American Apocalypse? It is Happening Now in Real Time By Chris Knight (Florida)

There seems to have been yet another slide down to collapse of empire this week, as the US flees, fall-of-Saigon-like, from Afghanistan. Billions of dollars of military weapons of mass destruction have now fallen into the hands of the radical jihadist Taliban. China is set to move into relations with the new masters now to exploit their mineral resources. One could be forgiven for thinking that Beijing Biden did this solely to benefit his CCP masters. Everything he does, or at least what the Dark forces behind him tell him to do, works towards the destruction of America. Trump could have prevented this, and so could the millions of pathetic Trump voters who are sitting by, watching this country be destroyed. The present Biden regime has openly declared war upon them, and they take it like the obedient masochists they are. In the end we will all get what we deserve. If you don’t fight, legally of course, you lose, illegally of course.


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This Road to Totalitarianism By James Reed

There has been a radical speed-up of a process that we have been noting for some time, as the global elites work to deconstruct the old traditional liberal democratic system, and even the White people who created it, to build a New World Order more obedient to them, until thinking robots can replace even those slaves. This is the road to the totalitarian nightmare, worse than anything seen in communism of the past, as the scientists and technocrats have put Satanic-like powers into the elites’ hands, and this vast technological sophistication, while spitting a few crumbs to computer-manic masses, will be overwhelmingly evil. As stated below, beyond all of the Covid science debates, it is time to pick a side … are you with the good guys, or the evil ones?

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Covid Surge in Vaccinated Israel By Brian Simpson

Israel has been ahead of the curve in Covid vaccinations, and thus was one of the first countries to open up. Now, unfortunately, masks have returned, as well as the need to show proof of vaccination. The mainstream media is saying that the recent surge in Covid cases is due to the Delta variant, and the unvaccinated. But, around 80 percent of the adult population is vaccinated, so it is unlikely that the surge is due to effects from the unvaccinated. But, we will see, as it is likely that most people in Israel will soon be vaccinated.


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Real Meat is Green - it Eats Grass By Viv Forbes

The Green Wreckers who destroyed Australia’s cheap reliable electricity are now targeting our cattle industry.

They will use fake science and false advertising to destroy our right to produce and consume real meat.

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Scribes for the CCP By James Reed

I just knew it! The World Health Organization just does what Commo China says, and its report on the Covid-19 origin was basically supervised by the CCP. What a useless biased organisation; close them down! Well, defund them at least, they are global, so let the CCP pay for them.

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Rolling Out the Carpet of Fear! By James Reed

Forget about rolling out the barrel! Roll out the carpet, roll out the carpet of fear! Even the prim and proper is talking about how the Australia Army was deployed in Sydney, as if there was room for doubt! Sure, it is scary, but remember this is the new Black Death we are dealing with here, and drastic diseases require drastic measures, don’t they? Hopefully not too many of the soldiers will get infected, in case World War III breaks out, to disturb the Covid freak-out. When war comes, it will be time for the grand old songs, one last time before nuclear annihilation. Here is Vera Lynn, in memory of you mum! I hope that I make it to the place where you are now. Suddenly I feel quite melancholic.


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More Lockdowns, More Alcoholics! By James Reed

I was going to write as a subtitle “So it is Not All Bad,” but that would not be promoting a good example to the increasing number of the young visiting this blog, letting my alcoholism get the better of my journalistic integrity. I know that I am the one letting the side down, except for Uncle Len, who we no longer hear from, but could have died in his shed, remaining in lockdown and starving to death. Anyway, now that morals are done and dusted, the main business.


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Door-to-Door, Covid Vax Evangelicals? No, Just the Government, Here to Help By Brian Simpson

I did not see this in the Australian media, but I no doubt did not look hard or long enough. Anyway, the warning has been made by Dan Our Man that there could be door-to-door mandatory Covid tests. Apparently, Victoria is not at that stage yet, but if things don’t improve, well watch out! Say, if one does not open the door, do they break your door down and if you do not consent to the test, invade your nose with the swab? Will one have the choice, as the Chinese now give, of anal swabs? No joke, see the link below.  Just asking. I wonder how multicultural suburbs are going to like that? Again, just asking.


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The Civilisation Entropy of Equity and Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

Gregory Hood, easily the best writer at American Renaissance in my opinion, charges in on the metapolitical significance of the recent US Census report that America’s white population has declined for the first time in history. My take is that this is an inevitable consequence of the war that has been waged against whites, right across the West, and usually by segments of their own race. Here vis his deconstruction. His position only, ofcourse.


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Snoping on Snoping Snopes by Snoopies! Or, Who Watches the Watchmen? By James Reed

I am always irritated by the Leftist fact checkers, who take a super-literal approach to opposing political views from the Right, but when it comes to those on their team like Beijing Biden, usually there is no fact check at all. For example, when Biden said in a press conference that his “butt is wiped,” did Snopes do a Snoopy dog and go and fact check that? Sure, I know that this is a sensitive topic near dinner time, but we are talking about the so-called president of the DisUnited States, and he said it, not me. They certainly fact checked Trump to death. Hey, how about the allegations that your co-founder published heaps of articles containing material plagiarized from sources such as The Guardian and the LA Times. Better fact-check the fact checkers!

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The Two Mask Kid By Chris Knight (Florida)

I know that many of you back in my home country of Australia are suffering under the yoke of a Covid mask, but it can get worse, trust me. You see, the authorities in Philadelphia, and I found this out when visiting on business last week, think that wearing two masks is a great idea. No science backs this up, because if the first mask is inadequate, and viruses pass through, unless you have on so many masks that you stop breathing, it is not going to stop Covid-19. But, this is the politics of fear and social control, not reasoned public policy debate.


