Starving the Unvaccinated “Unclean” in the Philippines; It Could Come Here Too, Soon! By Bruce Bennett (Sydney Lockdown)

This is the big worry for those opposing mandatory vaccination, that the authorities will allow the supermarkets to put into place their form of vaccination checks. At present in most states, the use of masks to enter supermarkets is upheld religiously, and it is easy to see how the big stores will fall into line unless the vaccine passport is fought legally now. Clive needs to get moving on this one, it may all be over before his dream legal team gets moving, things are rolling quickly now. In fact, this should have been in the courts months ago, with all the legal experts who have been writing and speaking on Covid, getting into real action in the courts. But, moving slow is how it goes, and one reason why too, why the elites triumph.

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LGBT Pride Parade Good; Anti-Lockdown Protests, Bad By Richards Miller (London)

Here is an open paradox which we have seen right across the West, beginning in the US with the BLM protests and the burning down of America. Radicals are allowed out to work their mischief, but protesters about aspects of Covid, get smashed. Antifa protesters who burnt and bashed were released by Democrat authorities with no charges, while the January 6 peaceful protesters are put in the new American gulags and tortured. The pattern goes on; Leftist and progressive causes are given a Covid pass while anti-lockdown protests are crushed by the jackboot of the state. Guess why.   

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The Wokeness Agenda By Chris Knight (Florida)

Victor Davis Hanson, “What is American Wokeness Really About?” does a tremendous job deconstructing the cult of Wokeness. In a nutshell, “Wokeness is many things.  But increasingly, it seems a cover for careerism, profiteering, and utter incompetence.” Wokeness is a strategy by the New Class of elites to increase their power and social control

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Everyone, Almost, is Concerned about US Electoral Cheating By Chris Knight (Florida)

If America is going to have a vaccine passport, one way or another, what possible objection could be made to voter ID, like in most parts of the world? Not having this ID is an invitation to cheating, as was seen in 2020. In fact, according to  a survey from Rasmussen Reports,  90 percent of American voters are concerned with election cheating, and 74 percent of Americans support voter ID.


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Paul Craig Roberts on the Covid Scam’s Great Unravelling By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The ever-controversial Paul Craig Roberts, charges in on the Covid plandemic in his usually delightful style. He optimistically sees the scam unravelling. While I agree, I think the Covid New World Order are going for broke now, and this is it, make or break, or most probably make and break, everything.

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Solar Panels Made in Eco-Sin (Coal)! By James Reed

Ha! Take that greenies! Princess Greta, are you listening/watching? Solar panels, entities almost as dearly loved by the Left as a Covid-1984 vaccine, are mostly made in China, like everything else, all with coal-fired burning plants, which China freely builds, while the West is in climate change sack cloth and ashes. But, given that the Chinese are not white, and therefore outside of the Leftist white guilt paradigm that rules the West, does that matter? I mean, is it even a fact in a world of concentrated Leftist ideology, made not of the matter of physics, but pure, concentrated, sociology?

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Situational Awareness in the Covid New World Order By Brian Simpson

Today, one needs to exercised extreme care when doing things like crossing roads, filling out forms, even picking one’s nose, especially picking one’s nose, unless done through a face mask! We don’t call this the Covid New World Order for nothing. Kid gloves are off, and it is big boy league now in the viral showdown. May the best syringes win! If only this unfortunately couple had had the money to buy a wind-up mobile Covid-trained lawyer, and a library of law books, to take with them every step of their journey.


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Vaccine Passports in Quebec By Chris Knight (Florida)

Aussies should pay attention to how the Covid vaccine passports are being rolled out in record time, with various jurisdiction taking various methods. Here is what is happening in Quebec, Canada.

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We are All Survivalists and Preppers, Now! By John Steele

The Covid plandemic, with its lockdowns has made many normies into preppers, if not survivalists. The difference is that survivalists go beyond preppers, preparing for self-defence, and have a concern with things like hardening homes, or retreats. Anyway, the internet is exploding with sites, some good, a few bad, on these issues. I like on YouTube Ferfal and Canadian Prepper, both guys not-white. There are also sites like “The Prepared Homestead,” “Magic Prepper,’ “Angry Prepper,” “Alaska Prepper.” Of course, off YouTube we have Mike Adams with Natural and associated sites. Many of the sites listed above are by non-whites, like Angry Prepper, so forget about the myth that prepping is some white supremacist thing. Sure, the last two remaining white supremacists in the world, hiding in the backwoods of Georgia,  are preppers, I suppose, but most people today have forgotten about these things of the past and are just trying to survive. I think there is a Billy Joel song where he sings, along the lines that today, it is a noble act to survive. I concur, completely. Survival is everything, for otherwise here is no hope to rebuild. What we face now is planned collapse, as deadly as any zombie apocalypse, maybe deadlier.

