The Rise of Childless British Women By Richard Miller (London)

This is the endgame of women’s lib and feminism, childless women.  A majority of women in Britain are now childless past their thirtieth birthday. The odds of having any children will thus increase, being now yet another aspect of the Great Replacement. Of course, migrants from the Third World will be brought in to fill the places their children should take, so that the race and culture changes, as is now being debated in France. Ironically, the changes are not going to be to preserve feminism and all of the liberal bs that has led us to this dire position. The liberal wil one day awake in fright, finding it all, too late.

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CCP Elite Capture By James Reed

Peter Schewizer’s now released and best-selling book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win, details the traitorous activities of the American elites, who have sold out their nation to communist China, going right to the top of a rotten tree. This is common, and is called “elite capture.” It is seen perhaps even clearer outside of the United States, in places such as New Zealand:

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Mass Formation Psychosis about Mass Formation Psychosis By Chris Knight (Florida)

Joe Rogan is paying the price for having Covid Vax critic, Dr Robert Malone on his program, as Left-wing defenders of the vaccine establishment lobby to have his popular show removed. This too is an example of mass formation psychosis, a state of social madness, where ungrounded totalitarian thinking comes to produce a hypnotic condition in people, leading to irrational behaviour. In the past is was fear of witches, perhaps thought to be responsible for crop failure, but today it is the unvaxxed who are the new witches and warlocks, to be metaphorically burnt at the stake. Dr Mercola, in a now delated piece, carries the analysis further. The Big Tech censorship of material about mass formation psychosis after the Joe Rogan program proved Dr Malone’s points.

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Pennsylvania Mail-In Voting Ruled Unconstitutional By Chris Knight (Florida)

The US electoral fraud issue continues. One of the latest pieces of news, not covered in the mainstream press, and certainly not in Australia, is that the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has found the commonwealth’s no-excuse mail-in voting law, Act 77, is unconstitutional. The matter has stirred the pot and is headed right to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Everything will be in place for stealing the 2022 election, and every one to ever follow.


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The Covid Vaxxes and Pregnancy By Mrs Vera West

The US CDC conducted a study that led to its recommendation that the Covid vaxxes are safe during pregnancy, so that consequently pregnant women can be vaccinated. There is anecdotal evidence that there has a significant increase in miscarriages among vaccinated women, including a recent military study,  but the CDC study has been cited to show that such concerns are misplaced. However, as detailed in a critical article by Children’s Health, the CDC study had numerous methodological problems. The most important is the small number of vaccinated mothers who received a vaccine in the first trimester in this study. The risk of adverse outcomes (such as birth defects, miscarriages) in pregnancy is greatest during the first third of pregnancy. This is a time when crucial embryonic structures are developing, and thus the period of time where maternal health is particularly important. But, only 172 of more than 10,000 (1.7 percent) vaccinated mothers in the study received a vaccine in the first trimester, rendering the research, for this reason alone, methodologically problematic.


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Will a South Australian Legal Challenge Turn the Covid Mandate Tide? By Ian Wilson LL. B

Journalist Chris Kenny has written a well-balanced piece on the much-anticipated Supreme Court of South Australia case against the Covid vaccine mandates. Unlike many mainstream media pieces, this one is very fair and comprehensive, the way good journalism should be. “Now a major legal intervention in South Australia is set to test the legitimacy of that state’s emergency declarations, the proportionality of the government’s response and the legal and medical basis for vaccine mandates. It should spark a national debate about these vital issues, and will see key figures such as SA chief public health officer Nicola Spurrier and Police Commissioner Grant Stevens cross-examined, and it might fatally undermine the rationale for the vaccine mandates imposed in workplaces nationally.”

This is long overdue and key bureaucrats need to be cross-examined on all of these issues. I do not know how this case will be decided, but it will certainly generate some interesting material. And, it is likely to be in open court, allowing media coverage, at least by the alternative media.

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In Praise of Vax “Anti-Intellectualism” By James Reed

A Big Pharma executive has lashed out at the “anti-intellectualism” of people who are sceptical of experts/ technocrats in the Covid mandate. This scepticism extends to questioning the vaccines and even the masks. Well, today we published a reference guide with over 1,000 mostly peer-reviewed articles detailing the problem of adverse effects with the Covid vaccines. As well, last week we cited an editorial in The British Medical Journal calling for transparency about the initial data that was submitted to the FDA to get these experimental jabs approved. There was no independent scientific analysis or criticism. This talk of “anti-intellectualism” is therefore more appropriate to the pro-vaccine tribe.


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Covid Vaccines, Not Diamonds are Forever By Chris Knight (Florida)

Dr. Gregory Poland, editor of the medical journal Vaccine, told a MarketWatch webinar this week that he believes that COVID jabs will be around for more than 100 years. “So let me make a prediction, which will be hard for any of you to hold me to because we will all be dead by then, but your great-great-great-grandchildren will still be getting immunized against coronavirus,” Poland said. As many critics have pointed out, vaccinations in the middle of a pandemic with “leaky” vaccines (which do not kill the infection as such), will supply evolutionary pressure for viral mutation, so the prediction is likely to be self-confirming.


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Over One Thousand Articles Reference Adverse Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines By Brian Simpson

Vasko Kohlmayer has presented a very useful research bibliography listing over one thousand articles, most peer-reviewed, dealing with the adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines. It will be a useful research guide for students preparing defences against university vaccine mandates, for example, along with the general public fighting the same battle.


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Israel: A Case Study that Refutes the Covid Narrative By Chris Knight (Florida)

A number of countries can now be taken as clear refutations of the present Covid narrative, including mass vaccines to allegedly stop the spread of Covid, especially in the mild Omicron form. Israel is the most vaccinate country on earth, has followed all of the recommended Covid mandates, but at present finds that it is facing  unprecedented case numbers; on January 25, Israel reported over 101,905 cases, more than 10 times its pre-vaccination high.  Highly vaccinated Israel has the most COVID-19 cases per capita in the world.

