False News About the Ukraine Crisis By James Reed

Our Daily Read, Friday March 11, 2022 Issue 84, a small Christian journal concerned with exposing the lines of the media, among other things, has an interesting study of the media lies about the Ukrainian war. We have stories with photos that have been lifted from other sources. For example:

“A picture of an explosion in Gaza years ago, is published as if it just happened in the Ukraine.

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Sco Mo Says Time to Treat Covid-19 like the Flu; It Should Have Been Done in the Beginning By Brian Simpson

Plan D, now, living with Covid like the flu, according to PM Sco Mo bozo, is the thing now in the lead up to the election, which Labor will win, because that is just 

Well, the hospital system has come through it, but the doctors as usual are concerned; what about the health care system, will hospitals get overwhelmed over winter? Al I can say is that  I for one have Covid fatigue and do not care about the blasted hospitals, doctors and all the puppets of Big pHARMa.

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Putin or Lower Carbon Emissions (and Starvation) … Choose! By James Reed

Matt Canavan socks it to the Greenies and climate change freak-outers, doing a great job in expressing common sense about how a lack of energy self- sufficiency, using the full available resources of fossil fuels is needed to keep us from starvation. Face it, food production depends upon fertiliser, and that requires fossil fuels, and Russia and China have cut the West back on it all. He say: “We have been asleep, dreaming that technology alone, rather than access to resources, can keep our lights on and our economy functioning. The harsh truth is that we cannot feed ourselves, transport goods or even charge our phones without fossil fuels. There is no app for that.” The Greenies war on coal would, under present conditions, lead to the collapse of the West from an energy drought.


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Power not Poverty By Viv Forbes

“The past was green and fuzzy - the future is black and ominous.”Richard Sebrof


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World Council for Health Open Letter on the Pandemic Treaty By Chris Knight (Florida)

At present the World Health Organization is attempting to implement a global pandemic agreement, which will universalise measures we have seen tried in places like Melbourne and Austria. The World Council for Health, correctly sees this as a globalist power grab, directly threatening national sovereignty and the freedoms of individual. Here is their open letter to the world.


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Will Chernobyl Blow Again? By Richard Miller (London)

It is hard to determine what is going on in the Ukraine, because beyond all else it is a war of misinformation. Still, we should be concerned about claims of the loss of power at the Chernobyl nuclear plant, now controlled by the Russians. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that there is not an immediate threat, but what about in the longer term? My hope is that given that Moscow will get a dose of the next meltdown, Putin will not want to see Chernobyl blow its top again. Unless Putin gets into a mood for suicide, but, hey, he has a beautiful Russian mistress and lots of vodka to drink yet, to wash down caviar.


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A New University of “Freedom” Arising in Texas? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Sure, just ignore the CFR links, leftist-globalist advisors and misrepresentation, as my email giving me this information said. So, sure, the new University of Austin will have its globalist biases, as this is built into the very concept, and name, university. Still, given the present state of decadence of existing institutions, and the open hatred of western civilisation, let alone biased anti-West and white research, maybe, just maybe this could be an improvement. It will certainly not be worse.

By Mark Anderson BLOG:

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The Ukraine Biolab Documents By Chris Knight (Florida)

For those interested in following through at base level the Ukraine bioweapons issuer, here is a list of Ukraine biolabs documents removed by the US Embassy. The files have all been removed from the internet, but have been archived, so at this point of time, are still available. The files show that a very extensive virus research program was in action, with many viruses that could be subject to genetically engineered gain-of-function research, although the documents themselves are obscure and vague about details, as would be expected.


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Novavax Adverse Reactions By Brian Simpson

Well, the Novavax covid vax is here and the Covid regime authorities are saying that those who object to the experimental mRNA vaccines might go for this little beauty. But, how are things going?


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World Economic Forum Re-Education/Concentration Camps Cometh By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Enter the mind of the Great Reset. Wang Guan – a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader – has repeatedly championed the Chinese Communist Party’s “re-education camps,” which he sees as means of helping educate people. No doubt this same mind set is now embodied in the West by the globalists, who will use pandemics and anything else manufactured or coming their way, for the same social control over their people that the CCP now has over ethnic minorities such as the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. It is all part of the creation of the new global dystopia, where ethnic cleansing will be the new normal.


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The Latest Smoke Screen: Putin to Deploy Bioweapons, Maybe Those Captured from the US Labs? By James Reed

The latest piece of Biden administration propaganda comes in the wake of the urgent need to hose down the discovery of US bioweapons labs, as the Russians call them, in the Ukraine. This seems to be an extension of what was done at Wuhan, by off-shoring dangerous and illegal research to a quiet placed. But, now exposed, the US, which previously claimed that the labs were only engaged in normal biological research, has said that the Russian could use the biological agents against the Ukraine. Well, what is it, normal biological research, or is it bioweapons research with dangerous pathogens, involving genetically engineered gain-of-function enhancement?


