Long-Term Organ Damage from the Covid Vaxxes By Brian Simpson

Dr Peter A. McCullough, a leading Covid-19 vaccine critic, has been discussing all aspects of Covid vax injuries, such as the effects upon pregnant women and the unborn, and cardiovascular ill-effects. He has recently rung the alarm about organ damage done by the mRNA vaxxes, which should have been tested for at least five years, instead of being pushed through in Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. For example, in a sample of people with glomerular kidney disease, who received the Covid vaxxes, it was found that for the double vaccinated, there was more than a two-fold increase in progression of kidney disease. Statistical analysis eliminated other risk factors such as high blood pressure, leaving the vax as the cause.

The list of Covid vax injuries continues to grow.

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Now Biden Goes After Musk By Chris Knight (Florida)

Joe Biden, who should be investigated for his connection to his son Hunter’s dealings as revealed in his abandoned lap top, now is in punishment mode. Elon Musk said that people should vote Republican, so now, that the red wave has not occurred, is seeking a payback. Still, with his money and lawyers, Musk will survive, but those who are not the world’s richest man will face the wrath of the Left. Joe Biden’s connections to the communist Chinese regime, go unchallenged.


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Communist China’s Electoral Interference: Tik Tok By Chris Knight (Florida)

It is a double-whammy, with communist China having a major influence, not only on the US elections, but potentially across the West. As observed by cartoonist Scott Adams, the Chinese TikTok platform has a major impact upon unmarried women, a rising demographic, and young people, and it promotes liberal Left values. But, aside from that, the Democrats capitalised on the rising Zoomer vote, those aged 18 to 29 years, who are eager to have their student debt, for their fArts degrees cancelled. This demographic is highly sympathetic to socialism, and the same sentiment is found across jurisdictions, including Australia. While young people eventually grow out of socialism, a lot of damage can be done while they work out their minds. It will be a bumpy road ahead.


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Some Good News on the Covid Law Suit Front By Ian Wilson LL.B

The Fair Work Commission is doing, fair work itself! In a recent decision, five unvaccinated Sydney train drivers who were stood down by their employer, Sydney Trains, were found to be wronged, and must now receive backpay, forfeited wages, and restoration of leave entitlements. It is a victory for Covid fighters, but a wider message to employers who act on their own bat, as it was held that there was no government direction to impose their Covid policy upon workers.


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Senator Jacinta Price Attacks Proposed Foreign Ambassador for Australia's First Nations People By James Reed

Here is just a sample of where the Labor government wants to go; it is like the US Democrats, only a bit slower. The proposal made by the Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, is for there to be a “First nations’ ambassador, to presumably represent the foreign policy of the Indigenous. Well, let’s pursue this; accepting Senator price’s criticism that it is divisive. If this is to be more than a cheap woke political stunt, the Indigenous would be able to have their policy about foreign affairs, like the Ukraine War. So, what if their position was against the government? Perhaps being in a conflict that could very well lead to World War III may not be in the interest of indigenous people? What then? Have they thought that through?


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US Voting Fraud as Predicted, and Expected By Chris Knight (Florida)

I sense that people are more than a little tired of the election fraud claims, because apart from DeSanctis in Florida, nothing has been done in other states to deal with this. Thus, fraud is now entrenched, and so, America will be forever, a Democrat Leftist dictatorship, doing whatever the globalist oligarchy dictates. American Thinker.com, has given an early summary of electoral fraud, and no doubt more is to come. This does pose a major existential problem to those wanting “solutions” from the political system, as it is difficult to see how change could occur with this level of corruption, of entire political systems. Still, we take comfort in advocating grassroots action, to work from the ground up, building alternative economies and an alternative society. But, that too will not be easy, but one must start somewhere.


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Blame Narcissist Trump! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There is a growing debate, something which should have happened long ago about the liability of Donald Trump. His key endorsed candidates crashed and burned, such as the Turkish Dr Oz, who seemed to be more a Democrat than anything else. According to some media reports, Trump is blaming his wife for convincing him to endorse OZ. That may or may not be true; I tend to think true, as it fits Trump’s narcissistic personality, of not accepting any fault in himself. Ironically, Trump has never come out and condemned the role his son-in-law Jared  played in his downfall, or how Bill Gates convinced him  not to investigate the vaxxes. Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, which fast-tracked the Covid vaxxes was a disaster, and in reality, it is Trump who needs to be number one on any Nuremberg 2.0 trial. Big Pharma did what any corporation would do for its shareholders, but Trump permitted the fast tracking. If he said “no,” Big Pharma would have followed that rule, so I do not demonise them, over the political technocrats.


