Covid Vaxxes and Blood Damage By Brian Simpson

Today we covering the issue of how the Covid vaxxes damages the blood. In another article, the hypothesis of Dr Jessica Rose is detailed, that the mRNA spike protein acts like a prion, damaging haemoglobin, resulting in clotting normalities. This hypothesis seems to be given empirical support by two recent studies, details below.

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Who are the Real “Fascists” Today? Raise Your Hands! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Retired doctor, Barton Cockey, wades in on the on-going attacks that the Biden administration is making upon Trump voters. Never before has a political party in the West demonised its opponents, something more commonly seen in Africa before genocides.  No doubt, this is what is being planned, but the Second Amendment has made America a wee bit different from places like Africa, and Australia, so apart from fighter jets, useless in cities, it won’t be easy for the regime. In any case, the real fascism, biofascism as Dr Wolf describes it, has come from the Vaccine technocratic establishment, which has steam-rolled fundamental freedoms. The judiciary has been quite willing to go along with the greatest medical tyranny in history.

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Eight Covid Blind Mice … See How They Die! By Brian Simpson

The FDA has approved the Bivalent BA.5 Covid booster, because of some unspecified “emergency,” probably to do with the vax profit machine. And, while we Covid vax critics have complained about lack of animal studies before human trials, this time the vax was tested on a grand total of eight, that is 8, mice! And, these unfortunate rodents all got Covid! Now the goo goes out to millions of eager sheeple who will be vaxxed up yet again. Money for jam.

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How the Covid Vax Causes Weird Blood Clots By Brian Simpson

Leading Covid critic Dr Jessica Rose has a long technical paper detailing the hypothetical mechanisms by which the Covid vaxxes are producing the alarming blood clots. In short, the mRNA spike protein may be acting as a prion, a smaller-than-a virus disease protein, which causes the rupture of red blood cells. This in turn causes large quantity of haemoglobin to be released. The spike protein, due to amyloidogenic peptides, triggers mis-folding of the haemoglobin into amyloid fibrils causing subsequent blood clots. As the vax produces trillions of spike proteins, there is a greater probability of blood clots occurring than under natural infection by the virus.


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The Great Reset and Technocracy By James Reed

Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, has said, "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” As detailed by leading technocracy critic, Patrick Wood, the Great Reset is basically short hand for the creation of a technocratic social order, which Schwab himself describes as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which by using information technology, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence, along with genetic engineering, seeks to blur existing ontological distinctions of the past three “revolutions.” The aim, is to remake the world at a most fundamental level, one suitable to elites like Schwab.

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The World Economic Forum and Transhumanism By James Reed

Patrick Wood, leading technocracy critic, has produced some tremendous material showing that transhumanism, the use of technology to remake human beings themselves, stands behind the entire World Economic Forum agenda. It is superficial to suppose that the globalists merely want control of finance, resources and the fate of nations. That battle was won long ago by them, but conservatives have not yet read the note. The Dark Lords have moved onto the next agenda, which is to use technology to essentially destroy all that makes up human, and replace human beings themselves. The goal will be to use AI to make the elite into immortal gods, something out of the superhero movies, as detailed below. It is mass insanity, and dangerous when they have the money and power.

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When the Toilet Paper Runs Out! By John Steele

Aussies faced the dreaded apocalypse of a toilet paper shortage during the Covid lockdowns, and it seems Germany now is right in the thick of this. So, what can a poor man do, who does not want to go the South East Asia way? And, what is that? Don’t ask. There are alternatives, as detailed here, for happy weekend reading. Really, it is not going to be as bad as extracting one’s own teeth, when the medical systems collapse!

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A Surprising Statistic By Chris Knight (Florida)

It has been publicised that an astonishing 71 percent of Democrats would have voted differently if they knew about the dirt on the Hunter Biden laptop. Well, this issue was meekly mentioned by Trump in one of the presidential debates, and the interested could have researched it further. But I doubt it; I think they would have voted the same. Only now they see what a disaster Biden is, and want a quiet exit that preserves their deluded dignity.

