The Globalist Tyranny of the Covid Mandates By Brian Simpson

Dr Martin Kulldorff, a former professor of medicine at Harvard and co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration, a leading document critical of the Covid vaxxes and mandates, has said in a recent interview with The New American, that the responses of almost all governments in the West (the exception was Sweden), abandoned standard principles of ep...

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The Failure of Yet Another Carbon Credit Project By James Reed

This is a major blow to the climate change alarmist position. One of the ways that firms can have their carbon cake, and eat it too, is through a carbon credit scheme, where carbon credits by firms are offset by various carbon capture projects. One such Australian project was to set aside 42 million hectares (104 million acres) of land for native f...

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As Surreal as a Dali Painting: The Baltimore Bridge Disaster, Some Suspicious Indications By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Extracted below is a detailed piece from Dr Peter McCullough's substack raising some suspicions about the Baltimore Bridge disaster. As we saw in the last news cycle, Baltimore's Francis Scott Bridge was destroyed by the ship the Dali, which hit a load-bearing pylon, causing the entire bridge to collapse. This was the second busiest infrastructure ...

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What Makes the Vaxxes So Deadly? By Brian Simpson

The Midwestern Doctor has given his take on why vaccines in general can be deadly, having a wide range of side effects. This is of interest, since the question does not get discussed in the mainstream Australian health narrative, where "safe and effective" rule the waves. Is there a common thread to all of these injuries, or are the adverse effects...

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Chinese Ghost Cities By James Reed

A recent article at the globalist journal, Foreign, has detailed the existing economic woes of communist China. A few years ago China's growth was thought by China worshippers to be unstoppable, with the annual GDP growth averaging 7.7 percent. But in the past two ye...

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The UK, but Not Australia, Calls Communist China a Threat to National Security: Why? By James Reed

Conservative political commentators have expressed puzzlement as to why the UK government is set to call China a threat to national security, but the Australian government is not, and in fact PM Albo seeks a cosy relationship with Beijing. Governments across the West have accused China of engaging in cyber warfare against government and private fir...

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Ozone Depletion Scare: Another Environmentalist Sham By James Reed

The discovery of an ozone hole in the stratosphere (high atmosphere) in the 1980s, over Antarctica, led to the first big public environmental, sky-is-falling-down fear campaign. And the story goes, globalist action saved the day, by the ban of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), which were used extensively at the time in refrigerators and aerosols, by the M...

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Why was the mRNA Covid Vax Chosen? By Brian Simpson

Why did the US government, and hence the rest of the West go with the mRNA platform, rather than stick with a conventional vaccine that did not involve gene therapy? Dr Peter McCullough, a leading Covid vax critic, gives his answer that the US Department of Defense Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (DARPA) ADEPT PROTECT P3 prog...

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The Tyranny of Australia’s Digital ID By James Reed

While the government kept pushing the line that the digital ID was purely voluntary, like the Covid vax, we know that the inevitable will be that organisations will make it a requirement, regardless of the law. Thus, even though the Covid pandemic has passed, there are still Covid vax requirements to work in health care facilities, even to do stude...

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The Haiti Hypothesis By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I have been to Haiti for a firm I worked for in the 1980s, and was glad to be out of the place; it was one of many countries where Whites need to watch their back, and fronts. Thus, I was not surprised to see Haiti descend to its present Mad Max state of social chaos. There does not appear to be a formal government at present, and warlords such as ...

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Elon Musk on the Great Replacement by Mass Immigration By Charles Taylor (Florida)

We have been writing numerous pieces detailing that the open borders maintained by the Biden administration serves the purposes of rigging the US election by changing the demographics, a key part of the Great White replacement, while supplying cheap illegal labour that local firms can ruthlessly exploit, as these workers have no protection. It is a...

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Biden Declares Easter Sunday, Transgender Day of Visibility! By Chris Knight (Florida)

I did not cover this story over Easter, at least for the Australian time zone, but at the time of writing here in Florida, it is still Easter Sunday, a holy day. Yet, false President Joe Biden, or at least those who control his every step he takes, and words he makes, have the old man rolling out March 31, Easter Sunday this year, as Transgender Da...

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Seven Years Jail for Criticising Tomato Puree? The Disintegration of Law By James Reed

When I saw this story about a pregnant African woman facing seven years jail merely for saying on social media that some African tomato puree was "pure sugar," I thought it was a joke, but, no. This was apparently a crime in Lagos, making false claims against local companies. We can bet that there is a back story to this one. In any case, making wh...

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Is Climate Change Slowing the Earth’ Rotation? (Don’t Laugh, They are Serious!) By Brian Simpson

No, the climate change alarmist ideology is not slowly dying, an issue discussed by Richard Miller at the blog today. But it is in a state of senility like Joe Biden, and resulting in absurdities, the likes of which one would expect from Biden. Thus, the claim is being made now that the melting of the icecaps, supposedly because of climate...

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Medical Errors and Negligence: A Cautionary Note about Blind Faith By Mrs. Vera West

Based upon US data, even the mainstream medical journals admit that doctor error, including things like mistakes in prescribing drug dosages, is the third leading cause of death in the US. The World Health Organization claim that medical error accounts for 2.6 million deaths each year, worldwide, with at least 250,000 of those in the U.S., but othe...

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Is the Climate Ideology Slowly Dying? By Richard Miller (London)

Covering the European scene for the blog, I keep track of what fellow dissent critics are saying, some of whom I have got to know as internet comrades. The German blogger Eugyppius, gives insightful posts about the madness of the woke German situation, relevant to the rest of the West. Thus, he notes that the woke champions of equality hav...

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Has the South Australian Voice Already Failed? By James Reed

The position taken by Ben Hood MLC, Shadow Assistant Minister for regional South Australia, is that the state Voice has already failed. He notes that the results for the South Australian Voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders have been announced. Only 10 percent of this group voted, an appalling 2,583 votes. Some candidates were elected w...

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Sorry is the Hardest Word … for Doctors! By Mrs Vera West

I discuss the cosy relationship that doctors have with Big Pharma in another piece at the blog today. But, adding to that as a footnote, I have observed that Tucker Carlson has said that if one hurts someone, then the convention is to say, "sorry." Those that do not cannot be trusted. Yet mainstream doctors went along with the Covid mandates and va...

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Big Pharma “Educates” Doctors By Mrs. Vera West

I am not surprised. As noted at the substack by Elizabeth Hart, the vaccine industry-sponsored Immunisation Coalition, backed by the Big Pharma vaccine producers, delivers "continuing education" to Australian doctors on the "wonders" of vaccines. The Immunisation Coalition currently states on its Home page that it's officially approved by the Royal...

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Knock, Knock! Who’s There? Your Friendly Neighbourhood Thought Police By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is a sign of the totalitarian police state times. In the UK and especially Scotland now with the passing on its new hate speech Act on steroids, the police are acting as literal thought police, going to homes to investigate political comments made on social media. These comments are usually critical of trans and migrants, the groups that are p...

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