On Local Council Amalgamations and the Dangers of Centralism By Ken Grundy

Dear Editor,


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Charles Nenner’s Predictions of the Next War Cycle By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The famous financial cycles expert Charles Nenner has made a prediction that the world is entering another war cycle. He has a cyclic view of history, unlike most liberals, who are progressives, seeing things getting better all the time. From his analysis of history, here are 120-year war cycles, and the cycle is now here with the Middle East War. As nuclear weapons are now involved, along with other weapons of mass destruction, the present war could be the bloodiest humanity has ever seen. As Nenner says the death toll could be one quarter of the world’s population, some two billion people: ““If you do cycles on war games and war cycles, you can calculate how many people are going to die in such a war.  We discussed this in the past, and it now looks ugly.  We are talking about a lot of people.  There are so many things bad going on in the world, so I would like to not to tell you the number.”

Nenner has said this war cycle will top all other war cycles in body counts.  Nenner predicts, “This war cycle is going to be worse than World War II.  So, the question is what do we do and where do we go?  A lot of my clients are not interested in ‘how do I make money,’ but where should we go.  So, I am studying where are the best places to go.  This is what I am trying to find out, and I have been very busy with this.”

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New South Wales Physicians Sign Up for Permission to Conduct Euthanasia! By Mrs Vera West

This is a sad indication of how far we have drifted from being a Christian society. At least 250 doctors have signed up in New South Wales to conduct voluntary assisted dying (VAD), better known as euthanasia. There should not have been any such law in the first place, with the New South Wales Act being the first in Australia. It is a shame to see doctors, who should be pursuing the saving of life, even if only for a short time, going this way.

In any case the euthanasia law will require all healthcare providers in the state to provide assisted suicide. This has generated a backlash from Christian facilities, such as Catholic providers. They may be forced out of the industry if the government strong-fists the requirements.

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Will World War Bring about Martial law? By Chris Knight (Florida)

US social critic Brandon Smith has dared to raise the question as to whether the ruling elites in America, and by implication, Australia as well, will implement martial law in response to the wars. His concern comes from the way authoritarian controls were stamped into place during the Covid plandemic, which while meeting with some protests, were not met with the level of response one would have expected with such an overwhelming denial of basic human liberties. Only in communist China of all places, which had even more oppressive Covid lockdown measures than New York and Victoria, was there wide spread protests leading to the iron-fisted communist government backing down.

A Middle East war that could easily morph into World War III, if say Israel is forced to use nuclear weapons for survival, and this could lead to martial law in the West. There are scenarios involving resistance to the draft, as in the Vietnam War, but this time involving both sections of the Left, and some sections of the conservative movement. But the main issue will be the preservation of social order once terrorist sleeper cells, that walked into Western countries visa their so-called non-discriminatory immigration policies, get activated. This will be quite unlike the Covid plandemic, where the danger was mainly hypothetical, as there was at least a 99 per cent chance of survival in populations that were otherwise healthy and not immune compromised. With the internal terrorist attacks, there will be strong arguments made for restriction beyond even those seen with Covid, especially at the stage where China war erupts and we see the wages of mass immigration really work out through mass sabotage, as China puts out the call.

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Warnings of Civil War in Western Europe By Richard Miller (London)

Hungarian historian Lásló Bernát Veszprémy has warned that Western Europe is heading towards civil war due to mass migration. He sees the dangers of radical Islamists, but is mostly concerned about Right wing radicalism. “It must be seen that far-right terrorism, fuelled by mass immigration, could grow stronger in the future. They may attack Jews and Muslims alike. In response to the latter, Islamists may again activate revenge. Western and Northern Europe are moving at a frightening pace toward a bloody civil war, and I see little sign of a turning point in this narrowing corridor.” Causality seems to be reversed here, as any Right-wing radical’s response seems to be a reaction. Islamists are making the first moves, which of course does not justify a retaliatory response, as two wrongs do not make a right, even a far Right!

He does not seem to have watched the new videos in recent times, where the mass protests, and incidences of violence are not from the radical Right, at least not yet. It is just early days though, but time for thinkers like him to move onto the new paradigm. We will see how wrong Veszprémy is, when the radical Islamist sleeper cells become active in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.