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Endless mRNA Jabs By Brian Simpson

There is no end in sight, with the Covid vaxxes being the test run of a new vax culture of mRNA gene therapies. A vax is underway for influenza, with clinical trials getting underway. Moderna has a new vax which it claims protects against both Covid-19 and influenza. Dr Robert Malone, who has patents on aspects of the mRNA platform lists these main concerns, by way of summary: “That the use of pseudouridine has been given the green light again, without further preclinical testing on safety. That the length of time the mRNA continues to make protein once in the body and levels of protein expressed over time has not been assessed in an animal body prior to the onset of these trials. This is shocking.

It appears that the FDA also did not require more testing of the nano lipid particles for safety, reproductive toxicity and bio-distribution in an animal model. This assumption is again based on the short timeline to clinical trial for these products.

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DeSantis Supports Vax Injured Suing By Chris Knight (Florida)

Our governor, Ron DeSantis, is everything Trump should be, and proved himself during the Covid plandemic. While Trump continues to pump the vaccines, like a blind fool, Top Gov DeSantis supports the vaccine injured suing. Fine, but suing who? Big Pharma has made sure that they are legally protected, unlike any other producer of consumable products. But that does leave the government, which has the ultimate deep pocket, as well as a whole range of individuals who were also vax-pushers. Sue the lot and let the courts sort it out! It could go like tobacco litigation and many other toxic torts, starting with failures, until a success breaks the pattern, and the flood gates are open.

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Lo, the Hunger Stones: The European Drought By Richard Miller (London)

It is an ominous warning from the past. The European drought is leading to widespread crop failure. It has happened before, indicating that so-called global warming is not the cause. The centuries-old “hunger stones,” which normally rest well below the water line on the Elbe River, that runs from the mountains of Czechia through Germany to the North Sea, are now completely visible. They read:

“Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine.”

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Transgenderism Philosophy Deconstructed by Nobel Prize Winner By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

This is getting a little in the stale news category, but is still relevant, since the main stream media did not report on it. Biologist and Nobel Prize winner Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard gave what she believes is a scientific refutation of the transgender agenda. There are two sexes, biologically defined, “There’s the one sex that produces the eggs, has two X chromosomes. That’s called female,” she said. “And there’s the other one that makes the sperm, has an X and a Y chromosome. That’s called male.” People cannot change their gender, which is biologically defined, merely surgically and hormonally mask it.  

What about intersexuals, people with both male and female parts? True, they exist, but are statistically rare rare. However, this does not show that the general category of male/female fails, since the intersexual characteristics are defined using the male/female categories in the first place. The mere existence of intermediate colours on a spectrum, does not prove that primary colours do not exist. Micro-organisms that have qualities of plants and animals do not show that there are no plants or animals.

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Where is Herd Immunity? By Brian Simpson

Who remembers herd immunity, or, with respect to Covid, even immunity? It was supposed in the past that once society reached, say, 80 percent vaxxed, seen in those days as having ‘immunity,” basic protection for the population. But, the definition of a “vaccine” has changed so that mRNA gene therapies can become vaccines. As well, it has been seen that the Covid vaxxes are not good at stopping transmission, and thus are “leaky” vaccines. None of the countries that proclaimed themselves as champions of the vaccination, eliminated Covid, and in fact, have experienced robust Covid outbreaks. This is the mythology of the 21st century.

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The Covid Vax Trail of Death By Brian Simpson

The Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SARI) has released a new report indicting that Covid vaccine  mandates are a major killer of millennials. Since the vax rollout, some 61,000 millennials died as a result of being forcibly jabbed, or is it stabbed? Ex-Blackrock executive Edward Dowd has said about this excess death, that it is like another Vietnam war, democide, death by government. “The numbers are there,” Dowd says. “So we showed the millennial-age group saw a rate of change [of] 84 percent excess mortality in the third quarter of 2021. And boom, there’s the Society of Actuaries confirming my work and my partner’s work. There it is.”

