The 15 Minute City: Permeant Climate Lockdowns Under Climate Change Agenda By James Reed

The 15-minute city concept is taking off in Europe, and will soon be coming to a city near you. The propaganda is that cars in various cities will be limited, for the little people, who will only be able to use their cars in said cities for a certain limited time each year. The 15-minute thing is that use of public transport will enable one to do all that is needed in 15 minutes, or so they say. Those who exceed the limited car use will be fined, but all this is just a test ground for eliminating cars, full stop. It is simply another Fabian strategy.


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Another Warning … So, What are They Planning Now? By James Reed

We have covered some time back, Bill Gates’ warning that as far as pandemics go, we have not seen anything yet with Covid. Gates has said that there will be future pandemics, perhaps sooner than most think. And, he is not the only elite saying this, as more recently at the 7th World One Health Congress, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Covid-19 technical lead, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, said exactly the same. According to Dr Kerkhove there will be coming pandemics, and planning to control them, must be done now. I can hardly wait.

We should take these warnings very seriously, since the elites like to publicise what is going to happen, believing that no matter how much information is given, nothing will be done by resistance by us little people. I hope that next time round, their plan can be defeated.

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Fully Vaxxed Aussie Women and Rising Miscarriage Rate By Mrs Vera West

Former Member of Parliament, George Christensen, has recently spoken to Alex Jones on “The Alex Jones Show” on Infowars. He detailed that the miscarriage rate among Australian women who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 is 75 percent, which is five times greater than the 15 percent miscarriage rate for the rest of the population. That is well beyond statistical significance. Christensen quoted a doctor he knows who works in a specialist fertility clinic in Brisbane who noted that the baseline miscarriage rate among women who have been trying to conceive for over 12 months is around 13 to 15 percent. However, the rate increased to nearly 50 percent after the vax rollout, reaching now 75 percent.

Biomathematician Dr Jessica jones has done a detailed analysis of the statistics quoted by Christensen, and concurs that he is correct in his alarm about the miscarriage rate among vaccinated women. She went and checked all the data. This is yet another alarming threat that the vaxxes are posing. Again, the really important question is whether this rate will increase further.

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UK Data: One in Every 310 Covid Vax Boosted Individuals Died Within 48 Days of Being Jabbed By Richard Miller (London)

This is a pretty incredible statement to get one’s head around, that one in every 310 Covid vaxxed boosted individuals died within 48 days of being jabbed. But, that is the analysis of of the UK Office of National Statistics data. “The data set, published on September 8, 2022, is titled, “Characteristics associated with the risk of death involving coronavirus (COVID-19) among people receiving a booster vaccination.” In Table 1, the data shows that 62,801 individuals who received a booster shot by December 31, 2021 actually DIED. The average time between receiving a booster jab and losing one’s life was approximately 7 weeks or (48 days).”

What then is the significance of this? What we know is that the Covid establishment has not abandoned the drive for universal, continuous vaccination, except for a few countries. Australia for example, is up to four vaxxes, moving soon to the five jabs that figures such as Joe Biden has received. There is likely to be even worse statistics than this one in the future. Time to learn the meaning of the word, “stop”!

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The Fourth Covid Dose Wains Rather Quickly; But a Fourth Covid Wave Cometh, They Say By Brian Simpson

The medical technocrats are proclaiming that a fourth Covid wave of  the BA.5, BA.2.75, XBB, and BQ.1 variants will lead to masks having to be worn again, but there is not as yet a great push for a return to lockdowns, unless the situation gets very bad, whatever that means, for the medical technocrats now define that. And, these technocrats of course determine how the next plandemic will be dealt with. In the meantime, the new drive is now on for yet another round of Covid vaxxes, number four, or perhaps five, maybe even six for the true fanatics; I have lost count now.  But, an Israeli study has shown that antibodies from the fourth jab of the Pfizer vax declined after only four months. At that rate, I suppose, a booster will be needed for the faithful three times a year, at least.


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Oswald Spengler’s “The Decline of the West,” Could have been Written Today By Chris Knight (Florida)

Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), published The Decline of the West in 1918, but the work seems especially relevant to the world of today. Spengler saw societies as organic wholes, which had a birth, life, and death, and he could see signs of he senility of the West back in 1918. What would he conclude from today’s perfect storm of destructive forces, celebrated by the Left as “progressive”? Professor Kevin MacDonald gives a brief list of some of these issues, impacting upon America, as a leading example of Western decline: “rampant inflation and a weak economy that may well slide into a deep recession; crime, especially by Blacks, in the big cities with radical, Soros-backed District Attorneys (conservative media was full of videos depicting horrible crimes, almost all by Black men, and they emphasized the weak or non-existent punishment); a completely open southern border (also prominently featured in conservative media, along with some discussion of the Great Replacement; resulting in ~5 million additional illegals since Mayorkas got in and untold numbers of fentanyl deaths), a war in far off Ukraine (intensively pursued by the administration and resulting in pressure on energy and food prices); gender indoctrination in the schools; repeated examples of anti-White hate and statements of overt anti-White discrimination by prominent leftist activists and in the liberal-left media (often highlighted on conservative media, so this was not a secret); and a doddering, senile president whose personal popularity is in the tank and would presumably be a drag on the rest of the Democrat candidates.”


