Fumbling CDC, in Covid Daze By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola in a now deleted article, documents how CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky did some of her “research.” Apparently, she learned of the Pfizer shot efficacy data from CNN, which used a republished press release from the pharmaceutical company itself. In one discussion she showed that she was unaware that the virus may mutate, or that the vaccine would not be effective against mutations, which also seems to be common faith among the medical establishment.


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Strange “Coincidences” with the First Major Polio Outbreak By Chris Knight (Florida)

This was something I was not aware of, and is a strange coincidence, perhaps. Just as Covid was first detected in Wuhan, home of a lab doing experiments on the family of coronaviruses, the first major polio outbreak occurred a few streets away from a Rockefeller lab that was doing gain-of-function research on the polio virus. Surely the virus did not “accidentally” walk out the front door? Maybe the back door!


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Why Some People Don’t Get Covid Infections By Brian Simpson

Some people do not contract the dreaded Covid, which from the hysteria and social freak-out seen in the past two years, one would have thought was a new Black Death, which, of course, it is far from. But, in a study done in the UK, which somehow got ethics approval, 36 unvaxxed adults were infected with a variant of Covid through the nose. The results: none of these people got seriously ill, and only half of the people got infected at all. The reason, it was hypothesised, was that natural immunity kicked in. Those who did not get infected most likely were protected by their first line of immune defence, the innate immune system, with mucosal projection in the airways simply preventing the virus even getting into the rest of the body. For people who are not a risk category, a sane society would have encouraged natural immunity, rather than sacrificing everything on the altar of Big pHARMa.


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No Male, So No Rape (Only Transperson) By Richard Miller (London)

A hospital here in Britain has made news proclaiming that an alleged rape did not take place in a single sex ward because no male was present. There was, however, a transperson with, presumably functional male genitals. Under the law such a person could still be convicted of rape. But, I suppose, it did not look good for the gender agenda, so the denial when the hospital could have said: yes, the CCTV evidence plus victim testimony does indicate a transperson raping a non-transperson, formerly known as women. Wokeness always trumps protection of mainstream people, under the law, or what was once the law.


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A Midwest Doctor on the Limits of Vaccines By Chris Knight (Florida)

The anonymous Mid-West doctor has just got started posting critical vax material, but what is up now is excellent. He/she has two very good articles debunking some of the alleged previous “successes” of the vaccine movement, including the past small pox vaccine, which was similar to the present Covid controversies. I did not know that the small pox vaccine campaigns were also a disaster, but the case is made in the material below, with much historical material disappearing down the memory hole to serve the interests of Big PHARMa.  I think though that the present situation with the Covid mRNA vaxxes, being so widespread in rollout, makes matters many times worse. There was no depopulation agenda with the small pox vax, as the Grand Agenda was only getting warmed up, then.


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“The New York Times” Admits Hunter Biden Laptop Authentic By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The New York Times is now admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop is authentic, after, along with almost all of the establishment, dismissing its revelations as Russian misinformation, as Russia is the ultimate fall guy for the US elites. Conveniently this was done at the time of the 2020 US election, and a fair media coverage and investigation would have reached that conclusion them. But, just like the lab leak hypothesis for Covid, which was also dismissed, it was an inconvenient truth, since it would have harmed the Biden campaign. But, I doubt it would have prevented old Joe getting in, since the electoral fraud machine was so powerful, that senile Joe would have been elected even if only his wife had voted for him! Seriously though, what more evidence is needed that the system is irreparably corrupt?


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George Christensen on the Tyranny of the Digital Identity System By James Reed

George Christensen has been doing mighty fine work, and one thing he is pursuing now is the coming tyranny of the digital identity system. Australians once fought against an Australian Card, and defeated it, but in the manic age of IT and rogue computerisation, the elites have the power to control beyond the technical capacity of past tyrants, and will do so unless stopped. While my faith in the population, over the Covid vaxxes, I must admit is at an all-time low, the social control that will flow from digital identities is as major concern, moving us into the mode of dystopian movies, and people must be motivated to act. In principle, as we saw with the cancellation of the Canadian truckers, on-line services such as banking are now under control and people can be cancelled if their politics are contrary to the madmen in power. Digital identity, controlled by a central New World Order authority, as the World Economic Forum want, will push this to the next level. Oppose it! George tells us how.


