The Australian Senate Does Not Want to Know Why Australians are Dying in Excess By Brian Simpson

For the third time the Australian Senate has voted against an inquiry into the causes of Australia's excess mortality. Some states have experienced an excess death rate, meaning more deaths beyond the long-term mean number, of up to 17 percent in some states, which is statistically significant. It is generally accepted that the excess mortality is ...

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Financing a Mass Online Censorship Regime By Chris Knight (Florida)

This is how the Biden regime is moving to the next level, using useful idiot organisations for its evil censorship purposes. Universities and other supposed non-profit organisations are working to develop AI mechanisms for online censorship. The National Science Foundation (NSF), is being used to distribute funds to Big Tech platforms to censor pub...

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The Vaxxes Cause More Deaths than Save Lives By Brian Simpson

The truth seems to be slowly seeping out about the efficiency of the mRNA Covid-19. A new study published in the journal Cureus, has shown that the vaccines cause more deaths than save lives. The study examined the initial phase 3 trials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, which led to the shots being approved under Emergency Use Authoriz...

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Ex-Moderna Scientists: mRNA Vaccine Toxicity By Brian Simpson

An article has appeared in the journal, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, by Eric Jacquinet, Dimitrios Bitounis and Maximillian Rogers who all work at Moderna, which discusses "how to efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology." The mRNA vaxxes have various toxic risks, they state, including "lipid nanoparticle structural...

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A Country Run by an Old Man with a Poor Memory By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Special Counsel investigating Joe Biden's alleged breach involving classified material has concluded that no charges will be brought against the president. The reason given is: "We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly...

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Britain, Not a Lion, but a Paper Tiger By Richard Miller (London)

The UK Commons Defence Committee has told parliament that the army would be exhausted in its war capabilities against Russia in a mere two months of fighting, due to the rundown of the armed forces. The chair of the Committee said: "While able to deploy at short notice and to fulfil commitments, our inquiry found that readiness for all-out, prolong...

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The Threat of Chem Trails By Brian Simpson

There is a considerable alternative literature on chem trails, which are seen as the government's use of various chemical for purposes such as weather control, and even mind control: .While hard evidence is difficult to come by, there is no doubt that many chemicals and substances are r...

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Tucker Carlson Now on Ukraine’s Kill List By Richard Miller (London)

The interview by Tucker Carlson of Russian president Vladimir Putin has now been released, and this will be covered in a separate article. For the moment I note that merely by being a good journalist, and covering the truth, what the Russian leader thinks, the Ukraine Center for Countering Disinformation has put Carlson on a kill list. This literal...

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The Corruption of Fame By James Reed

Being a nobody, the idea of fame has been intriguing to me. What would it do to one's personality if fame was thrust upon one? Most likely it would be corruption is some form; privacy would go, which could produce psychological problems. And, a study of some leading personalities published at the American, shows that fame, like power te...

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The Jihad Capital, Created by Mass Immigration By Chris Knight

It is behind a pay wall, but some extracts were able to be got from American, but The Wall Street Journal, as mainstream as publications goes, reports on Dearborn, which is calls the jihad capital of America. The article opens in horror; "Thousands march in support of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Protesters, many with kaffiyehs coveri...

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The Issue of Conscription By Richard Miller (London)

The issue of conscription is being discussed here in Europe, and I have seen mention of this in the Australian press as well. In the US, the idea has been floated of putting the illegals into the military to boost up numbers now that Whites are not recruiting because of the anti-white racism of the woke, transgender military. But, why should illega...

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The Escalation to China War By James Reed

I have been writing about the coming war of the West with China for some time, and this is important, as Australia is going to be the meat in the proverbial sandwich here, with a likely nuclear attack upon Pine Gap in the early stages of a US-China war. There are vital political and social issues that are not being discussed by our immigration-insa...

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Covid-19: A Genetically Engineered Bioweapon By Brian Simpson

There is more evidence for the lab release origin of Covid-19, which has just surfaced. Emily Kopp from the non-profit public health research group The US Right to Know, just obtained details about the "Defuse" proposal. Kopp found evidence that the "Defuse" proposal, a proposed research grant on "Defusing the Threat of Bat-borne Coronaviruses," wa...

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The Climate Change Hypocrisy of the Elites By James Reed

The climate change alarmist chattering class like to attend Davos in private carbon-spewing jets, some 400 were at this year's talkfest. When challenged about this, the elites, if they bother to reply say, as Bill gates did, that one has to break some eggs to make omelettes, and that they are saving the planet. So, fly a private jet, eat lavish mea...

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The United Nations-Backed Invasion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Here is a segment of an essay that Dr Naomi Wolf, formerly a Left-wing feminist writer, but then Covid vax critic, and now Jewish conservative, wrote about the immigration invasion of the US. In another article I had an extract where she talked about the cultural changes from immigration, but here she details the UN's involvement in actively backin...

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A Leftist Feminist Wakes in Fright to the Bitter Reality of Immigration By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I received an email newsletter from Dr Naomi Wolf, who was once know for her feminist work, such as an attack upon the "beauty myth." This was the standard feminist stuff. But then with the Covid plandemic, after the vax rollout, she noticed that women were facing severe health treats, and she became a Covid vax critic, and essentially got cancelle...

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Were Some People Happier Being Locked Down? By Richard Miller (London)

Research, widely cited in the UK media, from campaign group More in Common, a Left-wing campaign group, polled 2,033 people between November 30 and December 4 2023, and asked about if they would back some form of Covid mandate measures. The question asked was "Currently, there are no legal Covid-19 restrictions in place in the UK. Thinking of the c...

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Chronic Hunger and Global Starvation: The Food Crisis By James Reed

If we can trust this source even on this limited basis, according to the UN's World Food Program, "a food crisis of unprecedented proportions" is unfolding now, with 783 million people suffering from chronic hunger. Of course, the UN lists climate change as one of the causes of this, being but one of its globalist agendas, but, conflict, war and so...

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For Aussies, “Mortgages” Really Lives Up to its Root Word, “Mort” or “Death” By James Reed

Home ownership, the ideal of the quarter acre block, the Aussie "castle," is fast receding for most young Australians. Figures just released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics indicate that the national average mortgage is now the highest on record at $624,383, and people have to undertake greater debts than ever before just to get to the start...

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Climate Change Hysteria has Caused Scientists to Lose Touch with Reality! By James Reed

The New York Times, recently had an article, "Could a Giant Parasol in Outer Space Help Solve the Climate Crisis?" The idea is to put into space a giant solar reflector, about the size of a country like Argentina, of a million square miles. And, for a big research grant, no doubt some scientists would plan a prototype. But the big issue, and this r...

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