“Fight Club” Gets the CCP Treatment! By John Steele

The 1999 film Fight Club is a masculine classic, one of the few such movies, and not one to be seen again in woke culture.  It involves a group of men, led by Tyler Durden, who regain masculinity by engaging in one-one unarmed fights against each other. The cult grows, men regain testosterone, and eventually go onto bigger and better things, blowing up financial institutions. The last scene of the movie has the buildings imploding. But, the CCP version for communist China, removes this attack upon the state, and has a written take saying that all of the men were captured, and Tyler sent to a mental institution, for re-education, the CCP way. All that was missing was organ harvesting, but that is just taken as given in CCP land.


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Naomi Wolf Warns of the Nazification of Public Discourse By James Reed

Naomi Wolf has emerged as a major critic of the Covid mandates and the vaccine fetish, which she sees as biofascism, “totalitarian reality” and the “Nazification” of public discourse.” Many would agree, but what makes her different is that she is a leading feminist, from the Left. Thus, given how the Left have supported anything which smacks of authoritarianism, she must have lost more than a few friends. In fact, she says that her former friends are insane! And speaking of insanity, she has said that Biden is clearly cognitively impaired. All that from a Democrat!


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The Coming Black Planet? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The prediction, based upon business as usual, is for a quarter of the people in the world to be African by 2050. As whites would almost certainly have long disappeared from the planet by then, given present trends, perhaps only small pockets being left to die out, China, the ruler of all, with a falling population, will need to take in most of this population, enjoying the richness and energy that only diversity brings. China will be a part of mother Africa. As one multiculturalist I know used to say: “It will be wonderful!”


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White Slavery By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Simon Webb’s The Forgotten Slave Trade, is given an excellent review by Spencer J. Quinn, over at Counter-Currents.com. White slavery, involving Islam’s centuries-long trade in white slaves, was much more comprehensive, and horrific than the historically more recent Black slavery. Yet white slavery is not mentioned in the slave narrative, being an inconvenient truth, given the Islam connection. The politically correct white genocidal system aims to keep whites ideologically oppressed with guilt about Black slavery, so as to not resist the Great White Replacement. Hence the importance of factual books which shatter the woke narrative.


“Simon Webb
The Forgotten Slave Trade: The White European Slaves of Islam
Yorkshire/Philadelphia: Pen & Sword Books, 2020

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Pandemics Without End: WHO By Brian Simpson

Just when one thought it was safe to put one’s head above the trench, having had monthly mRNA jabs, wearing 16 masks at once, and keeping a social distance of 1.5 kilometres from everyone, the World Health Organization tells us that Covid was just the first of the pandemics to come, and that bigger and nastier things are on the way. Sure, they would know, wouldn’t they?


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Covid Vaccines and the Menstrual Cycle: Reproduction Crash? By Mrs Vera West

A peer-reviewed study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology concluded that the Covid vaxxes led to a variation of the menstrual cycle by one day, seen with both doses. However, there are clinical reports of some women having variations of up to eight days, or skipping a period altogether. There are many reports of other menstrual effects, such as increased period pain, and heaviness of flow, and clotting. These all require investigation into what effects this will have upon human fertility, since the entire next generation of human reproducers care going to be impacted. Could this lead to a reproduction crash?


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The Failure of the Covid Shots By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola in a now deleted post, details the dramatic failure of the Covid vaxxes. The UK data shows that Covid infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts, than the unvaccinated, and infection rates are rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. And regarding the Omicron infection, Covid case rates are also lower among the unvaccinated than among the single-, double- and triple-vaccinated. Logically, the vaccine mandates have failed, as have the vaccines.


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China Joins in Russia/Ukraine Free for All By James Reed

For those of us concerned about the unfolding of World War III in real time, this development is not good, at least if one is in the school that holds that nuclear annihilation is a bad thing. You know, in postmodernism, everything must be qualified. It looks like Russia is coordinating with China, so that when the Ukraine conflict goes kinetic, China will attack Taiwan. It is one of the wages of having a senile puppet president. At least it is going to take our minds off of Covid.


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Vaccine Induced Myocarditis By Chris Knight (Florida)

The Epoch Times.com has published a comprehensive essay on the threat of post-vaccine myocarditis, where the highest-risk population is young males.

The individual risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis in young males between the ages of 18 and 24 is approximately 1 in 2,000, according to a recent study by top physician Dr. Katie A. Sharff. One million administrations of the vaccine in this age group would result in  500 cases of heart inflammation in young males who were otherwise at near-zero risk of Covid. It defies belief, the absurdity of this.

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The Coming Crash: Brace for Impact! By James Reed

Natural news.com quotes an article by Leo Hohmann republished from LeoHohmann.com, giving his view on what is looking like a coming global economic crash, with the likelihood of Word War III thrown in for good measure. It would be wise for us to consider such positions rather than dismiss them and go on. What if it is true? Then what? Who is prepared?


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Only Annual Jabs Now? By James Reed

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has said in an interview with the Israel press, that he hopes that there will be a happy ending to the Covid thing, with annual jabs, instead of what is looking like jabs every few months. Of course, for that to be so, an arguable problem in itself, first the vaccines would need to work and not have a rapidly falling off efficiency. That problem seems to have escaped his attention.


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Vaccine Passports for All Eternity in WA By James Reed

While the UK and some jurisdictions are moving beyond the Covid mandates, secretly admitting that Omicron is unstoppable, but being mild will burn out, producing natural immunity, not so for Western Australia, which still has its borders closed and has in a sense seceded from Australia, if not the world. Apparently the draconian covid measures will continue for “years.” It is a new North Korea.


