Covid Infectivity, Vaccine Breakthrough, and Antibody Resistance By Brian Simpson

A recent study has claimed that based upon an artificial intelligence (AI) model, which has been loaded with tens of thousands of experimental data sets, that Covid Omicron may be over 10 times more contagious than the original virus and about 2.8 times as infectious as the Delta variant. And Omicron may have an 88 percent likelihood to escape current vaccines.  So much then for the present vaccine mandates!

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Autoimmune Disease and the Western Diet By Mrs Vera West

Autoimmune disorders are on the rise in the West. This increase began about 40 years ago. As well, various autoimmune diseases are arising in places that previously did not experience them, such as the occurrence of inflammatory bowel disease  in the Middle East and east Asia.

What is the cause? One hypothesis is that as human genetics could not have changed in the short time span, the primary cause must be environmental. The move towards the wide consumption of fast food, food lacking in fibre and high in sugar and saturated fat is hypothesised to have altered the human gut microbiome.  In recent research the gut has emerged as having a vital role in many body functions. When the gut microbiome is thrown out of balance, autoimmune disease can arise. And it has in epidemic proportions.

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Mutations, Not So Random By Brian Simpson

The neo-Darwinian theory of evolution operates by positing that random genetic mutations occur, which by natural selection lead to the evolution of species, from microbe to man. All complex biological structures arise in this way. While most mutations are deleterious, a few are beneficial, and these get selected for by the magic of natural selection.


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Martin Luther King Watched a Rape By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here in the US, civil rights activist and communist, Martin Luther King, has secular sainthood, and we even have a holiday in his name. Yet, apart from plagiarism of many of his key material, he looked and laughed while a friend raped a woman, according to FBI documents. But the halo is still shiny, glowing in fact. Yet, whites who say even one politically incorrect word, or none at all, get cancelled. Statutes of the Founding Fathers get pulled down daily in the Great Replacement. Should we really worry about Russian nukes, when the real demolition is happening now?

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Cannabis and Persistent Cognitive Impairments By Mrs Vera West

A meta-analysis of literature, published in the journal Addiction, found that cannabis use leads to small to moderate cognitive impairments, in a range of areas including decision making. These dysfunctions  may continue beyond the period of intoxication. "Our study enabled us to highlight several areas of cognition impaired by cannabis use, including problems concentrating and difficulties remembering and learning, which may have considerable impact on users' daily lives," according to the study's co-author Dr. Alexandre Dumais, Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Université de Montréal. "Cannabis use in youth may consequently lead to reduced educational attainment, and, in adults, to poor work performance and dangerous driving. These consequences may be worse in regular and heavy users."

With young people having the highest rate of cannabis use, we can expect crazy decisions to be made in the future, perhaps even crazier than what we face now from a decadent generation of baby boomers.

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Nasty Vaxxed Canadians! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Apart from the evils of the establishment, one truly disturbing aspect of the entire Covid adventure is how many ordinary people have gone along for the ride, uncritically swallowing the line cast out by the establishment. Thus, to take but one example, many Canadians are in favour of harsh punishments for the unvaccinated; 37 per cent saying in a new poll it would be acceptable to deny them publicly-funded health care and 27 percent agreeing that it would be alright to go as far as a short jail sentence to produce compliance.


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Teen Dies Minutes After Receiving Second Pfizer Covid Vaccine Shot By Mrs Vera West

Alive one minute, then dead less than 30 minutes later, after receiving her second Pfizer jab. This was the fate of an otherwise healthy teenage girl in Vietnam.


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Covid Mandates: Divide and Rule By James Reed

We report today on US doctors who fall afoul of the official Covid regime, such as prescribing non-Big PHARMa drugs, being deregistered and having to have psychological/psychiatric consultation. But, alas, the matter goes much further, with anti-vaxxers, and even vaccine sceptics being labelled by the Covid vax establishment as psychopaths! Michel Chossudovsky, the president and director of the Center for Research on Globalization (CRG), said: “What is unfolding is a despicable political process which consists in creating a social divide between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. These social divisions are creating conflicts within families and local communities, literally contributing to the disruption of social life with devastating impacts on local activity.” While the remarks were directed at the lockdowns, which have eased with mass vaccination, the point still holds, as a medical apartheid society has been created, divided between the holy vaxxed, an unholy unvaxxed. It is all part of a divide and conquer strategy by the power-mad.

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Pfizer’s Data on Their Covid-19 Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency has at last gained access to documents containing Pfizer’s data on their COVID-19 vaccine, and it is revealing. Pfizer received over 150,000 reports of serious adverse events, including miscarriages and stillbirths, within three months of vaccine rollout. Most revealing is adverse effects in pregnant and lactating women who received the shots in the first few months of the rollout. Of 270 “unique pregnancies” exposed to the vaccine, “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies,” leaving only 32 with known outcomes. Of the 32 known outcomes, 23 resulted in spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two premature births with neonatal deaths, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death and one pregnancy with “normal outcome. Thus, of 32 pregnancies with known outcomes, 28 resulted in foetal death. One can see why big pHARMa insisted on indemnity.

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Old School USSR Psychiatric Tactics Being Warmed Up for Covid Regime By Chris Knight (Florida)

While media attention, like the eye of Mordor, has switched to the Ukrainian war, we should not forget for a moment that there is a war, not as kinetic, raging on the home front, packaged in the Covid plandemic. One more illustration of this is the Systems’ suppression of any dissent doctors, those who prescribe anything other than Big Brother pHARMa medications, such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, or even criticising the received Covid narrative. Such doctors face deregistration, and now it seems old style USSR tactics of being forced to see a “board-selected psychologist.” The Covid New World Order now makes it a mental illness to question any part of its agenda. The perversion of medical science is complete.

