The Pandemic of Weakness By John Steele

Financial writer John Kim, was someone I do not normally read, being an off-grid type, into self-sufficiency. Yet James sent me this one to comment on. While there is financial advice I do not understand, there was some home-spun philosophy I liked. Kim observes, and rightly too, that we are in an age of weakness, physically and spiritually. The Left are equating physical fitness with Right wing extremism, no doubt to get the Palov dog knee jerk response, as a lot of brainwashing effort has gone into this one since the end of World War II.

The physical and socio-political weakness that have allowed evil to flourish arise ultimately from a spiritual weakness, a turning away from God in embracing secular materialism. But, for those who are out of the system, or opposing it, the core strength will be to retain spiritual strength. As Kim says: “Everywhere we look today, in education, health care, State politics, finance, the military industrial complex, forces that wish to spawn chaos and destruction upon humanity have clawed their way to the top.  If we don’t believe in the physics maxim that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, then we would have zero faith that a Higher Power of Good exists to combat all the depravity and weakness that surrounds us today. And if this were the case, the spreading darkness in our world would quickly extinguish the flame of optimism. If this were the case, I would not continue fighting and I would resign myself to a bleak future for humanity. But this is not the case, so despite the personal and financial attacks I continuously face, such attacks only strengthen my resolve to continue fighting.”

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Bioengineering: Has the Blood of Humanity Been Changed? By Brian Simpson

This item is difficult to describe and is best looked at by viewing the video. In essence, a team of scientific and medical researchers make the claim, which has been made a number of times, that some very strange objects are being found in people’s blood. These are long filaments, whose nature and origin are not yet known, but it is hypothesised that the Covid vax is responsible. The complication is that some researchers have found these weird structures in the blood of unvaccinated people as well, which is deeply concerning.

This phenomenon is distinct from the long clots that undertakes have observed in people who have died, but were fully vaxxed up. Clearly, we have only scraped the surface of the Covid vax scam at present.

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How Long Before We Pay the “Rent,” After the Voice? By James Reed

Here is some material dealing with the US and Canadian situation, where the first steps have been made for people, white people, we suppose, for reparations to Blacks and American Indians. The Chicago suburb of Evanston, is already tossing out $ 25,000 to 140 Black residents, the first payment of $ 10 million that was approved. And people in British Columbia, as part of a voluntary initiative set up by the non-profit initiative, Reciprocity Trusts, is encouraging homeowners to pay $ 400 annually to First nation people. Surveys have shown that many working people go from pay-to-pay, and do not have $ 400 spare even for medical and dental expenses.

The idea of reparations lurks around the Voice in Australia, and is a pet idea of the neo-Marxists who see the Voice as the first stepping stone to a treaty, and then, all of the above.

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The Insanity of Environmentalism By James Reed

As noted by Brendan O’Neill, the present environmentalist campaigns such as Just Stop Oil, are like the climate change activists, campaigners for the end of industrial civilisation. If they did get what they wanted, tomorrow, the end of fossil fuels, tens of thousands of people would be out of work, with disastrous kick-on effects for the economy, crashing it on just that basis alone. That is the optimistic scenario, for as has already been seen with the Ukraine War, and fossil fuel restrictions from Russia, there will be a drop in the fossil fuels needed in all aspects of food production, from fertilisers, to the plough, and finally to transport of the finished product. Hence a food shortage, if not a famine.

Yet, as noted, the environment list crowd are urban New Class, who do not have to dirty their hands getting food. It is thus easy to jump on the protest bandwagon, as there is no personal cost. Yet, if there was the ban on fossil fuels, these weaklings would be the first to perish.

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The Myth of a Climate Consensus By Brian Simpson

Lynne Balzer has a new book, The Green New Deal and Climate Change: What You Need to Know, which takes apart the established narrative of the climate change cabal. For example, the notion is pushed that there is a 97 percent consensus of climate scientists, that the Earth is experiencing human-caused climate change of dangerous dimensions. Balzer goes into detail about this study, showing that the methodologies employed were flawed. One study used a search of abstracts which yielded a selective sample that did not include articles that examined natural causes of climate change. Other studies involved biased samples and surveys. The situation is aptly summed up by Klaus Eckert Puls, a German meteorologist:

“Ten years ago, I simply parroted what the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and data. At first, I started with a sense of doubt, but then I became outraged when I discovered that what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense and was not even supported by any scientific facts and measurements.