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Biden Family Corruption By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Revelations about the Biden family deals with communist China have circulated since the Hunter Biden laptop was uncovered, then its secrets of business deals buried by the mainstream media. Even Donald Trump went light on Joe Biden in the presidential debates, which in itself requires an explanation.

Still, Peter Schweizer, in his new book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, details how Hunter Biden partnered with China’s former Ministry of State Security chief and its head of foreign intelligence recruitment while his father was vice president, an arguable conflict of interest. This is especially so as the purpose of the deals was for Beijing to enrich the Bidens via major backroom deals in exchange for the ability to leverage Joe Biden’s influence, a scheme they referred to as “elite capture.” Another word would be “treason.” It is but another reason why, if by some miracle the Republicans regain the House, Biden must be impeached.

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Pfizer Jab, then Heart Attack: 10-Year-Old Girl By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is but another example of the wondrous life-saving vaccines, working their magic. In Lençóis Paulista, a State of São Paulo, also known as “The World’s Vaccine Capital,” 10-year-old girl suffered a heart attack mere hours after her first Pfizer injection.The city put in place an immediate halt to the vaccine program for children.


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A Hard Nuclear Rain’s Gonna Fall? By James Reed

Reading the latest apocalyptic piece by Mike Adams reminded me of the Bob Dylan song, A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall. If Adams is right, it sure will, probably by radioactive rain, too. Adams hypothesises that the super-elites who sit next to Satan, Prince of Darkness, and run the show, having their Covid narrative crumble, or at least burn out, will now go to the old tried and proven method of genocide, world war. And it certainly looks like such a war could start at any moment. If the worst-case scenario develops, I have no idea how Australia will survive an inevitable CCP attack and invasion. Such was the folly of the post World War II program of replacing Anglo Saxon Australia with multicult diversity, destroying homogeneity, the most precious resource, and failing to get nuclear weapons when the British were testing bombs on our soil. Who will remember Australia?


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Covid Mandates: A Catastrophic Moral Crime By Mrs Vera West

Former New York Times and Wall Street Journal writer Bari Weiss ruffled new class feathers by saying that she is “done with Covid.” The pandemic counter-measures are “going to be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime.” “We were told you get the vaccine … and you get back to normal,” Weiss said. “And we haven’t gotten back to normal. And it’s ridiculous at this point.” “In the past two years, we’ve seen among young girls a 51% increase in self-harm. People are killing themselves. They’re anxious. They are depressed. They are lonely. That is why we need to end it. More than any inconvenience it has been to the rest of us. At this point, it is a pandemic of bureaucracy. It’s not real anymore.”


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Covid Mandates Serve Big pHARMa By Chris Knight (Florida)

A group of doctors and medical experts joined Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) for a panel discussion on the US federal government’s inadequate response to the global Covid pandemic. Topics discussed included the capture of U.S. health agencies by Big pHARMa, suppression of scientific data, and vilification of doctors who seek to treat patients with drugs which Big pHARMa does not reap mega-profits from. Some highlights follow.


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Covid Origins: Propaganda Promoted as Science By Brian Simpson

Contrary to the view portrayed in the media and by fact checkers, the majority of scientists believed in the lab leak hypothesis for the origins of Covid-19. However, they did so in private, while pushing the line in public that this was a conspiracy. But, in January 2022, US House Oversight Committee Republicans released National Institutes of Health (NIH) emails that showed Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins worked to bury the lab leak hypothesis.

Fauci and Collins participated in the creation of a Nature Medicine article that denied the possibility of a lab leak in Wuhan, arguing instead for a natural origin of the virus. The paper has been refuted, but it served its purpose at the time. This public focus upon the natural origin hypothesis allowed the CCP to cover up all tracks, so it will be difficult now to investigate, unless the CCP is destroyed in the coming World War III. The Wuhan flu would then be another war crime.

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Fact Checking Fact Checkers By James Reed

One of the irritating phenomena of modern internet news and views are the fact checking services. Most are highly Left-wing biased and set out to discredit reports which they politically oppose, while never questioning any absurdity coming from the senile mouth of Joe Biden. Thus, every fact checker claimed at the time that the Wuhan lab leak claim was false news, but further down the track, this hypothesis as emerged, even with the mainstream, as most likely true. The only real questions relate to whether or not the CCP deliberately released it. The same thing goes for the US 2020 stolen election, where masses of eye-witness testimony was discounted. What is emerging now is a meta-fact checking process, where these Left-wing fact checkers, are checked, and hopefully, checkmated.


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But will Pfizer’s Board Member’s Words be Blowing in the Wind? By Chris Knight (Florida)

No doubt feeling that it has been a job well done, and that the bio-war has been won, and that weird soldiers now need to rest, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former director of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and current board member at Pfizer, said that declining Covid cases indicates that it is time to lift more pandemic-related restrictions. He is one of the few US technocrats thinking about how and when the covid restrictions will end. “The only way to get compliance from people and get accommodation [is] if we demonstrate the ability to withdraw these [mandates] in the same manner in which we put them in,” Gottlieb said.

However, the ruling class is divided now that the covid narrative has crumbled. The UK is moving to drop the mandates, since while they claim the vaccine program has been a smashing success, the truth is that Omicron completely escaped the rather large-holed spike protein net of the mRNA vaccines. In other jurisdictions such as Western Australia, discussed in another post today I am told, there is more of the same, with the mandates lasting possibly for years. As the old insecticide spray once said, “When you are on a good thing, stick to it.”

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