The Hypocrisy of eBay By James Reed

eBay has removed six Dr Seuss books, and even people like me, desperate to sell the Dr Seuss books we had in storage just for this moment to get a few bucks, can’t do so. Dr Seuss is a proverbial hot potato, one with racially insensitive imagery. Yes, but one can find for sale in that site, Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The Anarchist Cookbook, Tintin in the Congo and Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book. There is plenty of Nazi stuff too. So go figure. Maybe all of this stuff might be banned in due course, not that I care too much, but the whole cancel culture is sinister. Who knows where the chopper will fall next. My guess is come what may, the porno will still be sold as the asses masses need their diversions. They would not want them thinking about the political system, or even high finance.

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Soon Everyone Will be LGBTQ! By Mrs Vera West

There is debate about the origins of LGBTQ, especially since the Left argue that the whole idea of looking for causes presupposes that heterosexuality is the norm. So, given that, there is no reason why in the future, heterosexuality could be completely abandoned. Hey, did people back in the 1960s see where this was all going. And how about now, good men? What happens in the next 50 years?

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The Afghanistanisation of the US By Charles Taylor

With the open cheating, a super big lie, almost too much for some people to believe, James Bovard has written that the US is coming to resemble Afghanistan rather than a first world country. I would have said South America, but really the US is too corrupt for them.

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French Home Health Workers Don’t Like the Covid Vax Either By Mrs Vera West


There seems to be mounting opposition to the Covid vaccines, much coming from health care workers, who are, on the cutting edge of this business. From France this time:

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China Court: Homosexuality Can be Deemed “Mental Disorder” By James Reed

Well, well, well, Chinese courts are making their own law, way different from the Western liberal tradition, at least postmodern liberalism.


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UFO’s Here, there, and Everywhere By Brian Simpson


I really like reading about UFO reports, not because I believe, but I am fascinated how other people do, with all sincerity, even though it makes no sense at all for intelligent life to be doing say anal probes on some lowly person, or stealing cattle. Don’t they have better things to do, or is this just alien teenagers having some fun with the natives?

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Impeach the Government and Deep State! By Charles Taylor


The US states are beginning to fight back against Biden’s executive tyranny, declaring his executive orders unconstitutional. That will lead to Supreme Court battle, and we have seen that that institution is totally Leftist. Secession is the only answer.  

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Here comes the Covid Passport By Mrs Vera West

There is no doubt that the elite controllers of this global zoo will move to first of all make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for travel, vaccine passports. Once it is accepted, as it will be, they will move to the next level, the typical Fabian strategy.

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How Many Sexes are There? Let Me Count Them on Two Fingers By Mrs Vera West


The Left have adopted a radical gender agenda, now being implemented at the highest level by US false President Beijing Biden, as he is called by us, to deconstruct the concept of sex, much the same way race has been deconstructed. Thus, the binary concept of sex has been replaced by a non-binary plurality of sexes and genders; as far back as 2014, Facebook allowed users to choose from fifty gender options, more genders than flavours of ice-cream. Nature is not a given, but is a social construction, and one’s subjectivity determines what gender one chooses. Thus, men, as we conservatives define them, can feel that they are really women, and compete in women’s sport, and use women’s bathrooms.

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Does Anyone Remember Sperm? By Mrs Vera West


I have been investigating the reproduction crisis, the declining quality of human sperm and eggs, and it is a great existential threat.

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Cannibalised Celebrities! By Mrs Vera West


This one is for conservative readers with strong stomachs, for now some Big Tech firm is making “meat,” if you can call it that, out of tissue samples of celebrities. It is enough to make one sick, just thinking about it, let alone eating it!

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The Brick Balloon Viv Forbes

The Australian Snowy 2 hydro scheme plans to use electricity to pump water up hill to get some of that energy back by running the water downhill again.

Some Australian mining companies are planning a dry version of Snowy 2 - a huge brick-powered battery using the force of gravity to drive a generator when solar and wind energy are on strike.

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Does China Undermine “Freedom”? By James Reed

Yes, no trick question, China is behind the global decline in freedom as it seeks to turn the world into a communist cesspool. And to think of all the wonderful culture China had in the past, that the communists just destroyed, and now it’s the world’s turn.


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Did Covid-19 Came from a Chinese Lab? By Brian Simpson


The Epoche Times constantly speaks of the CCP virus, and there is evidence to show that this virus did come from a Chinese lab. But, no political leaders have the guts to stand up to China. They will face economic, then military punishment, if they are not in the pocket of China already.

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The Treason of the Scientists By James Reed


This story goes from the treason of the intellectuals, something which is now standard and a way of life for parasite academics, to the treason of the scientists, where top British scientists worked to help the Chinese communists with a nuclear program. Hopefully they will enjoy the first bomb blast, as they richly deserve it.

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Japanese No Likey Chinese Anal Swabs! By James Reed

I do not blame the Japanese for resisting the Chinese humiliation of anal swabs.

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Green Cheese and Ham and Racism Banned, I say, I say, Manic Dr Seuss By James Reed

I am sorry, I say, I say, that you will have to pay, to pay, for the manic Dr Seuss, now cancelled for racism, placism, and insensitive imagery. No more for the poor, green eggs and ham for Sam. I always wanted to write a Dr Seuss-style book, but every time I got drunk enough, I fell asleep.


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Domestic Terrorism? Yeah, by Whom? By Charles Taylor

The nonsense is being pushed by the Deep State elites that the 6 January protests were domestic terrorism. Well, what does that say about 2020, where the Left murdered people, burnt down businesses and bashed Trump supporters? In Portland it is still going on.

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The Great Employment Replacement By Charles Taylor

Beijing Biden has been the face where behind him the elites have been running the show for only a month, but the Great employment Replacement is under way.


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Trump will Get Thumped Again: It is All Over for Mainstream Politics By Chris Knight

Trump has given a strong hint of running again, and the MAGNApedias are proclaiming that Trump is the future of the Republicans. Well, if that is so it is all over since if the Demon-rats can steal the election once, right under everyone’s nose, they will do it forever. Trump is merely controlled opposition, a safety valve.