Just Say “No!” to Big Australia! By James Reed

It is very good to see that on 20 April 2024, there will be a public forum in Adelaide, "From housing crisis to eco-crisis: Why Australia's population growth is unsustainable?" This is to be hosted by Sustainable Population Australia (SPA), and it will tackle at long last the mass immigration crisis. One speaker will be the "unconventional economis...

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An Accelerating Electricity Crisis, Made Worse by Renewables By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a lesson for Australia who is following in our (US) footsteps of abandoning reliable fossil fuels to go down the path of so-called renewables such as solar and wind. As small-scale farmer John Klar points out, the US electric grid is approaching a catastrophic failure, from increased electricity demands. Ironically, these demands come from ...

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Anxious about the “Climate”? No, Only Anxious about Climate Change Alarmist Elites! By Chris Knight (Florida)

As a mechanism of social control, the environmental movement, especially that associated with climate change alarmism has delivered results as far as the brainwashing of youth goes. Young people with years of life ahead of them, are particularly vulnerable to any narrative that the world is ending. I know, as I suffered anxiety during the Cold War ...

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The Lawfare to Destroy Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

By the time this piece is read, Donald Trump will have around 24 hours to come up with a bond of US $ 464 to have his appeal case heard. The "crime" was that Trump in his estimations, over-valued his properties. He got loans which he paid back. None of the banks objected. Indeed, the banks always get over-valuations from those seeking loans, and ar...

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Musk’s Planetary Surveillance By Brian Simpson

Many conservatives hold hope for Elon Musk, given his soft defence of free speech. Of course, that is better than nothing, but the technocratic side of Musk far outweighs any positive things he has done. For a start, he is a globalist, and has never criticised organisations such as the World Economic Forum, UN, or for that matter the CCP, with whom...

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Are Birds LGBTQ+? By Brian Simpson

When a regime, based upon an ideology gets power it always attempts to ground its power position in terms of being a natural part of the universe. Thus, the Hastings Museum and Art Gallery in Britain was running an LGBTQ history exhibition funded by Arts Council England. It is claimed that some birds are "queer" because they "change their sex from ...

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The Attack Upon Home Schooling By James Reed

The Left, Conversation.com.au, has an article today about how 50 percent of school principals are considering quitting, due to stress and violence, often against them and staff: https://theconversation.com/i-have-been-ground-down-about-50-of-australian-principals-and-other-school-leaders-are-thinking-of-quitting-225671. Yes, it is really a white bo...

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Dr Naomi Wolf: An Invasion Alright! By Mrs. Abigail Knight (Florida)

Many social critics have been reporting on the immigration invasion of the US. Dr Naomi Wolf has some interesting information that should be circulated, as it shows the extent of trouble. It seems that military-age or gangland-age illegal-immigrant young men, are now in in barracks-type situations in strategic points around the US. "Illegal immigra...

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The Next Level of Covid Vax Information Suppression By Chris Knight (Florida)

The next level of Covid vax injury suppression is here. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), published a 148-page report on myocarditis after the Covid vax jab. Only problem here, for the truth-seeking public, is that every single word is redacted; the pages obtained from a Freedom of Information request return blanks! Cardiologist...

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The AI-Powered Tyranny of the Global New World Order By James Reed

 Across the West, investigative reporters are being arrested for the "crime" of doing no more than their job. An example is Owen Shroyer of Infowars who was convicted and sentenced to 60 days in prison for his coverage of the January 6, peaceful protests. He did not even enter the Capitol, but the Biden regime wanted to make examples of people...

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A Dystopian Technocratic World By Brain Simpson

The technocratic mind set, as behind the UN and World Economic Forum as leading examples, sees science and technology much as pre-Christian societies viewed their wizards, as delivering social miracles, to build the perfect society under their watch. The technocratic position is that conventional political systems are ill-equipped to deal with prob...

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Albo’s Security Spring Cleaning before Beijing Overlords’ Visit By James Reed

So, PM Albo has axed two spies, Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) Director-General Kerri Hartland and Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) Director-General of Security Mike Burgess. And the cancellation comes just as Chinese officials are set to visit their colony of Australia. Burgess, ASIO's head since 2019, has repeat...

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Covid mRNA Vax Can Alter the DNA By Brian Simpson

In 2023 gene scientist Kevin McKernan discovered that the mRNA vaccines were contaminated with high levels of plasmid DNA, which was a product of manufacture of the vaccines. These results were tested by other labs and confirmed for both the Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes. Concern was expressed that not only could this contamination cause autoimmune dis...

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The Very Definition of an Invasion! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Incredible footage has emerged of hundreds of illegal migrants in El Paso, Texas, breaching a barbed wire fence to frantically gain entrance to all the goodies of the woke welfare state. The video, at the link below, needs to be seen to dispel any idea that these illegal aliens from Africa, Central América, Colombia, and Venezuela, are rocket scien...

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AI and Vaccine Hesitancy By Brian Simpson

       Here is how artificial intelligence (AI), is being used for vaccine promotion. An AI tool has been developed that uses demographic and various personal data to predict vaccine hesitancy. The article published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Public Health and Surveillance (2024), by N. Vike et al., "Predicting ...

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What They are Promising You is Death: Tucker Carlson By Chris Knight (Florida)

Tucker Carlson has given the most explicit condemnation of the globalist agenda. It is now not merely about eliminating freedom and liberties … well, in a way, yes. It is about eliminating the most fundamental liberty of all, the right to life. That goes from the manic championing of abortion up to birth, through to the gender agenda, the Great Whi...

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Male Infertility To Threaten Human Survival: Dr Mercola By Mrs. Vera West

Dr Mercola has updated a paper that appeared a few years back on the pressing problem of the decline of the human male sperm count. Between 1973 and 2013, sperm counts declined by an incredible 50 percent, and continue to fall. Men in America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, had the lowest counts, at levels where it would be difficult to fertil...

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The Woke Mind Virus By Chris Knight (Florida)

One of the main destructive forces in the West is political correctness, now called woke. It is a direct evolution of the Leftist mind virus that has taken over most of the institutions of the West, from the universities to the legal system. In fact, the long march through the institutions began by taking over the universities, which was wrapped up...

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Elon Musk: A Republican Victory or Doom! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Elon Musk the owner of social media company X, has seen the writing on the wall, so to speak. He has issued the grim warning that unless the Republicans win in the November elections, America is "doomed." Four more years of all that is happening at present will kill off the country, and it will collapse into social chaos, a chaos that is already en...

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The Australian Immigration Disaster By James Reed

James Morrow, writing for the UK Daily Telegraph, has rightly described the mass immigration program of the Albo government as a disaster, and especially the record January 2024 immigration surge. The Albo government, under intense criticism said that immigration numbers will be reduced, but the opposite has happened, predictably enough. There were...

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