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The Agenda Behind the Ukraine War By Richard Miller (London)

Harper’s has a great essay detailing the real reasons behind the present Ukraine war. It is very good and balanced. In essence, the War is NATO’s attempt to contain, if not deconstruct Russia. The Ukraine may not become a member of NATO just yet, but it does not matter much since the Ukraine is a pawn in the game. At the end of the cold War, Russia had the expectation that NATO would be dissolved as the Warsaw Pact was. But since 1999 three former Warsaw pact countries were added to NATO, and in 2004, another three. Then five more. Russia is right to feel that they are being surrounded; we would too, as we are talking about a nuclear umbrella that could come unfolded at any time, the more fools holding the umbrellas.

The Ukraine has come to be a line drawn in the sand, where Russia has made a commitment to fight to the end. The rest will be history, written by those who survive what is to inevitably come.

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Women and Regional Voters May Save Us From the Voice! By Mrs Vera West

God bless women and regional voters! The real good news, if the polls can be believed, is that support for the Voice referendum has crashed among women voters, and regional voters, with support now being just 41 percent. The No vote is 62 percent in regional areas of Australia, as would be expected given the wisdom of country Australians, and the lesser degree of woke and diversity. But, the surprise is the women’s vote, with women overall being more likely to vote No, than men, now. Let’s focus on this, being a woman, albeit an ancient one now. It is no secret that women in the West are more liberal and woke than men. If there is this turning against the Voice, this could well swing the referendum, even if Big Tech goes to work on social media to brainwash the youth, who do still support, in the majority, the Voice.

It will be close, that this one is winnable friends!

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Hope for Parkinson’s Disease? By Mrs Vera West

At present the exact cause of Parkinson’s Disease, a terror for many older people who have had their parents suffer from this disease of mental wasting, is not known. But recent research has suggested that much like the role of the bacteria H. pylori in GERD (gastro reflux disease), there could be a bacteria connection. In this case the culprit is bacteria in the group Desulfovibrio which may promote the disease-driving clumping of alpha-synuclein protein in Parkinson’s disease. No, I don’t know what this is as well, but just hum along. This is according to a study based upon nematode worms, which they say is an animal model relevant to the human gut. The details are technical, but basically these bugs get out of balance and cause inflammatory effects including chemicals that are associated with Parkinson’s disease.

All very interesting, but what can be done about it? The details are lacking. There is little I could find beyond the sound idea of establishing healthy gut bacteria, and preventing bugs like this getting out of balance. This is done from what is now becoming common sense, a diet rich in vegetables and fruit, with adequate prebiotic fibre to fed the good guys, and things to add probiotic bacteria; these can be taken as supplements, but fermented foods like quality probiotic yoghurt will help. I will keep researching this, as my father died with Parkinson’s and it was extremely depressing. And, I dread it being my fate too, losing my memories and personality. I think this is even worse than blindness.

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Millennials Want Jail for Misgendering! By Chris Knight (Florida)

Professor Jonathan Turley has reported on an issue of concern, that according to a recent survey for Newsweek, 44 percent of millennials, aged between 25-34 support the legal reform of criminal charges for people who “misgender.” “Misgendering” involves using the wrong pronouns for transgenders. It is a simple as that, presumably even if a genuine mistake was made. In the UK misgendering is now a crime, as it is according to the regime’s narrative, an “act of violence.” So, in this respect, the UK is ahead of the curve of the US, with Australia still to catch up in the woke stakes. Still, it is interesting for conservatives to note the extent of woke that has gripped the new generation. It needs to be considered in all thought involving political change.

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Lessons for the Voice from America By Chris Knight (Florida)

Here is material relevant to the Voice referendum coming from America. The policy debate here is about reparations to both Blacks and American Indians. The article shows the role that one Supreme Court judge, Justice Neil Gorsuch, a Trump appointee, has had in cases given masses of land back to the Indians, most of the decisions being legally flawed, and creating chaos. It is a demonstration of what could lie ahead if the Voice referendum succeeds. Hence, the No side needs to give this, the fight of their lives, as trust me, your country is now at stake. It really will be the breakup of Australia, just as America now faces fracture. As well, do not have a blind faith in your courts to deliver what you think should be “justice” here. That is naïve; the courts will interpret the law according to what is in black letters before them, and a change to the constitution will be the ultimate precedent, indicating that the Australian people are willing to put up with whatever comes there way.


