Sweden and Rape By Richard Miller (London)

The Left deny it, but here is evidence of the migrant background to Sweden’s rape epidemic.


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Who to Chew Up After Hong Kong? By James Reed

Why, now Hong Kong is bowing, it is Taiwan’s turn. Guess who is next after them?


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Who’s Afraid of the Covid Vax? Why, Many Americans for Starters By Mrs Vera West

We do not have similar surveys in Australia yet, Aussies being pretty much beaten into submission for the time, but maybe not for long if America is setting the example:


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Beyond Wikipedia By Bruce Bennett

We al know Wikipedia has a Left-wing bias, why even Wikipedia has pages discussing this, that is how absurd it is.  One of the founders even starting an alternative to counter this. Yes, regarding communism, no mention of  its genocides.


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The Ethnostate By Charles Taylor and Chris Knight

Dr James Owen, in a speech at the Council of Conservative Citizens National Convention, May 30, 1997, “Racial Separation in a New America,” stated back then, that state secession could be the only way of preventing Euro-American/White extinction. America has become a multiracial regime, with an outward facade of a superpower, backed by a coercive bureaucracy, all masking social decay. As America’s dissolution is inevitable, secession represents a logical solution to this problem: “America today is finally and fully racially diverse, with soaring no-white procreation rates and immigration, visibly segmented by color and culture. Non-white languages … and cultures replace American language and culture throughout many American cities and regions. Many (or most non-whites) … resist or reject traditional American culture – and yearn to replace it with their own.” That was written in 1997, and the situation has intensified by an almost incalculable magnitude since then, with there now being an open cancel culture, and Whites are blanketed as White supremacists, as the new communist regime state’s oppressive apparatuses moves to target all White opposition as racism, and hence terrorism. Things, in short, move into high intensity pre-genocide mode. With the utter failure of Trump, the last chance of chipping away at the oppressive American regime has gone. Secession of the conservative states is the only remaining option, and if the USA considered it good enough for the old Soviet empire, championing for them, the principle of national self-determination, then it is good enough for the equally corrupt USA.

One of the best early treatments of secessionism is Wilmot Robertson’s The Ethnostate (new printing, 2018).

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Geoffrey Dobbs on Religation By Brian Simpson

Science educated social creditor, Geoffrey Dobbs, gave a brilliant address “Religation,” developed themes discussed in a paper given on April 9, 1976 at the Science and Religion forum at the meeting of Cumberland Lodge, on the topic, “Man’s Responsibility for Nature.” The aim was to make a contribution to the science-religion debate, which Dobbs very much did, and certainly achieved in his career as a writer and speaker.

Both science and religion are realist enterprises, holding that there is an external objective reality, from which scientific theories can be tested by observation and experiment, and faith put to the test of practice. Both also have philosophical underpinnings, assumptions that may not be easily tested about the fundamental nature of reality. Just as important while everyone has a philosophy, they also have a policy, that which determines a person’s objectives, and long-term goals and aims. Religation is “the process of ‘binding back’ the idea of reality to the actual reality of the world in which we live.”

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Conservatism is Not Enough: Geoffrey and Elizabeth Dobbs on Social Credit Futures By James Reed

I have an interesting little essay by the Dobbs, no printed date, but probably from the mid-1960s, dealing with some fundamental, what-is-to-be-done issues. The concern then was the social credit movement interacting with anti-communist groups such as the John Birch Society, and at the time eminent Professor Revilo P. Oliver, was a John Bircher (later to reject it) and was writing for The Social Crediter. The Dobbs expressed concern about this, first because of the confrontational tactics, and second because it would tar the social credit movement. But the main difference was that the Birchers were simply anti-communist, which is good, but not enough. Social credit was about offering an alternative philosophy and policy to communism, and for the nurturing and regeneration of society. As Major Douglas said in Programme for the Third World War (1943): “the Money power does not, and never did, wish to improve the money system –its consequences in war, sabotage and social friction are exactly what is desired. This, I think, exactly defines the task which society must face and solve, or perish. First, to attack and defeat the Money Power; then consider the re-organisation of the money system.”

The battle against the Money Power is a task to be undertaken by society, not just the social credit movement, which no doubt can, and will, act as a vanguard in education and the formulation of strategies. As Dobbs says: “before any society can defeat the Money Power it will have to be substantially united, permeated with social credit ideas (though not necessarily by that name), and possessed by implicit faith in reality rather than in money, a faith which at present is notably inadequate. This is no pessimistic conclusion. It is always more hopeful to face the realities of the situation. If there was ever a chance of a quick or early ‘victory for Social Credit’ on a national or a world scale. It is by now long past. But the credit of Society is not a Utopian dream for the future, it is a reality which exists now, and demonstrates its existence every time an inroad is made upon it.”

