The Military Vaccine Proxy: Are 60 Percent of VAERS Death Reports Causal? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mathew Crawford in the discussion below, summarises work done by computational biologist Dr Jessica Rose about the VAERS data relating to the US military and adverse effects. “There are approximately 126,000 people serving in the U.S. military age 40 or above, and many of those are in positions of leadership. VAERS reports, which are notoriously undercounted, have been submitted for 3.7% of them. And 23% of the 9,428 AEs reported to VAERS for military personnel are severe (this is a much higher reporting rate than the public indicating that VAERS is likely undercounting hundreds of thousands of serious AEs at the very least). If those serious AEs are spread evenly among the age groups, that means around 1062 of those age 40 or above have suffered serious adverse events during the mass experimental quasi-vaccine campaign. But the number is likely higher, perhaps even in excess of 1% of the senior military staff!” This is showing a surprising level of adverse effects. It is highly likely that soldiers would be less likely that civilians to report adverse effects from vaccines, given their trained level of obedience to authority, so the actual stats would be much worse. This is another telling piece of evidence indicating that the covid vaxxes are an unmitigated disaster.

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An Early Version of Covid was Discovered in a Chinese Lab By Brian Simpson

Now even the lab leak hypothesis of the origin of Covid is getting mainstream media coverage, where less than a year ago, it was in the land of tin foil hat conspiracies. There is a report from scientists in Hungary, who found traces of a unique variant of coronavirus while examining DNA from soil from Antarctica. This had been sent to the firm Sangon Biotech in Shanghai. Also found was genetic material from Chinese hamsters and green monkeys. While not conclusive proof, this does give some evidence that the virus was being studied in a lab, rather than naturally evolving, as in the bat soup hypothesis. The media report is by the Daily

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An Unjust Law is No Law at All By Charles Taylor (Florida)


Ryan McMaken, “In the Age of Covid, We're Reminded an Unjust Law Is No Law at All,” at, gives a grand philosophical argument against the mainstream objection to all forms of Covid mandate protests, why, that’s illegal! He makes the case, made by social reformers in the past, that those challenging unjust laws throughout history, were breaking the black letter law, but were acting not as anarchists, but in line with a higher natural law, such as preserving the right of life and liberty, what I would call the law of God. Protests against forced, or blackmailed medical procedures, is a point in case. The moral point would hold even if the vaxxes had no adverse effects, and were totally safe, which they are not, as discussed today at the blog as well.

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UK: The Pandemic of Mental Health By Richard Miller (London)

One of the consequences of the Covid lockdowns has been a surge in mental illness cases, across the West. In the UK, for example, millions of patients suffering from depression, anxiety, psychosis and eating disorders, are lined up waiting for mental health service care. The heads of the NHS Confederation and the Royal College of Psychiatrists have told The Guardian newspaper that 1.6 million were waiting for specialised treatment and there are another eight million who cannot get on the waiting list but would benefit from mental health care. It is a second pandemic, one very real.


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Canadian Police, Not Horsing Around By Chris Knight (Florida)

The incident where a gung-ho New World Order cop on a horse, rode down and injured an old woman was captured on film, and is now a viral video. Claims that the woman was killed have been rebutted. But the Canadian police claim that the woman did not suffer serious injury. We can see the lie on the video and other evidence of her state. Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU), is supposedly looking into the matter, but cops, or cop-like entities, investigating members of their own tribe is never grand.

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The Gift of the GAB! By James Reed

Here is some positive, hopeful news. The free speech social media network Gab has announced the launch of a “Parallel Economy Fund” to back tech start-ups and other ventures that will oppose the surveillance economy of mainstream Big Tech. The Parallel Economy Fund will have an interest in investing in the following worthy areas: Making Bitcoin more user friendly and privacy focused for everyday use; Censorship resistant shipping & logistics; 3D Printed 2nd Amendment protection; Decentralized Christian healthcare options; Software for home-schooling parents; Distributed pasture grazed meat distribution and butchering; Christian Entertainment/Content; Mesh networks, radio technology, and alternative forms of off grid communication; Technology for Churches and planting Churches, and Christian AirBnb.

It is a fine start at fighting back against the utter tyranny that Big Tech has become.

