to, you have got to be joking … but they are not. Still, this shows the utter nastiness of the Left, and why we need a Great Divorce. Let them live in their own swamp with other swamp creatures and critters.


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Monsters of the Blood By Chris Knight (Florida)

More coverage of the weird blood clots, or rather tubular structures, that are increasingly being found in corpses by embalmers. An analysis by Mike Adams using state of the science "inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP_ MS), triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry," found that the structures lack key elements present in normal human blood. Wade Hamilton, a cardiologist has said:

“They are not normal post-mortem clots but rather the long tiny strings may have been etiologic in the deaths, preventing circulation to those regions. Others have shown that the spike protein can and does unfold and form a different configuration, contributing to tight string-like bonded structures with longitudinal twisting as well as cross binding, visible by microscopy, each one measuring angstroms in diameter — it takes 25,400,000 angstroms to make an inch — a typical capillary is around 5 microns, so many strings are needed to occlude a vessel.

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The Threat of Woke, White, Educated Liberal Women By Abigail Knight (Florida)

Jack Cashill has written about the threat that white educated liberal Women pose to America, and by implication, the West. And, as I see it as a lower level American academic teacher dealing with such women each day, he is dead right. There is no level of woke, politically correct nonsenses that some of the girls I encounter in my teaching, where I have to be very careful, will believe. The agenda is swallowed whole. The males go along with it, playing the game to get through. The Leftist males, if they can be called that, believe, I think to be popular with the feminists, but in general woke is a very female thing, sadly. And, given the decline of manhood, it is up to conservative women to fight this dragon and defeat it. Given that up to a third of these white woke women go on to be childless, unlike conservative women, natural selection will have the last word.


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Sourness from the Dissent Right On Her Majesty’s Death By James Reed

Peter Brimelow and Jef Costello (“The Queen is Dead. Long Live the King!”) have both written about the death of Queen Elizabeth, and both are leading Dissent Right writers. But, what a difference!  While not exactly condemning Queen Elizabeth, the British-born anti-immigrationist, Peter Brimelow, now an American, says that the Queen could have done something to stop British decline. Well, for a start she was non-political, as Royalty has been for hundreds of years. And, what could she have done? Surely the people should have done something while they could; they had warning enough but meekly went along with the globalist plan. The American Jef Costello is much better and understands the constitutional, and philosophical significance of the monarchy, which is unusual for Americans. Australians in the main, too.


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Excess Mortality in Our State of Victoria By Brian Simpson

I continue the reporting on excess mortality the Alor.org blog has covered, with an article today on Swiss excess mortality by Richard Miller, London correspondent. But, right in my home state of Victoria, one of the most vaxxed up places on Earth, we are seeing the same thing, as reported by Alex Berenson at his substack. He says: “Victoria registered 4,896 deaths from all causes in August, 27 percent above the monthly average of the previous five Augusts. Mortality in Australia typically peaks June through August, the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, but the figure is only the latest in a disturbing trend.

So far in 2022, Victoria has registered 32,533 deaths, 20 percent above its average for the same eight-month period from 2017 through 2021. Victoria has had more than 4000 deaths in five months since February; it crossed that threshold only in seven months in the previous 12 years.” This is far beyond astonishing, and cries out for an explanation.

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35 FBI Raids on Trump Allies in One Day! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Deep State must be getting very concerned with statistics like 32 percent of Democrats support Biden being impeached. This is the guy who supposedly got an all-time record number of votes in 2020, but has trouble filling even a small hall for his speeches, while Trump packs out stadiums. The Deepers must be scared of what might be coming. So that is why, if it is true, that the FBI has made 35 raids on Trump allies in the last few days. Details are thin on the ground, but I will keep my shell-like ears open. If true, America is a third world state, politically; economically, tomorrow.


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Switzerland: Excess Mortality By Richard Miller (London)

We have covering the excess mortality issue across many jurisdictions. Here is more data on this, from Switzerland. Since the beginning of 2022, about 3,000 more people have died than expected, and in   the last eleven weeks, 1,700 excess deaths have been recorded.  So called scientists are baffled about this, as excess mortality, with seemingly no cause, has not occurred before in swiss history. The heat wave is being blamed, but if that was so, it would not be too difficult to test for heat-stress related causes, which has not been done. Thus, as with everywhere else, the authorities will not even consider the herd of elephants in the room, the Covid vaxxes.


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Australian Left Goes Beyond Pulling Down Statues By James Reed

In the US and UK the Left pull down statues of pioneer figures, and even political ones like Churchill, and any whites the Left do not like. But, not racist Karl Marx though. Some of that has occurred here in Australia, but not so much. Why work up a sweat when one can do the ultimate deconstruction and do over the name of an entire state? In another article, I cover the proposed name change of Australia itself, but for now here is the debate about changing the name of Queensland, named after Queen Victoria. Of course, that was the colonial period, for the Left, it all must go. How about we deconstruct the universities first as a warm up, especially the group of eight sandstone ones, which are also colonial relics? After these temples of evil have been made into useful things, like homes for Australia’s homeless, we can talk about name changes to whatever you like. How about the Leftist critics stop using English?  But, I expect that closing down these cesspools will drain the swamp somewhat.


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What about a 400 Percent Increase in Food Prices? By John Steele

Robert Wheeler hypotheses that there could be a 400 percent rise in food prices by 2030, and that is in eight years’ time.  But, that may not be the worst-case scenario. The New Class are proposing personal carbon budgets, limits upon which the ordinary people may produce carbon, as well as proposed taxes on meat, and a more general carbon tax on everything. This is a fundamental attack upon the modern standard of living that past generations spilt blood, sweat and tears to achieve, and it could all be gone within years without the strongest opposition, at least as strong as the battle to get these rights in the first place.  


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Behind the Curtain: The Deep State By James Reed

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist, is a fellow spirit journalist I am following, liking his Armageddon prose style.  Here is his take on the Deep state’s drive to make Donald Trump into a political prisoner. Targeting political rivals using the police forces is more common in third World banana republics, but I suppose, this is what America is now.


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No Energy; No Economy By Richard Miller (London)

It is clear to many of us, that the West is paying a very high price for backing one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, the Ukraine, with energy shortages being imposed by Russia, leading to a coming cold, dark winter, that will kill many. There are, of course energy restrictions, and temperature regulations, such as many places only allowing heating to a certain degree, raising doubts whether cooking is now a crime.  In Germany companies are often unable to access energy supplies, and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), has said: ““More and more companies are telling us that they no longer have a supply contract for electricity or gas at all. The tap is turned off in the truest sense of the word,” DIHK President Peter Adrian has said in an interview. “But without energy, no economy can run.” Thus, in accordance with the Great Reset plan of the globalists, European economies will collapse.


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Adults Aged 35–44 Died at Twice the Expected Rate Last Summer: Life Insurance Data By Brian Simpson

Highly relevant to the on-going debate about excess mortality, at least among Covid critics, certainly not the mainstream, are insurance data. When one’s business depends upon accurate information, we can be sure that the insurance companies get it right. In the US the death claims for working adults during summer and autumn were far above expected levels, according to 20 leading US insurance companies. And, according to a report by the Society of Actuaries, which analysed 2.3 million death claims submitted to life insurance firms, death claims for adults aged 35 to 44 were 100 percent higher than expected in July, August, and September 2021.  The firms do not draw conclusions about the causes of this excess mortality, but Covid critics are firm in maintaining that the only plausible common cause is the vax. One wonders when the Covid dam will burst, and the truth will flow freely.


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