The Ashli Babbitt Murder Conspiracy and the Emails of Criminalisation By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Judicial Watch has received some highly revealing emails, 1160 pages of documents from Washington, DC’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME), over the cold blooded murder, as I define it, of US ex-service woman Ashli Babbitt. What is particular suspicious is that OCME submitted a request for permission to cremate Babbitt a mere two days after taking custody of the body. Also, due to the “high profile nature” of Babbitt’s case, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Francisco Diaz requested that a secure electronic file with limited access be created for Babbitt’s records. Now that smacks, to my mind at least, of a massive cover-up. If there was no murder, why do these extraordinary things?


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The Feral Future in the Great Anarcho-Tyranny By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As the great social breakdown is permitted to accelerate, we will see more of the events depicted below. Streets in many cities, especially those where police have been defunded, will be unsafe. I saw a video commentary by Mike Adams at Natural, the link I lost, but no matter, where he showed a street scene from Venice Beach. It was a parade of freaks, and dangerous people, including one guy who was swinging around a quarter staff, not proficiently, but crazy enough to be dangerous. One-by-one different varieties of freaks went by, including an ultra-fat near-topless guy wearing a bra! In the 1960s, this street would have been a scene of beach goers and muscle men. Now it is simply anarchy and decay. I remember going there as a kid with my father, a US marine, as I would become. Today, normal people, let alone military types, would just get attacked.

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The Segregation Nation By James Reed

We are, with the vaccine passports, which are being rolled in via a Fabian socialist gradualist way, on the verge of the segregation society. It is the thin edge of a very thick wedge as the governments, who find the lust for power and social control irresistible, will aim for increasing regulation. This was all anticipated in 1984 by Orwell, but the means for doing this, by Big Tech, has only realtively recently been made available. Tyranny, the likes of which the human race has never experienced is set to be unleashed. It is definitely the final act in the great horror play of modernity.

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Fully Vaccinated but Still Covid Sick By Brian Simpson

An update on news coming out from highly Covid-vaccinated Israel, where most people are fully vaccinated, but where the hospitals are still seeing the Covid ill. Some doctors hypotheses that the initial vaccine’s effectiveness is fading, so that booster shots will be needed. And I suppose once the booster shot’s effectiveness fades, another booster will be needed and so on, forever. It would have been nice to have got shares in a vaccine company in the earlier days.

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The Great Replacement Only Exists if the Elites Celebrate it, Otherwise - Racist Conspiracy! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

James Kirkpatrick has two tremendous articles detailing the elites’ response to the thesis of the Great Replacement or white genocide, the idea that there is a grand plan to demographically replace whites by mass migration. In short, there is ample evidence that the ruling elites, the 1 percenters and above, support this, and have organised it, probably as an act of revenge in their minds, but mainly to create their idea of a slave society. The notion is that they will rule unchallenged for eternity, when in fact this diversity is already destroying the West. Until they can live in outer space, or maybe under the oceans, or even deep underground, the elites are stuck in the mess that they are creating. Yet, full of hubris, they will not back down until the bitter end, and bitter it will be. South Africa will be like a Sunday school picnic compared to the economic and cultural collapse of the West.

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Bad “Social Credit” This Way Comes By James Reed

It is no accident that the media has chosen to use our term “social credit” to describe the diabolical totalitarian means of surveillance and social control, first used in China, but now becoming mainstream in the Covid New World Order. The Douglas social credit movement thus gets a smear, and I suppose this is done by the elites to potentially take out an old enemy of the globo commos. I am not sure if our side should change our terminology or fight for the term. My gut feeling is to fight, to speak of “good social credit,” from the Douglas/Eric Butler tradition, and differentiate it from “bad social credit,” as detailed in the latest anarcho-tyranny below. Eric Butler always said that in the endgame, the fight would get very mean and dirty, and that it has.

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Oops …Poop …Lockdown! By Brian Simpson

The internet is laughing at us in Victoria, where Dan the Man locked down Victoria because he thought he saw coronavirus in his tea cup … eh …toilet bowl … sorry that is all wrong, that corona virus was detected in the  wastewater  of Wangaratta, supposedly creating the “potential that regional Victorians have been exposed to Covid-19.” Only thing is, it was not. So, what was this multi-million-dollar destruction of the economy, of businesses and jobs all about?

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Disgraceful Leftist Self-Humiliation By B. R. (Auckland)

As I have a government job, I can’t have my name listed, but I need to speak out about this woke New Zealand government. New Zealand is a physically beautiful place, especially the South Island, but isolated and eager to match the United States and Sweden in politically correct weirdness. Take this guilt stunt that the PM engaged it; do you think Biden would do the same? How about for the Cuban genuine refugees that the US recently sent back, to almost certain death sentences by the commo government? None of the migrants discussed below, on visas that expired, were executed, just deported. So what? What would commo China, our master here in New Zealand, do? Leftism is a form of extreme national suicide, and we are drowning in it here. New Zealand will not survive say, 50 more years; it is finished. Maybe even five years.