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Can Robots Really Replace Humanity for the Globalist Elites? By Brian Simpson

Robert Blumen addresses the issue that the ideologues of the World Economic Forum have made, that the bulk of the human population are useless eaters who can, and will, be replaced by AI, specifically robots, as part of the fourth industrial revolution program. But, how likely is this, at least in the short term, and we are not considering long terms like the 22nd century? The main point of the counter-argument is that robots are not inexpensive, and must be designed, and manufactured, and maintained, and at present, this requires human interaction. Then there is mining, done by both man and machine, but finding mineral deposits at present requires human skill, knowledge and ingenuity. Thus, the scenario of a total elimination of humans is at present far-fetched, but there will be enough replacement to crate severe social pain.


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Economic Analyst Predicts Collapse of America Within a Decade By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Economic analysis, Martin Armstrong is a controversial figure, and no doubt his reputation will be fortified by his predictions made before the mid-term elections. There will be no 2024 election, he believes, as the country descends into chaos. By 2032, America will collapse totally, as the rot will be too great to hold the festering country together. His main concern is the erosion of the political system, which proved true in the mid-terms, but there are numerous other destructive forces, arising from geo-political conflict, powerful enough to bring down any country. Nuclear war, even if it is somehow restricted to limited exchanges would be the main destructive force, especially EMP attacks, which have been modelled to lead to collapse of the energy infrastructure, and the deaths of 90 percent of the population:


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How Long Before the Dirty Bomb? By James Reed

Of course, I do not trust news from either side in the Ukraine war. That said, Russia is warning that the Ukraine is planning on setting off a dirty radiological bomb, to blame the Russians. The Ukraine says, that is exactly the smoke screen the scheming Russians would use. We do not know who is right here, but if such a bomb goes off, the war will definitely enter the final stage. Hard to see how a nuclear exchange would not occur.

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The Woke Princess and the Witch Doctor By Richard Miller (London)

Here is perhaps some woke relief, but maybe it is a deeper symptom of Western decline. A real princess from Norway is to marry a witch doctor who claims to have risen from the dead. She has given up her official duties, but keeping her title. I suppose she is not going to live in a grass hut either.

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The Manufactured Election By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Social critic Roger Stone has expressed the sentiment that many critics are feeling about the mid-term elections, that they were manufactured, constructed. The over-riding paradox is that across the world there is normally a protest vote when a ruling party drives a country into the ground; an opposing party may not be elected, as occurred in France, but there is usually electoral punishment. One would expect that given the present US economic crisis that is crushing millions, producing masses of homelessness and hideous crime. But, that did not occur, and Roger Stone is rightly suspicious about the whole affair. It is contrary to human nature, a complete singularity, that leaves massive fraud as the likely explanation.


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Covid mRNA Vaxxes Making People into Genetically Engineered Organisms! By Brian Simpson

One of the troubling philosophical and medical ethics issues, beyond Covid vax injuries, is the integration of the mRNA vaccine into human DNA. That prospect was denied in the early part of the vaccine rollout, but more recently scientific evidence has accumulated indicating that there is indeed an integration of the mRNA into human liver cells, at least shown in a test tube experiment. That is not a mere biological curiosity, since it is a landmark philosophical change, for the human genome is now essentially altered by the vax.


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Good Old Fashion US Imperialism! By James Reed

Dr Mercola wrote a timely paper on US imperialism before the US mid-term elections, detailing the electoral interference that the US has been undertaking for over a century. While the US establishment poo-poos the idea that US elections are anything but pure and clear, the US has interfered in over 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. There have been coups organised by the CIA to topple leaders who were democratically elected, in countries like Cuba, Philippines, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Iraq and Honduras. This meddling has been, when exposed, as a way of making those countries “safe for democracy,” where “democracy” is the new buzz word designating whatever the Deep State wants. The most dangerous example of this imperial action is the present Ukraine War, where the unholy alliance of Democrats, neo cons, and Deep Staters.


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The Technocratic Dystopia of the World Economic Forum By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone has done a great job stitching together the technocratic dystopia which the World Economic Forum is now openly promoting. In many respects, this transhuman agenda, the idea of moving beyond normal biological humans as we know them, is too strange for the normies to seriously consider. But, consider it they must, as it has been made clear by Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, that the ordinary folk will be basically useless eaters in the world of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, where genetic engineering, advanced AI, and new material sciences such as nanotechnology, are integrated to produce a distinct Newer New World Order, one with fusion of man and machine. This has been the subject of numerous science fiction movies, such as the Terminator series, and the Matrix and the results usually turn out to be a disaster, as the struggle for human survival brings down the tent of civilised order. I do not see how the grand experiment that the World Economic Forum is proposing will be any different. But, they press on with the energy of true fanatics.


