Magic Rubber-Like Programmable Material By Brian Simpson

This is something interesting I found, much more so than the fact that today my MacBook Pro spell check is saying that very word typed is incorrect, including “a.” It suggests exotic French words as replacements.  Then for some reason the “e” key decides not to work, so I would use spell check to correct the missing “e,” as every word, as I said is in error. Anyway, my son said to just connect up a new/old keyboard, and here we go to report on a programmable rubber-like substance. Perhaps it could be used to make more flexible key boards?

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The Unvaxxed Illegal Influx By Chris Knight (Florida)

Lance Welton, in  an article going back a little bit in today’s fast moving news cycle examines the strange phenomenon, how the Biden regim has ben obsessive compulsive neurotic about the Covid vaccination of Americans, while not caring two toots about th trillions of illegals being allowed to pour through the bordr to become Democrat voters, insuring a Satanic Leftist dictatorship forever, or until conservatives wake up and break up this most evil of empires.

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The Covid Vax Depopulation Agenda from the “I am Legend” Vax By Brian Simpson

Dr. Janci Chun Lindsay, molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called on the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to immediately halt Covid-19 vaccine production and distribution, because of mounting evidence that the vaccines cause fertility issues, heart inflammation, blood clots and immune evasions. She hypothesises that both the mRNA and DNA vaccines will cross-react with a retroviral envelop protein called syncytin and reproductive proteins in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may “impair fertility and reproductive outcomes.” She warns: “We could potentially be sterilizing an entire generation.”

As a related aside, my daughter who has never had a single vax in her life, reported that her period was 10 days late this cycle; just a quirk or could this be from contact with vaccinated people shedding spike proteins? Don’t know. Another unvaxxed lady said she missed a cycle. Some vaxxed female friends of them say that irregular periods are now the norm, so they no longer speak of “periods’ as there is nothing “period” about it anymore. GPs brush off the concerns, apparently.

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Japan Health Ministry Warns about Myocarditis from the mRNA Vaccines By Richard Miller (London)

Not all governments are totally passive subjects of Big pHARMa. Japan has been exemplary throughout the Covid plandemic in preserving freedoms as best it can. It is now one of the few governments to issue warnings about the mRNA vaxxes and the rate of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. According to the official data recorded by the Japan Health Ministry as of November 14, 2021, for every one million male teens who are inoculated by the mRNA shots, there are 80 cases of myocarditis, something which they rightly see as requiring an investigation. In the past, the vaccine rollout would have been halted until full-scale studies, including animal models were conducted, but today, the human race is the animal test subjects in the world’s greatest medical experiment. Or, in the alternative, depopulation agnda.

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India’s Aadhaar Digital Identification Database: Tyranny in Action By Brian Simpson

This is the shape of the bad “social credit” system as it is unfortunately called, nothing to do with Douglas social credit, and in fact much the opposite.

India’s Aadhaar database contains the digital identifications of more than 1 billion residents, which is the largest biometric digital ID system in the world. It is a social credit system for control of people, although sold to the public as merely a convenient way of gaining access to government services. But while it may do this, in many times unsatisfactorily, it also tracks users’ geolocation, employment and purchasing habits, which can be used in ways detrimental to people. Further glitchs in the system, combined with the glacier slowness of bureaucrats to correct faults, if they can, has led to some unfortunate souls, India’s poorest, being denied food rations, and starving to death. The Covid vax mandates have given momentum for the creation of such systems across the West, and the cancellation of the Canadian trucker with just the power existing at present, shows where this can go. It will be control of thought by control of food, and other measures to sustain existence, via the technocratic vaccine passports.

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Technology Uncovering 2020 Voter Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

The great voter fraud discovery process continues, although a lot of good it is going to do to put Trump in now. Still if the diabolical methods used by the Democrats for the greatest electoral fraud in US history are uncovered, just maybe something could be done by 2024. Like phantom voters, people who voted but do not know that they did. People who never voted, or at last claim that they did not, were found to have voted. And other people showed up at polling stations, finding that a vote for Joe Biden had already been cast for them by friendly Democrats.

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Richard Dawkins and the Evils of the Gender Agenda By Mrs Vera West

This is surprising; Richard Dawkins achieved popular fame from first his advocation of a reductionist form of sociobiology in The Selfish Gene, where organisms were basically epiphenomenal, and the central guiding mechanism was genes. Now he has joined J.K. Rowling and Germaine Greer in publicly stating his opposition to gender ideology. One aspect of his background in biology, rather than ideology, is at least clear thinking on basic biological issues.

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Tips for Preventing Your Pets from Eating You During the Famine Armageddon! By James Reed

Brianna Wellen has written a satirical article, with some good prepper tips about feeding your cat(s) during the pet food shortage. It is pretty much American just at the moment, since last time I went to the supermarket to buy pet food, for me to eat, I don’t have a cat but have little money, there was plenty and I did not have to fight other Centrelink folks for a tin of Whiskas cat food. Anyway, when things get tough, tougher than now, I imagine that it will be like most places in the Third world, it will not be the cats eating people, but vice versa.


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Dr Peter McCullough on Covid Vaccine Harms By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough, a leading Covid critic, internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist, has warned that the Covid vaccines are causing deaths and injuries. The main danger, as also expressed by Dr Robert Malone lies in the spike proteins produced by the mRNA vax, which can persist in the body for 15 months, doing its mischief. McCullough argues that the adverse effects being reported, such as heart attacks and strokes in young people are a result of the spike proteins accumulating in the body.