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From the Left; on the Likelihood of Nuclear War By James Reed

Obviously enough, people like me are have not an atom of leftism in their bodies, being right wing conservatives right down to the quark level. But, that does not mean that we should ignore what the Left are saying, as at the cultural level they have power, while we do not. Hence, I follow some Left wing thinkers to keep an eye on the state of play. People like Umair Haque. In a recent piece, which I had a bit of trouble following he seems to be saying, correct me if I am wrong, that  he favours a harder line approach to Putin, since de-escalation, negotiation and deterrence have failed. He thinks a no-fly zone may not lead to nuclear war, but he gives no evidence of this, and it is a hell of a way of finding this out by trying it. Anyway, this is one view from the Left, that sees Putin as engaging in Russian imperialism, and the quest to re-start the old USSR. I am far from convinced by any argument given, but the article does raise the point that powers can drift into bad situations like nuclear war, from indecisive policies. Or as I see it, from following the policies of the Left.


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A Horror Story from South Australia By James Reed

Well, the South Australian election is now over and forgotten, and the Tweddle Dum Party defeated the Tweddle Dumber party. It is predictable the way the sheeple vote; terrorised by the left or right party, in name only, since they are all one team, the sheeple get hit with the right fist, then turn their head next voting day, to get hit with the left. There could have been an awaking, since many independents, some anti-mandates, stood, but did not get elected. Thus, it will be more of the same, and probably worse, as the general public, which is being ethno-racially replaced anyway by the diverse, do not learn, even in the face of impending oblivion. All vaxxed up, they are trundling, zombie-like into the next stage of the Covid New World Order. But, don’t worry, there will be a happy ending, for the good guys win in the end. Isn’t that what the great play script of reality says? Sure thing.

Disclaimer: Much of this diatribe is my Adelaide brother John’s lamentation to me on the blower on election night after he had started drinking, and unlike his older brother, yours truly, he seldom drinks, and cannot hold his grog. He said that this world is now so depressing that it is enough to drive a tea-tootler to drink. Or, to write blog pieces.

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Covid Things that Require an Explanation By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch is fast becoming my favourite Covid vax critic, after Dr Robert Malone of course, as he has the gift of cutting to the chase in breezy, but hard-hitting articles. Here is his list of concerning covid things, that the mainstream is struggling to explain. Actually, since they control the narrative, there is not any struggle, they simply do not explain, treating us plebs with the contempt we do not deserve.


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Trust Me, I am From Big Pharma and am Here to Help! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Sure they are; just ask the FBI; I found this little gem on the FBI archives, which does plenty for me on the question of trust. I mean to say, who would not want to buy a used car from these folks? Yep, I am in line, sleeve all rolled up!


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The Ukraine: Epicentre of World Money Laundering By James Reed

Shari Goodman writing at Wnd.com, draws our attention to what the Ukraine was prior to the Russian attack. The Ukraine was a money laundering nexus, as well as a place where the US Deep State could try out things that would be more difficult to conduct on US mainland soil, such as the extensive network of bioweapons labs.  The sons of Democrats in leadership positions, such as Biden, Pelosi and Kerry, either sat on the boards of energy companies in Ukraine or were doing business in Ukraine. These business deals were highly suspicious and Ukrainian prosecutor, Kostiantyn Kulyk, opened an investigation into the business dealings of Burisma where Hunter Biden, who had no energy experience, sat on the board. At the time, Joe Biden, as vice president, threatened to withhold financial aid to the Ukraine and said so on camera. This was an abuse of office that should have led to his impeachment, but being from the Left means that the law is there for you to break with no concern. More may finally be coming out about the Hunter Biden deals now that the laptop from hell revelations are accepted by the mainstream media, but, in this age of near total corruption, who knows?


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Deception as a Way of Life in the Post-Truth Covid Era By Chris Knight (Florida)

Why has the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  removed tens of thousands of deaths linked to Covid-19, which includes around a quarter of deaths it had listed in those under 18 years old? Why list those deaths in the first place? “Data on deaths were adjusted after resolving a coding logic error. This resulted in decreased death counts across all demographic categories,” the CDC says on the site. That is not good enough, and in this vital area, should not occur at all. However, as reported by the great Epoche Times.com, this is far from a satisfactory state of affairs, as the previous death tolls from Covid have been used for political purposes to push an aggressive vaccine campaign for young people and children. Then the goal posts get changed, in mid-game, so to speak. One could be forgiven for thinking that it is politics, not epidemiology at work here.


