The Vaccine Depopulation Agenda By Brian Simpson

Here is more coverage on the issue examined yesterday, about how many people are actually dying from the Covid vaxxes. There has been observed a massive rise in the excess deaths in most jurisdictions, and this has not been accounted for by any common cause, and has occurred consistent with the Covid vaccine rollout. Correlation in itself does not prove causation, but suggests it, given further investigation. “In every single month since the beginning of 2022, partly vaccinated and double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds have been more likely to die than unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds,” reports Exposé News.

“Triple vaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds however have had a mortality rate that has worsened by the month following the mass booster campaign that occurred in the UK in December 2021.”

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How the Globalists Constructed Modern Medicine By Brian Simpson

How did modern medicine get this bad, to be little more than a prescription factory for the profit creation of Big Pharma? Why does the average doctor know, and care so little about holistic health, even things like nutrition and exercise? There is a globalist financial connection, as Dr Mercola has brilliantly documented in a recent blog, and which will apparently be discussed in greater detail in his forthcoming book. Before 1910, medicine had taken a holistic approach, with, given the limits of the time, making a concern with nutrition, herbs and preventative measures. But John D. Rockefeller changed all of that with the commission of the Flexner Report, which ultimately led to the criminalisation of natural therapies, and the shutdown of many medical schools. The rise of the Big Pharma doctor, which we have seen clearly with the Covid plandemic had begun.

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The Conspiracy of Censorship By James Reed

The plot is thick. Dr Mercola in a now deleted but tremendous, well-researched post, details the intricate connections between globalist organisations, governments, and Big Tech and Big Pharma. They all connect up in one massive unholy alliance. The attack is now on upon all those opposing them, with the United Nations going to war on conspiracy theorists. For them, world events are “not secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent,” and to prove it, they are attempting to manipulate world events quite openly, and not behind the scenes. Indeed, at present, as detailed by Dr Mercola, there is very much no conspiracy at all, as the forces of darkness are so powerful they need not lurk in the background as they did for centuries. Now it is full speed ahead with their agenda to destroy all tradition, to remake the world and human nature in their image, for transhumanism. It is, as others have said, totally Satanic.

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Is There a Case Against Donald Trump? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Law Professor Jonathan Turley has given his take on the raid on former President Trump’s mar-a-Largo mansion. If the documents that were requested were declassified, as Trump says that they were, and as presidents have the power to do, prosecution would be difficult, if not impossible. End of story. But as many have argued, this raid was not about enforcing the law, but more like an act of war, which has only just begun.

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Nurses Watching Covid Treatment Protocols Killing Patients By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Nurses, under a clock of anonymity are speaking out about what happened, and still is happening regarding Covid treatment protocols in the hospitals, which have killed patients. “They’re horrific, and they’re all in lockstep,” Staci Kay, a nurse practitioner with the North Carolina Physicians for Freedom who left the hospital system to start her own early treatment private practice, told The Epoch Times. “They will not consider protocols outside of what’s given to them by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the NIH (National Institute of Health). And nobody is asking why.” Worse, the social distancing and isolation requirements have meant that dying patients have not been able to have family with them at heir end, dying alone. It is bitterly cruel, with no accountability. The Covid plandemic has raised vital issues about medical freedom, or rather the lack of it.

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Professors Dershowitz Wades In By Chris Knight (Florida)

US constitution law professor, Alan Dershowitz has commented upon the legalities, or lack of them, of the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Largo mansion. First there was unequal treatment under the law, as Hillary Clinton was not investigated or raided by the FBI. Dershowitz said, “You need equal treatment. Garland talked about even-handed treatment: equity, equality. … Hillary Clinton walks around with a hat now saying, ‘BUT HER EMAILS,’ and that’s a good argument. Why aren’t they treated the same? If I had said that Hillary Clinton should be prosecuted and then said that Donald Trump shouldn’t be, that would be very inconsistent, but I would never make such an argument.” The search thus, was without justification.

