The Pope Loves Taxation! By Peter West

The Pope made a day trip to the local tax office and got down right metaphysical about taxation, the involuntary drain of our life blood to fund all that destroys us. Imagine that there was a time in modern societies before taxation? Imagine that there are alternative financial systems such as social credit, that can avoid all of this. Anyway, if one belongs to as hyper-wealthy organisation, with a complete tax-free status, I suppose this is the sort of Marxist nonsense one would mouth.

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Where has All the BLM Loot Gone? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Washington Examiner, has examined the management of the $ 60 million in donations to BLM and found some problems. “No one appears to have been in charge at Black Lives Matter for months. The address it lists on tax forms is wrong, and the charity’s two board members won’t say who controls its $60 million bankroll, a Washington Examiner investigation has found.

BLM’s shocking lack of transparency surrounding its finances and operations raises major legal and ethical red flags, multiple charity experts told the Washington Examiner. “Like a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting in the night with no captain, no discernible crew, and no clear direction,” CharityWatch Executive Director Laurie Styron said of the organization in an interview with the outlet.”

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Triggered by “1984” By James Reed

I was not surprised to read that the University of Northampton has put a trigger warning on George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.” After all, the novel gives a precise depiction of what has happened with the Covid plandemic and the creation of the Covid New World order. I expect the book to be removed from consultation soon, to disappear down the memory hole, just as the book itself describes.

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Yet another Tragic Covid Vax Injury Story By Mrs Vera WestYet another Tragic Covid Vax Injury Story By Mrs Vera West

A 20-year-old woman from Florida lost both of her legs due to a Covid vax injury. She has a pre-existing heart condition, then the Covid shot led to myocarditis. That, in turn, let to circulation problems, and ultimately the loss of both legs. Along with that goes her modelling career.

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Australia’s Great Green Gamble; Whirling Triffids now Invading our Seashores by Viv Forbes

Wind turbines need a huge area to generate significant electricity.

So for years now, subsidised wind energy investors have been razing ridge-lines, felling forests and slicing birds, bats and insects.  They trash the landscape to benefit a few landowners and speculators in a vain attempt to produce cheap reliable electricity from a low density, unpredictable, intermittent energy source. This is all driven by a blurry green vision that humans can change the climate by manipulating the atmosphere.

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Here Comes, with Stealth, Omicron 2.0! By Brian Simpson

Many are saying that the Covid plandemic is running out of steam. The New World Order needs a new bug to keep up the drive for totalitarianism. Could the new kid on the block, a variant of Omicron, live up to globo commo expectations, or will things need to go to the next level, with Ebola?

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Who is Afraid of the Big Bad Covid? By Chris Knight (Florida)

According to a Rasmussen poll, it seems that the majority of Americans think that the Covid “pandemic” is media hype, with the threat of Covid being exaggerated.  For 1,000 U.S. adults between January 18-19 2022, 50 percent of these Americans think the media have exaggerated the threat of coronavirus, up from 44 percent in July 2021. Over a third (38 percent) think the coverage is accurate, and 12 percent are unsure. So, it looks like, at least for the US, there is something of an awakening. Hopefully the same results would be found in Australia, but there does not seem to be any organisation prepared to investigate. Yet.


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Cowardly Genes and Men in Skirts! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Well, this one was a surprise to me. Actor Sean Penn, is as woke and politically correct as they come, but he has recently criticised the latest thing of men wearing dresses, saying that “cowardly genes” are responsible for this! How about that, a Leftist turning to a pseudo-genetic explanation of another crazy social mania! Anyway, he talked some sense by saying that Hollywood is feminised, and that one can still respect women without becoming them. I expect that he will be cancelled pretty quickly, as anyone saying anything the genocidal system does not like today, gets chewed up and spat out.


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Democracy is Dying AND America is Disintegrating By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Pat Buchanan, American Renaissance, January 28, 2022, asks whether American democracy is dying or America is disintegrating.  I am pleased to help him out here, as it is not an either/or thing, but rather, all of the above. American democracy is dead; that is the theme of all my Trump/2020 election papers published at this blog. And, America is disintegrating. Numerous other articles at this blog have covered that one. No need to thank me, Pat. Or, you could just give me a pat.

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UK Police Protecting Us from Disabled “Terrorist” By Richard Miller (London)

I sleep sounder now knowing that our UK police, when not turning a blind eye to ethnic grooming gang rapists of white children, or bashing Covid vax mandate protesters, are protecting the community from disabled terrorists promoting hate. These terrorists on their disabled mobility scooters are the most dangerous, and our rugged UK coppers tackled this job with relish!


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The First Two Weeks: The Aftermath of Getting Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

With the Covid vaxxes, there is a two-week period after vaccination that is not included in the data, the reason being that vaccines take a while to induce antibodies and therefore the first two weeks’ data are not relevant. But, as explained below, this is a misleading data bias, because it essentially buries and hides adverse effects that might be seen in the first two-week window. The reporting system is biased towards protecting the sacred vaxxes.