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The Great Thump Trump Conspiracy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Trump presidency is interesting as it is a living example of what the globalist elites can and will do to control anyone who gets in a position of power to oppose them. Trump managed to get elected in 2016 to the astonishment of the elites, who had not got into place the electoral fraud machine that was to be assembled in 2020 to defeat him. His policies were undermined from within, by the mistake of giving too much power to his essentially Democrat son-in-law, and blind trust to his equally liberal daughter. Externally, the entire system was against him on everything. He did not have the guts to send the US armed forces to protect the border from drug smugglers and terrorists, and hence, he could not even build the southern war. This was so even though as we see with the Ukraine scam, the amount of money given away to keep the secrets of US elites in Europe’s most corrupt country, could have built dozens of walls.

Then we have the entire Covid plandemic, where Trump was rolled by Big Pharma, and still is brainwashed, seeing himself, delusionally as the father of the Covid vax, but not admitting to the millions of vax injuries and vast death toll. Mail-in voting allowed the greatest electoral fraud ever seen. And that did not end, next with the January 2021 protests, right up to now where Trump is facing so many indictments that he could wind up with maybe a thousand years in prison, for what are not crimes at all, such as possessing classified documents, which as president he could declassify and keep, nothing Obama and Biden did not do.

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Lockdown “Suicide Pacts” in Scotland By Richard Miller (London)

I did not know this previously, but in Scotland, and perhaps in other jurisdictions, the Covid lockdowns led to some Scottish families considering suicide pacts. The problem related to people with disabilities and residents in care homes, who during the extended lockdown period, received reduced care, or no care at all. Faced with this added hardship, suicide seemed to be an option. There are no official government statistics explicitly documenting suicides arising from this, although there are other reports (see below), but in general, across jurisdictions, suicide rates increased, perhaps not by as much as one would have thought, but still statistically significant. That stands to reason as people who are used to extended social interaction become locked down in home detention.

With the world now anxious about the next crisis in the Great Reset, world war, the elites who perpetrated the Covid crimes against humanity, are now safely exiting the scene of the crime. Will there be justice in the future, when the final dust settles?

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The Great Green Myth of Recycling By James Reed

Along with the Green ideals of renewable energy, electric vehicles and perhaps, insect eating to replace meat eating, recycling stands as another leading Green myth. The recycling mania is seen at the local level, with most councils across Australia having distinct rubbish bins, with a special big one for recycling. But it seems, not everything one would expect, as I have had plastic rejected. With all the Green mania about plastic killing the planet, one would have thought that if anything was to be recycled, it would be plastic, at least from the ordinary people’s rubbish.

However, as documented by small farmer, John Klar, the entire recycling business is just a greenwash. Take glass for example. There is no problem getting the sand to make glass, so recycling in terms of preventing shortages is not an issue. But glass is heavy, increasing collection and transport costs. Glass can break, contaminating other material to be recycled such as paper, and requiring labour to clean up. And as far as landfill goes, glass does not pose any environmental problem at all, so it is usually better to just dump glass products rather than recycle.

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Are Electric Vehicles (EV), Electric Lemons, Market-Wise? By James Reed

The vision of the climate change hysteria lobby is that everyone who drives a car will be driving an electric one, with the mains electricity powered by renewable energy. It is a utopian scenario which assumes so much falling into place, the first obstacle being getting the carbon-neutral renewable energy sufficient to power the existing society, and reliable.

But, ignoring the first base issues, there is the present problem that EV manufactures are now facing a market problem of fall in consumer demand, as consumers are not flocking to buy EVs as the industry gurus had anticipated. Manufacturers are cutting back on their once enthusiastic targets, and some are dropping prices just to unload existing stock. Thus, Mercedes-Benz CEO Harald Wilhelm has said about the now uncertain market:

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The Greed of the Developers By James Reed