The establishment is accepting that the excess mortality exists, but is attributing it to anything except the sacred jab, such as long Covid, suicide, even climate change. But scientific explanations require comprehensiveness, a non-ad hoc basis and simplicity. The Covid vax hypothesis meets these criteria, while climate change, for example, is ad hoc, and unsubstantiated. Climate change was occurring, the system supposes (but, of course, not us), long before the excess deaths, so it is unlikely to be an explanation.

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But, What is SEMI-Fascism? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Senile false president Joe Biden has got even meaner, for an old codger, and proclaimed with a fanfare that Trumper MAGA Republicans are “semi-fascist.” The spooks who write his bs never defined the term on his teleprompter. Nor for that matter did White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, whose main job seems to be radiating eternal wokeness, and never answering any inconvenient questions.  But, it is all good in the long term, bringing the dirty pot of politics to a final boil.


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Dr Evil Jumps Ship By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola comments on Covid king, Dr Fauci, resigning from his position as director of the US National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Previously he said that he would remain there for some time, but then there was this sudden move. Clearly, he is smelling the wind, and fears that the Republicans will be coming after him, and I think in one interview he said this. And, he is right. But, the issue is whether the system will pursue him, given the level of corruption from the executive to the judiciary. Still, it would be good for morale to see something happen, and the various legal eagles from or side are onto it.


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Poo to Peer Review By Professor X

Here I am, a professor in a totally woke university and over-the-top hyper-woke department, sending off this article to, and loving it! Now, one of the leading bits of bs of academia is peer review, which always reminded me of dogs sniffing each other, if I may be somewhat rude, and unacademic for a moment. Peer review received its grand refutation during the Covid plandemic, when first, almost all mainstream medical academics got behind the bat soup hypothesis, because China would come under scrutiny otherwise. In private they doubted this, but still pushed the line to protect “China’s science,” as one medical academic put it. And, it is today, only a handful of brave renegade doctors who are dealing with the greatest medical crime in history, at the price of personal de-registration. In short, peer review presupposes that the “peers” are not corrupt, and will objectively assess data, but given that most researchers hold to the line that “he who pays the piper, calls the tune,” don’t expect any mainstream searching critiques of Big Pharma. Peer review fails for the very good reason that the peers are as corrupt as the original researcher. It is one of the reasons that there is a “replication crisis.”


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Starlink to Fall from the Skies By James Reed

Chinese military researchers are advocating that Elon Musk’s Starlink satelites be destroyed. "[A] combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the constellation's operating system." This is according to five senior scientists in China's defence industry, led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications, under the People Liberation Army's (PLA's) Strategic Support Force:  Stephen Chen, South China Morning Post, May 25,2022. Two methods will be used, targeting software, or simply shooting the satellites down. The claim is that the satellites could be used for military purposes, but the real goal is to eliminate competition as China seeks a monopoly of space, and for its own military purposes.

I am getting pretty tired of this sabre-rattling, as I believe most of Asia, especially Japan now is.

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Woke Labor Renews Republic Push By James Reed

The woke Labor government of Albo has begun its push for the Republic, essentially moving on this once they get the indigenous Voice referendum through, they hope. The timing will be the supposed second or third terms, with the death of the Queen. The usual arguments, relationships with Britain have changed with Australia being Asian, and all the stuff Keating trotted out. As a matter of principle this needs to be hit as hard as anything Aussies have faced; we must not let the New Class get their grubby hands on the constitution. If the Voice referendum can be knocked over, this will take some of the wind out of their sails. Economic collapse will do the rest, as with an Asian World War III. So, yes Albo, times have changed, and are changing faster than your paradigm yet recognises.

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Dropping like Flies By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The pilot’s union at a major US airline reports a 300 percent rise in long-term disability claims this year among its members, who are nearly all vaccinated. But, that is just the tip of a very big Covid vax iceberg, as the article headlines below indicate. We are in the greatest medical disaster in history.

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