Senator Price Rejects What She Calls the “Romanticised 'Noble Savage' View of Aboriginal Culture” By James Reed

Senator Price, who did a tremendous job in opposing the Voice referendum, still keeps hitting the Left, hard. She has recently come out and attacked the noble savage romantic primitivism that lies behind much of the philosophy of the Yes side of the Voice. Indeed, this is seen in the very concept of "First Nations," where a diverse set of tribes, w...

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Catholics Oppose the Pope’s Blessing of Couples in “Irregular Unions” By Peter West

Ninety clergyman, scholars and authors have joined to publish a statement opposing the Pope's Fiducia Supplicans, a document permitting blessings of homosexual couples and other couples in irregular unions. The document requests that bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church forbid such blessings. And as well they request that the Pope withdraw ...

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Debunking the UFO Psyop By Brian Simpson

Since the 1940s pilots have reported on a strange phenomenon which came to be called "foo fighters," which were unidentified blobs of something that followed aircrafts. At the time it was dismissed as due to flying fatigue, but reports continued in the decades to follow. Many of these reports become the stable grounds of the UFO cult. However, a pa...

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The Covid Royal Commission Terms of Reference Inquiry: Video Hearing By Brian Simpson

A link to the Covid Royal Commission Inquiry is given below, with presentations by Professor Ian Brighthope (extract below), Dr Julie Sladden, and human rights lawyer Peter Fam, and lawyer Julian Gillespie. Present are members of the Institute of Public Affairs, Graham Young of the Australian Institute for Progress, Dr Scott Prasser, and Senators A...

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Dismay at Pandemic Treaty Residency By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter McCullough has noted that Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros, is frustrated about the lack of enthusiasm for the WHO pandemic treaty, part of the wider, even more dangerous power grab of the International Health Regulations. The pandemic treaty was hoped to be signed in May 2024. The aim of the treaty according to WH...

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Just Blame the Grid Collapse on a Raccoon! By Chris Knight (Florida)

They are blaming the cut in power to the downtown core of Toronto last week on a little raccoon who come how caused the power outage. The raccoon did not survive, so did he/she chew on cables? How does wild life get into an electrical grid anyway? That's assuming we swallow the story that has been given, and that it was not a cyber-attack. Supposin...

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Chinese State Media Warns of World War III By James Reed

The mouth piece of the CCP, The Global Times, has issued a warning, that we can be sure comes down from the Party, that NATO is set to expand the Russia-Ukraine War into a wider global conflict. "NATO is pushing the Russia-Ukraine conflict toward a 'world war,'" is the title of the article. The CCP concern is over NATO's operation "Steadfast Defend...

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All Empires Fall By Charles Taylor

Matt Bracken, writer and former US Navy SEAL, and Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, have discussed the likely cause of the coming collapse of America, and by implication, the West. Will it be a financial breakdown, a kinetic war, or an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack? All of the above Bracken believes: "All of these frictions are coming to a boilin...

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If You Suffer from Climate Anxiety, Just Dress Up as a Butterfly! By James Reed

A bit of light news relief, but an item with a philosophical point though. A professor of theatre at the University of Colorado Boulder, who also teaches environmental studies, dresses up as a butterfly to deal with her climate anxiety!She said: "I started to get that terrible ooze feeling, that comes in like a sickness that you get from despair. I...

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Evergrande, Not So Grand: China’s Real Estate Crisis By James Reed

A Hong Kong court has ordered that the Chinese property mega-firm, Evergrande be liquidated, being hopelessly debt-laden, as the Chinese mega-firm had been unable to devise a plan to restructure its debts of $US 300 bn (£236 bn). Already financial commentators are liking this situation to the collapse of Lehman Brothers at the start of the global f...

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The Health Benefits of Tea By Mrs Vera West

Who would have thought that the humble cup of tea could have so many health benefits? While not offering medical advice here, only food for thought, Dr Mercola has detailed what he sees as the health benefits of tea, and as well there is a news release below from medical researchers at the University of Adelaide, showing that dark tea drinkers coul...

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What Can Be Done, about the Great Globalist Mess? By Richard Miller (London)

       The blogger who goes by the name, "Eugyppius," has a gripping headline "Is there nothing to be done? Are there no solutions at all? Are we really stuck in globalist mass-migrant climate freakout deindustrialisation rainbow hell world forever?" Now that is a good question that I ask myself many times a day, or at least aft...

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Could Robert Kennedy Jr be a Running Mate for Trump? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Many US freedom movement types have speculated about Trump and Robert F. Kennedy becoming running mates. PJ media gives a good case for this below, as it would be a devastating blow to the Biden campaign, even with the greatest electoral fraud mechanism in US history about to be unleashed again. Perhaps the proposed dynamics duo could defeat this c...

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The Ban on Old Internal Combustion Engines Will Come By James Reed

This is a notice of a brief, but important point made by One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. Noticing a government paper on climate change strategies, the paper seeks to ban all new internal combustion engines, with rollouts beginning soon. He says that once this gets up, they will not stop there and all fossil-fuel powered cars will be banned. Peo...

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Civil War 2.0 Update By Charles Taylor (Florida)

At present there is something of a Mexican stand-off between the Biden administration, who want the open borders invasion of the US, and the state of Texas, who has moved to secure one part of the border. The question is being asked as to where this will go, with the foundations of civil war being present. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick said...

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Dumbing the Population Down By James Reed

Social critic H. L. Mencken said almost as century ago: "The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, and put down dissent and originality." On this he has been proven more correct than even he could anti...

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Fighting the WHO International Health Regulations By Brian Simpson

Bruce Pardy, executive director of Rights Probe and professor of law at Queen's University, has addressed the international law issues centred around the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty, and the international health regulations, set to be approved in May this year. As has been pointed out at the blog, the international agreements wo...

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Carbon Controls to Stop Homegrown Food By James Reed

We have seen how in Europe, the key example being the Netherlands, farming has been cancelled to meet the EU dictates of net zero carbon emissions. The elimination of meat eating for the West has been promoted by the UN and World Economic Forum. But it does not stop there. As detailed by Brandon Smith, the next thing that the globalists are seeking...

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“New York Times” Shows Teenagers Harmed by Trans Agenda By Mrs Abigail Knight (Florida)

Across the West, the transgender lobby is powerful. However, the New York Times, oddly enough for an ultra-liberal paper, has dared to publish an article, behind a paywall of course, which has detailed the plight of teenagers who have been harmed by irreversible gender changing surgery and hormones. Many teenagers have come to feel that they are no...

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Climate Change Alarmists Trip Over Inaccurate Temperature Readings By Brian Simpson

The zero-net agenda, which the globalists such as the UN and World Economic Forum are pushing onto governments, leading to turning away from reliable fossil fuels and even closing down farming, is based upon the climate change alarmist argument that the world faces a climate extinction event, presumably if warming occurs beyond 1.5 C above pre-indu...

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