Fighting Climate Geoengineering By Chris Knight (Florida)

The National American Renaissance Movement (ARM), among other things, has been fighting weather/climate geoengineering measures at the US local level, such as in New Jersey. While this is American based the problem of geoengineering the weather and climate, using technologies to manipulate the climate, such as seeding the stratosphere with reflecti...

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The Albanese Regime’s Population War to Destroy the Australia We Know! By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith, writing at, does not mince words in his criticism of the Albo government's mass immigration program, which he describes as a population war on Australians. And he comes close to my idea of a Great Replacement, not using that terminology of course, too: "It intends to substitute the existing population wit...

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(The Education) Empire Strikes Back! By James Reed

Data released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicated that Australia recorded the strongest monthly (105,500), quarterly (172,400), and annual (498,300) net permanent and long-term immigrant arrivals on record. And there was a record 713,144 international students in the country as at the end of February 2024. Is it any won...

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Even the Americans Can See that Australia’s Mass Immigration Program is Out of Control! By James Reed

America is facing an immigration invasion through its open southern border, but the writers at the American conservative site, still see Australia as facing an immigration tsunami, relative to its base population numbers. Other articles at the blog today will go into detail with the tragic immigration facts and figures, but the Americ...

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Dr Peter McCullough on the Covid Vax Harms By Brian Simpson

Leading cardiologist, Dr Peter McCullough recently gave a summary of the harm resulting from the Covid vaxxes. Not only did the clinical trials not show a reduction in Covid severity, or a reduction in hospitalisation and death, but far more vaccinated were in the hospitals on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated. And the vaxxes made it more...

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Class Warfare and Climate Change By James Reed

Martin Durkin is director of the movie, Climate: The Movie (2024). He has written a good overview of what the agenda behind climate change alarmism really is, drawing upon insights from his movie. In a nutshell, the mainstream climate change alarmist scientists have got it wrong, decade after decade, but still keep churning it all out. There is big...

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What Lurks Inside the Covid Vax? By Brian Simpson

Various chemicals have been added to the Covid vaxxes to improve their efficacy, and one such chemical goes by the intimidating name of N1-methyl-pseudouridine. For our purposes it does not matter exactly what this is, as I don't know either, but the chemical now has safety concerns, including affecting those aspects of the immune system for fighti...

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Letting the Killers Roam Free, in the Land of the Free By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There was considerable public angst about the brutal murder of young White nursing student, Laken Riley, by illegal migrant, Jose Ibarra. Trump plunged into the public debate, saying that this was sad example of how immigration was harming people. One would have thought that Ibarra would have been kept locked behind bars until the trial, but he has...

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From Gun Banning to Knife Banning By John Steele

In the aftermath of the mass stabbing at the Bondi Junction shopping Centre, and knife attack upon Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, at the Christ the Good Shephard Church in Wakeley, the NSW premier has said that tightening knife laws will be investigated. This is the usual diversion tactic from the Left, of blaming the weapon, not the person, especially ...

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Politics and Knife Attacks in Australia By Chris Knight (Florida)

Following from the stabbing and tragic deaths at the Bondi Junction shopping centre, there was a knife attack upon Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel, at the Christ the Good Shephard Church in Wakeley. The former attack was not regarded as a terrorist attack, while the church stabbing was, being religiously motivated, according to some reports, but the polic...

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The Bioweapons Arms Race: Robert Kennedy Jr., By Brian Simpson

In respect to the Covid issue, presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr, is so vastly in front of Trump that its not funny. Trump still wants to be seen as father of the vax, believing the lies Big Pharma whispered in his presidential ear that he would be the hero of humanity by Operation Warp Speed, getting a largely untested experimental gene the...

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Bill Gates-George Soros, Climate Geoengineering to Begin, By James Reed

Any project supported by globalist elite billionaires, both Bill Gates and George Soros, must be viewed with alarm. And their plan to fire chalk dust and other chemicals into the atmosphere to create manmade white clouds, is one of their most concerning schemes. The idea is to reflect sunlight back into space, thus causing the temperatures of the p...

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How Elon Musk Plans on Replacing Humans by AI! By Brian Simpson

Despite some minor changes to Twitter/X allowing a little bit more free speech, and some edgy tweets, Elon Musk remains firmly within the transhumanist camp, as a World Economic Forum man. He has a vision of leaving a burnt-out planet Earth to go colonise Mars, but has never discussed what happens when Mars is in turn burnt out. And he has made sur...

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The Communist Chinese Microwave Satellite-Killing Cannon! By James Reed

The communist Chinese have a new satellite killing weapon, a microwave cannon which produces a magnetic field 68,000 times stronger than the magnetic field produced by the Earth. The weapon is easy to move around and can sit with comfort on the back of a truck. Much of the internet could be taken down by weapons like this, producing enormous chaos ...

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Facing Demographic Collapse, By Mrs Vera West

While the Greens and environmentalists in the West still rattle on about over-population, including Paul Ehrlich, who surfaces from time to time, even though the Greens, as seen in Australia want even more immigration, the real population issue is, as Elon Musk has rightfully argued, under-population coming from the birth dearth, the crash of birth...

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What Happens When Trump is Imprisoned? Why Australians Should be Concerned, By Chris Knight (Florida)

Even Australians should be concerned about the plight of President Trump facing 134 years in jail; Trump offers Australians the best hope of smashing many globalists programs that the uni-party Labor-Liberals are accepting, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) International health regulations and pandemic treaty. I know, the big thing is gra...

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Magic, Transgender Archaeology PhDs, and all the Woke Trimmings! By James Reed

More absurdity from the universities, perhaps not as dangerous as the vast promotion of globalist ideologies such as mass immigration and the attack upon White culture and Western civilisation, but still part of the general decay and decadence. Thus, there is a UK PhD being funded by tax payer money on "Transphobic Invocations of Archaeology." The ...

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China Threat Looms, By James Reed

It seems that all of South East Asia, and the East Asian countries of Japan and South Korea, are deeply concerned about China's more aggressive military stance, which is already seeing China committing illegal acts, claiming territories that it has no right to under international law. This is well documented by commander of the U.S. military in the...

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The Coming Little Ice Age Refutes Global Warming Hysteria! By James Reed

While almost all of us here reject climate change alarmism, and global warming, I have a soft spot in my heart for the opposite line, global COOLING, and the need for humanity to continue to use vast quantities of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas. This is a minority position to be sure, but it is one which if adopted would ensure reliable en...

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Turbo-Charged Cancers By Brian Simpson

The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted that there will be over 35 million new cancer cases, globally, by 2050, which is a 77 percent increase over the 2020 estimate of 20 million cases. Of course, we make the usual caveat that the WHO is a globalist organisation, so one should be suspicious about anything it says. Granted, but a wide ran...

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