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5G is Not Good for Your Plane! By James Reed

If like me, you are, or were, a jet-setter with your own private plane, tied up outside your inner city flat, just like me, this should be of concern. 5G tech could harm airplane safety equipment. That means I am likely to be grounded, not being able to fly my plane in and out of the Covid corridors of Melbourne CBD. As explained below it all has to do with interference that could be created by the 5G internet of all things, interacting and interfering with the safety C band frequencies used by aviation. Looks like I will have to saw the wings off my plane and just use it as an advanced shopping cart!


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Now it is Journalist Alex Berenson’s Turn to Face the Wrath of the Covid Vaccine Cult! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson appeared on the Tucker Carlson show on January 25, 2022, and said that the Covid vaccines are dangerous, and should be withdrawn. Now that threw a cat among the Covid vax pigeons. “We’re at a very dangerous moment, and I’m not exaggerating,” said Berenson. “It is completely clear now that the vaccines don’t really work at all against omicron. In these highly vaccinated and highly boosted countries, rates of infection are incredibly high and rates of serious disease and death are also rising.”

Hence, following attacks upon Dr Robert Malone and Joe Rogan, the cry went out to cancel and censor anyone even daring to make a squeak about this. But really, it simply shows that the vaccine cultists have something, in fact, a lot to hide. If they were correct, then why not send their head priest, Father Faucet into battle against heretics like Malone and Berenson? I would say, that they are scared of losing any such debate.

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Dr Cole on How the Covid Vaxxes Compromise the Immune System By Mrs Vera West

US pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole goes to the heart of the matter in his objections to the Covid vaxxes. The spike protein attacks receptors in the human cells that identify healthy cells from disease-causing ones, and pre-disposes people to autoimmune attack and cancers. “We’re doing something randomly to billions of people as an experiment. There is not one approved [COVID-19] shot present and available in the United States. Everybody that’s getting a shot is still in a giant scientific experiment. We vowed never to do this again to humanity in 1947 at the Nuremberg trials. We would never experiment on humanity without informed consent again,” said Cole.

“It’s insanity that we’re trudging forward [with vaccination] when we know the vaccines are leaky. They don’t stop transmission [and] disease. People that are getting the shots are literally dying from all causes at higher rates than those that don’t get it. The all-cause mortality is now higher in the vaccinated group than [in] the unvaccinated group. We have lost our collective medical minds for money.”

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The Next Level of Tyranny: Denial of Medical Services By Mrs Vera West

The lady next door to me was distraught. Her father had just had a stroke and was in hospital. He was asking to see her. Add to this he was an old man with mild senility, and very dependent upon his daughter. But the hospital would not let her visit him. Oh, you might say, that is because she is not fully vaxxed. No, she is a true believer and has had all the required shots, but she still can’t get in the door. There are many other stories like this that I have heard, right down to the local GP not seeing long-term patients who are not vaxxed. If there is any justice left in the world, these people need to be de-registered in the future. I suggest that Centrelink/ job providers send them out to do road work in the outback. Plenty of fresh air.

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Denmark Ends Covid Restrictions By Richard Miller (London)

At least some sanity from Denmark, now set to end all of its Covid restrictions. The hope is that life will return to normal. But, will the elites of the New World Order allow this? What evil plot are they working on for the world after Covid? More, bigger, better, Covid?

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Rubbery Blood Clots in the Bodies of the Vaxxed! (That Can’t be Good for You!) By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mike Adams often compares the present Covid plandemic to the fictional zombie apocalypse, as depicted in film, such as The Walking Dead. But, with stories like this, reality and fiction converge into one horror. How about rubbery blood clots in the bodies of the vaccinated?


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What is Needed, A Covid Shot Every Hour! By James Reed

As far as anything goes in this wonderland of a society, more is better. So, with a fourth jab for some lucky vegemites on the cards, the issue is why not jabs eternal, like every day, in every way? Going to the supermarket? Get a jab going in, then one going out, holding the bread and butter. Getting petrol? Fill ‘em up with booster!

As the article cited below notes, about Israel: “Israel has already given fourth doses to 500,000 people but has still struggled with a high number of Omicron cases.” In fact, as covered at the blog yesterday, Israel  is the most vaccinate country on earth, has followed all of the recommended Covid mandates, but at present finds that it is facing  unprecedented case numbers; on January 25, Israel reported over 101,905 cases, more than 10 times its pre-vaccination high.  Highly vaccinated Israel has the most COVID-19 cases per capita in the world. So, how are the jabs working for them? Pretty good, eh?

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The Weekly US Covid Vax Death and Injury Report By Brian Simpson

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S., has released new data showing a total of 1,071,856 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines,  submitted between December 14, 2020, and January 21, 2022. The data included a total of 22,607 reports of deaths — an increase of 414 over the previous week — and 178,994 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 4,130 compared with the previous week.


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Exercise and Brain Rewiring By Mrs Vera West

Research indicates that regular exercise not only has multiple physical benefits but actually re-wires the brain, in a good way. Exercise can actually increase the size of brain structures responsible for memory and spatial navigation. "More physical activity may expedite preconscious processing of visual stimuli and, in somatosensory domain, improve selective attentional processing by dampening the strength of unattended deviant somatosensory signals," 


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