No Covid Gestapo, We are Christian! By Mrs Vera West

This one put a smile on my old and usually sad face, as a pastor in Alberta, Canada, shoos out the Covid police, who did not have a warrant.

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Will America Continue to Burn? Should We Care? By Chris Knight

Unless Derek Chauvin is subjected to medieval torture, say being drawn and quartered, it is likely that any verdict will lead to the great diverse, who supposedly give us our strength, burning, looting and perhaps murdering, as in 2020 when George Floyd died of a drug overdose. Even without a bad optic knee on George’s neck, and even if Chauvin had been lovingly kissing his neck instead, the riots would have occurred, all part of the communist urban terrorist campaign in election year. George’s death was the excuse waiting to happen. And, it worked, showing how utterly useless Trump was.

Here is John Nolte expressing the same sort of endgame as me, that we should not care if the cities burn, since they will be Democrat ones. Hopefully, Nolte will move to the next level and start advocating secessionism, the breakup of America.

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Beijing Biden’s White Genocide, Great Replacement Plan By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Brett Stevens at, reminds us that in less senile days, Joe Biden was explicit about the Left goal to replace Whites in America.

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The War Against Boys Continues By Mrs Vera West


While energies of the elites have been largely on the biofascist Covid World Order front, as well as the race war against Whites in the US, there is still the gender agenda bubbling along, and the target there are boys, to cripple them before reaching manhood, so that there can never be any effective resistance. No stone must be left unturned, as the following report documents.

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Impending Covid Doom? Ha! By Brian Simpson

The present director of the CDC has spoken of an “impending doom, “over the new B.1.1.7 variant strain, because young people are not socially isolating as they should, people are not being like false-president Joe Biden and masking up, and who knows what else. But, she thinks that the latest vaccines will do well. I am not sure what her evidence base is, given that WHO has expressed caution about such vaccine optimism, but whatever, there are continuous lockdowns as part of the new normal. By now we are used to this, which is the real danger of the new normal. Does anyone still remember … freedom?


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The Failure of Western Medicine By Mrs Vera West

There are some challenging theoretical critiques of Western medicine, such as Jon Jureidini and Leeman B. McHenry, The Illusion of Evidence-Base Medicine (2020) and Medical Nihilism (2018), by Jacob Stegenga. However, here is a great summary of all that is wrong with modern medicine by Roosh v, who has had a life a bit like St Augustine, moving from promiscuity, to finding Christ. And that is his main point, that medicine once was based around Christ, with many hospitals being set up by churches, but now have moved to secular humanism and Marxist materialism. No good has come from this, and indeed much evil.


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Prison Planet Earth By Brian Simpson


Prison planet: this is a theme which most of us bloggers at this site, especially our American correspondences, Chris and Charles, who appear to be suffering intensely, and Richard in London, right in the thick of Covid-insanity and knife crimes … that old freedoms have literally vaporised and we are effectively in a prison. But, with lockdowns, most people in most jurisdictions, have less freedom than killers in solitary confinement, who at least get time outside for exercise. And, they don’t get trampled unconscious by police horses. Dr Mercola would seem to agree:

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If Anti-racists are Still Racist, then Why Not Relax and be Comfortable Being a “Racist”? By James Reed

So, it now comes down to all White people being racist. No matter what one does, one is tarred. Isn’t this a bit like sexuality? Thus, since it is part of my nature to be “racist,” why should I not be comfortable with this, and just accept myself, just like different sexualities, in fact, anything is accepted, and celebrated now?

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Why the UK is Covid Insane! By Richard Miller

With knife crimes surging throughout the UK, and London becoming too dangerous for women to walk the streets, according to the Mayor, one would have hoped that the police would have better things to do than prey upon people going for walks during lockdown. But, no, we have the Covid police now. And getting these people are easy targets for revenue raising, while fighting rape grooming gangs and crazies with knives, is just too much work!


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Secessionism Catching On By Chris Knight

Secessionism, the philosophy of decentralisation of power, that sees the present nation states as too big, and too diverse, is catching on. Background is supplied in an excellent article by  José Niño at the economic libertarian site, Breaking up entities such as the United States, which have become totalitarian monsters, is the way to go for political stability, and peace, otherwise civil war, and breakup anyway! Let libtard live with libtard, but not with us!