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The Stolen Passports By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The FBI and the lamestream media said that everything taken from Trump’s mansion mar-a-Largo, was particularised on the search warrant. But numerous documents that were subject to client-attorney privilege, and Trump’s passports were taken as well. This was all denied, but when it became impossible to keep up the lie, it was admitted that the authorities, so-called, more accuracy called tyrannies, had the passports and would return them. That is just how false news, and a false political-police system works now, based upon lies and deceptions.

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The Stabbing of Salman Rushdie: The End of Liberalism Under Multiculturalism By James Reed

I am a little late commenting on this story, since Covid, war and globalisation stuff has taken precedence. The stabbing of Salman Rushdie is significant since it shows that the urban terrorism that is a part of European life, can now happen anywhere in the West thanks to the magic of mass immigration and the creation of multiculturalism. Thus, liberalism, which really only can exist in ethnically and religiously homogeneous societies, has disappeared. The attack has been on many fronts, but not much of free speech about anything remains today. It happened while conservatives slept.

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Naomi Wolf on the Covid Vax Massacre By Mrs Vera West

Today at the blog one of the issues covered is how many people will die from the Covid vaxxes? There are various takes on this, and none are certain as there are many unknows, but it is very likely that the death toll will be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, if it is not that now. Steve Kirsch takes the view that the higher figure is happening now. Dr Naomi wolf has waded into this debate, arguing on independent grounds that Kirsch is correct, and something of a Covid vax massacre is occurring now. Wolf looks at insurance industry and government data, such as from the German government to conclude that there is genocide going on now. Here is the kicker from Dr Wolf: “I also believe we will see “hundreds of thousands of deaths” from the COVID-19 vaccine, once we know how to look and record correctly, because of the way the mRNA vaccine works. My previous Substack, “Facing the Beast”, presented my evidence, based on the Pfizer documents analysis, as well as on evidence I found that the Pfizer vaccine is produced in the US and around the world in concert with a CCP-run company, Fosun Pharmaceuticals, and along with data from an August 2021 rat trial out of Hong Kong, that in my view the mRNA vaccine, at least those made by Pfizer, constitute a possible bioweapon.


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It is Just the Beginning of mRNA Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Many of us are now guessing about what comes next as the Covid plandemic seems to be running out of steam. Dr Robert Malone gives one answer, insofar as Big Pharma, energised by what hey have got away with so far, are moving to producing mRNA vaccines, to perhaps make this the mainstream technology in the future for vaccines, which are still gene therapies. This is expected to become the new normal. Given what we have seen already with the mRNA vaxxes, who knows where this will go, as Dr Malone arguers below, the long-term safety of this new generation of gene therapies is not known.

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Dissolve the CDC! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This was surprising to see from a mainstream media publication. The call to dissolve the US CDC has been made by many critics for the CDC making fundamental errors over the Covid crisis, but now that call is being made by the New York Post. The reasons are not new and have been made by other critical sources, but the New York Post brings it all together in one Dagwood sandwich. All of the mandates, the lockdowns and social distancing have now been suddenly dropped, just like that, with no apology or even recognition that they just might have got it wrong. But, as good as the article is, there should be suspicion about what next, the medical technocrats will be up to. Their agenda is still the same.


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It Was all About Wearing Melania’s Clothes! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I thought about this when I read that the FBI had put greasy hands upon Melania Trump’s clothes, but did not want to lower myself by stating the obvious. But, the great false news site you can trust, The Babylon tells us explicitly why the raid took place. Why spend all day getting a few boxes of goodies, including legal papers with client-attorney privilege, and passports, all illegal acquisitions,  if not to dress up in fine lady’s clothes and lingerie?

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The Deep State Plan for Civil War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mike Adams has written today that intel he has received from “white hats” in the present administration indicates that the regime is planning on gloating the MAGNA types into beginning a civil war so that martial war and genocide can be undertaken. I do not doubt that there may be one or two dissenting voices in say, the FBI, but Adam’s idea that there is a division in the Biden regime over this, is implausible to me, and even if there was, there would hardly be enough feet on the ground to defeat the black hats. I see no other way forward than by traditionalist patriots pulling themselves up by their bootstraps, and being exceedingly careful in the turbulent times we are in. It is a time for careful strategy against a powerful and ruthless foe.