Marcobusiness.com, who have been giving excellent covering of the immigration- fuelled rental/housing crisis, notes that the Albo government’s 1.2 million housing target for the next five years, based upon its support of continuous mass migration, is not likely to be met because of, what I call the greed of the developers. To keep the housing/rental market high, there needs to be pressure upon supply. As I see it, the Albo government is doing its bit with the largest migration intake Australia has ever seen, to make Australia majority Asian within years. However, developers have an interest to make the situation even worse by not releasing needed properties, but rather “drip-feeding,” to keep prices high. Marcobusiness.com gives a number of examples of this practice, but it would seem to dominate the industry. As such the housing/rental crisis will get worse unless immigration is slashed. Hell will freeze over before the developers of Australia act in the best interests of wider humanity, over their corporate profits. Oh, but if it was the Voice or trans issues, well, that is different, as moral displays of woke virtue can be made with little loss of profit.


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The Slums of Australia By James Reed

All Australian states have types of “better housing” Acts that generally came into force after World War II and are upgraded from time to time. The idea was to eliminate rental properties which would be no more than mere sheds, with no running hot and cold water. It was to endure the bare minimum for the in-coming migrant populations, building conditions that were not often observed earlier in the century, and certainly not in the 19th century. There are complexities with rural and outback dwellings, with no mains water, or even electricity, but, people in remote areas, including Aboriginal communities, are often forgotten.

A report from Crikey.com, tells us that many rental properties, while meeting the minimum with running water and electricity, still are little better than the slums of America, when one considers temperature, being freezing cold in winter, and literal ovens in summer. This requires poor people to spend a large amount of money on electricity for temperature control, just to survive.

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Climate Change Litigation Madness By Charles Taylor (Florida)

One aspect of lawfare that is being played out in relation to the climate change agenda, is climate change litigation, using law suits against so-called carbon producers to achieve, presumably their cancellation. In principle almost any business could be sued, but the logical target is to take on the alleged big carbon producers, such as the oil companies, who have a deep pocket.

As any sane person would know, one not brainwashed by climate change propaganda, oil is need for modern civilisation as we need it to survive. Oil is certainly needed in the construction and back-up of so-called renewable technologies, as both wind and solar are unreliable, while oil never lets one down, it is compact available energy.

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Behind the Debanking of Nigel Farage By Richard Miller (London)

Earlier in the year, Brexit and globalist critic, Nigel Farage was suspended, debanked it is now called, by his bank Coutts, a private bank owned by NatWest. At the time it as said that his political views had nothing to do with the cancellation, but Farage has fought this, and NatWest boss Dame Alison Rose has now resigned. But as well, Farage submitted a subject access request to NatWest and got some interesting material about staff at the bank who were rejoicing over his cancelation. For example, one of the comments was, “Have you all seen Nigel Farage’s Twitter? No one will bank him now. Have we single handedly drive NF out of the country?!”

Hopefully Farage will undertake a massive law suit now; the bankers deserve it!

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The Childhood Gender Transition Prohibition Bill By Mrs Vera West

Malcolm Roberts joins with Senator Antic in co-sponsoring the Childhood Gender Transition Prohibition Bill 2023 into the Australian Senate. The aim of the Bill is to protect minors from the harms of puberty blocking treatments, and gender-alignment surgery, since minors need protection, being vulnerable and open to influence. There is not only the political aspects to contend with but the medical industrial complex benefits from this business too. Control is needed. But let’s see how the Labor and Green parties vote on this one!

Malcolm Roberts 

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The Damaged Hearts of Young Men By Chris Knight (Florida)

An article has recently appeared in the leading cardio-vascular international journal Circulation 2023; 148:436–439, which examined myocarditis, hearty inflammation in youth in Hong Kong, who had this condition because of the Covid-19 vax. The analysis found that 50 percent of males in the sample, who had Covid-19 vax caused myocarditis, now had permanently damaged hearts.

 This is shocking news and the mainstream media did not comment upon this result. It is no surprise since the idea that the sacred vaxxes could cause such an extent of myocarditis was slammed as a conspiracy theory by the same mainstream media. It is no help of course to the youth who have damaged hearts, and the likely health costs in the future, including heart attacks. WE are seeing the effects of the Covid vaxxes unfold now, and it is likely that this is only the beginning, given the toxicity of the mRNA spike protein, whether from the disease itself, or the vax.  

