Will Civilisation Collapse? It Already Has By James Reed

The question of civilizational collapse is beginning to get some discussion. The Left has debated it with bs like climate change, but the real problems are covered in our news summaries and discussions.  Here is one take on this question over at counter-currents by Casper von Everec, with a focus on the crash in IQ.


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The Hero King for a Masculine and Transcendental Worldview By John Steele

A great piece by UDS martial artist, and overall artist, James LaFond dealing with the interplay between heroics, kingdom, and manhood. Enjoy!


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The Deep State Murder of Ashli Babbitt By Charles Taylor

This unarmed ex-service woman was executed by some agent of the Deep State on January 6, 2021. If she was Black, America would be a smouldering ruin by now, but Trump never said her name, concerned he might be nailed for incitement. Why the call the faithful to Washington DC? No-one supporting Trump ever answers that question. Ashli Babbitt’s blood is on Trump’s hands, as well.


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China: Enemy and Competitor By James Reed

We do not get similar surveys like this one in Australia, since our population is treated like mushrooms more than the US one, but there probably is carry over. Most Americans see China as an enemy or a competitor, while Joe Biden sees China as his master.


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Cancelling Classic Movies Continues By James Reed

Cancel culture is in full swing, as this is part of the Great Replacement/white genocide, destroying the cultural identity of whites. People need to see it for what it is rather than some odd Left-wing adventure. It is not going to stop until there is nothing left, then they will dig up the dead white culture and kill it all over again.


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No White Males Need Apply By Richard Miller (London)

The UK GCHQ spy agency has a job application where would-be applicants must be “from an ethnic minority background or women.” That is not discriminatory, as white males are defined not to exist anymore re the Great Replacement. They are defined out of existence.


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Open Biden? President Harris Pelosi By Chris Knight

Here we can see a giggling Nancy Pelosi saying that “open Biden” is the Democrats’ “new magic word (sic),” since no doubt, he is a good boy and just does what he is told, getting his meds regularly.


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Supercomputer Says “No!” to Double Masks By Mrs Vera West

The medico-technocrats have pushed hard for double masks, as if one proper mask was not adequate, or should be. Now a Japanese supercomputer has its say:


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The Myths of Green Energy By James Reed

Here is a very good outline, in summary form of the illusions of green energy, which is simply not “green” by the environmentalist’s own paradigm.


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The Tyrannical Rule of Big Tech By Brian Simpson

We have seen the role that Big Tech played in bringing down the Trump presidency, not just by electoral interference and biased coverage, but also via voting machines, as many articles have discussed at this site. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/17104/big-tech-big-brother

“ “Digital giants have been playing an increasingly significant role in wider society... how well does this monopolism correlate with the public interest?,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said on January 27, 2021.

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Mad, Sad, Or Just Plain Bad? By James Reed

This Zero hedge article gives a roundup of totally absurd politically correct items, that are so crazy that even a few years ago, few would believe, but now it is just standard reality, the new normal. No society can withstand such pressaure of madness.


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Total Chinese Communist Surveillance By James Reed

This could well be the shape of things to come, given the increasing level of surveillance in Western societies. Communist China is blazing away, setting the path of the future.


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Covid-Crisis Update By Mrs Vera West

The problems, both medical and political with the Covid-19 vaccines are amounting, with a warning issued for pregnant women:


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The Digital Resurrection of the Dead By Brian Simpson

There is a lot of debate about the digital resurrection of the dead, using computer technology to make those dead, say and perform as if they still lived.


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Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots Judge Finds By James Reed

I got into a heated argument with a friend, who is on side with most things, well maybe 50 percent of our package, but rejected the idea of electoral fraud. Surely the Supreme Court would have pulled them up he said. Yes, but they did not grant standing to the state of Texas, and dismissed the other cases without hearing them, with strong dissident from Justice Thomas. That shows one big problem, that if the lies and corruption are so big, conservatives will have their minds fuse, because they cannot face sheer political chaos, while the Left thrive on it. Anyway, while not at the federal level, one judge found that 78 percent of mail-in ballots were fraudulent, and the election needs to be re-done. If it can happen at the state level, it can and does happen at the federal level.


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Fraudulent Mail-In Ballots Judge Finds By James Reed

I got into a heated argument with a friend, who is on side with most things, well maybe 50 percent of our package, but rejected the idea of electoral fraud. Surely the Supreme Court would have pulled them up he said. Yes, but they did not grant standing to the state of Texas, and dismissed the other cases without hearing them, with strong dissident from Justice Thomas. That shows one big problem, that if the lies and corruption are so big, conservatives will have their minds fuse, because they cannot face sheer political chaos, while the Left thrive on it. Anyway, while not at the federal level, one judge found that 78 percent of mail-in ballots were fraudulent, and the election needs to be re-done. If it can happen at the state level, it can and does happen at the federal level.


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Trump is Controlled Opposition; Here is More Proof By Charles Taylor

Trump called the faithful to Washington DC on January 6, 2021, for the big announcement that Vice President Pence was going to not read out the stolen states, but he did, betraying Trump, making him the biggest fool in history. Trump then said, go home everyone. Some people, led by antifa, raided the Capitol Building, allowed in by police, in another set up.  The Deep State executed one ex-service woman. This led the Democrats to say that an insurrection was taking place, even though no guns were found, as discussed here:


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YouTube and Trump the Wimp By Chris Knight

It is stunning that Trump mindlessly followed Jared’s advice, the real president, and did not mover to alternative media. Thus, YouTube has blacklisted Trump’s account until some mythical risk of violence has decreased. Even Trump’s CPAC speech is banned. What a joke, this guy was president and let Big Tech treat him as bullies do all wimps.


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White House Feed Cut on Beijing Biden by Chris Knight

Many conservative and Dissent right sites are commenting upon the White House feed cut on Biden at a press conference, just when he said: "I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do." The mainstream media say the he did go on to take questions, although there is no coverage of his answers, so who knows? But what is odd is that this event occurred, that there should be  a feed cut, which is unlikely to be a tech fault, since it is hard to believe that the White House's tech is worse than, say, a high school in Baltimore. No, they pulled the plug on senile old Joe, the zombie president.

Notice how he is confused about what is required for him to do at a press conference. After all his time in government, including being Vice President, he should know. Clearly the guy is senile ,or at a minimum, on the way to it, so his presidency is the controlled presidency.

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White Supremacism in Mathematics By Brian Simpson


The latest big thing in political correctness wokeness is the attack upon mathematics, claiming that it is white supremacist, since most of the advances in modern times (forget the origins, that is all basic) are by whites. So, if that is white supremacist, well, hell, suck it in.

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