The Ukrainian War, a Distraction from the Covid Plandemic By James Reed

Another way of looking at the Ukrainian War is that it has provided a distraction from the Covid mandate tyrannies. As well, when there should be critical attention devoted at last to the adverse effects arising from the vaccines, attention is taken up right on cue by war. Next to disease, nothing grabs the attention of the masses as firmly as war. The Covid sees the present Ukrainian crisis as a way of covering up all that should be uncovered re Covid plandemic: “The Russian invasion of Ukraine is real. People young and old dying suddenly from mRNA and viral vector DNA injections are real. Mainstream media propaganda and manipulation are real.”

“The latter’s objective is to normalize and bury these mass deaths due to the injections. Further, mainstream media are now starting to report on something we first wrote about last month – that Moderna owns the patent for SARS-CoV-2. War is the only way to fully deflect and distract from truth.”

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Peter Dutton on the Prospects of Nuclear Conflict By James Reed

Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton is surely right in rejecting the Ukrainian president’s call for a no-fly zone to be enforced by NATO, which Russia will take as an act of war, with the possibility of a nuclear conflict. Dutton said that Australia and the West would consider supplying weapons to Taiwan, if communist China invades Taiwan. A good quote from Dutton: “We want peace to prevail in our region but you don’t have that peace if you’re arguing from a position of weakness.”

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NATO vs Russia: Divergent Dissent Right Perspectives By James Reed

The mainstream media is ununited in promoting as anti-Russian line, and no doubt we will soon hear of Russian hordes tossing babies up in the air and skewering them on the points of their bayonets, as in all previous wars with the assigned villains. The Dissent Right though tends to a more pro-Russian stance, since Putin is seen as a nationalist and anti-woke, if we can accept his speeches. So, in the interests of intellectual balance and debate, which is what is all about - the value of freedom in all its forms – here are some recent musings from the Dissent Right on the Ukrainian crisis. My view, expressed in articles today, is that the only real winner will be communist China, the real threat to Australia.


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The End of Woke: The Sunny Side of War By James Reed

Edward Dutton, a leading human biodiversity writer, suggests that we look on the sunny side of the present Ukrainian crisis. One thing for sure is that woke and political correctness have been seen as pure social constructions. The Ukrainian president had no problems having women and children leave the country as refugees, while able-bodied men from the ages of 18 to 60 had to stay and fight. There was apparently no argument about who was male and who was not; no gender agenda here! Exactly the opposite happened with Syria a few years back, re refugees, and look what happened in Europe, and still is.

Apart from that, the double-standard of the Western New Class is well seen by their proclamations of the need to defend the borders of the Ukraine, but the borders of the United States, and much of the West, must be left open for the Great Replacement of whites. There are no longer, if there ever were, good guys and bad guys, and the Covid mandates and rolling tyranny demonstrated that.

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We Dare You! China Pushes Russia to Fight NATO By James Reed

The only longer-term winner of the Ukrainian crisis is communist China, which at present is sitting on the sidelines, watching the actions of all parties. It has its own agenda, which is world domination, or at least to be number one in a New World Order founded upon illiberal communism, rather than woke liberal communism. One piece of evidence of this manipulation of Russia, is seen by the mouth piece of the CCP The Global Times, edging Russia on to directly fight NATO. The result will be a win-win for communist China, whichever side merges from the ashes.

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Civilisational Failure By Chris Knight (Florida)

Brett Stevens has given his take on the Ukraine War, being a critic of modernity, both in the NATO Western form, and the illiberal Russian one. Both entities are versions of the New World Order, the main difference being that the West embraces wokeness, while the Russian Asiatic version, merging with the Chinese empire, keeps to traditionalism on the cultural plane. But both the West and the East are now Leftist in their fundamental foundation: “The militant left has seized control of the federal government, the news media, big tech, academia, Hollywood, the Democratic Party, most corporate boardrooms and even some of our top military leaders. The elites atop our nation’s institutions are working hard to redefine America and silence their opponents. They want to end the American experiment and replace it with a woke socialist utopia, and we are sitting around watching it happen.”

Both sides will advance tyranny in the world, but with different degrees of emphasis, and both paradigms are heading towards imminent collapse, he argues.

