Climate Change Temperature Stations that Don’t Exist, Being Used for Climate Policy! By James Reed

The blog has been covering a series of articles which seriously undermine the climate change alarmist narrative. It has been noted that issues have been raised about the temperature gauges of many cities being in urban hotspots, like airports, that creates a bias towards higher temperature readings. But, one extraordinary claim has been ma...

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From Eating Bugs, to Eating Snakes! By Mrs Vera West

As noted by US small scale farmer, John Klar, there has been something of a backlash against the World Economic Forum idea of "saving the planet," by abandoning conventional meat eating, and taking up eating bugs, insects, and other such horrors. To counter this, and ease people into the world of insects, a fall-back position has emerged of suggest...

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Trudeau Shows the Elites Contempt over Immigration By James Reed

For any who think that I am somewhat exaggerating on the migration issue and the agenda of the elites, just consider Canada, which is even more immigrated to death than Australia, as hard as this to believe, as what was once "our" country has a virtual open borders immigration policy, taking into account the international student scam. Canadian Pri...

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Dick Smith’s Challenge to Albo By James Reed

Dick Smith, our favourite Australian capitalist, has taken out advertisements in the major papers, asking the prime minister Albo, and the premiers, "what is your population plan"? Will, under mass immigration, Australia have a population of 30 million, 150 million, a billion, or more? How do they intend to sustain that population? Well, I have not...

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Professor Masayasu Inoue on Human Rights Violations in the Covid New World Order By Brain Simpson

Here is a statement by Professor Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School, about human rights abuses during the Covid plandemic. While his main focus is upon the Japanese government, which performed better on many fronts than governments such as Australia, his remarks can be generalised: "The pandemic was used as a...

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The World Economic Forum Metaverse: A Transhuman Concentration Camp By Brian Simpson

A report from the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) has outlined the ramifications of a digital identity in the metaverse, "Metaverse Identity: Defining the Self in a Blended Reality." According to the WEF, "The metaverse, poised to redefine the internet, intertwines the digital and physical, emphasizing the pivotal role of 'identity' in shaping...

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The Fallout from the Coming Israel-Iran War By Richard Miller (London)

The latest news item I have seen indicates that Israel is preparing for an attack by Iran in the next two days. As that report was in the morning here, the attack will possibly occur over the weekend. There are no details, naturally enough about what is likely to be attacked, but there are some horror scenarios, such as a nuclear incident arising f...

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The Rental Apocalypse in Adelaide By John Reed (Brother of James)

"Their" ABC has given an accurate coverage of the rental crisis in Adelaide, which I have seen firsthand from my own work. Indeed, Adelaide is the worse capital city in Australia now for this, having the lowest vacancy rate in Australia. In normal times the vacancy rate is expected to be around the 3 percent mark, but Adelaide is below 1 percent, a...

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This is How Far Multicult Fascism has Gone; Arrested for Saying Foreign Rapists Should be Deported! By Richard Miller (London)

A French teen was arrested for saying that foreign rapists should be deported! And, this was not some male Right-winger, but a female feminist from the feminist identitarian Collectif Némésis group. She had attended a carnival in the eastern French city of Besançon, and had held up a sign saying "deport foreign rapists." If these foreign rapists ha...

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Senator Rand Paul Finds the Smoking Covid Gun By Chris Knight (Florida)

US Senator Rand Paul has been relentless pursuing the origins issue of Covid-19, including cross-examining Dr Fauci and others alleged to have some inside knowledge to some degree. From his investigations involving 15 US federal agencies, and whistle-blowers, he has concluded that the National Institutes of Health is linked to the research and Dr F...

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King of the Māori: “Majestic Marine Mammals” Should be Given Human Rights! By James Reed

Kiingi Tuheitia Potatau te Wherowhero VII, the King of New Zealand's Indigenous Māori people, has said that whales should be granted the same legal rights as human people. Why? "The sound of our ancestor's song has grown weaker, and her habitat is under threat, which is why we must act now," The King said. Ok, who am I to argue with a king? So, exp...

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Elon Musk, China’s Man By James Reed

Here is yet another reason for conservatives to be cautious of seeing Elon Musk as some sort of champion of free speech and Western liberty, despite some good work. He, with Tesla, has a very cosy relationship with communist China; Tesla's first Chinese-made factory opened in Shanghai in 2020. Given this relationship, grounded upon financial intere...

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And You Think Australia has Immigration Problems! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The demographic changes, and changes to the ethno-racial profile of the US are near unbelievable, to happen in such a short space of time. The number of immigrants is now 51.4 million, almost double the entire population of Australia. According to the Center for Immigration studies, the Biden regime added around 6.4 million people since taking offi...

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If This is Not the Great Replacement, Literally, Nothing Is! By Chris Knight (Florida)

There is a housing and accommodation crisis across the West, especially in the US and Australia. Now, I have not seen the issue of squatters being raised in the Australian media, but there is no reason to think that this problem here in the US will not arise in Australia as well, as the Great Replacement by mass immigration continues. Here is a sam...

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The Immigration Invasion by Air By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While the world thinks that the immigration invasion of the United States is primarily though the open southern border, that is not the only source. The Biden administration is flying in a replacement population from the Third World, a people that are assured to vote Democrat, and to change the demographics of the country to non-white even faster t...

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The Urban Prisons of 15-Minute Cities By James Reed

The environmentalists, urban creatures that they are, inner city elites associated with universities and the public services, in name only, are big on the 15-miunute city concept. The idea is that you will live in a dense urban space where all that you need to exist will be within walking, or biking distance. Well, I live a dense Melbourne urban sp...

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Mattias Desmet on Beyond the Censorship Industrial Complex By Brian Simpson

Academic critic, Mattias Desmet's work gained more public awareness from its mention by Dr Robert Malone, in a segment of the Joe Rogen show. The key concept is mass formation, seen in the context of socialisation producing a regime for the censorship and/or suppression of thought. This was especially relevant during Covid, which as an excellent ex...

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The Great Fudging of Temperature Databases for Net Zero By James Reed

Next to the Covid plandemic, this must rank high in the list of scientific scams. We all know that climate change alarmism is an ideology accepted by the globalist elites, and political class of Western nation states. It is set to completely change our way of life, if their plans are put fully into place, such as the radical culling of farms, the e...

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Climate Corps: A Domestic Green Army By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is where climate change alarmism goes. Radical representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, wants to have a Climate Corps, a domestic Green army. Joe Biden has now taken up this idea, even though the US real army is engaged in war on a number of fronts, and faces a funding crisis. Biden is set though to throw $ 8 billion into this wacko scheme, wh...

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Proof that Biden is Not in Control, of Anything, Much By Charles Taylor (Florida)

This is one story that critics of Joe Biden need to keep warmed up in their memory. It was one thing for him, or at least the White House, to declare Easter Sunday, transgender day of visibility, as if there is not enough visibility and optics already, and no better days to choose, such as the very next day, 1 April. However, even though the mainst...

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