Rainwater and Forever Chemicals: Hope By Brian Simpson

Earlier in the week we reported on a Swedish study that had the startling conclusion that rainwater was unsafe to drink all over the planet. That is a terrible state of affairs, given rainwater is free, and would greatly aid globalist central control over water. However, all hope is not lost, as the “forever chemicals,” PFASs, have now been shown to be able to be broken down by two readily available chemicals,  lye or sodium hydroxide,  used to make soap, and dimethyl sulfoxide, a chemical approved as a medication for bladder pain syndrome. The compounds can be broken down into harmless by-products, which suggests that even contaminated rain water can be treated. Ha!


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Hyper-Bugs; Bugs within Bugs: Problems with Eating Insects By Mrs Vera West

If we are going to be forced to abandon eating meat, at gun point, and need to consume insects to keep body and soul together, what lies in store for us? I imagine insect farms in china, where the insects are fed on sewage, and then processed for Western consumption. The diseases and parasites that will become a treat are many. If the globalist succeed in this, they will push on with their dehumanisation agenda until life will not be worth living, and that is the goal. Already we can feel the quality of life rapidly declining, and they are only getting warmed up.


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Was China’s Surveillance Tyranny “Made in America”? By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is an odd one, as today most things are made in china, not the other way around. However, Dinesh Manocha, a professor of computer science at UMD College Park, built a machine-learning software “useful for surveillance” as part of a six-figure research grant from Chinese tech giant Alibaba. As this contributed to China’s present surveillance state, put that one down to a net export gain, so to speak!


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Why are the Covid Elites Jumping Ship Now? By Brian Simpson

El Gato Malo, the bad cat critic of all things Covid, who never uses capitals, as cats cannot hit the Caps Lock or Shift keys, we suppose, has noticed that some of the leading Covid technocrats, those who gave the world the present miseries are resigning. In the US Covid burger king Dr Fauci is an example. He has said that if the Republicans take the House, they will probably go after him, hence time to get out of Dodge. I don’t think anything will happen. And, the worst of the lot is dolt Donald Duck Trump who was fooled into adopting Operation Warp Speed for the Covid vaxxes believing that it would make him a hero. Totally unthinking, and trusting of the traitors around him. And, still the people love him, as there is no alternative. Anyway, perhaps they can see what is going to go down with the vaxxes and don’t want to be around when the mobs come out with the metaphorical pitch forks and fire sticks.


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They Want You to Starve! The Deliberate Scaling Down of Food Production By Ken

First, we saw the farmers in the Netherlands blockading streets and roads in protest at their Government plan to cut the use of fertiliser and reduce livestock numbers by half.  Now there are similar protests happening in several other countries  -  maybe not shown on mainstream media here.

There is an obvious plan behind the scenes and it has its origin in the WEF (World Economic Forum) headed by Klaus Schwab and other elite leaders of the world organisations such as the WHO and the UN.  Their plan to control the world is not in any way secret  -  they openly tell you, if you search beyond mainstream media.    Klaus Schwab openly boasts how he has been training politically minded people from various nations to return home and support his programme.  Some of his ‘trainees’ have included the Prime Ministers of Canada and New Zealand.  The Netherlands farmer protest has arisen from the actions of their President (or PM?) who is obeying the Schwab directive.

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Will People Respect My Post-Modern, Social Constructionist Decision to Identify as a Wine Bottle? (Melbourne School Supports Girl’s Cat Trans-Identification!)

Here is the story of a girl who identifies as a cat, and the school supports her trans-identity. Does this involve having a kitty litter tray for her? Not sure, but it would be discrimination not to. I wish them all happiness. And, liking to tip the turps, if I identify as a wine bottle, maybe empty now with the ravages of old age, who would respect that, given that no-one respects me now?