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With the Republican Failure, it is Full Speed Ahead to the Great Crash By Chris Knight (Florida)

Today, although the full US mid-term election results are not available, and may not be for some time, for this is a Third World country with nukes that may or may not work, we have seen enough to know that there was no “red wave” as the media hyped things up to be. There will never be no matter what the Democrats do, even reducing the country to ashes, as there is now full-on political dysgenics.


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Fear Climate Change Policy, Not Climate Change! By James Reed

The Wall Street Journal was not only brave, but totally correct in saying that climate change policy is a greater threat to economic security than any supposed climate change, whatever that is. Energy prices in Europe, for example are crippling industry and business in general, continuing the body blows received from the Covid plandemic and its insane lockdowns of businesses. In the UK alone 100,000 firms face insolvency in the next few months, maybe by January 2023. Ten percent of German businesses face the same economic existential threat. So, if the Greens like Greta Thunberg want deindustrialisation, they are set to get it in record time. Only thing is that the de-industrial school thought that this process could be done with some sort of alternative economy set up, delusional, but slightly saner than the hard landing the Greta Thunbergs of the world seem to want us in. It will truly be a type of Mad Max scenario, sans the hot cars. There will not be the fuel for that in the coming economic collapse, orchestrated for the Great Reset, and Great Replacement of the West by communist China.    


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No Evidence of a Climate Change Emergency By James Reed

At the moment, the COP27 talkfest of the climate change elites is in motion, with the big thing from this year being climate change reparations, basically a wealth transfer from the West to the Third World, with de-industrialisation of the West, while communist China is given a free climate change pass, to produce as much carbon dioxide as it wants, and it already produces more than the West combined. That alone should give the entire game away. And, it is accepted as a given, that there is a climate emergency, justifying all this bs.


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Descent into Darkness By Charles Taylor (Florida)

As I write, the mid-term elections are not decided here in the US with various results. But I just saw Democrat John Fetterman of Pennsylvania has got it, and this guy makes Joe Biden look like an intellectual giant. So, I think this might be a repeat of 2020, but remain hopeful. If it is maybe the Republicans should seriously thinks about doing something about electoral fraud, before the next grand failure, given numerous reports of the voting machines screwing up all day; but that’s dumocracy now. I would have expected more from conservatives given the massive crime wave that the Democrats have unleashed, detailed by the American Thinker.com. Parts of America, such as New Orleans, have a murder rate greater than the most dangerous country in the world, Venezuela; New Orleans has a murder rate of 52 per 100,000 people, now beating Venezuela at 50 per 100,000 people.

One would have thought that this would be enough to crate a “red wave” tsunami, but we will see.  

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Breaking the Thin Veneer of Civilisation By James Reed

Victor Davis Hanson, American journalist, sums up the perfect storm of destructive forces now facing western civilisation, almost all of them generated by the policies of the globalist. The enemies are both domestic and foreign, with social disintegration, rising crime, unemployment and homelessness locally, and crisis of resources, floods of migrants and war geopolitically. This is a nice piece  by Hanson who has the knack of summing things up, which would be good for those thinking we have a one-line easy solution to all of this. Clearly every article dealing with a problem has the solution of the ordinary people actually doing organising in action groups to oppose all of this, and fighting as if their lives depended upon it, which it does. Anyone who has fought issues out there in the real world, as opposed to writing about it, manning polling booths, letter boxing leaflets, having meetings, even getting people to attend meetings, will know the difficulties. It is exhausting, especially year after year, decade after decade. But, we fight on, regardless. 


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Bill Gates Bullied Trump Not to Investigate Covid Vax Safety By Charles Taylor (Florida)

For those of you who might still be wondering why Trump did not investigate the safety of the Covid vaxxes, here is one hypothesis. Bill Gates has boasted that he convinced Trump not to form a commission to investigate the safety of vaccines in 2017. When Covid came along, it would not have taken much for Covid king, Dr Fauci to swing him on the Covid vax. No doubt Trump was swung on the idea that Operation Warp Speed, where the usual checks and balances were suspended would make him a hero. Actually, Trump is the great villain in the Covid plandemic, as stupidity and ego are as bad as conspiracy, if at the end of the day they have the same effects.


