America Digging its Own CCP Grave By Charles Taylor

History repeats itself, just as the US financed the USSR, as documented by numerous books by Antony Sutton, such as Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, now communist China is being given a leg-up, all by corporate capitalism.


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If Women Do Not Exist, Does Feminism? By Mrs Vera West


The plethora of US gender agenda laws, in the new age of the Democrats actually are far from embracing equality, and in fact has ramifications that are contrary to woman’s liberty, and indeed, existence, as these posts makes clear.

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CCP Virus: Mass Murder, Gordon Chang By James Reed


Gordon Chang is a leading critic of communist China, and pulls no punches. He sees Covid-19, called the CCP virus, as a form of mass murder by China. Controversial, sure, but here is his argument:

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China Buys Western Academics: Why Bother? By James Reed

Why would China buy Western academics, since they are so useless? Well, maybe I am too harsh, thinking of the Arts/farts. The sciences and technologies still are of limited use, so China will use them while it can, on its road to world domination. Then there is the propaganda aspect as detailed here:


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31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine Rabbi Chananya Weissman



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How about Pelosi or even Antifa having the Nuclear Codes? By Chris Knight


Apparently senile Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, and other Demon-rats are worried. I do not know why these codes would not be safe with him, since I doubt whether he could work out how to use them. Still, if the Demon-rats want to enrich the world, why not just let antifa and BLM have them? What is there not to love?

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Anal Covid Tests? By Charles Taylor


Could China really be stooping so low, as the anal probe of foreign diplomats?

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The UN Shows its True Colours By Charles Taylor (Florida)


The UN shows its anti-white bias, when there is a clear threat to the world by Chinese aggression, as in the South China Sea, and all they can rattle on about is “white supremacy,” never defined or specified, but meaning, most likely, white people in general, and all populist movements. An evil globalist organisation indeed, with its own one world government agenda.

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Bill Gates Funds Math is Racist! By James Reed


Is there any woke politically correct bs that Gates is not into? And the irony of  a computer gurus funding a math is racist program.

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Dying Sperm, Like Beached Whales By Mrs Vera West

I have been covering the dying sperm issue for some time. Once it was not discussed much by the mainstream media, but that is changing, as the problem gets chronic, and the future of humanity is at risk:


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Friendship and Genetic Similarity By Brian Simpson

It was once common sense, but science is re-discovering that even friends are usually genetically similar, for like goes with like.

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Opening the Gates to Bioterrorism By Brian Simpson

It looks like Bill Gates has become front man for the globalists in telegraphing their next moves. I guess they enjoy doing this as they know the sheeple are pretty much helpless, apathetic and useless, so they can have some contemptuous sport with them, cat and white mouse style. The next big thing is bioterrorism, so get ready; John Steele will start dealing with how we might survive the coming attacks.


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Beijing Biden Digs the Grave of the West By James Reed

They do not call him Beijing Biden for nothing; China is his one true love.

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Locking Down Lockdowns By Mrs Vera West

Dr Mercola has put together a one-stop shop critique of the Covid-19 lockdowns, complete with the references to the literature, as he usually gives. Here is an extract giving the gist.

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Quercetin and the Brain By Mrs Vera West

After reading this article by Dr Mercola about how quercetin can stimulate new brain growth, I rushed down to the health food shop, as fast as my walking frame could carry me, and bought some for $ 39.99. Fingers crossed.

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The Time of the Terminator Comes By Brian Simpson

The Terminator movies had killer robots, who were metal but flesh coated to fool humans, xenobots. And now, our Dr Frankensteins have moved in exactly that direction.

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SCOTUS: The Shape of Rotten Things to Come By Charles Taylor

We know that the mainstream media is corrupt, for just one example consider how during the election the MSM buried the story of Joe Biden  aiding of his son Hunter in his Chinese adventures, a clear compromise of his office. Yet, nothing. Then we have the US Supreme Court, which did not grant standing to the State of Texas to hear the electoral fraud case. Now, the same court throws out all the electoral fraud cases without hearing any. How is that justice? Only one judge stood against this tyranny.


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Cosmic War News By Brian Simpson

I do not agree with all of Mike Adams’ cosmic stuff, but it is certainly entertaining, and readers might like to brew a nice cup of tea, have some hot buttered blueberry muffins, and listen.

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Beyond the Selfish Gene: Against Genetic Reductionism By Brian Simpson

In my pile of scientific photocopies I have Peter Godfrey-Smith, “Genes Do Not Encode Information for Phenotypic Traits,” in C. Hitchcock (ed.), Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science, (Blackwell, 2004), pp. 275-289. By “phenotypic traits,” it is understood the structure, size, shape, colour and behaviour patterns of an organism. These are taken by the likes of sociobiologists such as Richard Dawkins, to be caused by genes, in the sense that genes have a informational role in the production of the phenotype of the whole organism.

First, in terms of Shannon’s information theory, information exists where a reduction of uncertainty at one place correlates with a reduction of uncertainty at another (p. 277) In this sense, the presence of a gene g1 could be correlated with some phenotypical trait P1,  but, the situation can be turned around, looking at correlations between environmental conditions and phenotypical traits, so that the phenotype could be seen as carrying information about the genes. So, this does not deliver the conclusions the genetic reductionist requires.

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Why Does Beauty Matter? By Mrs Vera West

The Left postmodern view of beauty is just like their position on morality, that it is a social construction, is not objective, and in art, even a jug of urine can classify as art; anything goes, so long as it is politically correct. In fact, my son went by a small modern art centre, with weird structures out the front. A woman was assembling some monstrosity. Trolling her, he said that he was a postmodern artist working with rusty corrugated iron, which he used to symbolise Western racist culture. She was immediately interested.

The conservative position on beauty sees beauty as intrinsically connected with the good, just and the true, with that which is noble and holy, and thus having a religious aspect, which is why in ages now gone, fine art was a product of religious sentiment and expressed religious themes.

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