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Biden’s Woke Pentagon: Fight China by Becoming China! By James Reed

What chance has the US, and by implication, Australia, have of stopping the relentless march of China, when there is treason from within? What else can one call the Pentagon hosting an event, “the case for global justice and democratic socialism” as a means to combat China’s rise? The event, titled, “Responding to China: The Case for Global Justice and Democratic Socialism,” is being hosted by the Institute for National Strategic Studies, a department of the National Defense University. Thomas Piketty, a French economist, is the speaker, and is author of the book, Time for Socialism.  He is set to argue “that the right answer” to addressing China’s rise “lies in ending Western arrogance and promoting a new emancipatory and egalitarian horizon on a global scale, a new form of democratic and participatory, ecological and post-colonial socialism.” “If they stick to their usual lecturing posture and a dated hyper-capitalist model, Western countries may find it extremely difficult to meet the Chinese challenge.”

In other words, surrender now and avoid the rush, later!

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Professor to be Prosecuted for Investigating Migrant Rapes! By Richard Miller (London)

In a once normal world, an academic reporting on a rape problem and its associated demographic, would be seen to be providing a public service. But today, in the great Replacement, where the white race is slowly being culled out, passively, and often actively, this is not so. The racial Other must be elevated, even if what were once crimes are committed. An academic in Sweden shows that the majority of all rapes were committed by immigrants. That is either true or not, a supposed matter of fact. But the woke Swedish system is moving to criminally prosecute her! That is the true meaning of post-truth, where what counts over facts, is woke ideology.

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Covid Vaccine Side Effects are Not Rare By Brian Simpson

According to the mainstream Covid narrative, Covid vaccine side effects are rare. But what is “rare”? An answer comes from the Israeli Ministry of Health who did a proactive survey of people who got the booster rather than using a passive surveillance system like the health agencies of other governments. It was found, among other things, that: 0.3 percent of people reported hospitalization as a result of the adverse effects; 4.5 percent of respondents reported neurological problems; nearly 10 percent of women under age of 54 had disruptions to their menstrual cycle, and approximately 25 percent of people with pre-existing auto-immune disorders, depression or anxiety reported a worsening of their symptoms following the booster.


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The CDC Admits Withholding Covid Data about Breakthrough Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths By Chris Knight (Florida)

Normally we qualify these sort of exposure articles by saying that the mainstream media has not covered the topic and if by chance it has been mentioned by them, then the obscuring false news twist has been given. For example, the phenomenon of collapsing athletes is never mentioned in the context of Covid vax adverse effects.

However, an exception exists to almost every rule. A breaking story is reported by The New York Times, that the CDC has been collecting detailed data about Covid infections that breaks down by age, race, and vaccination status, but has purposefully suppressed the information from the public over fears that it would be “misinterpreted” and cause “vaccine hesitancy.”

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The Sudden Deaths of Athletes: Not a Covid Mystery By Chris Knight (Florida)

Along with the sudden deaths of teenage males from heart conditions, once viewed as exceedingly rare, we have the phenomenon of peak-fit athletes collapsing during games, and some dying of heart conditions. This too, rarely occurred, but now, since the vaccine roll-out, it has become common. Matt Le Tissier, a soccer legend, lost his job as a sports commentator for speaking out and bringing attention to the large number of unexplained sudden cardiac deaths happening to professional and amateur athletes around the world. “I’ve never seen anything like it. I played for 17 years. I don’t think I saw one person in 17 years have to come off the football pitch with breathing difficulties, clutching their heart, heart problems.”  … “The last year, it’s just been unbelievable how many people, not just footballers but sports people in general, tennis players, cricketers, basketball players, just how many are just keeling over. And at some point, surely you have to say this isn’t right, this needs to be investigated.”

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The Autopsies of Vaccinated Teens By Mrs Vera West

The two teenaged boys who both had their second jabs of the Pfizer vax, died from the condition of catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy, caused by the vaccine. The two boys had smouldering, catastrophic heart injuries with no symptoms. As with the case of peek fit athletes collapsing on the field, there seems to be cases of Covid vax adverse effects on the heart that are manifested either when the body is put under stress, or some other diseases is contracted, such as the flu. This raises the scenario of a ticking covid vax time bomb, that could explode under specific conditions.

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Covid-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group Reveals Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality is Equal to or Greater than the Risk of a COVID death for all Age Groups Under 80 Years Old By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch at his blog, reports on as non-peer reviewed paper by  Stephanie Seneff and Kathy Dopp, which analyses official UK and Us dagtas and concludes that: “all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death. All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk.” Hence the vaxxes are less that worthless, and are actually making things worse. Nut not worse for big pHARMa, who continue to pull in record profits.