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The Wokeness of Contemporary Mathematics, and its End By Brian Simpson

Before I resigned as a high school teacher, refusing to get vaxxed, I taught mathematics, among other things, doing Year 12 in one mad stint. At the time I saw political correctness flow into the schools, big time, but I thought that maths would be safe from the Left. But that is not so, at least in the wider world. There have been claims that mathematics is racist because most of the past creations and innovations have been by whites. So what? But the main concern is that the Left start operating as gate keepers, cancelling any mathematicians who does not conform to their agenda. As the Left are basically morons this cancellation process, if successful, will lead to a fall in productivity, as the engine of maths creativity grinds to a halt.


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Is NATO Ready to Begin World War III, and Lose? By James Reed

The alternative media is reporting on the significance of NATO calling up hundreds of thousands of troops, claiming that this is a sure sign that World War III is beginning. Perhaps … wars are always a good time for the elites to cull out the white race … look at what the last two did. Still, I think a more certain sign would be conscription. Maybe if it was done right this could all be for the best. Feminists should be conscripted to show that women can do everything just as well as men, including, be blown to pieces. Western armies should be full of Left-wing academics; don’t worry nothing will happen, bad, as bullets and bombs are social constructions.


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Referee Whistle Syndrome, the Killer, not the Covid Vax! By Chris Knight (Florida)

I had not heard of this latest piece of bs until reading the Natural News.com article about Referee Whistle Syndrome (RWS) which the mainstream media is advancing as a way of explaining peak athletes collapsing on the field. It seems that noise has something to do with it. But, this is testable, for there may well be cases of athlete collapse not involving bells and whistles. Still this is only substituting one mystery for another, for why would whistle noise, that has been common in sports for at least 100 years, now suddenly cause heart attacks? A more likely explanation is that it is the Covid vaxxes. Bells and whistles are just extras!


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Edward Dowd, Formerly of Wall Street, on the Covid Fraud By Chris Knight (Florida)

When former elites from the outer circle of the great spiral of elites, speak out about the Covid plandemic, we should take note. This has occurred with former Wall Street financial guru Edward Dowd speaking out on the Covid agenda. Dowd is no Dissent Righter, as he used to manage portfolios for the multinational investment firm BlackRock, which is as close to the centre of action as we would see. Dowd is particularly concerned about young people dropping like flies, more than 61,000 excess deaths between March 2021 and February 2022, which is, to change the metaphor, a Vietnam War event. He does not see any way of accounting for this excess mortality other than from the Covid vaccines. He wants to see a public debate about this, but, as predicted, the establishment is silent.


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Many Americans Not Afraid of Nuclear War By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some news from the pro-Russian site RT.com, just for the sake of balance. I did not see this in my usual sources, so it was worth setting off numerous alarms, and getting black helicopters circling over the valley, just to read this. It seems that the majority of American see the Ukrainian conflict as a threat to US interests. However, more than a third would support US intervention, even if it led to a full-scale nuclear war. Did these brain death think about the possibility that they might become targets, or die from fallout? No, by definition they are brain dead, probably from vax overload. I would have been more concerned if the majority felt this way.


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The Transgender Swimmer Controversy By Mrs Vera West

First, it was weight lifters, now it is swimmers that are causing controversies in women’s sport, or what was formerly women’s sport. Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, has been smashing women’s swimming contests across America. Only Lia was a man a few years ago, and still has a penis, but presumably is taking androgen supressing drugs. Still, I have seen videos of women swimmers saying that this is unfair competition, since Thomas still has natural advantages from male bone structure and muscle development. I agree, but in the short term there seems to be nothing to stop this. We will see the end of women’s sports if the present social construction of gender thing is taken to its bitter conclusion. Biological men could in principle wake up one day, and just define themselves as women and go out and conquer. My grandson trained at a gym which had monthly contests. A transgender person objected to having separate male and female contests. Thus, to prove a point, my grandson contested the once female contest, and smashed everything up on the board. After that the monthly contests were abandoned.


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Trump on the Latest in the Hunter Biden Email Revelations By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Former president Donald Trump has, as expected, waded into the controversy over the New York times admitting that the emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop are authentic, seeing it as a grand cover-up. During the 2020 election the mainstream media, Democrats, and the so-called intelligence community called it all Russian misinformation.  Of course, this was part of the Great Electoral Fraud, to disguise any corruption that would have damaged Joe Biden. It shows the depth of evil of the system and I suspect that this is the same right across the West.


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