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The Problem of Technocracy By James Reed

Matthew Cole writing at the Boston Review.net, and reproduced at other sites critical of technocracy, gives a good 101 lesson in what it is, and what is wrong with it. What is it?  The term itself comes from Karl Marx’s co-writer Engels. It is the rationalist idea that the rule of reason should govern human affairs, rather than tradition, the Enlightenment on steroids. And, naturally, those who are supposedly most blessed by reason are the intelligentsia. In the age of technology, the highest level of these are those with technical efficiency, such as in the sciences and medicine. Thus, clearly illustrated by the Covid plandemic, we see the likes of Dr Fauci in the US, and his equivalents in other countries, such as health officials, proclaiming that entire societies should be locked down, and traditional freedoms eliminated. These policies were even damaging to lower level capitalists, but helped the big globalists such as Amazon. The objection to all this is that the technocrats have limited knowledge, bound by their own biases and lead us into disaster, the same objections critics of central planning gave, such as Hayek. The Covid plandemic was a knockdown refutation, at least intellectually of technocracy, but as this mindset lies behind communism, being refuted is just water of a very dirty duck’s back.


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Abolishing the Constitution: A Lesson for Australia About What is to Come By Charles Taylor

Ryan D. Doerfler and Samuel Moyn, who teach law at Harvard and Yale, by implication, give us excellent reasons why America, and most Western countries need secession, the Great Divorce, to break apart, so that conservatives and the liberal/Left can go their own ways, conservatives, back to greatness, and the liberal Left to total destruction. Their attack is the standard leftist one upon all tradition, that it is racist blah, blah. The problem is, that we must not allow the New Class of lawyers and technocrats decide our fate. Australians need to be aware that the same strategy of deconstruction will be applied in your coming indigenous voice referendum.


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Covid is Not Over it is Said By Brian Simpson

There are large segments of the New Class and technocrats who believe that the Covid pandemic is not over, and will be with us, forever; the world of 2019 is gone. Of course, we agree, since the old liberal world has been turned upside down, and the old freedoms are gone. It is hard to see how things can be reconstructed, especially outside of the mainstream narrative, if the mass die off scenario is true. And of course, there are the pandemics to come.


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Defund the FBI: It is Beyond Redemption By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Victor Hanson puts the case, which is now becoming somewhat obvious, that the FBI is so corrupt that it is beyond redemption, and must be dissolved. Most Americans believe that the FBI is little more that the Gestapo of the Biden regime, so it basically is finished as a social institution that people can trust. However, while it still exists it will do maximum damage, like any disease organism on the body social.


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The CCP Weaponising Overseas Chinese By James Reed

With war with China on the menu, the elephant, or is it dragon, in the room that is Asianised Australia, created by the joint work of our corporates, professional ethnics, and New class pseudo-intellectuals, may need discussion, in the context of oblivion. The topic is getting some attention in US publications. It should be “interesting’ to see the real “fruits” of multiculturalism. Gordon G. Chang addresses the issue in the US context, directly applicable to Australia.


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“Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act” By Mrs Vera West

I had not even heard of this even as a Bill, and here it is as law in my state. It is unlawful to fail to affirm the declared gender identity of another person, and if you do, splat by the iron fist of the law. Ok, then I won’t; never have, never will. But, really given one thing after another, is there some other country, or better yet, planet, or even universe, where we traditionalists can go and live? Better yet, I hope the Second Coming happens sooner rather than later. Maybe after the nuclear holocaust of World War III, perhaps. Anyway, good old Travis with his Christian optimism always cheers me up:


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The Conspiracy Behind Trump’s Lockdown Decision By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have always said that Trump is a fool and the back story to the US lockdowns, modelled upon China shows that he did not have a clue, and deferred to Jared Kushner, who was the real president, or at least, the one doing what his masters told him, while Trump wallowed in his own ego. This material from Brownstone.com gives the story of how Trump was fooled by those assembled who knew little more than that old buffoon about pandemics: “The world was wrecked by a literal snake salesman, the Google-funded inventor of DoorDash for medicine, a big pharma executive, some bureaucrat who lived off AIDS largess, an octogenarian media star who had been in government for 40 years, plus the son-in-law of an easily bamboozled name-brand purveyor who imagined from his years as a CEO that he could just shut down a country and turn it back on! They constitute a plethora of elites who scammed their way to the top and deployed their new-found power in grossly immoral ways that wrecked this country and many others.”