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The Horseman of Famine Will Ride Again By James Reed

One deeply concerning aspect of the present Ukraine crisis is the impact upon food production, especially for Europe, given that the Ukraine is the bread basket for Western Europe. War in Ukraine, has led to a halt of the 2022 planting season for wheat, corn, soy and other crops. There has also been a blocking of ship movements in the Black Seas, normally used for crop exports. Worse of all is the growing world crisis in fertiliser availability, due to a number of factors including rising fuel costs. Fertiliser costs have tripled, and  supply of fertiliser is growing scarce especially since as Russia has halted fertilizer exports and shut down natural gas pipelines to Western Europe. Food production in modern agricultural systems is totally dependent upon fertiliser, and while this is a product of politics, rather than ecology, it is still real and people can starve to death just as easily. With fuel shortages and rising costs, a perfect storm of misery is being created.

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Deaths and Adverse Effects from VAERs By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is the primary US government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. The most recent data shows a total of 1,151,450 reports of adverse events following Covid vaccines were submitted to VAERS between December 14, 2020, and February 25, 2022. A total of 24,827 reports of deaths, an increase of 425 over the last week, and 200,331 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period. This is up 4,128 compared with last week. It is widely acknowledged that VAERS vastly under-reports, by a factor of at least 41 and perhaps 100, so the deaths and adverse effects are truly staggering.

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The Unfolding of Truth: More Pfizer Documents Released By Chris Knight (Florida)

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a 10,000-page cache of documents pertaining to the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine. The previous smaller drop, as well as a leaked document on adverse effects, were highly revealing, indicating to the vax critics, that the dangers associated with the experimental vaccines were well-known, yet the vaccines were rolled out, and continue to be done. Here is some limited information about the 10,000 pages, but no critics have gone through the lot of it yet. It will be a task of Hercules, but who knows what else will be revealed in due course? We will keep an eye, or two, out for it.

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Putin, the Political Smoke Screen of the Biden Regime! By Chris Knight (Florida)

With Biden crashing in the polls, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine has come at just the right moment for the Demon-rats. Suddenly the sheeple’s minds are on something else. There will be a convenient scapegoat to blame for inflation, exploding fuel costs and the sinking of the US economy. And above all else, if the globalist of the Great Reset are planning a world-wide cyber-attack to shutdown society and add the final furniture to their stage of the New World Order, Russia has supplied, by design or default, the perfect smoke screen.


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Russian Cats, Weapons of War! By Mrs Vera West

One of the absurdities of the present cancellation of Russia came from the International Cat Federation, which issued a statement announcing its shock and horror "that the army of the Russian Federation invaded the Republic of Ukraine and started a war." The cat people have taken action and will not permit "cats bred in Russia to be imported and registered in any FIFe pedigree book outside Russia, regardless of which organization issued its pedigree." As well, cats with Russian exhibitors will not be allowed to register for shows organized outside of Russia. When Vlad heard this news, stroking his white James Bond/Blofield cat, with a diamond necklace, he was shattered, as was his cat, which scratched him, and was then shot by Vlad using his ever-present Luger pistol. He immediately withdrew all troops so that they could go home and comfort their pussy cats. Or, something like that.

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Cancelling Russia By Richard Miller (London)

The war in the Ukraine has taken a road of predictable information attack. Russian media has been censored, with sites like, not a bad source of what Russians think, being blocked by some engines. However, I did manage to get some material from RT before it dropped off, which in the interest of journalistic objectivity, I share. I note that the Russians have responded by blocking things like Facebook, which is not so bad. Anyway, if Big Tech can block Russia, they can block you and me as well, and in fact, do, as the Covid scamdemic shows.


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Dying Alone in Covid Mandate Mad Western Australia! By Mrs Vera West

Another sad story from North Korea, about a terminally ill 47-year-old mother of five who was informed that her children are not allowed to visit her in the hospital, due to Covid mandate restrictions. Wait, my mistake, it is not North Korea, but Western Australia! Not much difference really now, except, North Korea is technologically superior and launches missiles into the sea, while Western Australia just launches its own people into the “sea.”

Note that the entire family is vaccinated, yet the children cannot visit under the hospital’s “red alert” nonsense. It shows that in essence, it is a myth to suppose that the vaccines produce classical “immunity,” as if they did, there should be no transmission problem.

