Super-Elites Prepping for the Great Collapse By John Steele

Douglas Rushkoff, author of Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires (September 6, 2022), has detailed how the world’s richest, at least those known to us, are now prepping for the social collapse that they are bringing on. Rushkoff actually interviewed some of them, at their high tech bunkers, and discussed problems that these elites will face in the collapse, and post-apocalyptic world to come. One big problem is that these people are weak pencil necks, incapable of much by way of self-defence, and will require hired guns to protect them. But, how does one ensure loyalty, when these mercenaries could just as easily take out the elites and keep their stuff? Well, that is their problem, not ours!

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The Dark Davos Agenda By James Reed

Klaus Schwab, who is much like a caricature of a James Bond villain, through the World Economic Forum, has done us the service of putting the global communist agenda of other organisations, in plain sight. Thus, the Covid plandemic was seen by him as not a disaster for the majority of people, but an opportunity for a Great Reset, something which globalists had been working on for some time, only Covid kicked the agenda further down the road. The agenda of we, the ordinary people, owning nothing, was in essence the idea behind the UN Agenda 2030, both based upon some illusory climate change crisis, and woke push for global equity and “justice,” whatever that means. What is of particular concern is how deep this ideology has penetrated mainstream politics, something Schwab has gloated about. Most political leaders are part of the World Economic Forum, and fully on board with its radical communist agenda. We have a most difficult fight on our hands given this take-over of the political process.


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Disastrous EU Market Fundamentalism with Electricity By Richard Miller (London)

Yanis Varoufakis details what a disaster market fundamentalism, a child of globalisation, has done to electricity in the EU. As he summarises: “The EU obliged its member states to split the electricity grid from the power-generating stations and privatize the power stations to create new firms, which would compete with one another to provide electricity to a new company owning the grid. This company, in turn, would lease its cables to another host of companies that would buy the electricity wholesale and compete among themselves for the retail business of homes and firms. Competition among producers would minimize the wholesale price, while competition among retailers would ensure that final consumers benefit from low prices and high-quality service.” Naturally this being a cut and paste from a first-year neo-classical economics text book, was doomed to failure. But, rather than rethink the fundamentals, the EU energy technocrats thought it would be a sterling idea to use as much “renewable’ energy as possible. When the Russian crisis struck, this sector failed utterly to meet demand, as has been seen across the world, such as in California recently. Europeans now face a deep, dark winter, with the prospects of freezing to death. All for globalist ideology; and the political class still continue to double down on this.


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Birth Rate Decline: Vaxxes? By Mrs Vera West

Covid critic Igor Chudov has been examining the birth rate decline, seen right across many jurisdictions in the West in his blog posts. He has recently looked at the California data, and observes a 6.4 percent drop in live births compared to June of 2021. The reduction though was less than in places like Germany and Sweden, mainly due to Hispanics and Blacks not being as keen on getting the vax as whites, and having higher birth-rates. But, even given this ethno-racial aspect, there is still a significant decline. It requires explanation, and unfortunately, it will be some time before the vaxxes can be officially nailed with the decrease, and by that time, it will be too late anyway, as the depopulation agenda becomes set in.


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Has the Economic Collapse Happened Yet? Now? How about Now? By James Reed

Many of us who listen daily to the gloom and doom on YouTube by the informed, such as Full Spectrum Survival, The Prepared Homestead, Canadian Prepper and hundreds of other sites, wonder when SHTF will occur; the great timing question. In particular, the economic breakdown, which while completely planned by the globalists, will still be devastating to us little people with few resources. One position is that the collapse, or breakdown  ̶̶ a much better word being less dramatic and biased towards engineering metaphors of falling buildings and bridges, rather than organic entities  ̶̶   is happening right now. It is a process rather than an all-in-one event.


