US Ruling Elites Wants China to Destroy America By Charles Taylor (Florida)

If this is not proof of a conspiracy of high treason, nothing is. Even though the US faces war with communist China, who through the insanity and greed of globalism, makes most of the stuff the US once used to make, US corporations, really globalist in nature, are selling advanced technology to China, which is immediately reversed engineered, and a new cheaper version made. All for a few dollars more, and short-term self-extinguishing profits. It is the same story in Australia as well Chris told me, where great local inventions deliberately do not get supported so that foreign competition always wins out. But, in the end, the useful idiots will go the way of all of history’s useful idiots.


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Monkeypox Plot to Steal the Next Election By Charles Taylor

With the US mid-term elections coming, the Democrats are in gear to use election fraud, as occurred in 2020, with the mail-in ballots. And the excuse now is monkeypox, which is gearing up to be the new Covid, and establish the same political agenda. While this disease is primarily within the homosexual community, with an even lower mortality than Covid, the Biden regime is whipping it up as the new Black Death, and the CDC is recommending masks, even though the disease is spread, primarily sexually, with little evidence of air borne transmission.


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Truth Social, No Different, As Trump is No Different By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As reported by Brett Stevens, who has just been kicked off of Trump’s so-called freedom site. Truth social, they do not like the sorts of truths he has to tell. At the end of the day, not much difference here between this and Twitter, with the same kind of people monitoring the show. And, as well, Trump is not radically different either, but I suppose better than what is up on the stage now.

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UN Peacekeepers Raping Africa By Mrs Vera West

A terrible story that debunks the bunk about the so-called UN peacekeepers in Africa. It seems that a trail of rape victims was left, with some girls as young as 10-years old being impregnated. It is possible that younger girls were raped, but did not get pregnant, not yet menstruating. Shocking. It shows the so-called sustainable development goals as the globalist farce that they are. These are the people who want to create a world government to rule over us. Be afraid, be very afraid, but resist this globalist push at all cost.


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The FBI as the Biden Regimes’ Gestapo By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A Rasmussen poll, and they usually come up with interesting stuff, has uncovered that a majority of US voters believe that the FBI has become the personal Gestapo of the Biden regime. There is 76 percent of Republicans agreeing with the claim, and an unsurprising 57 percent of Democrats disagreeing. Naturally I agree, since the raid on Mar-a-Lago comes after numerous activities by the FBI that qualify them as being the real home grown threat to freedom.

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Imbalance in the Depression-Chemical Imbalance Theory By Mrs Vera West

Recently the serotonin “chemical imbalance” theory of depression was tested by a group of University College London scientists publishing in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. They reviewed decades of research and concluded that there was no evidence that serotonin levels or serotonin activity are responsible for depression. That was a rare challenge to a leading theory that created a paradigm of research and treatments, for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, something most US mass shooters were on.


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I, Master Hacker have Now Taken Over Brian Simpson’s Mac! By Anonymous Unfriendly Master Hacker!

This is anonymous unfriendly hacker here. As detailed below, a whole range of Apple stuff has cyber worms in it, including Macs. Brian Simpson, who blogs for your site has the misfortune now of having me control his Mac. See Brian, you should have got a PC. Now I will be posting articles celebrating Big Pharma every day!


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Covid as a Dark Experiment in Social Conditioning By Brian Simpson

While we may lament about the sheeple like behaviours of people in the West during the Covid lockdowns, it is really a drop in the ocean of social obedience compared to communist China’s lockdowns in Shanghai. Video footage existed at the time of people screaming from buildings, some committing suicide by jumping. Workers had been welded inside factories. And, at present lockdowns across the country continue. But, this zero-tolerance policy has not stopped the virus, and nor can it, since it is encouraging the evolution of the virus, set to survive attempts at its eradication.


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Lockdowns, More Deadly than Covid By Brian Simpson

Proof of the failure of the lockdowns comes from a report based upon statistics from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS), indicating that the lockdowns may now be killing more people than Covid. This involves cases of undetected cancers, cardiac problems and serious mental health and psychological  conditions. Excess deaths are 14.4 per cent higher than the five-year average. There could be around a million excess deaths over the next two decades as a result of lockdowns, making, according to Stanford University professor of medicine Jay Bhattacharya, the lockdowns the most catastrophically harmful policy in “all of history.””

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“Civil War” Moral Panic By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Victor Davis Hanson rightly observes that the Democrats and Left in the US are pushing the narrative that conservatives are involved in a civil war. This is ironic given that leading members of the US chattering class have ruminated about Trump being executed for having nuclear secrets, as if there was anything in the US that the Chinese had not been given. The real goal is to provoke some response so that he mechanisms that the Biden regime has assembled since January 6, can be unleashed. The ultimate for the Left would be the declaration of martial law, thus cancelling the November election, which they intended to steal anyway.