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Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has Called on Voters to Say 'No' to Anthony Albanese's Voice to Parliament! By James Reed

It looks like the great ladies, Jacinta price, an aboriginal, and the well-known Pauline Hanson, are leading the charge against the woke voice referendum, to create a third chamber of parliament, where some indigenous elite looks over all laws and gives the thumbs up or down, depending upon whether they think the laws impact upon their community. While their calls are said to be non-binding, we can suppose that the wicked UN, and local woke will be watching if parliament dares oppose anything they dictate. Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has called on voters to say “no” to the  Voice to Parliament, saying that  it won't make a practical difference to Aboriginal Australians, and indeed it will not, for this is but one more tool to serve the new Class elites.

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The Climate Change Totalitarian Dystopia By James Reed

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist, gives a good outline of the range of climate hysterics going on in the West, but not, significantly enough, in communist China who is only too happy for the West to commit suicide. Indeed, suicide is the word, since the climate policies are deliberately geared for depopulation, with supply line demolition and restrictions on all aspects of traditional life, such as keeping warm, and cool, eating meat, and indeed having children at all.

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We are the Carbon They Want to Reduce: The Global Covid Death Toll By Brain Simpson

The issue covered today at a number of sites, the juicy bits assembled below, is what is the real Covid death toll? There are various methodologies for estimating this. Steve Kirsch puts the global death toll at 5 million. However, this could well be a vast under-estimate since, over 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine trial suffered miscarriages; out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies. So, we can expect even more deaths. According to Exposé News: “The average number of annual call-outs between 2017 and 2020 equates to 24,463. Meaning the number of call-outs increased by 48% in 2021,” “The average number of annual call-outs among under 30s between 2017 and 2020 equates to 3,940. Meaning the number of call-outs increased by 82% in 2021.” Mike Adams concludes that there could be hundreds of thousands of Covid vax deaths each week. It is very much along the lines of depopulation.


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The Crazy Covid Nobel Prize By James Reed

It seems that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee are moving to give the dusty award to the World Health Organization, for something it was supposed to have done with the Covid plandemic. It is a continuation of the mentality that gave a past Peace Prize to Hussein Obama for being multiracial, and Bob Dylan, for not being able to sing, well, not as good as Lee Marvin (I was Born Under a Wandering Star (1969)), but whose music delivered some woke poems. But, all credit for everything (wrong) that the WHO is to get credit from comes from good old communist Chinese dictator, Xi Jinping.

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The Colour of Covid Slavery By Richard Miller (London)

It gets more absurd by the day here in Europe, and of course, right across the West. In Germany, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has announced that the nation’s digital contact tracing and vaccine passport app, Corona-Warn-App (CWA), will start assigning different colours to citizens based on whether they received a Covid vax within the last three months. Only the lucky ones who have received the Covid vax in the last three months will get exemption from wearing masks. It reminds me of school days where pupils competed for gold stars, which were pasted on a large chart at the front of the room. At the end of the year, the student got a cheap chocolate bar, but today it will be a mask exemption.

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Now the Rosary is, for the Left, an Extremist Symbol By Peter West

It was predictable given the decision of the supreme court of the United States in over-turning the holy grail pro-abortion case of the Left, Roe v. Wade. With Catholic churches and centres being under attack, it is quite predictable that Catholic symbols such as the Rosary would come under attack. “Atlantic contributor Daniel Panneton recently wrote an op-ed entitled, "How the Rosary Became an Extremist Symbol,"  in which he stated: "Just as the AR-15 rifle has become a sacred object for Christian nationalists in general, the Rosary has acquired a militaristic meaning for radical-traditional (or 'rad trad') Catholics."  True, there are a minor few doing this, probably trolls and set-ups, but not the vast majority of Catholics. Still, this has never got in the way of a Leftist attack.

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Little Coffins By Chris Knight (Florida)

With the Covid New World Order ruling elite having succeeded in the regime of Covid vaxxes for children and babies, coffin manufacturers have noticed an increased demand for child and baby-sized coffins since the Covid vax roll out. Perhaps this will be the historical image of the Covid plandemic, once all of this is done, rows of small coffins, full of corpes, all  that should not exist

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