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Meta Moves on the Voice By Brian Simpson

We have mentioned this before, but here is fuller information on the role which the Mark Zuckerberg company, Meta, is going to play in the voice referendum. We know that Facebook was involved in influencing the US 2020 election, if only by its banning of discussion of the revelations of the Hunter Biden laptop. “Meta has been preparing for this year’s voice to parliament referendum for a long time, leaning into expertise from previous elections.” No doubt.

Consequently, the present move by Meta, to be engaging in fact checking is extremely problematic, since we simply have no reason to trust their predominantly Left-wing biased fact checkers to be fair to positions they do not like. In a nutshell, this is in my opinion an attempt by Big Tech to influence an election through influence upon youth through social media. The No campaign, and the Liberal party need to challenge the stated role of Meta in court, beginning now. Who checks the fact checkers, and who watches the watchmen?

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Blood Clotting, Long Covid and Vax Injuries By Brian Simpson

A paper, not yet peer reviewed, by general practitioner Dr. Robin Kerr and cardiovascular researcher Harriet Carroll of Lund University, puts the case that long Covid, a constellation of physical and mental ill effects, said to be a product of the principle Covid infection by the mainstream Covid narrative, is in fact due to micro-blood clotting. And, their hypothesis is that this micro-clotting is due the effects of the Covid vax, rather than explicitly, the infection, as far more spike proteins are produced by the vax, as the cells become spike protein producing machines. "Certain proteins involved in microclotting also play a role in autoimmune and mast cell activation pathways," according to the report. "Microclotting is therefore associated with conditions like autoimmunity and mast cell activation syndrome, characterized by allergic symptoms such as hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing." In short, the same symptoms as long Covid.

The paper, like many which challenge the established Covid narrative, itself endorsed by Big Pharma, may disappear down the memory hole.

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Communist Chinese Had Covid Virus Back in September 2019 By Brian Simpson

There can be debates about the actual numbers of people dead from Covid, since PCR tests were set at absurdly high cycles, and hospitals were requested to list people who had Covid, but died from other causes, like a road accident, as Covid dead. Nevertheless, like any strong flu, it is likely that the world death toll is in the millions.

Thus, if this virus was created in a lab, and released either accidentally or intentionally, the world needs to know. And that certainly now is the case. “U.S. investigative journalists revealed in early June that three WIV researchers, Ben Hu, Ping Yu, and Yan Zhu, were allegedly the first COVID-19 patients, having fallen ill in the fall of 2019. They were reportedly conducting research on SARS-like viruses and engaging in “gain-of-function” experiments. Gain-of-function, which involves altering the properties of a pathogen in order to study its potential impact on human health, increases the infectiousness of viruses and/or makes them more lethal.

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The Left Push Narrative that Fitness is Right-Wing; I Would Hope So! By John Steele

The Left have now come out and said it, that fitness is Right-wing! It is an odd position to take, given that even though there is a rising level of obesity in the West, still many people play sport, and the gyms still flourish. Certainly, many from the Right have embraced physical culture as a way of life, but outside of he egg-head class, there are still large numbers of tradies, farmers and manual labourers, who keep fit by their work, even if their diet of a pie and coke for lunch is not good. Not all of these people are Right-wing; most do not have well-articulated political values at all.

What the Left now wants is for whites to be unfit, as part of the push to eliminate them in the Great Replacement.

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The Colonisation of France By Richard Miller (London)

Here is a link to a video which has gone viral. It features a French-Algerian man who calmly says the very thing that the Left denies: that the present tsunami of diverse mass immigration is going to lead to the Great Replacement of whites, sooner than most expect. This migrant sees his aim, and others like him, to colonise France for their race. “Racists, they colonized us for 132 years. And now it’s our turn to come here. How can I explain it to you? I can’t find the words. They’ve colonized us for 132 years and now we’re going to colonize them for life until we die. Until the end of time.”

Thanks for the warning.

