Children will be Masked, and Marked, Forever By Mrs Vera West

Here is the warning coming from the American Academy of Pediatrics, that even vaccinated children should be required to wear face masks. There is no expire date upon this, so we can assume that this will be the new normal. It is the culture of the mask, and carbon dioxide on the brain.

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Covid Vaccines and the Atomic bomb By Chris Knight (Florida)

Mike Adams has made the interesting observation that more people have now died from the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines, than died from the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, itself an unpunished war crime. That statistic must realty to total deaths worldwide, or else it is based upon the hypothesis of a system that allegedly vastly under-records deaths, as some have argued. In any case, this is Adam’s opinion, worth reading, and does not necessarily reflect the position of the blog. Also, if the government drops an atomic bomb on you, as Beijing Biden seemed to have threatened a few weeks back, and by some miracle you survive, seek professional medical attention, rather than merely use your handy dandy first aid kit!

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“Y: The Last Man”: A Feminist Fantasy that Would Lead to Their Certain Doom! By Mrs Vera West and John Steele

There is forthcoming TV show which is based upon the ultimate rad fem fantasy of all men dying leaving women. The clip on YouTube does not say what happens to the trans, those with male genitals who think that they are women, but no matter. There will be more pressing problems in the real world if this happened.

The first job is to get rid of almost half of the population. Since the men collapse vomiting blood, it is like to be some new virus, that could mutate easily, next targeting women. Disposing of the corpses, even using earth moving equipment, will not be easy. But worse, since men work the basis infrastructure of society, and women the talky-talky stuff, the power will go down, quickly, including the fuel pumps, water supply and sewage. Are there enough trained women to keep the system up? No way! What about the nuclear reactors, which will go into meltdown after 48 hours when emergency cooling systems fail? Game over for the planet.

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Cancelled for Criticising Communist China, Masters of the Universe By Richard Miller (London)

What is amazing is that the PhD student, discussed below, who was wrecked for criticising the new Masters of the Universe, commo China, was Swiss. It is the sort of thing that is likely to occur in places like the UK or Sweden, but it just shows how deep communism is now. It really is the Chinese Covid New World Order, as the West commits ritual suicide.

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Professor Lockdown Got it Wrong! By Richard Miller (London)

Remember UK Professor Neil Ferguson, who early predictions off the alleged wide-spread devastation of Covid-19, led to the lockdown ideology? Well, he now admits that his initial predictions were incorrect, and now says that lockdowns will soon be a thing of the past. I will believe it when I see it, since the gremlins are now out, well, at least locked down.

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Straight from the Horses’ Mouth (CDC Horsey) By Chris Knight (Florida)

Whoa! According to the CDC, which is like the voice of a god in the Covid New World Order, fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus. To my mind that poses a problem for those like our government, who are saying that once there is a high level of vaccination in the herd, things can return to normal, whatever that now is. Probably infections will continue.

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Covid Counter-Measures By Brian Simpson

Dr Mercola has given an informative discussion of Covid-countermeasures, and his ideas of health in an age of Coviddy diddy do-dar day. The discussion of diet is interesting. However, the usual disclaimer on these topics, that we at the blog are not offering medical/health advice, only reporting news items for public policy debate.

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On the Proposition that Covid-19 Does Not Exist By Brian Simpson

There is a minority view among Covid critics that the actual virus does not exist, having not been isolated, and other methodological problems. Below, in the interest of free debate, is material on these lines. Personally, I am not so sure, since I wonder how this position, which is like that taken by AIDS critics, accounts for the vaccine ill-effects. Where did the vaccine come from to produce these ill-effects? Isn’t this then an inconsistency, where the critics want to have their scepticism, and adverse effects too? Mike Adams does address this objection below. Anyway, I keep an open mind, as always.

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Prisoners of the US Genocide War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The January 6 peaceful protesters have faced torture and human rights abuses, and are now being denied basic legal process. In the future no doubt anyone who sticks their head up against the CCP Beijing Biden regime will not have the luxury of human rights abuses in jail, but will be given the Ashli Babbitt treatment of summary execution on the spot. Trumps’ dopey, gutless supporters should have a mass strike and do something legal, but the fat cheese burger man said to stand down and watch the country burn, just as he watched the country burn in 2020 at his watch.

Oh, he is going to win the 2024 election, because the Democrats won’t steal it again, he thinks! Dream on dope! The greatest tragedy is that the sheeple have not woken up to traitor Trump and booed him off the stage, and right out of politics. No wonder evil always triumphs; the people’s IQ is really less than that of sheep! And the enemy knows it, and encourages the breeding down.

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The Rape Gangs of the UK By Richard Miller (London)


According to former UK detective Maggie Oliver, who has bravely taken on the ethnic rape gang issue in the UK, the ethnic rape gangs continue to target British children, mostly white. This large-scale rape industry has been going on for many years. What needs to be said here is that this is but another example of the Great Replacement. There would probably be less rapes of children even if an enemy army had invaded. I dare say that if the USSR red army, a symbol of evil, had invaded Britain in the post-World War II period, there would have been far fewer rapes than what we see now. So, go figure that one out.