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New Class Celebrate the Decline of White America, But What does the New World Have in Store for Them? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The libtard and Democrat New Class are besides themselves with the news that the white population of America has fallen, and no doubt they hope that it falls more, for whatever their reasons. But, will most of these elites, who regardless of how they define themselves, who are considered “white” by the diverse, be rejoicing when America becomes the New South Africa, as a number of blogs posts have discussed? A taste of this was seen in the US riots of 2020; now project that one with economic and probably ecological breakdown, if not the desolation of war. I don’t think they will be laughing in the future that is racing up to hit us all. I wish no-one ill; just stating historical fact, and pointing to cold hard realities.

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Ashli Babbitt: Trump Did Something Right! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I had urged Trumpers to put pressure on Trump to speak out on the Ashli Babbitt execution on January 6. Many Southern American radio talkback shows have I rung up, all had sympathetic responses, although I never rung in Democrat states. Now, former president burger is speaking out, at long last, so I am glad, a little bit. Predictably the libtard press is seeing this as endorsing a violent extremist. Yes, when their side murders and burns down America because a Black criminal dies from a drug overdose, that is racial justice, but a Black assassin can shoot an unarmed white woman in the throat, and be protected, and protested by the most corrupt and evil government the human race has yet seen. This is a government which has declared a racial war against the dispossessed majority of its people, and is actively working to allow a declared enemy to destroy it. It is a pity that our side is so weak, with pathetic leaders.

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The Normie By Brian Simpson

Before the lockdown, I used to go to the local gym. A guy about my age decided that I was a fit person to listen to his politics. He was good on immigration, maybe more radical than us, but on everything else including vaccines, would take the normie or systems position. It was odd, but I would constantly seek to undermine his sense of what the respectable consensus of the mainstream was. After all, few people 100 years ago would have supported “gay” marriage and transgenderism, but here it is, the new normal. In other words, the elites change what is normal by social forces, and mostly by demographically changing the population, as is being done now right across the West.

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Stranger Danger By Chris Knight (Florida)

If in the human body, the body could not differentiate between self and non-self, and friendly co-habiting organisms, and dangerous ones, then the immune system would cease to work, and the human organism would be over-run. Jonathan Sawyer argues that this fear of the other, or the stranger, is deliberately diluted by modernist doctrines like diversity and multiculturalism, but the effects can be a social disaster, and ultimate collapse and death.

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Hunter Biden, a Degenerate, or National Security Threat (Both)? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The latest revelations about another stolen laptop of the false president’s son, Hunter Biden, the smartest person Joe Biden knows he is on record as saying, moves out of the crime and degeneracy camp, to possible national security threats via blackmail as Hunter reveals that the Russians stole his laptop while he was drugged out of his mind, and the laptop was full of incriminating stuff. Just imagine if the Trump sons did even a fraction of this! But Hunter is given a pass from the mainstream media, because this media is also degenerate Leftist. It would not matter what Hunter did, he is protected because his senile old man is useful to sign he knows not what.

Of course America is a failed state; this is cultural collapse. Apologies in advance for the censored bad language, but this is important stuff that we conservatives have to face. Remember, all this is from the false president’s son, not some street druggie.

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Update on the Lab Origin of Covid-19 By Brian Simpson

What is emerging now on the lab origin of Covid, is that  a senior scientist was infected with SARS-CoV-2 in  laboratory in Beijing in early 2020, at  The National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention (NIVDC). Recall that the opposing hypothesis of a natural origin and species jumping has the virus emerging in the Wuhan wet markets from some unidentified animal, jumping to humans. That now seems not likely at all, if the virus was already in a CCP lab.

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Welcome to the IPCC Climate Change Freak Show! By James Reed

It always happens after the release of a UN IPCC climate change apocalypse report. The liberal Left get into environment mode, save the planet, down with coal and all of that, even though China is having none of it. Fortunately, Scott Morrison has not been too bad on this issue. Unlike most of the Western “leaders,” who are in the grip of the climate ideology, Sco Mo has said that China and India need to reduce emissions. Indeed, China’s emissions account for more than the OECD combined. Thus, he is right that new technologies are needed. Ok, that said, let’s forget about climate change and get back to business. Oh, we can’t, businesses have been destroyed by lockdown. That just blackens his copy book. Well, there are your sacred emission targets for you! Most of the country now has gone back to living in their modern caves, of sorts!

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America is a Failed State, Going Down Fast By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Following from the 2020 stolen election, and the utter chaos now sown by Democrats, some conservatives are beginning to wonder if America is a failed state. The most recent is Pat Buchanan. He is well aware of the existential threats, especially demographic displacement and the Great Replacement. He has written about this as a general problem for the West, which he sees could fall much like ancient Rome did. I agree, but Buchanan still clings to hope of saving America, while I see the nation state a sick and dying dog, thickened by the curse of diversity.  The sooner hope is given up on that project, the sooner we can move to secession and breaking up of nations into decentralised ethnostates, with decentralised finance via Douglas social credit, which I learnt about from the league, not much of that here. We may have chance of survival then.


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The Limits of VAERS by Mrs Vera West

While the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), is better than nothing at all, the system has existing limits, detailed below. In short, the methodologies employed are inadequate to fully detect the real world numbers of adverse effects. The reasons are technical, but are explained clearly below. The significance of this is that the number of adverse effects from Covid-19 vaccines are likely to be vastly under-reported, so the vaccines would therefore be less safe than the mainstream holds, at least.

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