Republican Academics on the Attack By James Reed

The material is coming out as predicted, with Republican academics trotting out the usual stuff they teach their students, you know, the evils of British colonialism, as if Queen Elizabeth II had anything to do with it, being born in 1922. Never mind the pragmatic paradox that these academics would have never existed without British colonialism, which led to the settlement of Australia, and otherwise, Australia would have almost certainly have been colonised by China. Now, China is a place that does organ harvesting of prisoners, and has a strong human rights case against it, and that is modern China. What would China of hundreds of years ago have been like? Would it have been sensitive to native title? Perhaps in the future we will see.

As for the woke claim that Australia needs to become a Republic to escape its racist past, how can that be, since for the left whites are by definition racist, no matter what they do. So, I say, why bother?

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Strange Metals in Blood … Where Did This Come From? By Brian Simpson

There has been much written about what gunk is in the mRNA. There was speculation for some time of metal of a magnetic nature in the vaxxes, with people having magnets stick to their bodies. While this seemed mighty implausible at the time, the now seems to be evidence of metallic particles “resembling graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds.” The scientific question of interest is if this is correct, does it offer an explanation of the monstrous clots and structures being found by embalmers in Covid vaxxed corpses?


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Swiss Heat Police By Richard Miller (London)

This can be taken as a footnote to another article I published at the blog on the collapse of Europe. The closer focus is upon Switzerland threatening people who heath their homes above a crisp 19 C, with stiff fines, and the possibility of a three-year jail sentence. Police will be checking. After the Covid tyranny, measures like this, that once would have caused outrage, are seemingly meekly accepted. Sad, as Trump would say.

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When Will This be “Accidentally” Released from a “Friendly” Neighbourhood Bioweapons Lab? By Chris Knight (Florida)

If, and when this thing gets released, and you can bet that at some point it will, it will be everything lethal that Covid is not.  Dr Mercola has covered the news that scientists in both the US and Canada have reversed genetically engineered the Spanish flu, and it is no surprise that the Dr Frankensteins at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have been alleged to be involved. All of these crazy gain-of-function researchers were frustrated that the engineered Spanish flu virus was not lethal enough to kill the macaque species selected for experimentation, and want to use gain of function genetic engineering to make even more dangerous viruses, just in case such things evolve, so that a vaccine is ready. It is utterly insane, as this type of virus does not exist in nature. There is evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was the product of gain-of-function research, and organisations that have been alleged to be involved in some way include the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA), the University of North Carolina (UNC), the University of California at Davis (UCD), the NIH and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

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The Planned Globalist Collapse of Western Europe, and the West By Richard Miller (London)

The death of Queen Elizabeth II, perhaps, is a symbol in some metaphysical, mytho-poetic way of the dark times, literally descending upon Europe and the West. There is a perfect storm leading to a planned economic collapse, of resource scarcity, fertilizer and energy shortages, and spiralling inflation. Germans, for example, desperate for fire wood, with gas shortages, are searching around for wood to burn, and as winter approaches, things will get worse. This is an economic pandemic with real fangs. And, it  will spread across the globalised economies of the West, bringing economic gloom and doom in its wake. That is the plan of the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum, who look forward to breaking down our world, to rebuild it as THEIR world.

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50 Reasons Not to Vaccinate Children! By Mrs Vera West

A delightful reverse psychology piece by Margaret Anna Alice, detailing why one should vaccine children … if one wants to court disaster! Amusing in a gallows-humour kind of way.

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Only Hours After the Death of Queen Elizabeth II, the Republicans and Associated Leftoids Continue Their Ever-Predictable Woke Push By James Reed

I was going to mention this in my article celebrating the Life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, but I rethought, that I would not want to soil her memory with dealing what is now to come. In fact, as I opened the computer today, and received the news feeds of news of her death, the thought immediately came to me, how soon will we see the Republicans move to say that a Republic is inevitable now? Why, immediately after her death, as seen by Greens leader, the woke Adam Bandt. What we will see is that there will be a movement to collapse the indigenous Voice referendum and the Republic into one manic drive, to completely woke the constitution, making it something resembling the Communist Manifesto, only more politically correct. Oh, it might not be evident by the black letter words, but the Leftist woke lawyer class, and equally Leftist courts, who completely failed to protect traditional liberal rights during the Covid tyranny, will pull whatever rabbits are needed out of the judicial hat. Sorry, I have no faith in the present regime at all, and much of what the blog reports about the US woke meltdown, applies mutatis mutandis to us.

