The Frankenstein Shot By Brian Simpson

 Recent evidence uncovered by UK researchers has indicated that Pfizer's mRNA shots can cause cells to produce "off-target" proteins, due to a fault in the Covid vax. These faulty proteins have been called "Pfrankenstein" proteins. The details, as expected are complex and outlined by Dr Mercola below, but for our purposes we note that the glit...

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Heart Inflammation and the Dreaded Vax By Brian Simpson

A mainstream peer reviewed article has just appeared, published online on January 27, 2024, in the journal, Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, by Jessica Rose, Nicolas Hulscher and Peter McCullough, "Determinants of Covid-19 Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis." Using statistical methods, the team examined reported adverse events (AEs) using the US vacci...

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Ukrainian Transgender Says Tucker Carlson is an Enemy of Humanity! By Richard Miller (London)

This story goes in the theatre of the absurd group. Tucker Carlson is in Russia and intends to interview Vlad Putin. And why not, he is an important political leader and the West should get to see what he believes, to judge for themselves? If he is evil incarnate as the media in the West say that he is, then let's see it! Show us, and then we will ...

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New Lawfare Against Trump By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The latest lawfare decision made against Trump was that a federal court full of Biden-appointed judge's denied Trump special presidential immunity. For this court, presidents are fair game for any alleged crimes supposedly committed while president. Thus, the order to have assassinated certain terrorists, could become a murder change. To this Trump...

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Far Too Little Scrutiny of Pandemic Treaty By Chris Knight (Florida)

There has been at least some concern about the fast approaching World Health Organization pandemic treaty here with the US political class. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights & International Organizations, and senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, said there has been "...

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Free Speech at the Mercy of the Technocrats By Brian Simpson

The case of Dr Mohammad Adil illustrates the control that the medical technocrats have upon doctors, who faced deregistration during the Covid plandemic, and even now, for critical comments about the sacred vax of Big Pharma. In the UK Dr Adil did not mess around and went full throttle saying that the Covid-19 virus did not exist, and that Bill Gat...

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Woman Dies After Routine Abortion By Mrs Vera West

This is extremely sad. A woman in Melbourne decided to have a "routine abortion." She attended the clinic, had the procedure and died. The clinic then rung her husband to tell him his wife was dead. It seems her heart stopped, perhaps indicating a heart attack, but details are not available. This is the third woman to have died from an abortion pro...

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The Next Stage of Civil War By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Life Site News reports that Leftists who were protesting outside of the conservative organisation, the Heritage Foundation against its "Project 2025," a project to replace the federal executive with conservative workers, have issued new threats. "We need to go find out where they live, where they go to church, who they hang around with, and birddog...

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Aussie Young to Never Have Houses, Only Rich Migrants and Overseas Buyers By James Reed

 A housing summit in New South Wales, dealing with the issues of intergenerational equity and access to the market, supposedly addressed the issue raised in a Committee for Sydney report, that less than half of all children born today will own their own home in their life time, and thus will be permanent renters. Home ownership rates are decli...

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The West Devolving into Primitivism By James Reed

This is an issue that Senator Price had raised his week, that the ideology of romantic primitivism is being used as a political weapon by the Left, to undermine Western civilisation. The idea here is that Western culture and civilisation is so flawed in terms of social justice and ecological "sustainability" that a replacement is needed. All of thi...

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Communist China Attacking Core Infrastructure By Charles Taylor (Florida)

FBI Director Christopher Wray has told the US Congress that communist Chinese hackers are busy at work attacking U.S. infrastructure, such as water treatment facilities and electrical grids, to "wreak havoc and cause real-world harm to American citizens and communities." According to the FBI director, "There has been far too little public focus on ...

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The Great White Replacement in the UK By Richard Miller (London)

The Great Replacement continues in full force in Britain. New figures from the Office for National Statistics, projects that the UK population will reach 73.7 million by mid-2036, which is far ahead of previous predictions. The same thing is being observed in America and Australia. The increase will be predominately from migration, and it is well k...

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The Militarisation of Medicine By Brian Simpson

Another informative, thought-provoking piece at, has detailed the surprising deep structural similarities between the military industrial complex and the medical industrial complex, especially after the Covid plandemic. As noted: "Among its many harsh lessons, Covid has taught us this: if you substitute Pfizer and Moderna for Raytheo...

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Migration is Permanently Altering Britain, Not for the Best By Richard Miller (London)

While the chattering class usually proclaim with tears in their eyes the joys of immigration-fuelled diversity, sometimes there are dissenting voices, like a piece that recently appeared in The Telegraph, now widely reprinted. Since the October 7 2023 events, some intellectuals have been disturbed at the way protests and violence has erupted across...

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Quiet Quitting: Whites May have had Enough! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Along with White flight, from the multiracial, multicultural hell holes that mass immigration has created, there is now the phenomenon of Whites being in "quiet quitting." Whites, at least in America, which seems to lead the West in these sorts of social issues, are abandoning institutions such as the universities and the military. Last week the ar...

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Bill Gates Wants AI to Solve the Problem of “Polarisation” (Opposition to the Globalists) By Brian Simpson

When Bill Gates comes out with a pronouncement, be sure that it will lead to something bad happening, or some dark warning of ills to come is being made. Thus in a discussion with fellow globalist AI man Sam Altman of OpenAI on the potential for new global controls to maintain "peace, safety and democracy around the world," which translates as soci...

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Queensland’s Record Number of Stillbirths and Baby Deaths By Mrs Vera West

The health authorities have noted that Queensland has the second highest number of stillbirths and baby deaths within 28 days of delivery in Australia. There were 2446 perinatal deaths nationally in 2022, including stillbirths and those that occurred within the first 28 days. That is 8.1 fatalities per 1000 births, which is alarmingly high. The Que...

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The Loss of Faith in the Medical Establishment? Hopefully By Chris Knight (Florida)

I am not sure if this is true for America, let as lone the much more suppressed and socially controlled Australia, but some thinkers think that the public has lost faith in the medical establishment over the Covid plandemic. Rational beings certainly should have, but I have not seen any hard survey data on this, at least by neutral organisations or...

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Plants (and Agriculture) Welcome the Increase in Carbon Dioxide By Brian Simpson

As detailed today at the blog by James Reed in his article "Beware! Environmental Redistributionism," mainstream climate science seems to have been taken over by Leftist ideology, where the "solution" to the alleged existential threat of climate change, supposedly putting the planet in peril, is to create a socialist society, with radical redistrib...

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Beware! Environmental Redistributionism By James Reed

As noted by farmer and real environmentalist John Klar, so-called "climate science" has long ago moved beyond the normal bounds of science, which involved carful observation and hypothesis formation, into power politics. Normal science, practiced in another era, eschewed value commitments, but modern climate change science is up to its neck in it. ...

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