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Society Melts; Cities Disintegrate By Chris Knight

One of the dirty secrets about America, and most of the West, is that the large cities are undergoing rapid decay. Infrastructure produced during periods of wealth is starting to decay, including buildings, bridges and the like. Underground pipes, many made of metals, face corrosion. They are hard to replace. That is the infrastructural problem, but there is the further issue of social decay, crime, violence and lack of hygiene, as seen in San Francisco, where street people have turned the city into a great open-air toilet. Murder rates are sky rocketing. Thus, in fright, people seek to flee. But, that is where even more problems begin, as the places to run to, are running out.

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The Communist/Big Tech Path to Self-Censorship By James Reed

An interesting piece, extracts below, describes how what began as big Tech censorship has now morphed into a raging cult of self-censorship. The initial culture of censorship has led to a “chilling effect,” where people anticipate further censorship, and thus do not make comments. A climate of fear thus closes down discussion. That is what has happened with race and immigration issues, and now with the Covid vaccinations and lockdowns. A truly evil situation.


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China’s Creepy Obsession with Covid Anal Swabs! By James Reed


What is it with China and Covid anal swabs? Well, my guess is that this is just part of China’s biowarfare, doing the swabs because they cause psychological pain, at least to some, though no doubt many today would not mind, if you know what I mean.

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What is Regenerative Food and Farming? By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola gives an excellent overview of regenerative food and farming, which goes beyond organic farming and permaculture, although incorporating them, to attempt to heal a wounded world, a world being poisoned by chemicals and runaway corporate agriculture. It may be possible to practice this form of agriculture at a small scale as one prepares for the inevitable collapse of a system that is decaying from its own internal rottenness. The end of human sperm scenario, which I discussed in previous articles, is but one example of this endgame of human hubris.

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Antifa: Anarcho-Tyranny By Chris Knight


We have been exploring the US scene through the notion of anarcho-tyranny, the idea of state oppression, with at the grassroots level, crime and urban terrorism against Whites. Andy Ngo’s has a new book Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, which develops this theme, and unlike me, he has been bashed and hospitalised by these thugs, and he is not even white, but an Asian American, which shows what we are up against. This is full-on 1917 Russian Revolution aggression, and YouTube still has a lot of the 2020 footage and news reports.

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The Thick Edge of the Woke PC Censorship Wedge By Mrs Vera West


Mozilla is introducing a new woke censorship browsers that will replace hostile comments about women with something politically correct like “boss.” That may not sound so bad to women, but where will this end, for like Big Tech censorship that ultimately led to censoring a sitting president, Donald Trump, it will not end there? It is the start of simply altering texts to suit their political agenda.

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Hacking the Software of Human Life By Mrs Vera West

Apart from the problems of Covid-19 vaccine adverse effects, there is another issue, somewhat more philosophical with the mRNA vaccines, “hacking the software of life,” making humans into genetically engineered organisms. The mainstream rejects this argument, but here is a strongly argued case for it:


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Vaccinate Like Good Kiddies or No Freedoms and be Seen as Domestic Terrorists! By Mrs Vera West

Here is more on how the Covid biofascist state will eliminate democracy, as it moves along the communist China lines. Sheer fear will make the sheeple surrender freedoms, as we have already seen. The following is an example of the thought pattern of the new class.


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Censorship: The Wages of Failure of Dealing with Big Tech By Charles Taylor

Trump failed to make even baby steps in dealing with Big Tech, who began censoring Right-wing sites under his watch. Finally, they came for him, censoring him, even as president. That alone was cause for invoking the Insurrection Act, among other things. When I think about how pathetic Trump was, I am both angered and flattened.

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The Next Big PlandemicThing By Brian Simpson

We have been warned, and need to take note, that another big pandemic, so-called, is imminent, and to deal with this, the authorities will go full-on CCP. What little freedoms that exist now will be vaporised, overnight. Simply imagine how bat-s crazy the system will respond if there really was something like the 1918 flu, mixed with Ebola now, with bodies in the street? And, the sheeple will submit to anything, as fear of death is probably a stronger instinct than even sex.

It is not clear to me what to do, beyond to prepare one’s home just as the apocalyptic survivalists have suggested. Certainly, have plenty of supplies on hand, getting extra each week, without the need for last minute panic buying which only deprives others of goods. Thus, get two big packs of toilet paper this shop. I have done this for years and have plenty of the magic paper in my tool shed, so much that when times get tough, I may have to eat it! Not sure of its nutritional or toxic nature, but it may clear one from inside, maybe, or kill me! (Joke)

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