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Ethical Vegans and Covid Vaccines By Mrs Vera West

Those not vaccinated are coming up with innovative survival strategies for dealing with the issue of compulsory vaccination in the workforce. In the UK, but probably not in Australia, but we won’t know until it undergoes legal scrutiny, ethical vegans may be able to claim to be exempt from employers demanding vaccination, on the grounds that the Covid vaccines have been animal tested, and veganism is a protected belief under the Equality Act 2010. Whether something like this exists under Australian law, as I said needs investigation.


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Sweden Takes its Off By Richard Miller (London)

With the development of breakthrough infections among the Covid vaccinated, the prospect of continuous lockdowns and other restrictions loom, forever. But Sweden has avoided most of this, without the sky falling down. So, countries will probably need to consider the Sweden road, one of the very few things this country has got right. It certainly did not get immigration right, unless a rapid Great Replacement was the goal.

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Believe in Science? But, Why? (Solve the Problem of Induction, First!) By Brian Simpson

Sheldon Richman, “How Science Becomes a Religion,” gives a spirited argument about how science can become a religion, in the bad sense of religion being irrational dogmas, rather than reasonable faith. The mantra of “Believe in Science,” begs the question of whose science and which set of experts to believe, for usually on most scientific questions, there is not a tight absolute consensus, and there are experts in a minority putting a critique of the establishment position, as this blog has shown with the Covid issue.

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Starving the Unvaccinated By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is the next worry, something already seen in parts of Asia, where the unvaccinated will be crushed by not being able to get food. Human rights have gone out the window, for all the fine moral posturing that the elites engaged in on race and immigration issues.

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Big Business More Powerful than Governments! By James Reed

Yep, it is true, Big Business is more powerful than government, and in fact, government just exists to serve the corporates, as do we peasants and slaves. It is known as corporate capitalism, some call it communism. But, it is all globo commo in the end, whatever way you look at it.

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Australian Covid Infections in the Fully Vaccinated By Brian Simpson

The occurrence of Covid infections among the fully vaccinated is being dismissed as not a challenge to the idea that all is needed to get back to business as usual is a high vaccination rate. It has been said that breakthrough infections are rare. That is correct so far for Australia, but it is more sobering to examine the US situation, as some material below from a mainstream publication, does. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have  been in the US  4,115 reported cases of fully vaccinated people being hospitalized or dying with Covid-19 breakthrough infections. I think that there is a question about why this has occurred, and saying that nothing is perfect, is a scientific cop-out. The question is, why isn’t the vaccine better? The burden of proof is upon the vaccine supporters. Perhaps even vaccine passports will not be enough? So, since lockdowns are set to cause economic collapse, surely the only answer is the one given by Sweden? Can the Australian authorities start looking into the Swedish situation? Pretty please, with sugar on top of the syringe.

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Provable Electoral Fraud in Georgia By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is some of the latest material on provable electoral fraud in Georgia. The hand count audit in Fulton CountyGeorgia, last year “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.” I have not read another article and processed it yet, but it also seems that the corrupt courts are starting to panic and to rule the various audits illegal. I will investigate and get back tomorrow. Today is Sunday, and the families go to church, then have a nice picnic lunch, and the men folk take our guns and let off a few thousand rounds down range at the local gun club. A quiet Sunday down here in Florida, just the way we like it. God bless our threatened freedoms!


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An Assessment of Mandatory Stay-At-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID-19 By Brian Simpson

A recent paper published in Eur J. Clin. Invest, “Assessing Mandatory Stay-At-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of COVID-19,” it was found that these measures, currently in the tool box also of the Australian authorities, involving restrictive measures, such as stay-at-home lockdowns were not of significant benefit in restraining case growth. The abstract of the paper is reproduced below.

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Come Fly with Me … On Second Thoughts, Don’t! By James Reed

Yep, the airlines are leading the charge by corporates with the “digital health pass.” But, I hypothesise that all of this will be for nothing, and will not stop the march of Covid XYZ+ and related friends. See all the articles on breakthrough infections at this blog. So, I predict that international travel may dwindle in the world to come, along with other curses of modernity, like international tourism, the great travelling circus. Wouldn’t that be grand! Who says that cultural/economic collapse does not have an upside?

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The Communist Show Trials By Charles Taylor (Florida)

It is good to see, at long last, some heavy hitters lashing out at the January 6 communist show trials. Trump has said nothing, only mentioning Ashli Babbitt for the first time a few weeks ago, but Ron Paul is doing the right thing, and taking this issue on. He argues that these trials will damage the US legal system, reducing it to what was seen in Maoist communist China. That makes sense since the US, and much of the West, is in fact undergoing such a cultural revolution.

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Breakout Infections in Massachusetts By Chris Knight (Florida)

For Aussies accumulating data on breakthrough Covid infections, that is, infections among the fully vaccinated, here is an update on what is happening on that in Massachusetts, which was covered earlier at the blog.

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The Security Hypocrisy of the Left By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is a common pattern for Leftist with power across the West, seen most clearly here in the States with the Democrats like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They oppose ordinary people having guns for self-defence, but are protected by security details, sometimes private security agents, fully armed. They want to defund the police, so ordinary citizens are at the mercy of criminals, many of whom Democrat authorities  have got released from prison, and they want to empty the prison as well because of, well, diversity. Yet, they have their own little private protection armies. All this is done while declaring war on the vast majority of the population. This too, is something which will not end well.


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