More on the US-Ukrainian Bioweapons By Richard Miller (London)

What started as a seeming Russian propaganda ploy is turning out to be true, that the US does indeed, or did, have bioweapons facilities in the Ukraine. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on March 8, “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned that Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces, should they approach.” And, approach they will.


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The Science of the Middle-Age Spread By Mrs Vera West

Most middle-age persons blame their gaining of weight upon their alleged slowed down metabolism. However, the latest scientific research indicates that there are not statistically significant changes to human metabolism, at least until about age 60 years. Life style factors are now thought to be more important, such as diet, the quantity and quality of food eaten and probably reduced levels of exercise. So, this is good news for the middle-aged, and no more excuse for slackness!


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Putin and Philosopher Alexandr Dugin By Richard Miller (London)

The media are digging into the philosophical foundations of Putin, and have singled out the Russian philosopher Alexandr Dugin for special criticism. He, as detailed below, is portrayed as a type of neo-Nazi thinker, which is absurd. Dugin is a critic of Western liberalism and wokeness, and sees these diseases as destroying the West. He views the present Ukrainian War as a confrontation with Western globalism, which Russia, he believes, opposes. I see some truth in this, but would apply the same critique to Russia, which as many have argued at the blog, has its own globalist agenda for an illiberal New World Order, under communist China.

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Pfizer Data’s Adverse Effects By Brian Simpson

Pfizer has begun to release more of its vax data, and the material is vast. As yet, no critics have published detailed analyses of the significance of the data, as there are thousands of pages to wade through.  Perhaps in time this will be done, and bomb shells released. Still, an appendix to one report lists around nine pages of adverse effects, with exotic medical conditions most doctors would never have seen. There is also a discussion of autoimmune disorders, now called VAIDS, or vaccine-induced AIDS, which is emerging as one of the biggest concerns for the vaccinated.

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Covid Conspiracies of Mass Murder! By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Covid plandemic is a conspiracy of mass murder. That is the view not from a Right wing anti-vaxxer, but from Left-wing feminist, Dr. Naomi Wolf, who made the comments on Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” program. “What is the crime of murder? And it’s different state by state, but, you know conspiracy to commit murder is pretty loosely defined in California penal code 182, for instance,” Wolf told Bannon. “And now that we’ve seen the Pfizer documents, there are nine pages of harms, all the adverse effects.”

“The fact that people like Rochelle Walensky, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins – all the ‘influencers’ who were paid, as we now know, said ‘safe and effective,’ this needs criminal charges. This could be conspiracy to murder. And members of the media could also be accessories to murder.” Way to go, indeed!

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Blames the Deep State for Ukraine War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I think I saw the entire Declaration by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò at the blog on Wednesday this week, but as it was long, a brief introduction and summary may help readers who have time constraints. The essence is that the Ukrainian War is a Deep State psy op, designed as the next step, after the Covid plandemic to bring in the New World Order. Viganò is sympathetic to Putin, which does give balance. But I see both sides as New World Order players, and Putin, while making sounds for Russian nationalism does not seem to care about nationalism anywhere else, and that makes him just as much a problem. He is firmly with the CCP, who are not our friends by a long shot.

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Taking Nuclear Threats Seriously By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have been covering the thoughts of military and political elites who are taking seriously the prospects of a nuclear war, enliven by Putin’s nuclear threat. US intelligence leaders think that the threat should be seriously considered. But given the level of wokeness among the US military and so-called “intelligence” community, I don’t know what we should make of this. I suppose we will see. But, will we, if the worst-case scenario happens? How will we know that the end is nigh, when the lines of communication go down? Short wave radio? Maybe. There will be no internet, and exciting articles to inform and delight.

