Will Covid Vaccines Overtake Vioxx and Thalidomide as the Largest Ever Drug Scandal? By James Reed

The following report discusses the Israeli booster safety data, which shows that one percent of vaccinated people had to seek medical assistance due to the Covid booster shots. The Israeli vaccine adverse reporting system, unlike the US VAERS, is an active survey that directly asks vaccine recipients about any side effects they may have experienced. The report is based on a telephone survey, conducted between 19 September and 25 October 2021, that covered a representative, random sample of 2049 people, out of a population of about 3 million people who had received a Covid booster dose three to four weeks previously. The adverse effects are quite significant, and summarised below in detail. But, two thirds of the respondents (66 percent) reported at least one side effect within three to four weeks after the booster (women: 75 percent).


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Will Biden be Forced to Unleash His Secret Diversity Weapons of War? By Charles Taylor

I found this little gem at the Christian satire site, Babylon Bee.com. If diversity is our greatest strength, then let us see how well it goes in the coming World War III. Say, that got me thinking about World War IV. Einstein is supposed to have said that this war will be fought with rocks. But surely, if all is reduced to a post-apocalyptic wasteland, there will be no world to fight a WORLD war, only local battles against radioactive war lords who glow in the dark!


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The Risk of Stroke Due to Covid Jabs Increases by 11,361 Percent, Compared to Seasonal Flu Shots! By Richard Miller (London)

The Daily Expose.uk, is a go-to site for technical objections to the Covid vaxxes, a bit more detail than other great sites like Natural News.com. A recent article puts the case that the risk of stroke due to the Covid jab increases by a whopping 11,361 percent, compared to seasonal flu shots. I imagine that the pro-vaxxers would argue that the risk of stroke from the seasonal flu shot is relatively low, so the argument is deflected. But still, the mainstream Covid vax narrative has held that stroke risk is just as low as the seasonal flu shot, so the claims are significant.


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The Hamburg Declaration: Stop Gain-of-Function Genetic Engineering of Killer Viruses! By James Reed

Here is information on the Hamburg Declaration, signed by numerous top-level scientists, calling for an end to gain-of-function research, which poses a potential extinction threat to humanity. At present labs across the world are genetically manipulating MERS, Ebola or Nipah viruses via gain-of-function, but no lab is safe enough to contain with certainty these deadly viruses. And, it is self-defeating, since the actual threat is being artificially created, rather than coming as a product of much slower evolutionary processes. Gain-of-function research must be globally banned.


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The British Government Privately Believes that the Wuhan Lab Leak Hypothesis is the Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 By Richard Miller (London)

A chemical and biological counter-terrorism advisor to the British government has claimed that the British government privately believes that the Wuhan lab leak theory is the most likely origin of the Chinese coronavirus, Covid-19. Former British army officer Hamish de Bretton-Gordon said that “I think the official view [within Government] is that it is as likely as anything else to have caused the pandemic. A lot of people like myself think it is more likely. I think attitudes have changed a little bit. …There is a huge amount of concern about coming out publicly, but behind closed doors most people think it’s a lab leak. And they are coming round to the fact that even if they don’t agree with that, they must accept it’s likely, and they must make sure the policies are in place to stop it.”

So why is the view kept secret? Nothing mysterious here; it is fear of China, an entity which has been let to grow to dragon size, just like the dragon in The Hobbit. And, the metaphor is appropriate, since the West has become like the fattest of Hobbits, without the saving rural grace of The Shire.

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John J. Mearsheimer: "The West is Leading Ukraine Down the Primrose Path & the End Result is Ukraine is Going to Get Wrecked.” By James Reed

The title quote from US academic John J. Mearsheimer, was made some years back and can be viewed at the YouTube link given at the end of this article. I have not checked the present state of Russian advance today, but last night it looked like the Ukraine has already been wrecked. This is a test case war that China, the force behind Russia is observing, as it tests the pathetic West as it prepares for its invasion of Taiwan. Trade sanctions against Russia will do nothing as Russia will get continue to get resources from China, and the traitors of the West will continue to feed the Dragon, just as Pig Iron Bob did with Australian resources in the lead-up to World War II, so that good Aussie steel could be fired back at us. This time round it will ultimately be nuke missiles.

The Ukrainians are putting up a heroic last stand. I saw a YouTube report, but was too illiterate to note the names, of about 13 Ukrainians who were guarding an island. A Russian warship requested their surrender. They told the Russian warship where to go in the crudest terms. Then the ship commencing fire, backed up by an air strike. The Russians did not have the guts to fight it out with rifles, and that it how war will go today, using tech for easy kills. It is a pity that the forces of the universe allow this, and do not make life more interesting for viewing by having a mass failure of tech, so if men want to kill, they need to see the eyes of those they kill.

