The Xi-Putin Version of the New World Order By Chris Knight (Florida)

As we are seeing a world battle about the direction the New World Order will take, a division between the Wet and East, I had hoped to find some insights from Putin about this position. But the Kremlin web site has now been blocked! However, I did find a great analysis by Brett Stevens detailing what the Eastern view of the New World Order entails. It is pretty much the same as the West, but illiberal, and dominated by China. All of it is centralised tyranny that must be fought to the last breath.

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Patrick J. Buchanan on the Nuclear Strike Scenario By James Reed

Given that the Ukrainian War is part of a New World Order agenda to decide in part whether globalism goes the woke liberal Western road or the illiberal Eastern, Asian road, is nuclear war unthinkable? Patrick J. Buchanan gives some scenarios where such a war might happen. Putin might actually lose, with Russia’s costs becoming too great. This loss would severely damage him, maybe even leading to his personal destruction, so he could take the nuclear hard road.

Behind all of this is China, which after its release of the Wuhan flu is sitting back, watching its latest strategy of having two competing super powers move to destroy each other, unfold.

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The TGA Health Influencer Ban By Mrs Vera West

Readers who are involved in the alternative health industry need to be aware of about the new regulations the TGA has on what you can say on social media about therapeutic goods, which it regulates. "Not all information released to the public about therapeutic goods is advertising. However, if information you release intends (from the end viewer's point of view) to directly or indirectly promote the use or supply of a therapeutic good then we would likely consider it to be advertising and it must meet legislative requirements as set out in Act and the Code (see Advertising and the Act)."


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Whistle-Blower Lawsuit Alleging Fraud During Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine Trials Moves Ahead By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Another piece of good news. Brook Jackson in January 2021 sued Pfizer and two companies the drugmaker contracted with to work on the trials: Ventavia Research Group and ICON PLC. Jackson worked for Ventavia for a brief period in 2020. She was then fired after she filed a complaint with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over alleged improprieties she observed during these vaccine trials.


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Trump on the Question of Borders By Chris Knight (Florida)

Trump, remember him(?), has recently said something smart about borders, which he should have been doing every day. Anyway, he noted that the Democrats, or Demoncrats, are doing cartwheels about Putin’s volition of the sovereignty of the Ukraine, but are happy to aid in the invasion of illegal aliens into the US through the southern border. Of course, the difference is, that the southern invasion is part of the Great Replacement, to speed up the already coming of a white minority America. The Ukrainian War, serves other sinister New World order purposes. Easy to understand, painful to live with.

Breitbart has reported  that “President Joe Biden’s pro-migration homeland security agency is quietly preparing to open the nation’s borders and jobs to economic migrants who claim to be stateless.” This step “comes amid a lobbying campaign by pro-migration groups to create a border doorway for people who claim to have no national home. The lobbying campaign is symbolized by United Stateless, which is funded by various pro-migration groups, including George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.” All of the usual boys are busy at work, deconstructing America.

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Suing Trudeau By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is always good to see the bad guys get sued, not that it usually yields a positive outcome, but it is still good for morale. Thus, The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCC) is suing the Canadian federal government on behalf of four Canadians for its “abuse” of using the Emergencies Act (EA) to penalise truckers who oppose Covid mandates. The JCCF is to argue that the Emergencies Act was “unconstitutional and an excessive use of Executive Power, not authorized by the law in the circumstances.” Thus, use of the Act saw that people donating money to the truckers had bank accounts frozen and seized, without judicial authorization or a review process. This process used laws that normally only apply to terrorists and enemy nations, thus making Canadian citizens terrorists and enemies of the state merely for making democratic protests against tyrannical laws. Hopefully this will be a win for the JCCF.

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British Chief Spook Says LGBT+ Rights are What Distinguishes Us from Putin! And in a Sense He is Right! By Richard Miller (London)

That sounds like something rolled out from a sociology or cultural studies department at one of our decadent universities. But, not so. Richard Moore, chief of MI6, the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, wrote that LGBT+ rights” are the most important “values and hard won freedoms” distinguishing “us” from Russian President Vladimir Putin. He tweeted, “With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022.”

This is in fact true, as the only real difference between the corrupt regimes of the West, and the East now, is the woke agendas. The Asiatic version of  New World Order globalism is opposed to some aspects of political correctness such as the gender agenda, while the West swallows it all, hook, line, sinker, and fishing boat too! So, in a nutshell, the present war comes down to being, to woke or not to woke. Neither side will preserve our God-given freedoms.

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Thousands of Mules Dropping Harvested Ballots! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

For those interested in seeing 2020 US electoral fraud in action, here is a link of a video showing mules dropping harvested ballots, we can be sure were all for shonky Joe Biden. Democracy? What democracy?

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Shortages: From Fertiliser to Computer Chips By Brian Simpson

Before the Ukrainian war, there was an acute shortage crisis, felt mainly in the US, but it was beginning to impact upon Australia, as seen in rising prices. This will now intensify as wars are always bad for consumers. Petrol prices are going up, and that means transport costs increasing, and hence a flow-on effect upon everything, such as food. I notice that despite the main supermarkets crowing about keeping prices down, nothing seems to be down, and everything rises a little with each shop. I eat less now, seeking out cheaper food since I lost my high school teaching position for refusing to get vaxxed. But I was only a few years off retirement anyway, and my wife works and does not yet need to be vaxxed, having her own small health food/vitamin business, bless her.  

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Triple Vaxxed Big pHARMa Executive with a Conscience … Incredible! By Chris Knight (Florida)

A tripled vaxxed Big Pharma executive has told the world why he quit as a top-level executive, forfeiting millions of dollars in future earnings. The reasons, in short are that the mandate system is immoral and anti-science, something the vax critics have also been saying. The former executive was concerned in the main with the vax mandate policy of his corporation, requiring mandatory vaccination, something the Supreme Court of the United States has now struck down. But the stand was not for nothing, and was made for principle and rightness.

