Does SARS-CoV-2 Really Exist? Yes! By Brian Simpson

Some of my best antivax friends believe that the Covid virus, SAR-coV-2 does not exist; a few even doubt the existence of viruses at all. What about bacteria, or even sub-atomic particles? A recent article has put the case for there not being any Covid virus at all, which has been rebutted. Here is the debate; let the champions battle!

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Toxic Metallic Compounds Found in the Sacred Vax! By Brian Simpson

There were videos on social media for a while where newly vaccinated people showed magnets sticking to their injection site. I doubted this very much as the amount of magnetic material needed to produce a stick would be more than that contained in the vax. Nevertheless, with the strange structures found by embalmers, chemically analysed by Mike Adams, the idea that there is something in the vaxxes that is not biological, is a real hypothesis. At a minimum, German scientists, also doing chemical analyses of the vaxxes, have found a cocktail of harmful  chemicals, which “are visible under the dark-field microscope as distinctive and complex structures of different sizes, can only partially be explained as a result of crystallization or decomposition processes, [and] cannot be explained as contamination from the manufacturing process.” If true, this certainly supports the thesis that these are clot shots and part of a depopulation agenda.


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The FBI Helped Rig the 2020 US Election By Charles Taylor (Florida)

If either Trump or DeSantis makes it through the Democrat maze of electoral fraud, it will be time for the Great Clean up. Near the top of the list is the FBI, who are being shown with almost every passing day to be a corrupt organisation, playing Leftist politics when they should be fairly policing. Thus, not only did they supress investigation into the Hunter Biden laptop, and its security implications, but according to Meta (Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the FBI leaned on Facebook to also suppress stories about the laptop, and as we know, they were only to happy to do so. Worse, the Facebook founder spending over half a billion dollars to influence the 2020 election in favour of Biden. So, Facebook needs to be sued to oblivion as well. The FBI must be closed down; it has fallen far from the days of Eliot Ness and the  “The Untouchables,” and is now the exact opposite.


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The World Economic Forum Want to Micro-Chip Children! By Mrs Vera West

For all of the technocratic projects spun out by the World Economic Forum, and other globalist organisations, there is always a gloss, to give a veneer of plausibility, if one does not think too deeply about it. Micro-chip children? Why if the little dears get lost or abducted, you will find Them in record time! But, as with any cost benefit analysis, the negative case needs to be balanced up, and there is a huge negative to this “666 Mark of the Beast” scenario. It means that freedom and liberty at a most basic level has been taken away, and like in sci fi movies, the children are open to any number of controls, as their bodies have essentially been “hacked,’ something the philosophers of the World Economic Forum are excited to see.

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German Pathologists Present Microscopic Evidence that Covid Jabs Cause “Lymphocyte Riot” – Leading to Organ Failure By Brian Simpson

Two German pathology professors, Arne Burkhardt and Walter Lang, have presented evidence from ten autopsies of people who had died shortly after having the Covid vax. It was found that “lymphocyte riot” where the lymphocytes attacked numerous organs, causing extensive damage. They made the case that the Covid vaxxes reprogram the innate and adaptive immune system, priming the body for immune depletion, virus interference and cancer. The global disaster is unfolding.

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The FBI as a Corrupt Leftist Organisation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The pieces of the puzzle are now coming out, long after the event. The FBI purposely stalled investigating the allegations associated with the Hunter Biden laptop, since if it exploded it would have brought Joe Biden down. Clearly any organisation who is supposed to investigate crimes, doing this, is fully corrupt. It is but one more reason for the FBI to be closed down.

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Sweden; Violent Today, Gone Tomorrow By Richard Miller (London)

Is there some sort of racially self-destructive gene built into the Northern European, Nordic people? The cases of Sweden and the UK would seem to support this, for what people living in a state of affluence have gone out of their way to destroy it, by creating a culture of crime, no-go areas, violent enclaves and rape of their children, all the while police devote their energies not to convicting rapists or robbers, but those posting memes that might be contrary to the Leftist agenda. If war does not wipe these societies from the face of the Earth, they will perish much more certainly than ancient Rome in whose footsteps they follow. It is suicide from within.

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Will We Miss the Deep State When it is Destroyed? No! By James Reed

Ben Bartee, an independent Bangkok-based American journalist who writes iconoclastic articles, always good and challenging, wades in on the issue of the Deep State. Much like the Great Replacement, the globalist Leftoids deny its existence when it suits them, and other times sees it as necessary to put ties on people like Trump, and conservatives. Of course, a Deep State exists, and it does exactly what the conspiracy theorists say it does. We have seen this with the Covid plandemic which has shown how Big Pharma, and basically those financial elites who own it, rule the waves. And, more mundane, as pointed out below, Biden cannot even dress himself, and struggles to read a teleprompter, so how could he run anything?

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The Woke Insane Asylum of Modernity By James Reed

Earlier in the week, I wrote a satirical piece on the present woke phenomenon of students identifying as animals, and schools accommodating this. I said that I intended to identify as a wine bottle, having spent so much of my life in a bottle. But, being unvaxxed in a vaccine apartheid society, I also identified as fully vaxxed, even though I will never have the toxic goo injected into me. You see, even alcoholics have their standards.