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Replacing the 4th of July with Muslim Heritage Month! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a classic US example of how diversity and multiculturalism ultimately begins to change the social fabric and basic institutions which existed prior to mass migration. Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and a gang of other Leftists would like to turn July into Muslim American Heritage Month. Why? Well, it is the Great Replacement after all, what else could it be? This is the cultural version, the other side of demography.

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Cheating, Unlimited: Election Workers’ Alter Votes! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Incredible reports continue to be uncovered about the 2020 US electoral fraud. Just the has received one such report where imperfect votes in Georgia, instead of being rejected as “no vote,” and informal, were awarded to Biden rather than Trump. There are not enough of this fraud to change the election result in this state alone, but this is only the tip of the iceberg in relation to electoral fraud. It will not doubt continue to be uncovered until 2024, when the Democrats, aided by the Chinese Communist Party, steal the final election. America is dead, and Trump the traitor, let it happen.

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No Vax, No Oxygen! By Brian Simpson

We have been covering what is happening in various jurisdiction re Covid passports and restrictions. Dr Mercola, who now deletes material from his site after 48 hours, due to political oppression, details what the elites have in store. I think my title is not too over-the-top. If the elites get their way, and it is happening fast now, freedom as it was known, will evaporate as readily as water in the outback sun. No continuous jabs, no life as you knew it.

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The Vaccinated Hospital, Overflowing with Covid Cases By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is something more for the establishment to consider, who hold to the position that “all you need is not just love, but a vax.” I am sure John Lennon, if alive now, would have been coaxed to write the songs of this age, All You Need is Vax, and Imagine (All the People Vaccinated). However, there are problems, as there are now daily reports of significant breakthrough cases, which cannot be dismissed with the once usual hand wave, well, nothing is perfect. Consider:

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Dr Michael Yeadon on Covid Vaccines and Pregnant Women By Mrs Vera West

There have been concerns raised about the Covid vaccines effects upon pregnant women, which the mainstream have dismissed, or discounted; nothing to see here. But there are dissent voices, such as former Pfizer vice president Dr. Michael Yeadon, who does see potential problems here. Will experimental vaccines become a new thalidomide? Surely the burden of proof of safety lies with the establishment.

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Defund the CDC! By Brian Simpson

Ted Noel MD, writing at the American, which has high quality and hard-hitting articles, takes on the idea that the CDC is a paradigm of pure science and respectability. On the contrary, the Centers for Disease Control, as he sees it, is not such thing, given its present changes of position, and should be defunded. “The CDC has proven that its name is a lie.  It is a political organization that is barely acquainted with science.  We have learned far more about COVID-19 through the studies and commentaries published by a myriad of authors on the internet.  And it's very likely that without the CDC, we would have thousands of loved ones still alive.” That sounds like an excellent case for defunding, along with the World Health Organization.

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The Cancer of Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

Beneath the current decline and coming fall of America and the West is the cult of diversity, the idea that diversity is a strength, the strength, rather than being seen as it has been in the past, and across cultures, as a weakness, if not a curse for those who fall into the diversity trap. This material from American discusses how the ideology of DIE - diversity, inclusion, and equity -  is well on the way to undermining the social fabric of America. The same applies to various degrees right across the West.

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Over 157,000 Illegally Cast Ballots in Wisconsin! By Charles Taylor

Here is yet another example of the sorts of uncovering of US 2020 electoral fraud that are now unfolding. “An election integrity group says an autopsy of the November 2020 election identified over 157,000 illegally cast ballots in Wisconsin, a number that exceeds Joe Biden’s margin of victory by eight times.” That is starting to rattle the system, and they are beginning to fight back by using legal means to ban investigations. Hopefully though, the truth will out.

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Meet the Delightful Philosophicat! By Mrs Vera West

I was told about this article by Brian Simpson, who visits, his type of site, with strong, intelligent racialist articles. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see mention of a young lady from the Right, very pretty, speaking about philosophy topics, Philosophicat. The theme is based upon the work of Julius Evola, who is something of an intellectual saint to the Dissent Right, like Nietzsche. I have to admit that I don’t understand his books, and had trouble reading at such a level of abstraction. I also have doubts whether all of this is coherent. Metaphysics tends to drift away into pure speculation; I am more empiricist minded. Still, for those interested, here is some information. Men folk will probably go to the site just to see a beautiful woman. I emailed my granddaughter, about the same age as Philosophicat, to ask what she thought, but as yet have got no reply, probably because she is too busy looking after her baby girl.

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The Whiteness of Ancient Rome By Brian Simpson

Ricardo Duchesne is producing some fanatic material supporting the white racial survival cause, much appearing at, which is a site far superior to Americana Renaissance, in my opinion. He has recently done great work on the racial anthropology of ancient Rome, arguing that its greatness occurred during the period of its whiteness, not because of mass migration, and that diversity in fact was a cause of the decline and fall of Rome. There is an obvious lesson here for the West today, which is neck-deep in the same goo and muck that polished off ancient Rome.

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