They all need to be put on trial for global genocide, and crimes against humanity,  especially Trump … the whole lot of them! 

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Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Fraudulent Health Research By Brian Simpson

This is an amazing article that appeared last year in The British Medical Journal. Former editor Richard Smith quotes research indicating that about 20 percent of health research trials are fraudulent. Smith looks at zombie trials, flawed systematic reviews and retractions, but does not mention the greatest fraud of all time, the Covid plandemic. The bottom line here is that the scientists are ultimately corrupt and deliver what those paying the grants want. I would suspect that someone well trained in statistical methodology would destroy most studies, which are likely to have hidden flaws and mathematical errors. However, this paper does supply a good methodological background to how the Covid narrative cast its black magic upon the scientific community, which is not surprising in my opinion.


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Woke Destructive Capitalism By James Reed

Here is a good piece by Consumers’ Research dealing with Blackrock, the modern face of woke capitalism using ESG, or “Environmental, Social, and Governance.” Larry Fink, chairman and CEO of BlackRock Investment Management Company, has said, “Society is increasingly looking to companies, both public and private, to address pressing social and economic issues.”  “These issues range from protecting the environment to retirement to gender and racial inequality, among others.” BlackRock controls more than $8.5 trillion in assets, so it has virtually unlimited funds to pursue the woke agenda. Still, nothing we did not know; if it is one globalist, or many, the endgame is the same: the concentrated attack upon all we hold dear.


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Australian are More Frightened of Communist China than Taiwanese, and Rightly So! By James Reed

A poll from the Australia Institute’s International & Security Affairs Program on Australian and Taiwanese views regarding China, shows that more Australians think that China will attack Australia than Taiwanese believe China will attack Taiwan. Oh, a product of fear mongering. Really? Clearly communist China intends to take out both Taiwan and Australia, as this country has raw materials the regime requires for world domination. It is right to be fearful of such a country, one involved in numerous human rights violations. Taiwanese will be re-educated as part of mother China, which they will do after token fighting, but multicult Australia will not. Consider: this and tell me if you feel “safe”?


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Spraying the Human Insect Pests (Us!) with Aerosolized mRNA Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

While most of us pure blooded unvaxxed may think that we dodged the mRNA vax bullet, do not have a false sense of security. The techno-medical crazies are working on aerosolised vaccines that will infect everyone who breathes. Of course, this is a gross violation of human medical rights, but that is not the point. The point is, as Mike Adams, and Goldfinger before him said, it is for us to die Mr Bond:


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Behind the Latest Agenda: Rainwater is Unsafe to Drink By Brian Simpson

This claim has been made by Stockholm University scientists, that rainwater, everywhere on the planet is unsafe to drink because of “forever chemicals.” I can see how that little gem would fit into the control of resources, so that people would lose usage of free water from the sky. The claim should be tested in every area, and worst case scenario, the water would need to go through a good water filter.


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There is No Climate Emergency: World Climate Declaration By James Reed

Here is a reference to the World Climate Declaration, made by 1,100 scientists and professionals, who have stated that there is no climate emergency. Warming is, if it is occurring at all, much slower than the IPCC claims, and present climatic models face numerous problems. The popular Leftist notion that there is 10 years to save the planet (made year after year), is just fear mongering, which seems to have worn very thin, hence the need for Covid and monkeypox to strike home at a more personal level.


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Men and Women, Really are Different, Contrary to the Present Post-Truth Narrative By Mrs Vera West

While the present woke regime does not know what a woman is, real psychological research is uncovering common sense truths. Men and women, for example, have different types of relationships with their friends. Women have a more emotionally engaged approach, freely talking about their feelings. Men like action, doing things and engaging in mutual activities. This common-sense observation has been observed by Oxford psychologist Robin Dunbar, who has studied the phenomenon over the generations. However, researchers are less forward about why such differences exist. Well surely, as non-Leftists as it is, the differences must be based upon real differences in the male and female brain, probably either made by God, or if you like by evolution, with men forming hunting groups and women cooperating in the raising of children. But, that is a truth the woke feminist does not like at all.


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