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Western Civilisation is Dying; What Medicine is Needed? By James Reed

Once it was only people like me who were taking the Spengler line that the West was in decline, if not dying. It was seen in the undermining of the fundamental institutions of society, such as the family, in the name of Left wing 1960s liberation movements, such as feminism. There seems to be a trend of defeat for conservatives on most issues; who in 1953 would have predicted that in 2023 there would be an issue of what a woman is? Trans-sexualism then was a very small issue, but today the transgender issue is grasped by the intelligentsia and corporates with a passion. And so it goes on with a vast number of issues, such as immigration and multiculturalism.  It is especially so in relation to the cultural undermining of Christian values, through the infiltration of the church by neo-Marxists. Gavin Ashenden, a former Chaplain to the late Queen has stated on this point:

“I’m not sure how long our culture and our civilization is going to survive in a recognizably present form. I think people will talk about the second Elizabethan age as bringing down the curtain on everything that we knew up to this point. Between now and 2030 the militant Left is going to try to cripple Christianity — what’s left of it — and has, by 2022, almost done it. . . . Christian teachers taken to jail simply because they refuse to accept the subjectivity of people they’re in a professional relationship with? Christian chaplains reported as terrorist threats because they do nothing more than offer a sensible and intelligent assessment of the different allegiances that our plurifom society brings? That’s now. I reckon in the next eight years it’s going to get a lot worse.”

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UK Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament China “Whole-of-State Threat By Richard Miller (London)

The UK Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament in the UK has published its report on China. A summary is provided below, but in essence the report accepts that communist China has infiltrated every aspect of UK society. It has, for example exerted strong influence upon the UK universities, so that criticism of the CCP is carefully controlled. As well, using its vast financial resources it has bought up strategic assets, in education and industry.

Beyond all this though, China has intelligence capacities far beyond the UK, having, as a communist society a “whole of state’ approach. “In practice, this means that Chinese state-owned and non-state-owned companies, as well as academic and cultural establishments and ordinary Chinese citizens, are liable to be (willingly or unwillingly) co-opted into espionage and interference operations overseas: much of the impact that China has on national security is overt – through its economic might, its takeovers and mergers, its interaction with Academia and Industry – as opposed to covert activity carried out by its intelligence officers.”

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The Communist Influence Behind the Voice Referendum By James Reed

The following link has videos well worth letting others know about because they clearly confirm the communist influence, documented by Geoff McDonald in Red Over Black (1982). Videos show key leaders of the Voice praising the Communist Party of Australia for fighting “with and beside” Aboriginals for native title and land rights. As summarised below, and expressed in more detail in the videos, many of the champions of the Voice are radical Marxists, who want the deconstruction of traditional Australia, and the creation of a separate Black nation. We are not seeing this narrative honestly expressed in the debate, but rather, hidden as an agenda. I imagine that this separate nation would be highly sympathetic to communist China, which would pose interesting dilemmas when China war occurs.

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Corrupt, or Incompetent, Beyond Measure By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US secret service has concluded its investigation of the presence of cocaine found in the White House, which coincided with the visit of cocaine user Hunter Biden to the White House to visit “the big guy.” Nothing to see here folks, no evidence or suspects. But, don’t tell me DNA samples could not be obtained from the cocaine bag. No, obviously they know too well who did it, but the rule of law does not apply to him.

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The Problem of Moving the Goal Posts on Pensions By Ian Wilson LL.B

An Aboriginal man has lost his case put before the Federal court to receive his pension three years earlier because of the shorter life expectancy of Aboriginals. That is true. But the Federal court rejected the claim that the present age pension scheme contravened section 10 of the Race Discrimination Act. “The social security system as a whole would not treat members of all races with equal dignity and respect if it provided members of a particular race with more limited access to the age pension than others,” the Federal court concluded.

That is technically correct, but there is a bigger problem with the way the government seems to be moving the goal posts on pensions. For people born in certain years, e.g. 1958, they will not get the age pension until 67 years, where it once was 65 years. This was to limit the pension payouts, hoping many would die from the extra years of grind, and not get a pension at all. Pensions are provided for in the Australian constitution, section 51 xxiii. This section would not have been put in the constitution if the aim was for no-one to get one, for the present goal-post moving strategy will lead to no pension before reaching the grand old age of 400 years! 

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