You Cry; We Gaol; China By James Reed

Our great trading partner has imprisoned a woman for crying. Who could possibly see any problem here? Just keep trading and commerce flowing.

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Restoring Parents’ Rights By Mrs Vera West

Mark Latham has a bill to restore Parents' Rights at Schools - parents
(not schools) are primarily responsible for children's moral education. I could not agree more.

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The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness? What Paradox? By Mrs Vera West

There is a decline in women’s happiness at least over the last 35 years, as documented below. Although the authors do not draw my conclusion, I believe that the best explanation of this is that the ideology of feminism, and all that it entails, a breakdown of the traditional concept of being a woman, is responsible.

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Get Ready for Infinity G Tech, Designed to Fry the Entire Universe! By Brian Simpson

Talk about information overload, literally, for no sooner are we faced with 5G IT, then 6G is on the way, in an infinite regress of brain-frying radiation. But if we have faster than the speed of light internet, does it really matter if we die of brain cancer next Spring? Surely not!  

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Parasitic Viruses of the Mind By Brian Simpson

An important book for our times was published last year: The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
by Gad Saad, Regnery, 2020. The idea of viruses of the mind came from, I think Richard Dawkins’ idea of memes, units of cultural inheritance, analogous to genes. There were books written about this, but these works did not use the idea of mind viruses to analyse what we are facing now. Saad’s book bravely tackles this.

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The Environmental Threat of Plastic Masks By James Reed

There has a been a fair bit written about health effects of the obsessive mask wearing that people are supposed to do, especially the increase in carbon dioxide that occurs. But, the real problem is with the mask itself, which is not made usually of environmentally benign material, but is a massive threat to the environment, if you care about the environment, which the Left is supposed to do. Yet, these are the creatures pushing the mask fetish. Just look at Beijing Biden and Harris, with masks as their face decoration. The only good thing about this is at least it covers a fair proportion of their faces!

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Fear the “Enlightened” Experts! By Brian Simpson

Dr Gregory Gordon has an excellent rather philosophical piece at, a site which certainly questions the dogmas of this cage, sorry, age, I have been in lockdown too long. One such sacred cow is to believe unquestionably, science, and the priests of science, the experts. We saw this with the climate change debacle, to “believe the science,” as if science is itself uncontested, which surprisingly enough is something that the Left sociology of science, such as the strong programme of the sociology of knowledge argued against, although it seems to have gone a bit quite in recent years. Then with the Covid freak-out, experts and technocrats moved to a position of even pushing the capitalists around, but of course, not those at the top of the rotten tree, who profited enormously from lockdowns. If anything, the present social crisis should make us think critically about all the claims of experts.

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Scary “I am Legend” Covid Vax Ramifications? By Mrs Vera West

I do not have the technical knowledge to assess the truth of the following claim made by Natural of a type of “zombie apocalypse” effect from some Covid vaccines, so the disclaimer that this is reported solely for interest and further investigation. If true, it is the most alarming report of adverse reactions I have seen. Readers will make up their own minds, of course.

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The Nazi Past of Coke!!! By James Reed

Coke may be woke at the moment, championing the idea that whiteness is racism, and that employees should be less “white.” But, that only even vaguely makes sense if Coke is itself ideologically pure. What about the Nazi skeleton in its closet, as revealed by J. B. Shurk, in an article at The American Thinker:

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The Nazi Past of Coke!!! By James Reed

Coke may be woke at the moment, championing the idea that whiteness is racism, and that employees should be less “white.” But, that only even vaguely makes sense if Coke is itself ideologically pure. What about the Nazi skeleton in its closet, as revealed by J. B. Shurk, in an article at The American Thinker:

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Is Satanism the Official Drink of the New World Order? By James Reed

I meant to type “religion,” but then kind of liked, the “drink” metaphor, given the present controversy over the Satan shoes, which someone covered at the blog, it could have been me or one of the Yankee guys, oops, that is offensive to southerners …  Confederate correspondents! Anyway, to bring you up to date on Satanic news, just when you thought it could not get any crazier:

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Transgender Sex and Prisons By Charles Taylor (Florida)


It is something which I had not thought about before, transgender sex and prisons. Prisons are tough Darwinian places, and the transgender issue raises many dilemmas, such as possible offenders in women’s prisons, and abuse in male prisons, all of which has happened, as documented below. It is all part of the ethical difficulties bestowed by the jurisprudence of extreme equality.

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Please Explain: Covid Vax but still Coviddy? Blood Clots? What! By Mrs Vera West

It is enough to make one giddy; the Covid jabs were supposed to be 100 percent effective, yet, over the cesspool, down Beijing Biden way, we have this “please explain,” a phrase that Pauline apparently does not use anymore, so I will steal it.

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World War III: Soon By James Reed

I don’t know about you but all the suspense and build up is just killing me, and I will be glad when it all just quickly happens, and we get it all over and done with. Done and dusted.  And, it may be soon.


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Weird Covid Vax Results: Please Explain! By Mrs Vera West

This is weird, given that Covid vaccinations have supposed near magical powers …  nuns vaccinated then test Covid positive. Is it a miracle?


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Is This the Face of a White Supremacist Insurrectionist? By Chris Knight


Of course; how could it not be, since any evil is by definition the product of white supremacists, who must die. It is like a movie I never saw, Surf Nazis Must Die (1987)!

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Are You Ready for Your Vaccine Passport? By Brian Simpson

A global movement for vaccine passports is underway, and will soon be in. Here is a good article with updated information about what is happening overseas. The trend is that without a vaccine passport, not only will you not be able to travel overseas, which most of us could put up with, but ultimately you won’t be able to go to the supermarket, or work.


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Have a Cuppa, and a (Grim) Laugh at Beijing Biden! (Then Weep) By Charles Taylor

The US Democrats were right in wanting to take the authority to launch nukes away from Joe Biden, the puppet. I suppose he would not have access to them anyway, since he is totally controlled by the Deep State.

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The Unvaccinated are Bioterrorist Threats! By Brian Simpson

As part of the Great Reset for the Covid New World Order, the unvaccinated are being treated by the globalists as lacking the Mark of the Beast, which will be the vaccination passport, and they will be regarded as a bioterrorist threat, intentional or not.

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The Covid Police in Action By Richard Miller (London)

The police across the world have shown their true colour during the Covid lockdowns and in dealing with protests. Compare the violence that they have dished out, to the soft treatment we saw in America, where police simply allowed antifa and BLM to commit crimes, because that supported the communist agenda. Compare it to this:

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