Here is Why with the Covid Vaxxes, it is “Never Forget” By Mrs Vera West

As detailed at Letters from Australia substack, which has been an excellent journal tracing the harms of the Covid vaxxes and the mandates, we should not be forgetting about the Covid years, even though things have moved on and there are new threats in other areas. In short, as told below, people died from the vaxxes, and this is admitted by the Th...

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Poland Trying Hard to be as Woke as Scotland! By Richard Miller (London)

Following on from the Scottish hate laws on steroids coming into action, with thousands of people lodging complaints, soaking up police time, the Left-wing government of Poland is doing what Left-wing governments now do, not attempting to make the life of all working people better, but instead, pushing woke agendas. Thus, the government is proposin...

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Criminal Lawfare Against Donald Trump Begins By Charles Taylor (Florida)

 New York Soros-funded district Attorney Alvin Bragg begins today his 34-count felony trial against Donald Trump. This is all about paying porn star Stormy Daniels to keep quiet about a tryst with Trump. Payment was made by Trump's fixer Michael Cohen who for some odd reason put down the payment for legal services. There were 34 entries of thi...

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Every Bite You Take”: Forever Chemicals By Richard Miller (London)

 Forever chemicals, known in chemistry classes as PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are thousands of compounds that are not oil or water soluble. These chemicals have been used since the 1940s in a vast array of products from cookware to clothing. These chemicals do not break down once they enter the environment, hence the name "fo...

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Home Schooling Under Attack By Mrs Vera West

This story has been covered by Nation First by George Christensen. The Queensland parliament has a Bill before it, the Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Bill 2024), which attacks home schooling by increasing bureaucratic red tape, with a vastly increased amount of paperwork and reporting requirements. Parents will be forced to te...

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A Declaration of Middle East War By James Reed

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, took time away from lamenting about the climate change apocalypse, alleged, to say that the Middle East is erupting into a "devastating full-scale conflict." In the old days they used to call that "war," and in fact, that is exactly what Israel's president Isaac Herzog has called Iran's 350 missile and drone a...

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It’s Easy to Become a Woman in Germany! By Richard Miller (London)

As described by the German social critic Eugyppius, the Self-Determination Act has been passed, and comes into effect in November 2024. What this means is that one can change one's previous legally recognised gender identity by filling out some forms. No gender realignment surgery is necessary; one can come in with a beard, fill out the paperwork a...

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In Defence of Plastic Shopping Bags! By James Reed

 One of the supposed victories of the Greens in Australia and across the West, such as the UK, was to eliminate plastic shopping bags from supermarkets, to be replaced by paper bags. This was supposed to be ecologically sustainable, with the paper coming from, presumably wastepaper, or waste wood. And the plastic bags were getting into the mar...

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TWO Years to Save the Planet? What Happened to the “10 Years” Nonsense? By James Reed

In past blog pieces, I have satirised the climate change alarmists, who have pressed the panic button, saying that there is only ten years to save the planet from climate change. My point has been they have been saying this for years, and never deducting any years from the ten years doomsday number. But now I will have to drop that line, s...

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The Trans Semi Just Hit Another Speed Bump! By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

One of the narratives associated with the trans movement is that unless youths do not receive gender aligning surgery, they will suicide. However a study, from British paediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass, released on April 10, 2024, has found that children presenting with sudden onset gender dysphoria are usually not suffering from true gender dysphoria,...

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The Legacy of the New Atheism: Richard Dawkins By James Reed

Many Christians and conservatives are welcoming atheist evolutionist Richard Dawkins' recent claim that he is a "cultural Christian," while still being an atheist, philosophically. That is to say, he accepts the values in general of a Christian society, but not the truth of the living Christ. But that seems to be a philosophically incoherent positi...

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The Covid Plandemic Blotted “Science’s” Copy Book: Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche By Brian Simpson

Peter C. Gøtzsche co-founded the Cochrane Collaboration, the world's preeminent independent medical research organization, with its Cochrane Reviews. He was, and still is, an outspoken critic of the corruption of medical science by Big Pharma and Gøtzsche's membership on the governing board of Cochrane was terminated by its Board of Trustees in Sep...

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From “Let Them Eat Cake,” to “Let Them Eat Bugs”! By James Reed

Billionaires such as Bill Gates, and many others lurking in the World Economic Forum, advocate the end of conventional farming, to be replaced by artificial meats, of which the likes of Gates have a financial interest in, giving his views a conflict of interest. Either that or insect eating. Neither proposal has received much muster, even from the ...

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A Knock Down Argument Against Gun Control By John Steele

In Australia, the anti-gun forces have pretty much won, and only an administrative mop-up now remains, to tighten regulations, as on safes, to slowly force the remaining gun owners into oblivion. The various firearms acts have a section which gives the registrar the discretion regarding granting permission to purchase a firearm, whether it is neces...

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Bird Flu Lab Accidents By Brian Simpson

A few months ago, there were reports of US scientists, and communist Chinese scientists, joining forces to work on a project to use gain-of-function genetic research to make bird flu, H5N1, deadly to humans, by making the virus more dangerous, and easily transmissible. There was criticism of this by many social critics, along the lines that the onl...

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Mass Immigration: Diseases and Parasites to Threaten Food Supply By Chris Knight (Florida)

The mainstream media in the US, and across the West seldom deal with the issue of the diseases that illegal migrants bring to the invaded countries. Yet, these illegals, who are seldom checked for disease, being quickly moved across the country for the purpose of election fraud, do pose a threat to national security from diseases and parasites impa...

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The Treason of the Universities By James Reed

I am one of the few Australian freedom movement writers to be assigning much of our existing socio-political problems to the malignant influence of the universities. There has recently been some very good material from, which I have reported about, linking the universities' international student scam, which is just part of the ...

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Here Come the AI “Battle Robots”! By Brian Simpson

Here is yet another warning from inside the elite world of top artificial intelligence scientists. Professor Geoffrey Hinton has said that there is as existential threat posed by AI, especially when AI is enhanced with weapons system, in the form of battle robots. These robots will be used against other nations, but there is also the potential for ...

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The Epidemic of Loneliness: Older Adults, Still in Lockdown Mode By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Research coming from the University of Colorado Boulder, led by Dr Jessica Finlay, has found that older US adults, over age 55 years, now spend more time at home, and less time out in society socialising than they did pre-Covid plandemic. The reasons found for this are fear of infections and "more uncomfortable and hostile" social environments. Acc...

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Decision of the European Court of Human Rights: A New Right to be Protected from the “Serious Adverse Effects” of Climate Change By Ian Wilson LL.B

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued its rulings in the conjoined climate change cases of Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v Switzerland, Carême v France, and Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others. Of these cases, the most important is Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz, as the two other similar cases were reject...

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