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Sue Them Hard! Malone v. The New York Times Company et al. By Charles Taylor (Florida)

A line has been crossed, Dr Robert Malone has said, and he is suing the New York times. Here is all you need you know, and enjoy.

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Much Vaccination; Much Death By Richard Miller (London)

The tale of Covid vax woe comes from many places, but the UK is notable for its excess death rate. For the week ending November 12, 2021, in the UK there were more deaths primarily from heart disease and strokes, than during the same period between 2015 and 2019. Over the stagnant pond in Vermont, which is one of the highest vaccinated Us jurisdictions, excess deaths are now the highest hey have been since the Covid plandemic began. Excess deaths continue to rise across the West, even though people have received two or three shots. Now, why might that be, what is the common cause here? Here is one detailed explanation.


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The Silent Universities By James Reed

Janice Fiamengo is retired professor of English at the University of Ottawa, and her latest book is Sons of Feminism: Men Have Their Say. She points out that very few academics have taken a stand against the mandatory vaccination policies of their universities, even if not required by state or federal law. One would have thought that so-called free-thinking liberals would as a matter of principle oppose such paternalism, but not so. Even in terms of informed consent, there has been no opposing case permitted to be made to the vaxxes, so no informed consent exists. But, the silence of the academics, not the lambs, is deafening.

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The 2020 US Election Stolen by Ballot Box Stuffing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While various characters, well meaning, presumably, have said that the 2020 election will be overturned based upon their “special” evidence, nothing has happened. The next big thing is that the claim that the  Democrats rigged the election by the good old-fashioned means of ballot box stuffing. As reported by Breitbart News’ Matthew Boyle:

Conservative election integrity group True The Vote has been conducting a months-long massive and clandestine voter fraud investigation into the 2020 presidential election, the results of which may soon start coming out, Breitbart News has learned exclusively.

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Infant Murder, Legalised! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Incredible as it sounds to outsiders, babies, that is live born ones, could be killed up to 28 days after birth under proposed law, Senate Bill 669 (it should be 666)  in Maryland.“[T]he bill also proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion,” American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) attorney Olivia Summers has said. The infanticide condition arises as the legislation prohibits investigations and criminal prosecutions for women and medical professionals for a “failure to act” in relation to a “perinatal death.”

“In other words, a baby born alive and well could be abandoned and left to starve or freeze to death,” according to Summers, “and nothing could be done to punish those who participated in that cruel death.”

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How Will the Globalist Stop Le Pen? By Richard Miller (London)

The globalists are nervous that Marine Le Pen will overtake Macron and become president of France. That would then be like having two Hungary’s, which will surely give old Georgie Soros heartburn. So, following on from the antics of the US 2020 election steal, what scam and sham will be pulled to tear victory away from Marine? I an going for the greatest election fraud in French history myself. 

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Mysterious Blood Clot, then Death By Brian Simpson

A man coughed up a 15 cm wide blood clot in the shape of the right bronchial tree … then later died of complications of heart failure. This story reached the leading medical journal, New England Journal of Medicine, but from my reading there was no exploration as to why the extremely unusual blood clot was there in the first place. Presumably, pre-existing heart issues might have caused this, but plenty of people have the same conditions without coughing up blood fur-balls, so to speak. No details of his vaccination status, naturally.

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Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted to Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude of Adverse Events in Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients

The following is a research bibliography that an anonymous academic has composed and asked to be “sent near and far.” We have made some simplifying format changes, any errors being ours, but acknowledge the good work done here. This is a handy reference for reader’s GPs who say that there are no real or significant adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes.


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“AORTA” by Viv Forbes

It was a happy settlement

     the people strong and free.

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Lockdowns and the Mind of the Left By James Reed

The Covid mandates, with the lockdowns, the police repression and violence as only they can, and then the creation of a biofascist surveillance state, illustrates the workings of the Left mind. The common element in the entire Covid plandemic is the crushing of individuality and traditional freedoms, in favour of something Leftists call the “common good,” even though in the diverse swamp that they have created, there is not much commonality. In any case, this “common good” permits anything to be done via the utilitarian paternalist calculus of the greatest good for the greatest number. But this concept of the “good,” is not defined by the Left. It is whatever they want it to be.

However, why should governments have the power in the first place to imprison individuals? Where does this legitimacy come from? Voting for them? But why should a tick on a piece of paper produce any sort of binding social contract at all, especially in the light of election fraud and the utter sham that modern democracy is? And if that is consent then surely it can be withdrawn? Perhaps the political anarchists like Robert Paul Wolf are right, going further than the libertarians, in holding that states lack philosophical justification and tend inevitably to tyranny, the greater their power. Leftism, above all seeks power, so naturally the Left came to support all that the Covid vaccine state did. In the 1960s, attacking Big Pharma was common for the Left, but today, it is right as it is along with their agenda of globalist control.  Only, most of the Left are for the globalists, just useful idiots, ultimately redundant, at the end of the globalist revolution.

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Is Woke, Broke? Only When the Woke get Broke! By James Reed

Human biodiversity expert Edward Dutton thinks that the woke (political correctness) revolution may be nearly over, thoughts made in reflection on an article by N. S. Lyons, on Substack. Lyons puts the case that the woke revolution is not over, since Generation Z is hyper-woke, obsessed with white guilt, anti-racism (against whites of course) and an open embrace of the gender agenda and intersectionality. That seems a mighty convincing case, but Dutton puts an equally convincing opposing view.


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