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A Black Eye for Great Emperor Pfizer! By Richard Miller (London)

India’s Central Drugs Standard Control Organization did not support Pfizer’s attempt to secure emergency-use for its mRNA vaccine in India because of concerns about adverse effects, as reported in other countries. The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization then requested that Pfizer conduct a safety and efficacy study in India. Apparently, Pfizer has backed away from securing such emergency use authorisation. Also, it did not receive such use from China. For a vax critic, this is just one more piece of evidence against the vaccines, showing that at least one nation is tasking the adverse effects of the mRNA vaccines seriously.


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Environmentalists Caused the War! By James Reed

John Nolte has made a good case that environmentalists, especially the climate change fanatics, caused the Ukraine invasion. How so? Well, under pressure from what he describes as a “weird little girl that doesn’t go to school,” much of the European Union became dependent upon Russia for natural gas, and as of 2019,  27 percent of the European Union’s crude oil, 41 percent of its natural gas, and 47 percent of its solid fuel (mostly coal) came from Russia. This was instead of developing energy self-sufficiency. However, the bigger lesson here, not mentioned by Nolte is a bigger version of this “shoot ourselves in the foot’ scenario is playing out now with China in control of almost everything we need for society to function, because our traitorous elites are globalist communists.


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Booster Shots and Autoimmune Disease By Brian Simpson

Covid booster shots are being presented as the solution to Covid. It is now admitted by health authorities that the vaxxes have a rapid decline in effectiveness after some months. But, not to worry, that to the Covid vax establishment only means that they need to double, triple … down harder with unending vaxxes. However, as detailed below, repeated booster shots may result in an immunity “death zone,” accelerating the development of autoimmune conditions such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, Kawasaki disease, and vaccine-induced immune-mediated and autoimmune hepatitis.


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The Failure of Covid Masks By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch in a substack article discusses the attempt by the CDC to show that masks work, citing the work of Professor Vinay Prasad, who has done a detailed critique of the CDC claims. The CDC study published in the journal MMWR, was based upon phone call research to people in California. People  in California between February and December 2021 who got a COVID19 test could be in the population. They  were told if they tested + or – . It was found that  13.4 percent of people who tested positive answered the phone, and for  each positive person, a negative person matched with only 8.9% of people who tested negative answered the phone. This is a small turn out, but the small numbers of respondents was ignored. Among those who tested +, 9.3 percent never work a mask in indoor settings and 93 percent wore it any time, and 60 percent wore it all the time. For those who tested negative; 3 percent never wore it, 96 percent wore it any time, and 69% wore it always. As Professor Prasad argues, this is hardly a convincing case for the efficiency of face masks. The majority of those who tested positive for Covid had worn face masks! Where is the protection there?


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End Vaccine Mandates & Medical Segregation: George Christensen

This, of course, is still relevant.


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Omicron Vax Gets Waxed! By Brian Simpson

In an animal test, an Omicron-targeted mRNA vaccine booster generates a weaker response, including against Omicron, than even a current vaccine booster, according to the research paper cited below. So, will the Omicron vaccines be duds too? Maybe not; they will make money for Big pHARMa and that is the only thing that counts in the world today.


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Berenson’s Note on the Failure of the Vaxxes in Israel By Brian Simpson

Alex Berenson, a leading Covid vax critic has written that the Covid deaths in highly vaccinated Israel shows that the mRNA experiment has been a dramatic failure.


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Manufacturing Consent for Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

We have seen not only the greatest medical experiment in human history with the Covid vaxxes, but as well the greatest act of consent manufacture, and propaganda in human history, probably far beyond any war effort, since the effects have been global. Studies have shown that various effective emotional strategies have been employed, including portraying those who trust in natural immunity and being unafraid of the virus, as selfish and immoral, and that getting vaccinated is an altruistic community-spirited act. Another narrative is “trust in science,” which is the same ideology pushed with climate change, that a tribe of technocrats know best, like Fauci. Those who do not follow their message, delivered from the temples of science, are ignorant and do not understand this thing called science. Personally, I am sick and tired of science and technology.


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The Mystery of the Blood Clots By Brian Simpson

Here is an update on the mysterious blood clots that undertakers and embalmers are seeing on their stainless-steel tables. The white string-like clots are found in the veins and arteries of deceased people who have taken the Covid vaccines, most of whom died suddenly due to cardiac arrest or stroke. At present there is no available scientific analysis of the nature of the clots, but speculation is that they are the notorious spike proteins, or the effects of them. Dr Jane Ruby has said: ““For now, this is an immune response. It’s the body fighting.”  “One vascular surgeon said he removed [clots] surgically from a live patient. And within a few days or weeks, they continued to redevelop and fill the vessels. So the problem is upstream. It is the mRNA driving the body, especially the endothelial cells in the vasculature to produce the spike protein, and a major clotting cascade.”