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Hillary Clinton and Bankers Against Cryptocurrencies By James Reed

To see where things are going, it is always a good idea to look at what the likes of Obama and Clinton are up to, lower-level elites who give the game away because they love talking. Thus, Hillary Clinton late last year was at a panel at the Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore, and apart from blasting Putin, raged against cryptocurrencies, which she saw as “destabilising” nations. By that she really meant, posing a threat to the mainstream financial system, which the existing elites control in their centralised fashion.


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Retreatism as the System Collapses By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US is usually ahead of the curve of all trends bad, so Aussies should pay attention to our plight to see what lies ahead. One trend to note is a growing movement of retreatism, as people move out from the major cesspool cities to find some regional centres, slightly more human friendly, which is not hard to do given how degraded most major US cities now are. But the retreat from mainstream society gained momentum from the Covid lockdowns, where even getting medical services became difficult. People have been forced to adapt, and most have found that living outside of the system, to various degrees, is not only possible, but much healthier too with crime spiralling of of control.

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Hillary Clinton Knew about the Wuhan Bioweapon By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As revealed by recent WikiLeaks emails from the US State Department, Hillary Clinton, when Secretary of State, knew about the dangers of gain-of-function research being conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, blamed by many as ground zero for the release of SARS-Co-2, Covid-19. While we might have expected that she would have done nothing, surprisingly she did warn France that gain-of-function activities at the Wuhan lab could cause “biological weapons proliferation concern.” Then she did nothing. The State Department cables were from June 2009.

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“One of the Most Contrived Poisons that Man has Ever Made.” By Chris Knight (Florida)

In the light of the deaths and adverse effects from the Covid vaxxes South African physician Dr. Shankara Chetty  termed the vaccines’ synthetic spike protein “one of the most contrived poisons that man has ever made.” This view has been endorsed by a number of prominent doctors across the world, all of whom have suffered some forms of repercussions for being critics of the Covid vax regime. Some of the lesser discussed medical critics include UCLA paediatric specialist J. Patrick Whelan, M.D., Ph.D., who gave the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning about the risk of “long-lasting or even permanent damage to [the] brain or heart microvasculature” from clotting and inflammation induced by the spike protein-based vaccines. Canadian physician Dr. Charles Hoffe’s experience with Covid-vaccinated patients indicated that not only is “widespread microscopic blood clotting” a virtually “inevitable” outcome of the mRNA vaccines, but “the worst,” in all likelihood, “is yet to come.” We are now watching this unfold.

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Stop these Fuelish Policies By Viv Forbes

"God was on the side of the nation that had the oil."                                      Prof. Wakimura, Tokyo Imperial University

Russia is one of the world’s largest producers of petroleum, natural gas, and coal.

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The Ukrainian War: Whatever Way it is Looked at, New World Order Business as Usual By James Reed

Professor Kevin MacDonald discusses Professor John Mearsheimer’s take on the Ukraine situation, in the most insightful post I have yet seen. In summary, Russia has acted to counter the threat of the Ukraine joining NATO, much like the Cuban missile crisis situation. But the deeper issue is a division among the globalist over how the New World Order should be constructed. The West wants globalism to be woke and liberal, if not tyrannical regarding other traditional freedoms such as firearms ownership. Russia and China also want a New World Order, but an illiberal one, where things like the transgender agenda do not occur. Head of the British secret service has said as much, covered in a separate post. Putin is thus hated by the neo conmen for his desire to return Russia to the former USSR glory days, which he experienced as a high-level KGB operative. So, there are no good guys here, as all of them will ride over our traditional freedoms; they are all centralists. In short, a plague on all houses!

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Collapsing Footballers: Covid Vax By Richard Miller (London)

Footballers are collapsing on the field, but the mainstream media is not paying attention to this phenomenon. The common thread seems to be that these otherwise healthy athletes have all been Covid vaxxed, which is needed in Europe and most of the world now for international travel. Perhaps these athletes are the canaries in the Covid coal mine?

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Believe in Global Warming, or Get Frozen Out! By Richard Miller (London)

This is a story about how the elites of science stifle dissent. We have seen this most recently with the Covid plandemic, but before that there was climate change, which also supplied numerous examples of intellectual suppression. For example, David Bellamy was once a popular science television presenter, but he rejected the man-made global warming hypothesis in 2004, and then found himself quietly cancelled, and unable to get work. He died at the age of 86 in 2019.

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America Becomes Part of the Third World By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Victor Davis Hanson at, has presented a compelling case for seeing America falling into the Third World, if not beyond, for the bigger they are, the harder they fall. The elites who have promoted mass immigration, gun control and defunding of the police because some criminal died of a drug over-dose, now live in protected walled enclaves, while the poor, either do white flight, in fright, or stay to be eaten alive by crime, so to speak. This is how a once great country dies, basically from the disease of diversity, our greatest weakness, and curse.


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Why are the Covid Vaccines Killing People? By Chris Knight (Florida)

Each week we cover at the blog the US VAERS statistics on Covid vaccine deaths and injuries. Numbers grow with each report. Dr Mercola, in a now deleted article, points out that those who have the highest risk of dying from Covid, also have the highest risk of dying of adverse effects from the Covid jabs, making it a game of Russian roulette. Young men, who are otherwise healthy, have a very low risk of dying from Covid, but face a significant risk of dying from heart issues. Given that VAERs under-reports by a factor of around 41, there are likely to be around 820,000 US deaths from the covid vaccines. Normally drugs and vaccines are pulled off the market after about 50 suspected deaths. But the Covid vaxxes serve a political purpose and are thus protected by the system.


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