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The Threat of the Cashless Economy By James Reed

Patrick Barron, has done an excellent job outlining the dangers of a cashless society. He is writing at the libertarian site Mises.org, which is very pro-individual freedom, and despite differences on many economic and financial issues, still is a friend, compared to the globalists we all confront, and as embodied in the drive for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).

There are many arguments against CBDCs, but the main one is one already seen with the Canadian truckers’ blockade, where the government ordered the banks to debank and cancel the protesters’ accounts, and even US supporters’ accounts. This shows the present power of the banks, and giving them even more power is to open the floodgates to potentially more of this activity, where individuals and organisations who step out of line get debanked and cancelled. This would have a crippling effect upon dissent, and along with digital identities, which are part of the deal, must all be opposed.

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The True Costs of Electric Vehicles By James Reed

I have been covering material on the costs of electric vehicles, since this is one of the key planks of the climate change agenda. As I see it, the inadequacies of electric vehicles will become quite clear once the fossil fuelled cars are put off the road, if not much sooner, and by then, the agenda will be to lock people into 15-minute cities, since they will not have relatively cheap and effective transport. So, it is important to fight this business now.

Coming from America is more critical material, this time from the think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). A report that it has recently released has shown that electric vehicles have been subsidised by governments, and would cost tens of thousands of dollars more without tax payer paid incentives and support. In the US, the government supplies $ 22 billion in support to the electric car industry and owners. Without these handouts, the average new electric vehicle would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period. According to the Report: "It is not an overstatement to say that the federal government is subsidizing EVs to a greater degree than even wind and solar electricity generation and embarking on an unprecedented endeavor to remake the entire American auto industry." "Despite these massive incentives, EVs are receiving a tepid response from the majority of Americans who cannot shoulder their higher cost." For consumers then, EV already “stink.”

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The Dark Side of Diversity By Chris Knight (Florida)

Diversity is the latest buzz ideology of the Western New Class; previously it was equity, but now diversity is king, or is it queen? The diversity issue applies to all the categories beloved of the New Class intelligentsia, including race, ethnicity, gender and sex. The idea on race is that societies in the West that have traditionally been majority white need to demographically replace whites with non-whites, as has occurred in places like London. Thus, most Western countries are set to have non-white majorities within decades. Australia under its present immigration policy, which is largely Asian-based, may even beat the US to non-white status. Of course, conservatives speaking about this critically, are condemned as intolerant, even while the Left celebrates the passing of whites, and academic attack “whiteness” for a good living at white tax payer’s expense, paying while their graves collectively are dug.

The same argument applies to gender/sex, with the debates about what is a woman in the context of transgenderism. The very same arguments used to deconstruct race are also applied here in the gender domain.

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Chinese Money Laundering in Oz By James Reed

This news item needs to be recorded for the record, as it shows what Australia faces as Chinese communist money washes over us. Police have busted a vast money-laundering syndicate based around Changjiang Currency Exchange. Money was laundered through 12 retail outlets. As a measure of the extent of this, the police seized $ 50 million worth of luxury cars and property. This was an Australia wide operation with Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth involved.


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The Birth Dearth By Mrs Vera West

Alex Berenson has offered some material on the rapid decline of births seen right across the developed world. The article is of interest for covering the decline of births in the advanced Asian countries, while most of our attention has been on the West. Thus, South Korea and Taiwan are on the road to demographic death, with far below replacement level birth rates, having less than one child on average. This is interesting, as most thought by Western theorists, especially conservatives, have pinned the blame upon the rise of Leftist values such as feminism. That is a quite reasonable hypothesis, but it cannot be the full truth for the entire world, as the example of Asia shows.

My own hypothesis is that there is no one cause of the birth dearth, but it is a multi-variable caused phenomenon, where Leftist values feature, but it is clear that the culture of materialism over spiritual and religious values also has much to do with it. People may choose material things over children. But, even people wanting more children face economic problems. Indeed, the present cost of living crisis, and rent housing crisis will make matters even worse as young people will not even be able to get living space, let alone have children.  As Berenson rightly notes, “nothing less than the future of humanity is at stake.” 

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