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The Left is Not Letting the Ukraine Crisis Go to Waste! By James Reed

Daniel Greenfield is spot on the money in arguing that whatever the causes and ultimate outcome of the Ukraine War, the Left is milking the crisis for all it is worth. The Russians have become convenient objects of hate, and the Biden administration has quickly moved to blame Putin for inflation and sky-rocketing fuel prices. No doubt if the conspiracy theory is correct that there is a planned massive cyber-attack coming as part of the Great Reset, a subset of the Great Replacement of Western civilisation, it too will be blamed upon Putin. And, it is a clever cover since both communist China and Russia are actively engaged in cyber warfare anyway. Who will know when the power goes down, and the blog is silent? Well, we worked in hard copy back in the good old days of Eric Butler, and we can do it again!


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Surprises in Genetic Family Tree Study By Brian Simpson

There is not time here to deconstruct a study done by geneticists on the so-called human family tree, how everyone is related to everyone, with modern humans even having genetic bits and pieces from species not seen as human, such as Homo erectus. Sure, there is a case from an evolutionary position of seeing the human genome as having incorporated viruses as well, that is if you go with the evolution trip, which most of the Christian bloggers here at Alor.org do not, being Biblical Special Creationists.


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Cancelled for Speaking Out about Transgender Rapists! By Mrs Vera West

Woke, or what was once called by the better terminology, political correctness, which locates its Maoist origin, has not gone away. In the UK a Police and Crime Commissioner has been officially reprimanded after speaking out about transgender rapists. She was said to be disrespectful to the transgender rapists, for supporting J.K. Rowling’s tweet that said that transgender rapists are not female. And to make this truly the theatre of the absurd, Crispin Blunt, the Conservative Member of Parliament for Reigate, yes, a so-called “conservative,” as well as two other male complainers, reported Townsend to the male-dominated panel, who made their ruling on International Women’s Day! We will have more to say about Rowling below.


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Planet Lockdown By Chris Knight (Florida)

Covid lockdowns have not gone, for all the authorities have said that they will come back when some new threatening virus causes the next great pandemic, until Big pHARMa rolls out its next magic jab, to rack in the profits. The film Planet Lockdown, looks at the politics behind this vast imprisonment of the majority of humanity, and the totalitarian agenda that has been put in place. The Covid shots, beyond all else, are part of a training regime, and along with vaccine passports, have set in place the movement to a dystopian New World Order vastly more oppressive than the CCP. As is said in the film: "What COVID-19 is," Austin-Fitts, one doctor explains, "is the institution of controls necessary to convert the planet from the democratic process to technocracy. So, what we're watching is a change in control and an engineering of new control systems. So, think of this as a coup d'état. It's much more like a coup d'état than a virus."

This tyranny, like all tyrannies, is not going away on its own and must be resisted by political action, by the vaxxed, and unvaxxed.

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Biden Worries that Putin Will Invade Russia! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Biden said it; that Putin will now invade Russia. This cannot be a slip, but the lame stream media just let it slide by. Clearly, the man’s mind is getting worse, even with all the meds.


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All Must be Soiled by Woke: The Time for The Lord of the Rings By James Reed

“The Time That Is Given Us: Fandom, Myth, and the Narrative Power of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings” by Dustin Fisher, celebrates the greatness of the original Tolkien vision, of a people fighting against forces of evil and triumphing. Even the film versions by Peter Jackson were noble, with great lines, indeed immortal lines, directed at the classic battle of good versus evil.


But fans of the Lord of the /rings have a sense of doom and despair arising from the Amazon TV version of the classic, which will be woke, with diverse actors doing the Great Replacement in film. But, worse, the moral dimension is likely to have been eroded, just as the Man with No Name westerns in the 1960s, came to replace the moral universe created by John Wayne, of the settlers conquering a hostile land to forge a great nation. Shortly after this eruption of early woke, the Western died. While that was sad, at this late stage in the game, I hope that the series crashes.


“There is a beautiful moment in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Return of the King” that emphasizes a key, reoccurring motif throughout the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy: In the deepest, darkest depths of despair, hope can still be found.

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A Warm Welcome to the New Covid Arrival … Deltacron! By Brian Simpson

A matter of months ago we first heard of the Covid variant Omicron, which caused havoc for the mainstream narrative, being resistant to the conventional jabs. Hence, we were told that a new vaccine would be rolled off by March 2022, but here in March and we are with no magic vax. And, it does not matter much as this more infectious variant has already made its way through the population, bestowing natural immunity in its wake.

Now we have the new kid on the block, Deltacron, a recombination of Delta and Omicron, with a growing number of cases being identified in the US, and Europe. Not much is known about this variant at the moment, but we can be sure that when the Ukraine War situation is resolved, one way or another, Covid hysteria and tyranny will ride again.

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Pfizer Trials: More People Died in Vaccine Group than Placebo Group By Brian Simpson

Short, but not sweet; rather, bitter in fact:


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Two Riders Were Approaching, and the Wind Began to Howl! By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone opens a recent article with a quote from Bob Dylan’s All along the Watch Tower, but my title quotes a different line from the song which has stuck in my head. Dylan may not have intended it, but the image of the social prison, the watch tower, is juxtaposed by the harsh desert-line conditions outside. Who are the approaching riders, people coming to aid the prisoners within, or more of the enemy to oppress them? Dr Malone gives an interesting discussion about how he changed sides; some still see him as controlled opposition. He has a long history working for the US biodefence industry. Now, he has come over to the side of light, I think. It does not matter, as he has done good work, causing, as he puts it, our overlords to lose bladder control. That just has to be good.


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