However United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has called out the cat-identifying behaviour as the latest unhealthy expression of woke. It is what happens when the radical Left are allowed to run education institutions. The big question is whether the damage to society is now so deep that can we come back from the brink of the abyss?

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Covid Vaccines and Informed Consent By James Reed

US lawyer John Allison, has published the definitive substack on the issue of informed consent and the Covid vaxxes. The paper is long, with only an extract appearing below. However, the basic point made is that informed consent, a fundamental medical ethics principle has not been given in the contest of suppression of information about the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines, and a campaign to silence any critics. As well, heavy-handed government actions with lockdowns, and violent police attacks, have created a culture of fear, the exact opposite of the freedom needed to make fully informed decisions.

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“Nature,” Long Covid and Micro-clots By Brian Simpson

An article has appeared in the journal Nature which has speculated that so-called Long Covid, a set of illness coming after having Covid, may be due to micro-blood clots restricting blood flow. The Nature article cites researchers who carefully skate around the question of whether the Covid vaxxes, having the spike protein thought to cause micro-clotting, could also produce the same effects. The claim is that this is unknown. Yet, it could well be possible that Long Covid illnesses are nothing more than the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines. At least there is now some mainstream admission that micro-clots exist. Perhaps when the vax death toll adds up, there may be admission of the next level of truth.

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Out with the Cows and in with the Cockroaches! By James Reed

When I saw this story about cockroach milk being the new super food, I had an imagine of a guy in a white lab coat milking a giant cockroach. Of course, nothing as exciting as that; like artificial milk it is all lab created. But, it fits in with the World Economic Forum agenda of polishing off the conventional food supply, like dairy, and replacing it with lab created food that the globalist elite control. Who knows what stuff will also be put in such witches’ brews?


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Is Trump Being Set up as Covid Fall-Guy? By Brian Simpson

Mike Adams and Alex Jones, and others are saying that Trump is being set up as a fall guy for the Covid vaxxes, once the narrative collapses. Certainly, he was foolishly convinced by Big Pharma to allow Operation Warp speed to by-pass the usual testing requirements. Big Pharma with their legal protections will get out of this one. But, it is unlikely in my opinion that the Covid narrative will be abandoned. Trump was just at the beginning, and the lockdowns and vax push was done by those who came after him. The whole system went Covid crazy, and blaming Trump would merely be a confession of guilt.

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The Traitors Within By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Peter Navarro, the former Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy and author of “Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and How We’ll Win It Back." gives his take on the traitors Trump was surrounded by who destroyed any hope he had of doing anything. The amazing thing is that he could not see that it was his family circle around Jared Kushner and his liberal-Left daughter. He may not have even woken up yet. Yes, the hero who is going to save us. Ha!

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The Mass Culling of the Human Herd By James Reed

Mike Adams has been viewed, even by our side of the political swamp as a wee extreme, but, hey, we live in extreme times, and today’s extreme predictions, are tomorrow’s reality. Here he wades in on the mass depopulation agenda, which only a few months ago looked extreme, but which with rising excess mortality across the planet, is more plausible by the day .And, if it is not the vax, it will be by global famine.


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Covid Testing of Animals! By Brian Simpson

We reported on China Covid-testing fish a few days ago, which is weird, but the US is in on the same game, so in the name of journalist balance, here is what is going on in the US.  The Los Angeles Public Health Department is offering free Covid testing for animals, even though none have got sick, and some cannot contract the disease at all. My guess is that animals will be the next sink for disposal of the Covid vaxxes.

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Biden’s Personal Wall; the Double Standard of the Globalists By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Joe Biden resists building the southern wall to protect America from invasion, saying that walls are bad. But, not all walls; he has had one constructed around his Delaware beach house, where he spends much of his time as president on holiday. It is a great life being top of the parasite food chain.

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UK Air Force Diversity: It Will Not Matter Much in World War III! By Richard Miller (London)

Conservatives are upset about the open discrimination against white men for recruit in the Royal Air Force. Well, that is technically correct, but the bigger picture needs to be seen. World War III is going to be the deadliest war of all time, and those in the air will be like ducks flying in hunting season, in skies of utter death. Should white men  be concerned about discrimination in that light?


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The Myth of Masks By Mrs Vera West

While most people here in Australia, ordinary folk, not the eager-beaver elites and medical technocrats, are suffering from Covid fatigue, the mask ideology still lingers on, in medical settings and public transport. Some universities, to demonstrate moral superiority, have them. has done excellent work throughout the plandemic, attacking the key planks of the Covid ideology, especially the mask fetish, that reminds me of movies like Eyes Wide Shut (1999), where masks are an aspect of elite psychopathology. Here they continue their fine critique. There was, and is, no good evidence for the mask mandates, and it was simply a form of social conditioning and control.


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The Coming of Nuclear Disaster By Richard Miller (London)

This is a worry. I may have to begin digging my own bunker here in busy London., maybe under Big Ben. Ukrainian health authorities have started to distribute potassium iodide (KI) tablets to citizens living in the close proximity of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in case of radiation release from hits by missiles, rockets and other weapons of war. The problem is, as detailed below, that there could be a nuclear disaster perhaps greater than Chernobyl, which will contaminate a sizable chunk of Europe, including farm land, at a time of a food production crisis. This takes on apocalyptic proportions.

One could be forgiven for believing that we are living in end times.

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