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Southern Secessionism: The Breakup of America By Charles Taylor and Chris Knight


With Texas leading the present movement of secessionism, the breakup of the corrupt United States of America, states that were never truly “united,” it is worthwhile to review past now classic literature championing secession, and from our position, Southern secessionism.

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UNJUSTIFIED PURSUIT OF THE VERY ELDERLY The unholy crusade against alleged ‘Nazi war criminals’ grows worse each year. By NIGEL JACKSON

On Yahoo News on 26 February I have read a report online marked Reuters and headlined “Former Nazi camp guard arrives in Germany after removal from US.” It tells that 95 year-old Friedrich Karl Berger has been deported to Germany on February 20 after living in the USA since 1959. He had not then been arrested, but it looked as though charges were pending.

A US court last year ruled that he should be expelled after prosecutors in Celle (North Germany) opened an investigation into whether he was involved with the murder of prisoners at a satellite concentration camp of the Neuengamme network near Hamburg in 1945. Earlier in February prosecutors charged a 100 year-old man with being an accessory to 3518 murders committed while he was allegedly a guard at the Sachenhausen concentration camp.

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Water on Mars: The Great NASA Cover Up By Brian Simpson


          I previously covered the story about water being “discovered” on the moon, but here is an earlier story that I forgot to write about sooner, about water being discovered on mars, and how there is a conspiracy angle to the story, which immediately causes my shell-like ears to prick up:

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Weird Signals from Deep, Dark Space By Brian Simpson

Take a break from all the weirdness on earth and look to the stars, and think about what weirder stuff must be going on there.


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Weird Signals from Deep, Dark Space By Brian Simpson

Take a break from all the weirdness on earth and look to the stars, and think about what weirder stuff must be going on there.


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Unfolding Covid Tyranny Michael Ferguson

This is how bad the anarcho-tyranny has become, when even a former Clinton adviser is afraid that the US is becoming a totalitarian state under Covid lockdowns. And, it has all happened so fast, the elites must have spent many long nights planning this one.


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Big Business and Leftists, Two Sides of the Same Poison Pill By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is interesting how the radical Leftists and Big Business are now marching in tune to each other. My theory is that both operate on collectivist communistic principles, Big Business exists as a  corporate, non-individualist nature, a type of socialist creation, far from the liberalism of individuals. Thus, corporations have a distinct legal identity from the individual actors comprising them. That is why is was so easy for communist China to adopt corporate capitalism, since both have the same ontological structure, and oppose traditional liberalism of the free individual.


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Beijing Biden Bombs Syria. He says: What’s Syria? By Chris Knight

Just one month in office and Beijing Biden bombs Syria. Is that some kind of record? Anyway, bidden would not beware of who or what was bombed, being so senile and out of it; the Deep Staters simply push ahead with bombing who they want. And, why not, since the good men who do nothing, have let the election be stolen, doing well … nothing, just going back home as Trumpery told them. And still doing nothing, while Trump goes through the same boring routine. So, why care about who gets bombed anymore?


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Beware of Any Organisation with the Word “World” in its Name By Michael Ferguson

Our own Aussie Cory Bernardi has been thumping the globalist organisations, and the overseas alternative media has been loving it. Good for him.


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Fructose Dangers By Mrs Vera West


The dangers of fructose have been emerging for some time. It seems that even many fruit juices, being so concentrated, have this same problem, and thus may not be much of an advance upon sugar. Best to eat the whole fruit, and in moderation.

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People Like Lab Rats By Mrs Vera West

We know we are at the end of the tether of Western civilisation, when people, the youth, become liker lab rats with their social media. Looks like B. F. Skinner may have got something right after all.


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Now, Pronoun Badges! By Mrs Vera West

It must be terrible to be a Christian and be at a modern high school. Home schooling is certainly the way to go. Most home-schooled children I know turned out fine, better educated than schoolies.


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At Last Some Serious Criticism of Trump, Yesterday’s: Loser By James Reed


A good video by survivalists Ferfal and Matt Bracken, commenting on the Trump speech that he will rise again. The point made is that he lost, even though it was by Democrat cheating. Ferfal comments on his huge ego and inability to put the nation first. There is no gesture of true greatness in this guy. The point is made that there is need to move beyond Trump, as he is controlled opposition.

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