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The Wages of Covid Propaganda By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Epoch, has investigated  funding data which indicates that four  scientists who played key roles in shaping the public narrative around the origin of Covid-19, received substantial increases in grant money from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, in the past two years. These scientists promoted a natural origins theory for SARS-CoV-2 in a paper that was influential in having the lab leak hypothesis rejected and regarded as conspiratorial. This, by design or chance, enabled those who leaked SARS-CoV-2, ample time to cover their tracks. It is another good reason to be highly cautious about the proclamations of the scientists, especially since most of the scientific community at the time held to the lab leak hypothesis in private, but in public denounced it. Trust science alright.  He who pays the piper calls the tune.

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The Push for the Catholic Church to Embrace Homosexuality By Peter West

Jesuit Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich told Catholic News Agency (KNA) that the Catholic Church should change its teaching on homosexuality, which is still seen as a sin. “I believe that the sociological-scientific foundation of this teaching is no longer correct,” Hollerich said. Thus, the Church’s position is contrary to the new wisdom of the age, sociology. And, once one goes there expect everything gendered to be deconstructed. Transgenderism and everything else sociologic will need to be added. So, why have this religion at all over secular humanist globalism? Why, indeed! /

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The State Declaring War on its Citizens By Charles Taylor (Florida)

  1. B. Shurk puts the case that governments, and he is primarily focussing upon the US, but the analysis is applicable to most Western countries, including Australia, who have also declared war upon its own citizens. The US is the biggest example of this, but arguably places like Victoria, Australia went even further in the tyranny stakes with their Covid mandates and lockdowns. The US has other issues, such as creating an open border to serve democrat interests by making a Great Replacement of voters. It shows that democracy has now ended, and indeed, the stolen 2020 election, whatever one thinks of Trump, proved that. If the books are cooked, the system is corrupt, and rotten to the core.

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Zemmour: Saving France from the Great Replacement? By Richard Miller (London)

Apparently, posters of French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour are being defaced or torn down, which is not surprising because that is the sort of thing the Left does to the Right. And Zemmour has probed a multicultural raw nerve, with his talk of the Great Replacement and saying that France could be Lebanon in five -to-10 years. Some could argue that parts of France, and most large European cities now resemble Lebanon, with no-go areas and crime. Indeed, the mass rapes of white children in the UK and most of Europe may be worse than seen in war zones.

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The CDC Abandoned Science for Politics By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Vinay Prasad details how the US CDC abandoned science throughout the Covid plandemic, with its policies being based more on politics than what the science indicated. He says that the CDC “research is plagued with classic errors and biases, and does not support the press-released conclusions that often follow. In all cases, the papers are uniquely timed to further political goals and objectives; as such, these papers appear more as propaganda than as science. The CDC’s use of this technique has severely damaged their reputation and helped lead to a growing divide in trust in science by political party. Science now risks entering a death spiral in which it will increasingly fragment into subsidiary verticals of political parties.”


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The Long and Winding Road to Report Vax Injuries to VAERS By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Mercola, in a by now long deleted post, but one that he supports in reproduction with acknowledgement, details the numerous twists and turns of actually getting Covid adverse effects reports into VAERS, the primary US reporting engine. VAERS under-reports vax injuries by an estimated 41 to 100 times, and apart from that, doctors and hospitals, being bunnies for big pharma are reluctant to make reports in many cases, usually having a blind faith in the magic of the vaccines. Thus, the number of covid deaths and adverse effects are truly staggering, greater than that from all other vaccines in recent times.


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Trump is Right: “In a Stronger Period of Time in Our Country, this Crime Would have been Punishable by Death” By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have argued since the time of my suppressed 2017 book on Trump as a Deep State safety valve, that Trump is a traitor, and he would lead conservatives to ruin. Just look at the January 6 disaster, leading to at least one death, an innocent woman assassinated by a Deep State agent, and numerous supporters who have done far less than Leftist protesters, being tortured in prison cells, with a fundamental denial of human rights. Then we have Trump’s role in pushing for the Covid vaxxes in Operation Warp Speed, that I have called a medical war crime against the world, far more serious than Putin’s present megalomania.

That being said, Trump was right to call out the Hillary Clinton spying campaign on him, saying “In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death.” Yes, and that is applicable to him as well, and more so.

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Ghoulish: More on the Embalmers and the Covid Vaxxed Dead By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some more information on the issue of the long stringy blood clots being found by embalmers in the dead, the dead all appearing to have had the Covid vaxxes. At present there is no formal scientific investigation of this, and most of the embalmers are keeping anonymous for fear of losing their jobs. We should not blame them, since the cover-up of Covid vax deaths and adverse effects must be the greatest scam history, and as history is but a succession of scams, that is saying something!


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If the Covid Vaxxes Really Worked, You Would Only Need One Shot! By Brian Simpson

Steve Kirsch at his substack blog makes the point that once upon a time would be obvious, that if the Covid vaxxes worked, one would only need one shot. Certainly, for other vaccines such as tetanus, a booster is given after say a decade, but that is different from having to get one every few months, with no end in sight. And tetanus, also rare, has more devastating effects than most cases of Covid in young, otherwise healthy people. There are no other vaccines on the market, apart from the protected Covid ones, which kill more people than they save.


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The Stories Told by Fired Big Pharma Workers Who Did Not Get Vaxxed By Chris Knight (Florida)

A lot of revealing material critical of the Covid vaxxes has come from insiders, whistle-blowers who in good conscience could not stand by and see evils without revealing it. And of course, they are swiftly dispatched being sacked, if not legally threatened. Less radically, there are inconsistencies and biases in the vax industry system, such as people doing the same job, some required to be vaxxed, others, not. If Covid is the new black death, and the vaxxes are so good, that does not make sense and seems totally arbitrary.


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