Albo has No Sense of Humour! By James Reed

In a media interview, PM Albo has said that memes making fun of him, are part of "misinformation" that needs to be banned from the internet. He was referring to false images of himself, which is basically what visual satire would do. He said: "I noticed today, for example, on the way up here, they've removed various sites that were up containing fa...

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Weaponizing Womanhood Against Other Women is “White Supremacist Patriarchy” at Work! By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

Here is yet another item showing the march of woke through culture. Who would have thought that the once pro-woman, US National Organization for Women (NOW), one which Christian conservatives have regarded as feminist, has stated that college athletes opposing trans women, such as swimmer, Lia Thomas, were like "White supremacist patriarchy." It sh...

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Who has Dished Out the Most “Hate” in Scotland So Far? By Richard Miller (London)

Oh, sweet irony. After Scotland's Humza Yousaf pushing through the most draconian hate legislation in the world, although Canada is now in the race to catch up, the early statistics are in about who gets the most complains, and it is him! He gave a 2020 speech about "often being the only non-white person in the room," which thankfully was true. It ...

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They Knew of the Harms of the Covid Lockdowns By Richard Miller (London)

The truth about the lockdowns, the conspiracy behind them to force people to submit to the experimental mRNA vaxxes, is slowly coming out. Thus, in Germany, the magazine Multipolar, in a protracted legal battle with the Robert Koch Institute, has obtained revealing protocols. These show that the government was aware that "lockdowns cause more harm ...

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The Amazingly Polluted Covid Vaxxes! By Brian Simpson

If one does an internet search about the DNA contamination of the Covid vaxxes, one will find that while there is some admission that foreign DNA fragments have been found in the mRNA vax, there is no cancer problem here, so sheeple, do not panic and keep getting jabbed! However, according to the expert testimony of Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer...

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Say Goodbye to Visiting Lake Eyre if You are White! By James Reed

There are plans being made now to ban the general public from Lake Eyre, unless people have permission from the local Aboriginal community. That is because of some alleged cultural significance; when is there ever not cultural significance? Yes, what was once part of Australia, open to all, becomes a racial enclave. We can be glad that the Voice re...

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Home Schooling in Queensland Gets a Stay of Execution! By Mrs Vera West

Qualified good news from Queensland as the Queensland Labor government has temporarily shelved its proposed regulations to control home schoolers, under its Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. This woke Bill aimed to undermine home-schooling as an alternative to state brainwashing in the public school system (a...

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Stabbed Bishop Backs Elon Musk, By Paul Walker

The stabbing of Sydney bishop, Mar Mari Emanuel, by a radical Islam terrorist, as classified by the police and security forces, has led to the immigration-insane Albo government moving to censor the video of the stabbing on all social media posts. It really looks bad for the open door's immigration program. All have done so except Elon musk with X,...

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Can the Albo Government be Class Action Sued, and/or Taken to the UN? By James Reed

I previously have floated the idea that the Albo government be taken to the UN on the grounds that the present immigration program is genocidal, producing a situation where young Australians are not being able to get homes, and thus marry and have children. This depresses the birth rate, primarily of Whites, so it is racial genocide under the UN ge...

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The Death of Australian Rental Accommodation, By James Reed

Not only is traditional Australia facing the Great White Replacement, but the "passive" genocide program is being done so fast that mainstream Australia cannot pass away with any dignity, but instead many face the prospects of no secure accommodation, sleeping in cars, on the street, or in tent cities, to watch all disappear into Asia. Actually, fe...

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Noah Carl on Immigration and Crime By Richard Miller (London)

Human biodiversity researcher Noah Carl, has recently discussed the question of migrants and crime, with a focus upon the number of Albanians in UK prisons. These Albanians constitute 1.5 percent of inmates, where Albanians represent only 0.05 percent of the UK population. This is an over-representation by a factor of 30. But why is this? According...

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First, They Came for Trump, Then … By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The question must be asked, where will the lawfare go, if they succeed in imprisoning, then Epsteining Trump? The answer is clear, as Deep State organisations, such as the FBI, are already beginning the targeting of any MAGNA types that look like being trouble. The January 6 lawfare, where people who were at the scene of the Capital Building, but d...

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Dubai Rain, Cloud Seeding, and Weather Wars By James Reed

There is controversy on the internet about whether or not Dubai's torrential rainfall was caused by cloud seeding. The mainstream view, predictably enough, says that it was not, while other critics see this as the start of possible weather wars. Johan Jaques, a senior meteorologist, sees cloud seeding as having the potential to cause severe disrupt...

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The Pointless “Civil War” Movie, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

If you are thinking about seeing the Civil War movie, don't, as I saw it so you do not have to. It was as predicted, boring. Now all the spoilers; how I hate it when reviewers say if you don't want to spoil her movie, don't read. Yes, I want to spoil the movie to save your time! The plot, so far as one can call it that; for some unexplained reason,...

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Corporate Totalitarianism Unleashed By Tom North

Australians saw the evil shadow of corporate totalitarianism in the funding by corporations, almost all of whom were owned by overseas interests, in the Voice referendum campaign. Tens of millions of dollars were rolled out to support an agenda which was based upon the idea of the country being stolen from the Aboriginals, who were supposed to have...

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The Quality of International Students? All that is Needed is the Replacement! By James Reed

The largest number of international students is now, not from communist China, 115,415 in 2024, but from South Asia and elsewhere, with Indian (97,152) and Nepalese (48,297) students, of the stunning 567,505 international students in Australia. To suppose that this is not taking places from local Aussies is as absurd as the Ponzi scheme argument th...

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Some Good News on the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, By James Reed

Natural reports that under world-wide criticism, the World Health Organization has watered down its pandemic treaty. The main point is that Article 13A.1 which would have required nations to follow directives of the WHO as the guiding and coordinating authority for international public health, has been removed. That was one of the main cri...

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Opposing the Globalist Conspiracy to End Humanity By James Reed

The Great Replacement is usually discussed in the context of mass immigration of Third World people to the once White West, which is set to impact upon the ethnic composition of the population. Be that as it is, there is yet another wider Great Replacement, that of the human being itself. The World Economic Forum has been one of the leading transhu...

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The Trans Agenda and the Fall of “Scientific American,” By Mrs. Vera West

Back in the day, I subscribed to popular journal, Scientific American for my children, to stir up an interest in science, which it did. But today I would not do the same. I will explain. The journal has recently published an article claiming that it is "misinformation' (immediately translate as "contrary to Left wing ideology") to claim that there ...

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Mass Immigration Does Not Bring a Net Economic Benefit to a Developed Nation! By James Reed

One of the leading ideologies of the pro-immigration lobby is that mass immigration brings a net economic benefit to a nation. Robert Jenrick, the UK Conservative MP who threw in his role as immigration minister in the Home Office in 2023, has attacked the UK government's immigration policy as a "complete disaster" and a "betrayal to voters," who e...

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