Women Belong in the Kitchen? Burger King By Mrs Vera West

Here is a tweet by Burger King, which is not the stereotype 1940s idea, but is updated to be hyper-woke:


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Women Belong in the Kitchen? Burger King By Mrs Vera West

Here is a tweet by Burger King, which is not the stereotype 1940s idea, but is updated to be hyper-woke:


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The Myth of Texasaggeddon? By Charles Taylor

There are mixed reports from Dissent Right Texans about the energy crisis that hit last week in terms of personal survival. Some sites are reporting that things were not so bad, while others report on how there were chronic shortages from people who were not prepared for a big freeze, with no electricity, and liquid fuel shortages. Firewood was scarce, as were food and water resources. My friends are survivalists and preppers, but most were like Mike Adams, lacking resources at some important point. It all just shows the merit of the survivalist maxim, three is two, and two is one, and one is none. You can never have too many supplies in a SHTF situation.


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The 2020 US Election and Algorithm Manipulation By Chris Knight (Florida)

This topic has gone off the boil now as deplorable Americans are obeying big daddy Trump, and like him doing nothing, rather than mount peaceful protests, or mass strikes to bring Biden to his knees. Well, they get what they deserve, because if you do not fight, you certainly lose, and nothing needs to be illegal, so it is not hard compared to the sacrifices made by previous generations for this selfish, gutless one. How can people lay in bed and sleep accepting this bs? And, here is more salt to the wound:


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Spoilt “Princess” Meghan Markle’s Woke Rage By Mrs Vera West

Harry’s woke wife, American multiracial actress Meghan Markle, has recently proclaimed that the Royal Family are a bunch of racists, for many reasons, apart from it being the trendy thing to do in the present oppressive Leftist culture. Thus, someone has concerns about how dark the baby’s skin was going to be, as if that person would not have objected to the marriage in the first place!


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Puppet President Kamal Harris’ Stereotypical Feminist International Women’s Day Speech By Mrs Vera West

Kamala Harris’s speech on March 8, International Women’s Day, also my birthday, if I remember correctly, reminded me of the sort of fiddle sticks Julia Gillard used to roll out, glass ceilings and all that from a female prime minster, as if there was a glass ceiling for her. Where there are glass ceilings is for working class men, mostly White, who nowadays are lucky to be even stuck in dead-end jobs. This is the same sort of thing academic feminists, mostly professors in the Arts/Humanities, with high-earning salaries, churn out in typical Leftist conspiracy theory mode. Indeed, almost all of feminism is based upon crude conspiracy theories, which have a comic-book level of heroes, women/feminist academics, and villains, all men.


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Happiness Comes from Family, Community and Nature: Money Can’t Buy You Love! By Mrs Vera West

This is something which conservatives and traditionalists all know, that happiness comes at least from family, community and nature, and a recent survey confirms this. What I think is missing here, and this is typical of secular research, a kind of implicit metaphysical bias, is the lack of mention of God, religion, and a transcendental aspect. That is clearly an area which gives meaning to human life, and in many respects links up the other items, of family, community and nature, putting them in a wider theological context. That being so, we still welcome these research results.


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Trump the Chump Discovers the Immigration Invasion By Charles Taylor

Trump thinks that immigration is the road to victory in 2022. Never mind electoral fraud, which is now being conveniently forgotten as Trump continues the show business of politics. He had a presidency to build a wall, and achieved little. It could have been done, but he sat on his hands, as controlled opposition does.


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No Racism in Medicine? No, Racism Everywhere Even in Deep Space By Brian Simpson

JAMA, which is not a brand of jam, but is Journal of the American Medical Association, has apologized for a tweet saying that there is no racism in medicine because doctors are not racist. No, racism is everywhere, even in deep dark space. Space crafts, some of alien origin, face the constant threat of being ship wrecked by crashing into roaming white racism, spreading across the cosmos.


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Covid Money for Crims By Charles Taylor

Convicted murders are getting a Covid stimulus check under Joey Biden. And why not, since the Democrats are the party of chaos and death.


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Adverse Deaths from the Covid-1984 Vaccine By Mrs Vera West

The deaths from adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccination are adding up. Question; doesn’t this mean that everyone faces a non-zero probability of death? If so, what is the probability of death from the actual disease, versus the probability of vaccine death? It really needs to be considered.


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Punishment, Political Discrimination and Self-Censorship in Academia By James Reed

There is a new study of political correctness and censorship in academia; “Academic Freedom in Crisis: Punishment, Political Discrimination, and Self-Censorship,” March 1, 2021 by Eric Kaufmann, and the conclusions hardly surprise me:


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Racial Anarcho-Tyranny Round Up By Chris Knight (Florida)

Unarmed White man shot by Black cop, Whites riot, burn down America, stage insurrection, replace Biden with Trump – NO! Nothing like this happened, or could in this reality, thank goodness.


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Texas Fights Back Against Beijing Biden’s Open Border Invasion! By Charles Taylor

The Texas governor, who is far better than Trump on everything, has responded to Biden’s open borders invasion of the US, to flood the country with Democrat voters, many of whom may be infected with Covid-19, which will keep the mask lockdown bs in operation. But, Texas will have none of this. Remember the Alamo!


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The FBI and Domestic Terrorism By Charles Taylor

Vdare.com has been on a run with some informative articles about the present state of anarcho-tyranny in America under the most repressive regime we have yet seen. Indeed, the over-the top paranoia such as stationing the National guard in Washington, District of Corruption, while feeding them on raw chicken and iron filings, is an example. It is a case of the elite erupting into moral panic, fear about challenge of their regime. The following article by Lance Welton, an academic journalist who produces great material, illuminates the issue of the elites’ moral panic, and concludes that they should be panicking. Well, I have my doubts on that one, but I hope so.


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Disintegration By Andrei Martyanov By James Reed

Once it was just fringe dwellers like Chris knight and Charles Taylor proclaiming the breakdown, the disintegration of America. Now, many outside intellectuals are doing the same, including the Russian Andrei Martyanov, Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse, (Clarity Press, May 1, 2021).


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Swirlon: Violating the Laws of Classical Physics By Brian Simpson

Here is material on a newly discovered active state of matter, called “swirlon.” This matter violates some classical laws of physics, and seems to be “alive” in some sense. What I wonder is if there could be some energy use made of this, for self-propelling particles? Or, could some use be made in transportation? Time will tell, but this is something we never considered in high school physics, well, at least in my school.


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Biden’s Biological Warfare Against Recalcitrant Texas By Charles Taylor

Texas is opening up its economy, no masks, which has made the Demon-rats mad. Thus, Beijing Biden releases Covid-infected illegal into Texas, to further enrich the culture:


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Biden Wants Criminals to Vote Demon-rat By Charles Taylor

There is no better proof of the degeneracy of the Democrats than Biden’s signing of an executive order to increase voting by criminals. It is natural when you think about it, that a fundamentally criminal party, would seek to secure its own kind, criminals.


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RNA-Based Vaccines and Injuries By Mrs Vera West

Global research has an informative paper on the dangers of the RNA-based vaccines for coronavirus. Naturally, the mainstream dispute the material, and for balance, some references are given at the end of the article, so the reader can make up his/her own mind.


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