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Punishing the Victim in the Great Replacement By Richard Miller (London)

The classic ideal of self-defence was that in the case of a woman facing rape by a male, if she used a weapon to defend herself, then good for her. Imagine a world where the female victim, if white and attacked by a non-white immigrant, gets hit by a charge for bodily harm! That is the case in an insane place called Vienna, that was once a part of Western civilisation. It means that it is a type of open season on white women, who become harvestable food, like ducks. Hopefully civilisational collapse will put such woke liberalism out of its misery before the white tribe disappears.

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The Strange Fibrous Clots Saga By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, in a now deleted post, gives a good coverage of the saga of the clots that embalmers, primarily in the US, are discovering in the bodies of deceased people. Most of these people had died of heart conditions. These clots, which have only been observed since the Covid vax roll-out, fill the veins and arteries, making embalming difficult. There are reports that at least 50 percent of examined corpses have these clots. To date, the lame stream media, and the tribe of scientists, have ignored this phenomenon.  It could be the early signs of a type of I am Legend Covid catastrophe.

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Ever-Expanding LGBTQ + By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I predict, given present trends (discussed below), that before I die in a few years’ time, heterosexual non-binary people will be as rare as hen’s teeth in the West. Then, after the collapse of the West by 2030, the rise of China to world dominance and its collapse a few years’ later, then the Africanisation/Islamisation of the world, all of this radical deconstruction will be forgotten, along with everything about the West. The academic postmodern and gender studies texts would have long ago been used as fuel by the few remaining hobos, to heat up 44-gallon drums, to keep themselves from hypothermia in bitterly cold global cooling nights.

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Death in Teens After the Pfizer jab By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is yet another story of Covid vax tragedy, as two teenage boys died suddenly after second doses of Pfizer’s goo. The deaths were discussed in an academic paper in The Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, the abstract appearing below. “The myocardial injury seen in these post-vaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy. Understanding that these instances are different from typical myocarditis and that cytokine storm has a known feedback loop with catecholamines may help guide screening and therapy.”

We are supposed to not be concerned that so many young people are dying or getting injured from the qaxx. Once there would be a public outrage about this, but most people have been reduced to the social conformity level of bees. Fortunately, as the freedom truckers and other protests show, not all have surrendered their humanity.

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Bill Gates on the “Pandemics” to Come By James Reed

Bill Gates, who has remarkable prediction abilities all-round, and extraordinary foresight regarding plagues, has told us that another pandemic is on the globalist Great Reset drawing board, I mean, being hatched in bat soup. The good thing is that the pathogen this time will be different from Covid, because variety is the spice of life. Perhaps the friendly CCP will release some new genetically engineered variety of haemorrhagic fever, as one Chinese informant claims, where in fine Hollywood zombie apocalypse style, people will collapse and die in the street becoming bleeding messes. Then the demand for eternal lockdowns, without supermarket visits, or medicine, but still a little air, will go out. Big Tech will get even richer. And big pHARMa will roll out its next vax; the Chinese are already prepared for haemorrhagic fever. It is a fun world, that the elites are riding all the way to Armageddon.

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The Campaign to Cancel J. K. Rowling By Mrs Vera West

  1. K. Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter, spoke out some time back about the present woke drive to cancel women in favour of the transgendered, in areas such as what was once women’s sport. And she was herself cancelled, or the attempt to do so got under way. The following story is about how a new advertising campaign by the New York Timesspotlights a subscriber named “Lianna” who would like to see Rowling cancelled from the Harry Pottercanon. “Lianna”  appears to be transgender or gender non-binary, as is the thing nowadays. The incredible thing is that Rowling “loves” trans people and only claims to be defending women. That is how far things have gone; there is equality in the 1960s idealistic sense, no more. It is significant that an older generation of old left feminists, have also suffered the same fate.

“A new advertising campaign by the New York Times is embracing the transgender community’s ongoing attacks on author J.K. Rowling by spotlighting a subscriber named “Lianna” who would like to see Rowling erased from the Harry Potter canon.

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The Battle for Canada Ends; Now the Battle for Middle Earth Begins By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Canadian truckers’ freedom convoy has been broken as militarised police were out with the weapons of civilian war, rubber bullets, horses to trample old ladies and the usual brutality. It has been noticed across the world, with Cristian Terhes, a Romanian MEP,  denouncing the “tyrannical actions” of Prime Minister Trudeau. Still it was a brave show of defiance, and there are still things that can be done which I have been recommending since the 2020 stolen election, such as a mass strike, not so easy to run down with a horse. The US truckers are set to go through the same nasty business, as clearly Biden put Justin black face up to the martial law stunt. Maybe they will do a bit more lateral thinking now rather than walk into the same trap.


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