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Steve Kirsch: The Israeli Health Authority Knew of Covid Vax Harms By Chris Knight (Florida)

Steve Kirsch reports that the Israeli authorities knew about the harmful effects of the Covid vaccines, and had established causality, that the observed harmful effects, such as neurological issues were a product of the vaxxes. As Kirsch states: “In December 2021, they tasked an outside expert panel led by Prof. Mati Berkowitz, a leading Israeli expert on pharmacology and toxicology from Asaf Harofe hospital, to examine the safety data they collected over the next 6 months (from early December to the end of May, 2022).

The panel presented their findings to MoH personnel on or about Jun 6, 2022 in a Zoom call that was secretly recorded. They found that the COVID vaccines were much more dangerous to people than the world authorities admitted. They found serious adverse events that were never disclosed by Pfizer or any world government. These adverse events were also not found to be short term as the public was told.”

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Leftists Being Decadents, Hate Heroes By James Reed

This has been observed by many others, with a number of takes on this at, from a human biodiversity perspective. But Brandon Smith also writes well, and outlines why the Left hates “heroes,” as conservatives depict them, such as the Founding Fathers who put together the Constitutions of the US and Australia. The entire past must be deconstructed so that the new communist order, one based upon some notion of equalitarianism of the crassest, levelling form, can be brought in. We are all equal at hew bottom of the great wheelie bin. It is the same agenda on the cultural plane as we are seeing in the levelling of Western economies, to make a universal Third World, Third Worldisation, for everyone except the new lower dimension ruler of communist China.

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Myocarditis Adverse Events in VAERS By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Jessica Rose and Dr Peter McCullough have a new paper forthcoming examining myocarditis events, as reported in the US VAERS system for the recording of adverse vax effects. It was uncovered that myocarditis rates were significantly higher in youths between the ages of 13 to 23, with  approximately 80 percent occurring in males. It only took eight weeks after the vax rollout for the 12-15-year-old age group, to produce 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers relative to background myocarditis rates for this age group. Worse still, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed after dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males. They conclude that these findings suggest a markedly higher risk for myocarditis after the Covid vax, than for other known vaccines.


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Protests Over Decision to Cut Pay of Unvaccinated Teachers By James Reed

It is good to see that unvaccinated teachers in Queensland were out protesting the state government decision to dock their pay. It is the sort of absurdity that has become common in Covid land. If the teachers were some sort of threat, then clearly, they should not be allowed near the kiddies, spreading germies. Oh, wait, the leaky vaxxes do not prevent transmission, as the US CDC admits, so the whole policy is not only unethical, but non-scientific as well.


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ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance Tyranny By James Reed

ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance Tyranny

By James Reed

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Elon Musk; No Oil and Gas, No Civilisation! By James Reed

Despite speaking/writing a lot of nonsense, there are still blasts of wisdom from Elon Musk. As an electric car man, one should listen when he says that oil and gas are still needed or else civilisation will collapse. He is still a true-believer in renewables, but is more realistic than most environmentalists, seeing a transition to lower-carbon producing energy sources taking more time than usually expected. And, some common-sense in an otherwise crazy field, is welcome.

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The British Government has Quietly Withdrawn its Approval for Injecting Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding Women with the Covid Vax By Mrs Vera West

This is significant. The British government has without fanfare, withdrawn its previous approval for injecting pregnant women and breastfeeding women with the Covid vaxxes. They state that there is at present an absence of data of safety, rather than specific issues, even though there are numerous indications of miscarriages, based even upon the original trial data, as discussed in previous blog posts. Still, it is a telling retreat from the previous gung-ho endorsement, indication that … they know the score, and what is coming.


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Why Citizens Need F-15 Fighter Jets! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

In one of his recent demented raves, false president Joe Biden said, gloating, that those opposed to his regime, or what he represents, will need more than an AR-15 rifle, but an F-15 fighter jet as well. And with this I agree. In the past, citizens of the US did own the most powerful weapon of the day, cannons, and ships with cannons. In principle, against a tyrannical government, as recognised by the Founding Fathers, there is no reason why individuals should not be able to own fighter jets. In fact, old Joe did not say, explicitly that they could not!