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More Vaxxed; More Covid! By Brian Simpson

The latest data from Public Health Scotland’s (PHS) COVID-19 & Winter Statistical Report, smashes the notion that vaccinations are reducing the incidence of Covid. In fact, Covid infections are highest among those who took the two-dose (or more) injection regimen, and case rates are lowest among the unvaccinated. Injection therefore would seem to be impairing the immune system, and could be the first evidence of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) And the bigger question is whether this is a temporary or permanent impairment. The vaccinated are the super-spreaders, and any public policy measure – from vaccine passports to discrimination – cannot be justified by the science, which Fauci’s regime says we should “trust.”


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“British Medical Journal” Demands Covid Vaccine Data; Good for Them! By Richard Miller (London)

The highly respected mainstream source, The British Medical Journal (BMJ), has come out and demanded that big PHARMa release all data relating to Covid vaccines and treatment. “Today, despite the global rollout of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymized participant-level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come,” BMJ said. “This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.” Even stronger, the BMJ said that pharmaceutical companies were “reaping vast profits without adequate independent scrutiny of their scientific claims,” such as Pfizer, whose COVID vaccine trial was “funded by the company and designed, run, analyzed, and authored by Pfizer employees.”

Sounds like big time lack of objectivity, but that did not stop the vaccine rollout, and the Covid agenda.

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Vax Gives Only Four Percent Protection Against Omicron By James Reed

Let us hear it straight from the WA premier. “So far the science shows that people with only two doses of COVID vaccine have only 4 percent protection against being infected by the omicron variant. Just 4 percent,” he said. The coverage by Natural says that said premier is saying that it is almost pointless to get the vax, but this is an inference, not a quote, from the 4 percent protection statistic. No doubt the establishment who think like this, and remember the CEO of Pfizer does not, are expecting a new Omicron vaccine to solve the problem. For every problem there will be a vaccine, even for the problem of the meaning of human existence. The answer is not “42,” as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe proclaimed, but, a vaccine. The universe arose not from the Big Bang, but from the Big (quantum mechanical) Syringe.

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An Increase in Total Deaths Per Million Associated with COVID-19 Due Directly to the Causal Impact of Vaccination Initiation By Brian Simpson

Statistics indicate that there are an estimated 145 countries experiencing an “increase in total deaths per million associated with COVID-19 due directly to the causal impact of [vaccination] initiation.” This is according to a study conducted by the University of Alberta in Canada. Highly vaccinated countries such as Taiwan, Mongolia, Cambodia and Thailand, which had the lowest numbers of Covid-related deaths at the beginning of the pandemic, now have among the highest number of cases. The conclusion of the study is that the Covid vaccines have had a limited role at present in lowering Covid cases. What is not considered is whether or not we are seeing ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) occurring due to the vaccines. Time will definitely tell.

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Is Ebola the Next Big Thing? By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is opinion among the vaccine critical community, especially those seeing the plandemic as being part of a Great Die Off scenario, that there will be a next big viral thing, this time with a disease that does more than just disrupt economies and lives, and allows enslavement, but a virus with real teeth, that piles the bodies in the streets. How would the modern consumer cope with the next level up? Badly I think, and hysteria this time would be grounded in “fact,” but politically constructed “fact.” Ebola is one possible plague to come.


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Vaccine Regret By Mrs Vera West

Jamaica Plain was vaccinated, and in a thoughtful piece at American, our go-to source for thoughtful material, she details why she regrets getting jabbed. No major injuries, but some pain, fever and fatigue that lasted for weeks. She seems to have got off lightly.

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Soon, Most Hospitalised Patients with Covid, Fully Vaxxed By Chris Knight (Florida)

Following on from revelations that most hospitalised patients with Covid in the UK are fully vaccinated, there is the report that this statistic is the same now for Canada as well, and vax critics predict that the same trend will occur throughout the world. Statistically, the vast majority of people have had at least two jabs, with some eager little vegemites getting three, if not soon, four. If the vaccines are “leaky” and hence allow breakthrough infections, which they do, then such a statistic will be inevitable, especially given the failure of existing vaccines to offer adequate protection against Omicron. Thus, it is the pandemic of the vaccinated now.


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Belgium Stops Rollout of Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine to People Under 30 By Richard Miller (London)

Moderna is the second most “popular” mRNA vaccine, and some people like to have vaccine cocktails, getting first, say Pfizer, then Moderna, then, whatever. However, Belgium health authorities have stopped the rollout of the Moderna Covid vaccine to people under the age of 30 years because of the risk of heart inflammation.


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A 5-fold Increase in Sudden Cardiac Deaths of FIFA Players in 2021 By Richard Miller (London)

This one has even been reported by the mainstream media, namely a 500 percent increase in the deaths of SCD/SUD of FIFA players in 2021. That is, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly collapsed, with 108 dying. This is a significant death rate given that these players are some of the fittest people in modern society. Many players collapse in the middle of games, with the cause of the collapse being heart-related, including myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, or cardiac arrest, so the stress of playing must have something to do with it. Then … all have been fully vaxxed up, although the mainstream reports seldom mention this, but it is one condition players must meet for travel, especially international travel. And, if it can happen to them, it can happen to anyone, presumably.

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Israel: Highly Vaccinated, Mandates, but Surging Covid Infections By Chris Knight (Florida)

Vaccination critics need to remember only one word to refute those proclaiming that there is a pandemic of the unvaccinated”: Israel. This country is perhaps the most highly vaccinated in the world but is number one in new Covid cases, mainly Omicron, which escapes the vaccine net, if here was one to start with.


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