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The Death of Scientific Integrity By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch outlines how scientific integrity has died, with examples from the Covid plandemic. The examples are how the mRNA vaxxes are killing teenagers, and how the CDC has been withholding unfavourable vaccine data because it might be misinterpreted, or more accurately, used to criticise the sacred Big pHARMa vaxxes. Indeed, the examples can be generalised. Not only are teenagers dying, but other people of all ages are too, and vax injuries are much higher than reported. But as Kirsch documents, the technocrats are denying this. Likewise, the scientists early in the plandemic rejected the lab leak hypothesis of the origin of Covid-19, even though many held in private that the lab leak hypothesis was more plausible. It was, and still is, about protecting mother China, source of all things Leftist.

“Two recent examples show that scientific integrity is pretty much dead worldwide. There are only a few people left who support these principles and they've been marginalized by all mainstream leaders.


In this article, I am going to show two simple, but very important, examples that I believe prove, without any doubt, that scientific integrity is dead. I cannot explain the lack of outrage from the mainstream scientific community any other way.

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French Hospitals Enriched with Diversity! By Richard Miller (London)

French hospitals are showing the way, that diversity is a strength beyond all else, enriching everything. In fact, according to one version of the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe, originally diversity was concentrated in a space the size of a small multicult city, but the enrichment was so great that it could not be contained, and exploded forth, creating out even richer, and diverse universe!

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NATO Fighting Putin, Now or Later: General Sir Chris Deverell (How about Peace Instead?) By James Reed

Military hawks in the West seem eager to fight Putin, because as they see it, war is inevitable. Thus, former senior British military chief General Sir Chris Deverell has said that imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine could be necessary as the West faces the choice of fighting Putin either now or later. Yes, fine, but say … what if the West loses? Ooops, didn’t think of that.

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The Great Reset Needs War and Economic Chaos to Finally Crush Freedom (If We Let It) By James Reed

Dr Mercola in a now deleted piece, joins up the dots between the Covid plandemic and the present Ukrainian crisis. In short, the Great Reset, to re-create the New World Order along the lines of communist China, was first implemented with the Covid mandates, to get people used to the idea of losing personal freedoms, and to put into place the militarisation of the police to beat the population into line. But, to move the agenda on to the endgame, a war is needed, and the ruling elites love war, the death and destruction makes them, as psychopaths … excited! The coming chaos, mass casualties and financial chaos will make people willing give up all that remains of their freedom so that Big Brother can give them assurances of peace, while genociding them.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has promoted the implementation of digital identification, so that everyone on the planet has a legal, digital identity. This is all part of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals; it is indeed amazing how all these elite organisations dove-tail together! This digital identity will give a record of your behaviour, which can and will be used against you, and the World Economic Forum has stated that this digital identity will determine “what products, services and information we can access — or conversely, what is closed off to us.”

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Does an Electromagnetic Pulse Attack Cometh? By Brian Simpson

I am following material on the net, of various quality, that suggests that now that a war is kicking over, it would be an ideal time for a global, or at least one directed at the West, cyber-attack, not just by the usual IT measures, but by EMP weapons. This was discussed by the World Economic forum, just as pandemic was, and that happened, so as these folks have the power to get their way, maybe a cyber-attack is next on the menu? Still, apart for economic conspiracies, Russia is leading the world in cyber-attack weapons, and if Putin ends up in as corner, it may prove irresistible to use them. Who knows?

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China and Russia’s New World Order By James Reed

The Epoche, is good for critiques of the CCP, material the mainstream, CCP-influenced lame stream media does not touch. Here is good coverage of the China-Russia version of the New World Order, one which is illiberal to the core, with individual freedom basically non-existent. In may respects though, this is the same model that the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum is aiming to as well, where you will own nothing, and be unhappy. A test run for this has been done with the Covid mandates, which showed most people are social conformists at the level of bees and social insects, not higher organisms like sheep. How else to explain the nasty mechanical responses at the grass roots street level to the unvaxxed, who have become social outcasts, all for a system that bows to the great idols of Big pHARMa?