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The Great Covid Vaccine Disaster By Brian Simpson

Summing up time. As argued in an overview article at Rairfoundation.com, the Covid vaxxes have been a disaster, with the vaccinated being worse than the unvaccinated.  Alex Berenson, reports that the mRNA jabs are now showing a strong negative efficacy, and the shots are actually increasing individuals’ chances of infection from Omicron. “We are now seeing the ramifications of this untested, unproven, and hastily developed vaccine, and it is much worse than we feared,” said OAN’s Pearson Sharp, “and this is just the beginning.” He continued, “unless Americans and parents stand up to these unscientific mandates, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands more dead and permanently injured victims from the biggest experiment on human beings in history.”

Unfortunately the elites intend to use the entire human race as lab rats in this horrendous medical experiment.

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Hackable Humanware By James Reed

IT philosopher Yuval Noah Harari believes that humans have now become hackable animals, deterministically predictable given enough computing power. “Humans are now hackable animals. The idea that humans have this soul or spirit, they have free will and nobody knows what’s happening inside me – so whatever I choose whether in the election or in the supermarket, that’s my free will? That’s over.” “We humans should get used to the idea that we are no longer mysterious souls. We are now hackable animals. A system that understands us better than we understand ourselves can predict [and] manipulate our feelings and decisions, and can ultimately [decide] for us. By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”

The Covid pandemic, he sees, as introducing “surveillance under the skin,” and he is not far wrong with some now advocating chips being implanted in human wrists for monitoring.

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Covid Cruelty By Mrs Vera West

One might wonder if back in the age of the Black Death, authorities responded to the real pandemic with the same level of cruelty and disregard for human dignity that we have seen today? People subjected to lockdowns, amounting to home detention and solitary confinement; the creation of a medical apartheid society, where the unvaccinated are stripped of the social rights of the new elite group the holy Vaxxed; vicious attacks by police upon unarmed citizens protesting, and most bizarre of all, the wearing of masks that do nothing and have done nothing to stop the spread of the disease. The medieval and pre-modern mind would be amazed that a culture professing to be scientifically sophisticated, could descend to levels of superstition not unlike the past beliefs in black magic.


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Covid Mandates: A “Cancer of Progressive, Liberalism and Globalist Brainwashing” By Chris Knight (Florida)

I like the turn of phrase of political activist Lauren Witzke, whom I do not know from a bar of soap. But, the key phrase is that the vaccine rollouts and mandates are a “cancer of progressive, liberal and globalist brainwashing.”  Yes, well put. As Witzke said: ““You know, every propaganda commercial you saw was set telling you how safe and effective the vaccine was, while your grandmother ends up with Bell’s palsy or heart failure. People are passing out on live television during athletic events. [They’re] healthy young people. How much more evidence do you need? We’re seeing it everywhere, we’re hearing it everywhere. It’s a real shame that so many people were deceived before,” Witzke said.

The entire Covid plandemic has been based upon deception from the very beginning, with there being, for example, no definitive mainstream attempt to get to the final truth about the origins of Covid. No doubt even if the vaccine catastrophe theorists are right, the system will move to cover up the role of the vaxxes. More below on the great Covid cover-up.

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How Deadly are the Covid Vaccines? By Richard Miller (London)

The Daily Expose.uk has conducted an analysis of the CDC VAERS database on the number of adverse events reported against the Covid-19 injections, comparing the number of doses administered to the number of adverse events officially reported. It was found that the Covid-19 injections are at least 49 times deadlier than the influenza vaccines. The vaccine establishment would argue that thwe flu vaccines have a very low number of adverse effects, so this argument against the Covid vaxxes is a non sequitur. However, the claim that the flu vaccines have a low rate of adverse effects is incorrect, as argued in the extract below. “Based on 1.72 billion doses of flu vaccine being administered between 2008 and 2020 according to the CDC, the rate of adverse event reports to the flu vaccine is 1 adverse event report per 12,509 doses administered. But based on 549.9 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine being administered between Dec 2020 and 28th Jan 22, the rate of adverse event reports to the Covid-19 vaccines is 1 adverse event report per 740 doses administered. This means the Covid-19 vaccines are 17 times more likely to have an adverse event report made against them, or in other words the Covid-19 vaccines are at least 17 times more harmful than the flu vaccines.”


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