Here Comes the Pandemic National Guard! By Brian Simpson

The Australian Federal Police Association (AFPA) has suggested that a civilian-based national guard, modelled on the American one, be set up to take over some police duties during the next pandemic. Note that this is for the next pandemic, which seems certain to happen, and the authorities are preparing for it. The AFPA has called for a feasibility...

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Middle East War and Exploding Petrol Prices, By James Reed

It seems that Israel is not going to "take the win," as the Biden administration has proposed, and will strike back against Iran. We can be sure with their tech that the attack will be substantial. Knocking over the Iran nuclear facilities would no doubt be one obvious goal, but that is likely to be difficult without the use of nukes. But, for all ...

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From Digital ID to Universal Vaccination, By Brian Simpson

According to a post at Vigilant, the globalists, such as the World Economic Forum, are planning to use digital ID as a basis for the enforcement of vaccination, which means any of the inadequately tested products pushed through by emergency measures, such as a pandemic. And, the dots all join up, as the World Health Organization (WHO)...

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The Tipping Point of the Australian Rental Market, By James Reed

Leith van Onselen at, reports that Domain has released it rental report for March, which has more grim news. "The supply-demand imbalance is still clearly placing pressure on rents", Domain noted. "The reacceleration of combined capital house-rental growth may not just be the typical seasonally strong period, as annual gains ha...

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The Fraud of Plastic Recycling, By James Reed

I have no doubt that this report from the US CBS is correct, that the vast majority of plastic is not recycled; according to the US Department of energy, of the 48 million tons of plastic waste is generated in the U.S. each year, only 5 to 6 percent of it is recycled. It is easy to see where this will be taken; the failure of the plastic i...

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Cardiac Arrests in Victoria, By Mrs Vera West

At present 20 percent more sudden cardia arrests are occurring in Victoria than occurred five years ago. Tragically, of these cardiac arrest, 95 percent of the people are dying, according to data from Ambulance Victoria. The response to this has been for various groups to lobby for defibrillators within 400 metres of every resident and as well, to ...

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Hand Sanitizer: Brains and Toxins, By Mrs Vera West

I always had a bad feeling about hand sanitizer, the way it dries out the skin just feels wrong. However, there is much more to the story than that, as documented by the good Dr Mercola at a now deleted post. Researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio found quaternary compounds, or QACs, that were damaging to cells in the central nervou...

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Deep State Accelerates Attacks Upon Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The criminal trial of Trump is in progress, with Trump being told by the Democrat trial judge that if he misses a single personal appearance in the kangaroo court, he will be jailed. Of course, that is to impact upon the campaign. And as well, jury selection is taking place. Trump's lawyer has said that the questionnaires given to the jury pool are...

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How to Deal with the International Student Deluge, By James Reed

Another brilliant common-sense idea from economist Leith van Onselen at; cut work rights for international students, and the immigration numbers will fall off a cliff. It is the students from Asia who are the key movers of Australia's record net immigration. This immigration exploded by the Albo government doing all it could to...

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As Predicted, A Woke 007 James Bond! By James Reed

It is not certain just yet, but waters are being tested with a woke replacement to Daniel Craig as James Bond in the film franchise, Aaron Taylor-Johnson; more about him, soon. In my opinion, Craig was an utterly terrible Bond, the very worst, a betrayal to the Ian Fleming character. Gone were the masculine values that most sane, healthy people saw...

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UN Youth Advisor is a Communist! Who Would Have Ever Thought That?! By James Reed

Here is yet another reason to fear the UN, for apart from all the in-your-face globalist things it does, it is full of highly suspicious people. Thus, the United Nations' Secretary-General António Guterres personally selected Pakistani-American Ayisha Siddiqa as one of his advisers to help "accelerate the implementation of his climate action agenda...

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The "Invasion" of Albo’s “Indian Army”: David Llewellyn-Smith By James Reed

David Llewellyn-Smith wrote about this in March at the great, and it is still worth noting here, as it is an illustration of just how shockingly bad Prime Minister Albo is. Albo signed various agreements with India in early 2023, cap in hand and on bended knee, dealing with labour migration. Indian qualifications became equal t...

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They are Afraid of Free Speech, By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to Washington-based journalist Lawrence Martin, writing in the Globe and, Canada's most widely read newspaper, so far as actual newspapers are now read, excessive free speech is as danger to … eh, democracy? Apparently so. You see, it is still the fault of an internet which has by-passed the old guardians of information, the esta...

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The Planned Destruction of Farming in the West, By James Reed

Even after his divorce, which gave plenty of loot to his Left-wing former wifey to use on Left-wing woke causes, Jeff Bezos of Amazon still has lots of money to do things, such as destroy the farming industry and food production. For example, he has given a cool $ 1 billion to the Bezos Earth Fund, establishing first the Bezos Centers for Sustainab...

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Yet Another Example of the Great Replacement on the Local Scale, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is an example from the US, of the Great White Replacement operating at a local level. In Michigan, the state has a "Newcomer Renter Subsidy" program. It may at first glance look good, perhaps something to help young people going out to rent for the first time. But, no, if one thought that, one would be mistaken.The website states that the "new...

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The Costs of Immigration, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

An insightful piece at the Epoch, while dealing with the costs of illegal immigration, does raise some general points related to the costs of immigration in general. But, dealing with illegal immigration, for the US estimates have been made indicating that the cost of illegals to each US householder is a staggering $ 1,000 per year, and f...

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The Billionaires Benefit from Climate Change Lawfare, By Richard Miller (London)

Behind the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decision on the right of some old Swiss ladies to be protected from the supposed ill-effects of climate change, are the big players, such as Greenpeace and Client Earth. Greenpeace financed the legal fees of the Swiss ladies and Client Earth gave legal argument support. This is but one example of the...

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World Health Organization; Doctors Must Lie for the Sake of Climate Change Alarmism Regime, By James Reed

The World Health Organization (WHO) is always busy, busy, busy, having plenty of funds parasitically drained, like some sort of disease-carrying swampland mosquito, from the productive wealth of nations. In the month of March, 2024, some of that hard-earnt money was spent on producing and publishing a "new toolkit empowering health professionals to...

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Make the Universities Pay, Hard! By James Reed

According to the Australian Department of Home Affairs, there were 713,144 foreign students in Australia at the end of February 2024, and with university terms in full swing, probably a lot more now. The universities are pulling in $ 9 billion in tuition fees, but are failing to provide housing, only meeting 20 percent of the demand. Hence a massiv...

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Robert Kennedy on BlackRock Owning the World! By Chris Knight (Florida)

US presidential candidate Robert Kennedy on the campaign trail, unloaded on the world's largest asset manager BlackRock. In the video linked below, he showed how they have it all sown up, whatever way things go. BlackRock controls much of Big Pharma, and benefits from illnesses arising from an unhealthy society, with unhealthy junk foods, and they ...

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