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A Life in Devoted Service: The Passing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and the Ascent of Charles the Third, by the Grace of God, King of Australia and His Other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth By James Reed

By now we all know of the sad news of the passing of the most respected head of state in modern times, Queen Elizabeth II. Naturally enough, great tributes have been made by loyal monarchists across the Commonwealth, celebrating her long reign of service. While there have been problems with some other Royals over the years, Queen Elizabeth II was pure, untouchable, dedicated, loyal, the essence of nobility. This is shown by the tributes that have been given by people who one would not expect to care much about her, and indeed, as republicans, would politically oppose her, or at least be silent.

For example, Leftist Whoopi Goldberg, the last person one would think to honour the Queen tweeted: “Several years ago, I met Queen Elizabeth at The Royal Variety performance of 2009. As she approached me, all I could think of was WTH?? I’m an American kid from the projects and I’m in the company of the Queen of England. I was in awe. Rest in Peace. God save the King.”  And Sylvester Stallone paid tribute by saying: “May this GREAT QUEEN, rest in peace. The world will never see the likes of her again…” How true; and all that from Americans (America being a republic), and Hollywood celebrities too. It shows how great this queen was.

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What Not the Butler, But the Embalmer Saw By Brian Simpson

The Epoch has covered the issue of the weird clots, or structures that embalmers are finding in the Covid dead. There is general agreement that these things are real, but no consensus yet on what exactly they are. “The very large blood clots that are being removed before and after death are unlike anything we have ever seen in medicine,” Dr. James Thorp, a maternal-fetal medicine expert who has been observing anomalies in pregnant women and fetuses, told The Epoch Times.

“The COVID-19 vaccine diverts energy away from the physiologic processes in the body towards the production of the toxic spike protein,” Thorp said. “This directs energy away from the normal process of internal digestion also known as autophagy. This results in protein misfolding and propagation of large intravascular blood clots and also a variety of related diseases including prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, amyloidosis, and dementias including Alzheimer’s and others. While it is possible that COVID-19 illness in itself could potentially contribute to these diseases, it is unlikely and if so the effect of the vaccine would be 100- to 1,000-fold greater than that of COVID-19 disease.”

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The UK Beer Apocalypse! By Richard Miller

It is truly the apocalypse. The only thing that has been keeping a man sane, or near sane in these crazy and turbulent times, is having a beer, and we like it arm. Or we did like it. Now inflation is set to kill beer and the local pub where one could get fish and chips and a pork pie, washed down with a warm pint. Food and drink fit for an English king … soon to be gone!


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China, Eternally Locked Down By James Reed

More information on the CCP lockdowns. It is unquestionably frightening, since the West will imitate china’s handling in the future, and Melbourne’s insane lockdown was along CCP lines. It does not stand well for freedom.


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Masks, More Harm than Good By Mrs Vera West


For some time I have been covering the issue of the adverse effects of the masks typically worn during the Covid plandemic. My own test of the blue surgical masks was to put one on while dusting; I have a bad dust allergy. I found that even a new mask would fail after a while and I would get some symptoms; not bad, but annoying all the same. Normally I just put up with the mask, but some people, like school children had to wear them all day. Unfortunately, some types of disposable face masks release dangerous levels of titanium dioxide (TiO2), which among its ill-effects has been shown to cause cancer in animal studies, and is a suspected human carcinogen. Forcing people to wear dangerous things, that do little is a crime, and a tort, and if ill-health from mask wearing occurs in the future, I hope governments are sued hard.

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China’s Eternal Lockdown By James Reed

CCP tyrants have once more locked up millions of people, to be a show of force by Xi as he becomes divine emperor, or whatever. What other explanation could there be, since the last lockdown totally failed to produce zero Covid? Sure, it causes supply issues for the West, but we are getting used to our standard of living vaporising, so that at the end of the day, it is not as important as it once was.