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China Tortures, and Tortures Some More By James Reed

Our great trading partner, communist China loves organ harvesting and torture for those seen as a threat to the regime. Those in need or re-education, such as the peaceful Falun Gong adherents, are strapped to beds, pumped full of drugs and left to rot in their own excrement, until they see the communist light. Yet the Australian Left, and even the United Nations, see communist China as the foundation for the future. It is a future where the idea of freedom and liberty does not exist.

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Why the Excess Deaths of the Young? By Richard Miller (London)

Mark Steyn, journalist and writer and GB news host, has waded in on the issue of young and otherwise healthy athletes dropping dead in the UK. If the athletes do not collapse immediately, then the collapse occurs a few days later, usually heart attacks leading to death. Some of these athletes are still in their teens, 19-years old. It was previously unheard of before the vax roll out. Steyn said that he would not correlate the recent deaths with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine mandates because the last time he did, he was reprimanded by the U.K. communications regulator Ofcom. Talk about keeping it all under a hat.


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Mission: Get Trump at All Costs! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have covered the ridiculous photo shoot where the Department of Injustice had staged top secret documents scattered all over the floor of Trump’s mar a Lgo mansion. Anyone who has seen Trumps’ homes knows that he does not leave junk lying around, as Leftists and antifa might do. Everything is top class. Obviously, it is a cheap political stunt. Senator Lindsay graham, whom I call the “man with no chin,” sees riots if Trump is imprisoned. That is no doubt what the plan is, to evoke violence from MAGA styles so full-on genocide can be committed. The Left probably does not need to kill 75 million people, although they would love to swim in rivers of blood, as they have done in all previous revolutions.


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The Anti-White Racist United Nations By Chris Knight (Florida)

The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which operating under the office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), wants “develop reparation proposals” for descendants of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, claiming its “lingering legacy” still represses black Americans today. How this is supposed to work today, claiming reparation for something that did not happen to anyone alive, is absurd. And, it opens up the question of the responsibility for slavery, including the role of Arabs, and the African chiefs who got the slaves in the first place. But, worse, this entire approach is directed against white people, and more whites have been slaves over the centuries than Blacks. Any reparation for them from the Arab nations? But, worse of all, as Breitbart shows, slavery, including organ harvesting in China is ignored. Indeed, the UN sees communist China as a shining light to the world. The organisation has no credibility ands needs to be defunded.

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How Dirty Do They Get? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A picture is worth a thousand dirty words. The US Department of Injustice released a photo showing top secret documents scattered, allegedly on the floor of Trump’s Mar a Lago home. It was done to show that he was not taking care of said documents, which were not top secret anyway, being declassified. It was so obviously staged that it almost makes one laugh at the pathetic attempt to create a set up. But worse, the Department of Injustice, in taking and releasing the photo was breaching national security, by their own admission. It does not matter that little can be seen; if the documents are top secret, they should not be photographed at all!

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Biden’s Declaration of War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At this point the Deep Staters must see Joe Biden as totally expendable, as he delivers increasingly shrill, indeed insane speeches. In his most recent he gives a declaration of war against Trump voters, saying that they are a threat to “democracy,” the term meaning whatever Democrats want it to be. It is difficult to think of Western nations where the ruling party set out to declare the opposition as illegitimate; it usually happens in countries set to break apart. This is what America needs to do. Why, we would be more streamlined and better able to fight the communist Chinese when the Leftist traitors are living in their cesspool states.

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Australia’s Climate Law Disasters: World Economic Forum Dictates! By James Reed

Excellent work by George Christensen detailing the extent of devastation to Australian industry and material way of life due to the insane, Great Reset climate change laws. These laws would do little even if there was a climate threat, which here is not, as we have detailed with blog pieces from last week, with thousands of scientists putting their signature to a document asserting that there is no climate crisis. Yet the mantra of a climate crisis is exactly the same fear campaign used to get the majority of people taking the quax/vax, with about the same illogic. Mr Christensen does not hold back on the full implications of this, which makes for insightful, but chilling reading. Our elites really do want to caVe in Western civilisation, and we must stop them.

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