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The Censorship Poll By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is not really a surprise; a new poll has uncovered that people who express liberal views in public, do not hold as extreme views in private. For one, I ponder how this fact was ascertained by a survey since the survey by definition is also a public act. Probably this could be done by anonymous polling, where people were not identified, unlike say phone polls. If I was identified I certainly would not want to answer any questions, or give conservative responses.


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The Scientific Fraud of Global Warming By James Reed

Guy Mitchell at The American, does a great historical analysis showing why global warming is a fraud. There has been warming in the past with lower carbon dioxide levels, and no industrialism, indicating that this is all a natural process.

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The Mind of the Left By James Reed

Here, in a nut shell is the mind of the Left. It leaves on speechless.

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DARPA Real World Brain Control Cometh By Brian Simpson

It is really moving to sci fi dimensions; perhaps the Dr Frankensteins get their ideas from Hollywood horror movies. DARPA, and the name itself seem quite dystopian, is funding a project to develop a headset that can read your brain’s neural activity and “write,” or encode, it to someone else’s brain, leading to brain-to-brain communication, Magnetic, Optical, Acoustic Neural Access (MOANA). So far they have done this with the fruit fly, but humans are on the menu as well. What is the endgame of this? I think it is a version of Professor X of the X-men, of mind control. Social conditioning techniques are just not enough for the elites who leave no technological stone unturned.


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US Doctors Speaking about Covid Deaths and Injuries By Chris Knight (Florida)

US media personality Wayne Allyn Root had observed that at his wedding, the people who were sick from a wide range of diseases, especially hear disease, had been vaxxed; this was discussed by Steve Kirsch a week or so ago, and covered at the blog. Those people unvaxxed were fine, or at least did not have the heart and severe cancer issues. This has led him to speak out strongly against the vaxxes, seeing them as “the worst medical experiment and health disaster in history.’ Given the disasters of the past, that is really saying something. He says that the insurance companies are not bs-ing when they claim that excess deaths are 20-40 percent since the vax rollout.

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44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies By Mrs Vera West

This was covered up, and even today is only discussed on Covid critical sites; 44 percent of pregnant women who participated in the Pfizer initial Covid vax trials, suffered miscarriages. That was their own data, but despite that the vaccine went ahead via Operation Warp Speed, under President Trump’s watch. Animal vaccines have been stopped for less such as the recent Israeli rabies vaccine. It is certainly one grand experiment.


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Australia Got Covid Wrong, Alright! By Brian Simpson

It is good that PM Albo is to have a Royal Commission into Australia’s Covid response, given its extreme measures in some states such as Victoria. As noted by one of the few doctors taking a stand on this issue, Dr Nick Coatsworth, people were robbed of fundamental human rights. Would this all be put before the Royal Commission? If it is open to the public, it seems inevitable that all will come out in the dirty wash. It has been an eternal shame upon the Australian technocrats for what they have done, the damage to business, jobs and life.


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Torres Strait Islanders Say They want Sovereignty, & Chinese Investment … What about Chinese Missiles Too? By James Reed

Keith Windschuttle, in The Break-Up of Australia, is spot-on, that the agenda behind the indigenous Voice constitutional referendum is to break up Australia. An example of this has been given by the Mer Island community, who say that they have not got enough from the Australian government, so they will consider Chinese investment. Perhaps this group has justified claims, but turning to communist China will come with ties, as people in Africa are finding out. The Torres Strait communities see themselves as distinct from mainland Aborigines, which is fair enough. But, there are massive security issues linking up with communist China, and Mer Island is part of Australia and is governed by Australian law. Following the way of the Solomon Islands, could lead to major problems in the time of war. The easiest answer is to stop this voice nonsense and try and deal with the needs of the people this is alleging to aid.

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Covid and the Rule of Fear By James Reed

Psychologists call the field of study “fear appeal,” using strategies within public health to scare people and change their behaviour, largely to be passive and compliant to what technocrats want. The basic idea is to identify a threat, which has personal impact, so that people fear for their own safety. Having instilled fear, the next step is to give a direction that you want the panicked sheeple to run, such as lockdowns, mask mandates and social distancing. Adding anxiety to the foul brew adds in getting people confused, as if a snake has been thrown among the sheeple. Then desperate people are readily open to control.

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Why They Hate Tucker Carlson By Chris Knight (Florida)

The New Class hate Tucker Carlson for the same reason that they hate Donald Trump; someone who opposes the present regime must be attacked and destroyed, no matter what degree of opposition they express. It shows the level of intense evil of the Left, I think only really explicable theologically, as agents of Satan. Ben Bartee does not take the theological line, but I think he would agree that what we are seeing provoked by Tucker Carlson, including an antifa attack upon his home, is evil still.

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