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Joe Biden: “Do You Realize the Bullet Out of an AR-15 Travels Five Times as Rapidly as a Bullet Shot Out of Any Other Gun? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In a recent anti-gun speech Biden said that the bullet out of an AR 15 rifle travels five times faster than the bullet shot out of any other gun. He was giving another lie to stir up the converted. However, it is a lie.   The.223 and 5.56 rounds, two of the most common shot from an AR-15, those generally have a velocity at between 2,700-3,100 feet per second. Other rounds, such as the .220 Swift, .257 Weatherby Magnum and .30/378 Weatherby are the fastest rounds, along with 224 Clark and .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer. These have velocities ranging from 3,400 to 4,600 feet per second (fps). 

This is no technical mistake by Biden as it would be easy to check this on the internet. It is an example of the use of lies for political advantage. Who could trust such liars on anything?

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94 Percent of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood, Italian Microscopy Finds By Brian Simpson

There has been some movement to investigate the weird blood clots that embalmers have been pulling out of corpses. An Italian research team has published in the journal International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, results of blood analyses of deceased people who have had the Covid vaxxes. Over a thousand patients’ blood was examined. Of this population of patients, only around five percent has normal blood.  A foreign material was observed: “This foreign material seemed to collect itself into structures, sometimes forming crystals and other times forming long tubes or fibers.

The foreign-body structures in the patients’ blood, which had not been there before vaccination, certainly look unusual in the photos included in the study.

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Covid Vaxxes and Natural Selection By Brian Simpson

In the end, the wisdom of natural selection will decide the winner of this grand mess. If the school of thought that the likes of Mike Adams, and perhaps less radical, Dr Mercola represent, that there is an emerging Covid vax die off, or at least massive sickness that will cripple society, is correct, we are facing a survival challenge more dangerous than anything humanity has seen. Certainly, all-out nuclear war, and vast electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks will be more devastating, killing off according to CIA estimates, and by Dr Peter Pry, up to 90 percent of populations, but we do not know the endgame of continuous vaxxes.


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The Fall of “Scientific American” By Brian Simpson

Scientific American has always been bad, in recent woke times on race, but now has embraced the gender agenda, or at least the radical trans branch of this tree. Western science invented the two sexes model to serve the interest of the white supremacist patriarchy. No matter that all other cultures on Earth, past and present, who are not part of Western liberalism, hold to the common-sense model. When Africans laugh at this, as depicted in a recent documentary by Matt Walsh, What is a Woman? does the Left dare call them … racists, or transphobe? And, do these cultures, which will exist when woke culture is dust, care a pickle?


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The Perfect Storm of Misery, Blowing Out Way By James Reed

I am keeping my peepers open for good material offering sensible approaches to the coming economic collapse. Most people do not see it coming, and perhaps, contrary to all the trends, they are right; however, I think the balance of evidence indicates that they are wrong. Many intellectual types from our side see the opportunity from the chaos for political and financial change, which is of course needed. But we little people need to survive first and do not exist as invulnerable beings, immune to the coming chaos. Michael Snyder at the ver pessimistic Economic Collapse, outlines the 12 factors indicating that we are being blown into economic collapse.

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Dr Richard Ebright on Support for the SARS-CoV-2 Lab Leak Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

It is hard times indeed for the mainstreams’ Covid bat soup hypothesis on the origin of Covid-19. As covered elsewhere today at this blog, the bat hypothesis has been refuted by an Israeli research team. Dr. Richard Ebright of Rutgers University, who is no anti-vaxxer, argued that natural origin hypotheses presuppose an amazing series of coincidences. “Pandemic caused by a bat SARS-like coronavirus emerged in Wuhan - a city 1,000 miles from nearest wild bats with SARS-like coronaviruses, but that contains labs conducting world's largest research program on bat SARS-like coronaviruses.”

He  noted that in 2015 to 2017 “scientists and science-policy specialists expressed concern that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was conducting and contemplating research that posed an unacceptable risk of lab accident and pandemic.”

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Covid King Dr Fauci: Covid Jabs, Forever By Chris Knight (Florida)

I suppose the outgoing Covid technocrat Dr Fauci will be seeking out some nice place to retire, which does not have an extradition treaty with the US. But, his parting shot was that the Covid vaxxes are forever, becoming an annual event, like the flu jab. No doubt this will ensure astronomical profits for Big Pharma, forever. But, may I suggest a libertarian economic response; let those wanting endless jabs pay for them. As a vaccine pure blood, I do not want to pay for other people’s drug addictions! My personal opinion of course.


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