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Now Five Covid Shots! By Brian Simpson

Swedish professor, Matti Sällberg, thinks that it may take five Covid vax shots to reach a state of nirvana, sorry, to deal with falling immunity. I am starting to lose count of how many shots one is supposed to have. Clearly, Big Pharma wants the more, the better. A shot a day, will become the mantra.

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Dr Evil and the Dogs By Chris Knight (Florida)

All Dr Frankenstein scientists need, at some point in their careers, to do experiments involving animals who will suffer great pain. This enables the scientists to move up the evolutionary scale to do much bigger, grander things.

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Biden Struggles with Numbers, More than the Number of His Fingers and Toes By James Reed

The advantage of having a senile president is that he signs any piece of paper, even toilet paper, put before him. The disadvantage is that sometimes, more than comfortable, he makes embarrassing errors, that someone with a functioning brain would not make. But, the mainstream media lets him get away with it because …well … communism!

The errors are so bad that many are in open conflict with basic facts, even the laws of arithmetic, as our science guy Brian Simpson showed in a post last week, where he mathematically modelled one of Biden’s claims, and showed that the equations let to a contradiction! No-one in the world had previously ever mathematically modelled Beijing Biden, so good for you Brian! A no-prize is on the way, as Stan Lee used to say.

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The Crash in Male Fertility By Mrs Vera West

Ryan P. Smith,  an associate professor of urology at the University of Virginia, gives his take on the alarming fall in male fertility across the world. I have covered this topic before, with a focus upon hormone disrupting chemicals, but this material gives a comprehensive overview.


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The Mental Health Wages of Covid/Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

The mainstream Australian media are not reporting all that much on the negative effects of continuous lockdowns, especially upon mental health. People, especially the young are facing slightly more comfortable positions to those in solitary confinement in prisons, something explicitly designed for punishment. I myself suffer greatly, not being able to see my grandchildren, and great grandchild. If fact, I have not yet even seen the most recent birth, that of my great grand daughter, Emily, born in a home birth. Without the internet, I would be totally isolated. The telly does not do much, pumping out the same old nonsense. They have certainly made it a lonely world, and apart from the devastating economic consequences, people are hurting, as always, the little people like us.


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Mandatory Covid Uni Vax: A Good Reason Not to Go to a US University! By James Reed

This was a totally predictable move. Vaccination culture is correlated with mad woke and political correctness, so it is to be expected that the epicentre of woke, the universities, would move to require the young brainwashed to accept the latest sign of the faithful, the sacred vax. Unless the Australian vaccine passport is stopped in its tracks, this will happen  in Australia too, I predict.

But, compared to supermarket issues, I don’t care about this. For the universities, I say, let Darwinian forces decide. Hopefully, most will go broke soon, and have to be sold off for shopping malls, and productive businesses. Problem solved!

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This Week’s US Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths and Adverse Effects; The Song Remains the Same By Brian Simpson

Here from the always excellent Children’s Health site is this week’s update on Covid Vax misery, deaths and injuries recorded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the principal government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. In summary “between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021, a total of 545,338 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,366 deaths — an increase of 426 over the previous week. There were 70,105 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,003 compared with the previous week.”


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Viktor Orban, a Real Leader, Against Senile Globo Commo Joe By Richard Miller (London)

Tucker Carlson has done a great interview with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who with his clear-headed common sense on issues where the rest of the West is lacking, such as border control and the Covid plandemic. The interview refutes totally the notion pushed by the mainstream media that Orban is some sort of extremist. Instead, it is the Western New Class who are the extremists, and so anyone opposing their madness will look “different,” which is the old traditionalist normal.


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From a Friend of a Friend on Facebook By James Reed

I have a big presence on Facebook and other social media, having thousands of friends. Who am I kidding? Anyway, I have friends of friends who are on Facebook, doing social media things like this:


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First New York, then Australia By James Reed

It is being tried in New York, and is probably only a few heart beats away here for Australia. That is why we need to watch closely what happens in the US, the universal salad bowl.

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Nine Police Officers Follow Knife Terrorist, Like a Jihad Shopping Spree! By Richard Miller (London)

I include this story for contrasts. The police across jurisdictions are quick to grab people without masks, committing minor transgressions of the code of the Covid New World Order, as we call it. But here in the UK we have the case of convicted British terrorist Sudesh Amman, who was considered to such a threat that nine plain-clothes policemen were following him when he had his minute-long knife attack in a street in south London. Does that make you feel safe? Me too.

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