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A Summary of All Covid Vax Shockers in Recent times By Brian Simpson

Here is material from American Greatness, a great blog magazine, although I wonder how long the title will be relevant, if at all. Still for those wanting at this point a convenient summary of all things Covid, which we have covered in specific articles at the blog, here you go.

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Former BlackRock Portfolio Manager Edward Dowd Speaks Out About the Real Motivations Behind the Plandemic By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is revealing, as it is always insightful to have insiders blow the whistle at the big players of the system. Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd has said that the real motivations behind the pandemic, include a global debt problem and an imminent global collapse of the financial industry, which are highly ambitious aims by the globalist elites to say the least. The debt-based financial system is unsustainable and Dowd believes it is on the brink of collapse. The Covid mandate restrictions were a test run for social control, to put into place measures to control the coming collapse, which will be more miserable than Covid for the ordinary people, as this time, their world gets completely shattered. It will be worse than being put into home-based solitary confinement for months.

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The End of Comics By Paul Walker

Chad Berkich debates the question as to whether mainstream comics can be saved. It is perhaps well-known that both Marvel and DC are now going totally woke, adding in gender agenda themes, and everything else. We have seen small bits of this being filtered into the movies, but carefully, because too much too soon, could damage returns, especially in the Chinese market, which has no time for the Western brand of political correctness. China has its own commo brand derived from Mao’s “Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?”


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Mark Skidmore: How Many People Died from the Covid Vaxxes? By Chris Knight (Florida)

For reader interest, here is the abstract to the frequently referenced Mark Skidmore paper, “How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculations? An Estimate Based on a Survey of the United States Population.” Skidmore estimates that 308,000 people may have died from the Covid-19 vaccinations in the US. When deaths that might have happened regardless of the vaccination are removed, this gives an estimate of 294,000 fatalities. The Covid vaxxes are thus the deadliest medical drugs in history.


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A Real Licence to Kill By Chris Knight (Florida)

Move over James Bond, 007, licence to kill. Steve Kirsch raises an important point, that Big pHARMa has been given a licence to kill with its Covid vaxxes. Experimental mRNA technology was raced to market in Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, and big pHARMa got the dream deal of having a shield from legal liability for its vaccines. Now while most critics condemn the vaccine makers, surely under the conditions of Operation Warp Speed, this is exactly what their lawyers would require, for the risk was high that something, many things in fact, could go wrong. Thus, the real fault in the Covid vax story lies with medical technocrats like Fauci, and the politicians like Trump. Trump of all people should be tried for crimes against humanity. Yet vax critics are loath to criticise and condemn this grand traitor.


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China: Sitting on a Mountain Top Watching Two Tigers Destroy Each Other By James Reed

Today at the blog, a lot about China, who is the real winner of the Ukraine War, whatever way it goes. The New York Post is right to sum up the situation by referring to the Chinese stratagem from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War about sitting on a mountain watching tigers fight. Even if one tiger survives and they do not mutually destroy themselves that surviving tiger will be weakened and easier to defeat. China is watching the Ukraine situation, seeing it as a test case for its own coming invasion of Taiwan. This is the big one, which could, through the seizure of the IT, lead to the collapse of Western technology. Such is the folly of globalism and free trade, rejecting self-reliance in favour of making infinitely greedy, criminal psychopathic global elites richer.

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China Knew Alright! By James Reed

It seems obvious to me, but this made the headlines as a big story. China knew that Russia was going to invade Taiwan, sorry wrong invasion, the Ukraine. Being a kind chubby dictator, willing to get on with other Asiatic despots, Putin agreed to hold off the invasion until after the Beijing Winter Olympics, which he appeared to do. More importantly, China in about November or December 2021, began buying all of their Russia-origin cargoes, such as grains, crude oil, and petrochemical products, on a “free on-board origin” basis. This was unusual as China would hold claim to the goods as soon as they were loaded onto the ship, taking all the risk in delivery, indicating that China knew that sanctions would be imposed upon Russia. It all makes sense.

China, in its coming Taiwan invasion is well-prepared for Western sanctions, having already brought up most of the world’s food reserves, because that is the “logic” of globalised free trade. It is the economics of digging your own grave.

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