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Global Gender Equity Goes Cheap at $ 2.6 Billion By Mrs Vera West

With record numbers of homeless people across the West, especially in America, sleeping rough in banged together shelters, not even having access to toilets, one would have thought that $ 2.6 billon would go a long way to alleviating the plight of the ultra-poor. And, then there are the poor in Africa, lacking even clean drinking water. But for the Biden regime, on March 8, International Women’s Day, that sum of money is being allocated for the gender agenda. Yes, really. The mind of the Left never ceases to amaze me. Everything is done to get maximum brownie points from the New Class for woke projects, where they can push their noses into the swill trough.

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Lab, Not Markets, the Origin of Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

We have covered the debate about the lab origin versus the market bat soup position of SARS-CoV-2, in numerous articles at this blog. Earlier, scientists proclaimed the market bat soup view, mainly because Trump was championing the Wuhan CCP lab hypothesis. Recently it has been revealed that some of the original team had undeclared conflicts of interest. As well, other media items have stated that many scientists thought that the lab hypothesis was true, but still publicly advocated for the market bat soup view. Molecular biological evidence accumulated against the market bat soup view, including the extreme improbability that the furin site which made the virus so contagious, arose by chance. It had all the markings of being produced by gain-of -function research, which was done with coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab, with US-grant funding. There are now mainstream books about this.

But in science there are few absolutes (excluding absolute zero temperature), at least in epidemiology. A recently released paper has claimed though that the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan was the epicentre of the outbreak, not the amplifier:

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A Sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus’ Spike Protein is a 100 Percent Match to a Modified Messenger RNA (mRNA) Sequence Patented by Moderna in 2016! By Brian Simpson

An article published in the journal, Frontiers in Virology claims to have discovered that a sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ spike protein is a 100 percent match to a modified messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence patented by Moderna in 2016. This is the human DNA repair gene called MSH3, found in SARS-CoV-2’s furin cleavage site in the spike protein.  Here is smoking gun evidence of a lab origin of Covid-19, since the probability of this happening by chance, is vanishingly small.


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The Curtain Close on Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has hosted a panel of experts including Joe Ladapo, Robert Malone, Martin Kulldorff, Jay Bhattacharya, and other discussing the Covid pandemic response. It will be censored by the ‘Tube soon, so have a look. It is very comprehensive aspects of the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines.

Russia Says, Goodbye Internet By Richard Miller (London)

Russia is not only blocking things like Facebook, but there is a claim that it will move off of the conventional internet on March 11, 2022, with all servers and domains to be transferred to the Russian zone. Some of the very paranoid see this of one sign of a coming massive global cyber-attack, as forerun in Operation Cyber polygon of the World Economic forum. Well, if it is true, readers will have to go without our insightful articles until the net and all things electronic get up, if ever. Meanwhile we will stumble around in the dark, and not even be able to flush the toilet. London is going to get mighty smelly, thirsty and hungry.

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Russia Says US Destroyed Evidence of a Bioweapons Program in the Ukraine By Richard Miller (London)

This has been mentioned in a number of alternative news sources since it was stated by the Russian Defense Ministry: that the Ukrainian government ordered the destruction of samples of plague, anthrax, and other lethal pathogens from US-funded laboratories near the Russian border. You have to admit that having this biological time bomb sitting on one’s border would make anyone nervous, especially given the likely lab leak of Covid-19, showing how easy it is, to leak. Who knows what gain-of-function research was carried out there?

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The Declaration of Msgr Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, on the Russia-Ukraine Crisis By James Reed

Msgr Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop, has published a Declaration, giving the Russian side of things in the present Ukrainian crisis. The key argument for the Russian invasion is existential defence, that Russia will face, with the Ukraine in NATO, hostile forces right up to its borders, not unlike having Soviet missiles in Cuba. The main issue here is that having missiles that close makes it much more difficult to shoot them down, thus creating an incentive for a first strike.


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