The Trilateral Observer: Professor Antony Sutton By James Reed

Technocracy and globalist critic, Patrick Wood has released observations made by Professor Antony Sutton (1928-2002), of an eyewitness account of the early period of the globalist Trilateral commission, which got off the ground all of the present globalist agendas. In those days, the buzz word was "internationalism." In any case the book has just b...

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Diversity, Diminishing IQ and Crumbling Infrastructure By Chris Knight (Florida)

The destruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore by the ship, the Dali (presumably named after the surrealist painter), with a non-white, largely migrant crew, either deliberate or accidental, has raised questions about the future. The original bridge took five years to build, but the proposed new bridge will take at least ten years; th...

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Atheists for Christian Culture Against Islamisation! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Evolutionary biologist and atheist, Richard Dawkins came out in the last week and said that he was a "cultural Christian." Dawkins dos not believe in the literal truth of Christianity, such as the resurrection from the dead of Our Lord Jesus Christ, but he accepts the cultural values of Christianity, such as the worth and dignity of the individual,...

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What are Governments Hiding with the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty? By James Reed

I just saw a report that there was a human infection case of bird flu to a human, transferred via a cow in Texas. I, or Brian, will follow up on this. But it is a worry, because unlike Covid, which is a "pussy cat" virus, so to speak, bird flu has "teeth"; the mortality rate for humans can reach 50 percent, at least in theory. And, the World Health...

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Tucker Carlson: “The Most Evil Thing Ever Done” By Brian Simpson

Tucker Carlson has certainly come a long way since the Fox days. In a recent interview with Dr Michael Nehls, author of The Indoctrinated Brain, they discussed the assault upon the values of medical autonomy and general freedom and liberty that occurred during the Covid plandemic. Tucker asked Dr Nehls, why the governments persisted in pushing the ...

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Dr Geert Vanden Bossche on the Coming Tsunami of Illness and Death Among the Vaxxed By Brian Simpson

An interview with Leftist, but one of the few open-minded thinkers, James Howard Kunstler, has gone viral, but has not been reported on by the dissent critics in Australia yet, so this may be the first report here. One needs to follow the link to listen to the full interview with Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, who has researched the immun...

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Leftist Lawfare Against VDare By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a message the pro-freedom, immigration critique site posed, with VDare editor Peter Brimelow giving a grim account of how New York State's communist Attorney General Letitia James, the same person going after Donald Trump, is using lawfare against this organisation to cripple it. The original requirement was for the subpoena deman...

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The International Significance of Australia’s Digit ID By Chris Knight (Florida)

Australia has been a test case for the Digital ID, the first step toward the elimination of cash and rolling in of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). Thus, Australia was the first cab off the rank, and now the pressure is being applied here in the US to do the same; look the Aussies have it, why can't we Americans keep up with them? The big qu...

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Net Zero: A Threat to National Security By James Reed

Professor Gwythian Prins, formerly head of the Mackinder Programme at the London School of Economics, and an adviser to NATO and the Ministry of Defence, has said that in the face of increasing global security threats, meaning a coming war, the UK cannot afford the luxury of pursuing renewables, which leave the country vulnerable to enemy attack. "...

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Fallout from the Israeli Strike Upon Damascus By Richard Miller (London)

Where will this go? Iran's supreme national security council has decided on a "required" response to the Israeli strike on Damascus that killed three top commanders in Iran's al-Quds force and four other officers. The Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has said: "We will make them regretful about the crime and similar acts." Leave asid...

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More Grim Nuclear Sabre-Rattling from Putin’s Mouthpiece, Medvedchuk By Richard Miller (London)

Those in the West who hope that Vlad Putin will be taken out, may come to regret this wish if his replacement is a hawk like Viktor Medvedchuk, Putin's mouthpiece. Medvedchuk says the hard things Putin avoids, like that nuclear war is most likely to occur, and Russia is ready for it. During Putin's annual state of the nation address in March 2024, ...

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Will the Australian Immigration Crisis Become Permanent? By James Reed

Leith Van Onselen, who writes for, has been a leading critic of the Albo governments' mass immigration program, which he sees as destroying the Australian way of life, at least for the ordinary people, producing a housing and accommodation crisis which could become "permanent." The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) official...

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They are Going to be Gunning for J. K. Rowling By Richard Miller (London)

With Scotland's' new hyper-woke hate laws now operating, the multicult elites are going out to target people that they hate, and J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books is number one on the list for her defence of traditional women, and I mean, women as biologically defined. She has fearless proclaimed that she will go to jail rather than s...

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A New Criminal Investigation Against Big Pharma By Richard Miller (London)

I do not know how far this will go, given the power of Big Pharma, but it is a noble action. Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter, and gross negligent manslaughter. He has a strong legal team to...

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While We Celebrated Easter Sunday, PM Albo Celebrated Transgender Day of Visibility! By Peter West

I hope that the Christians of Australia, and for that matter, even Muslims, are aware, that just as false President Joe "Senile" Biden, celebrated on Easter Sunday, "Transgender Day of Visibility" (TDOV), so did the Leftist woke Albo government of Australia. Foreign Minister Senator Penny Wong, the country's first openly gay female parliamentarian,...

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Islamic Ramadan Over-Shadowing Easter in Europe By Richard Miller (London)

In both the UK and Australia, the mass immigration lobbies, in the late 20th century proclaimed that immigration of non-white people's who had an entirely different culture, valuers and religion to the West, would integrate fine, and become consumers like everyone else. But, when integration looked like it was not going to happen with enclaves form...

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I Can Hardly Wait for the Results of the Post-Voice “Truth Inquisition”! By James Reed

Indigenous "Truth-Telling" bodies, who have the same power as Royal Commissions, including the ability to hold public hearings, call witnesses under oath, compel evidence and make recommendations to government, are getting going. They will report on alleged injustices to Indigenous people, in the past, and now. Read on for background of what is to ...

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The Immigration Invasion of Britain By Richard Miller (London)

As in the US, Britain faces a mass immigration invasion, mainly from Africa and the Middle East, much of it illegal migrants.There has been "all-time record" in illegal migrant crossings of the English Channel, even though the prime minister said that he would halt it, and of course, he has done nothing. The UK population rose by nearly seven per c...

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Is Russia Jamming the GPS of European Planes? By Richard Miller (London)

There has been a report of over 1,600 planes flying over and around the Baltic Sea in northern Europe experiencing interference, mainly GPS jamming, which can confuse pilots. There have been no accidents as such, yet. The blame is being put upon Russia, which could be true. It may be a test run of the cyber and electronic warfare that will be unlea...

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UK MPs Fear WHO Pandemic Treaty By Richard Miller (London)

With the deadline fast approaching for the signing of the World Health Organization pandemic treaty, something which has been accepted as a matter of course by the mainstream political parties of Australia, there has at least been some objections raised by British MPs who have seen the major problem being that the treaty will, despite denials from ...

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