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Why Not Keep the Elected Dead Guy In? By Charles Taylor (Florida)

I am not sure if I made a dig about this before, but given the election of John Fetterman who struggles to make coherent speech, as well seen in his weird debate with his Republican opponent Dr Oz, the bar has not only been lowered, but tossed away, totally. Thus, Pennsylvanian state representative Tony DeLuca was re-elected. Only problem is, he died last month. But, consider; why should being alive prevent him from holding his position, isn’t that “life-ist”? It may be a bit difficult for a dead man to vote … or is it? His vote could automatically be what the Democrats at he time want, since nobody dares buck the system. In fact, is there any need to have representatives at all, rather than robots that just do what they are told?


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Electoral Fraud by the Bump Strategy By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The articles are now coming out as a post mortem, of how electoral fraud won the day again for the Democrats. This would not be important if the US was a bit player, rather than a key mover and shaker of the West. The danger of rapid American decline, mixed with war mongering urged on by neo cons, Democrats and the Deep State, is considerable. Western civilisation now hangs in the balance.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has once more identified bizarre anomalies in multiple races, due he believes to continuing problems with the voting machines. For example, in the Illinois Senate race pitting incumbent Tammy Duckworth (D) against Republican challenger Kathy Salvi, Lindell noted a suspicious “million vote spike,” which he said was due to “corrupt electronic voting machines.” Of course, there is no reason at all for the party in power, the Democrats, to deal with this; in fact, it is the source of their power. But, here is the vicious circularity; to solve this problem the Demon-crats need to be voted out, but corruption ensures their survival.

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UN Plan to Ban All Fossil Fuels (Except China) By James Reed

George Gammon, who has the Rebel Capitalist website, draws out the implications of the World Economic Forum and UN agenda, coming out of the climate change elite show, COP27, of the banning of fossil fuels, at least in the West. As usual, as with carbon emissions, China, the world’s worse polluter, is given a free pass … getting renewables when it can. Europe has already been given a taste of what a post-fossil fuel world would be like, with industries closing down, businesses no longer able to function, and ordinary people facing the prospects of freezing to death in the bitterly cold European winter that will be there in less than a month. But if these globalists succeed in this plan, there will be no artificial fertiliser, and food production, already under, threat will crash. It could lead to the death of two billion people.


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Paul Craig Roberts on the Great Election Steal, Again By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Paul Craig Roberts asks the very good question: “The CNN exit polls show substantial erosion of the Democrat voting base since the 2018 election.  How can such substantial erosion be consistent with the lack of any significant Republican gain on Tuesday? Roberts goes through all the statistics, showing exactly that, an erosion of the Democrat’s voting structure has occurred. As well, there is the case of Diebold voting machines that malfunctioned in New Jersey, Arizona, and Texas. The Gateway Pundit’s reported that in Detroit, Michigan, ballots were being delivered through the back door in the early hours of Wednesday morning after the legal deadline. So, that should be illegal, and the votes, almost certainly Democrat votes, should be abandoned, but are not. If that is not open fraud, nothing is. But, today Republicans just take it. If the roles were reversed, the Left would tear the place apart as in 2020.

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China, World’s Worst Polluter Wants to Lead Climate Summit; Makes Sense! By James Reed

In this theatre of the absurd, clown world, the lunatics run he asylum, and the foxes guard the chicken house. What sense is there in having the world’s leading carbon polluter – that should be the terms used by the climate changers -  to having communist China play a leadership role in the strategies proposed by COP27, to “save the planet.” But, if there really was a climate emergency of the level that those people gluing themselves to architecture think (just an assumption for the point of argument; don’t panic), then why should communist China be exempt from the same restrictions they want to plant on us? Well, they say, China is a developing country, and it is only fair. But that is nonsense; if there really was an existential threat to humanity, the great catch-up argument would not hold because I Western development is environmentally toxic, then so should be communist development. Of course, it is not about that, but to de-industrialise the West and permit the communists to rule the world, the Left’s endgame.


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Any One Want Another Dose of Covid Mania? Queensland Seemingly Does! By Brian Simpson

With the latest Covid variant coming down from Singapore, to pay us a visist, XBB, with a sprinkling of BQ.1, Queensland medical technocrats have recommended another round of face masks in certain settings, and some are proclaiming that the death counts will rise, although Singapore health Minister Ong Ye Kung said: "XBB is demonstrating characteristics that it is dominating over all other sub-variants. It has been detected in many parts of the world but in Singapore is rising very fast – within three weeks from nothing, it is now over half of all the daily cases." There is no evidence he said that the new variant leads to more severe outcomes. Another Covid storm in a tea cup, or is it, syringe?

It seems that the Australian Covid establishment have trouble letting go, and have nostalgia for the good old lockdown days.

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