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The Wages of War Games By Richard Miller (London)

War Games emergency plans have been released here in the UK, warning that food and water supplies, transportation and communication could all be disrupted for up to a week this winter in “a reasonable worst-case scenario.”  The cause is  a nationwide power outage, primarily due to the energy shortages arising from the Ukraine War. But, there is also mention of a possible Russian attack upon underwater power cables. That, however, could be an under-estimation, designed to keep the sheeple from getting too scared. Russia has said that it believes the UK was responsible for destroying the Nord Stream gas pipelines. The idea of cutting underwater internet cables, which would not be too difficult for Russians, has been mentioned, even I think by Tucker Carlson as one possible revenge scenario, which would bring chaos. Satellites are also vulnerable. So, we do not know at present where this will go, with Great Britain also having nuclear weapons.


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The Booming Funeral Business By Brian Simpson

We have been covering the issue of excess mortality across most jurisdictions in the West, citing substacks showing that the most plausible scientific explanation for this is the ill-effects of the Covid vaxxes. We have also covered how embalmers have uncovered monstrous clots inside the corpses of he vaccinated, and there is speculation about what these never-been-seen-before things actually are. Still, even if this is a mass death scenario instigated by the globalist elites to reset the human species, in the short term the funeral industry is booming. Why, I am getting so cynical I might even invest some of my super in that sector. I hope to make enough money to get a nice wood box!


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The Strength of Diversity: Being Afraid to Walk Down the Street By Richard Miller (London)

Surely being afraid to walk down the street because you are white, is but a small price to pay for the excitement and vibrancy, if not vibrations from diversity? Irish people should be, as my dear old mother used to say about children, seen and not heard; safer that way.


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Death Penalty for “Hate Speech”? The View from the Universities By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Mrs Vera West ended her recent article on stealthing with the observation that if capital punishment was still the law, this crime could be punished by the death sentence. I note that the Left in the US want hate speech to be punished by death as well. Now, Biden has said that Trump supporters are semi-fascists, so all conservative political speech, such as opposition to abortion on demand and infanticide, would be seen as hate speech. Would the US Bill of Rights prevent a law which condemned conservatives to death for speech deemed unwoke? I would have thought that the US First Amendment, on free speech, would be sufficient, but the Left is unimpressed with this, arguing, or at least their law professors argue in the law reviews, that the First Amendment was not written to cover such speech. After all, the US Supreme Court in Obergell v. Hodges (2015) found that same sex marriage was a constitutional right. That is based not on originalism, what the Founding Fathers thought, but on the living constitution idea, that the constitution must fit contemporary, that is Left wing judicial interpretations. So, anything is possible. Constitutional fundamentalists, both here and in Australia seem to forget that in the end, judges decide what he constitution means, and that interpretation is always highly political:


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The Australian Law on “Stealthing” By Mrs Vera West

As a Christian conservative blog, we are seldom are faced with discussing such things as condoms, but this is necessary here, as there is a public policy issue arising. Stealthing is the non-consensual removal of a condom during sex. It is a criminal offence in some Australian jurisdictions, but South Australia is set to raise the bar, with a penalty of up to life imprisonment. Let’s see; in South Australia the penalty for murder also has a life imprisonment sentence as a maximum, with a minimum non-parole period of 20 years:


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Soros et al. Globalists Lead the Attack on Musk’s Twitter By Chris Knight (Florida)

Musk promised free speech on Twitter, and under pressure from the usual suspects, has caved in. Probably nothing will change. I don’t know if even President Trump is back in yet, or whether with Truth social, he would want to. Just checked; banned Twitter accounts will not be restored until after the mid-terms, which shows that Musk is definitely controlled opposition. All along.

Apart from that, investigative journalists doing what they should, have uncovered that the campaign to restrain even the slight hints of restoring free speech to Twitter, is being spearheaded by Left wing dark money activists, with George Soros, of course, in this spider’s web. What a pity Musk was not doing the equivalent for conservatives, but that is one of the big problems, that conservatives tend to be Scrooge-like and tight with money, from the top down to so-called grass roots organisations, which run on a shoe string. How can a war be won with that mentality, or is it all about going through the motions to keep busy?

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James A Thorp, MD: The Bio-Crime of Covid Vaxxing During Pregnancy By Mrs Vera West

Dr James Thorp, a leading US obstetrician and gynaecologist, has been raising the alarm about the Covid vax in general, but more specifically about the impacts upon the unborn in pregnancy. He does not pull punches: “This IS the greatest medical disaster in the history of obstetrics and all of medicine. I testify that this unwarranted experimental gene therapy was NEVER indicated in pregnancy and was perpetrated unlawfully and with falsified data.” If true, that should be the most frightening piece of Covid material we have seen since it is going to threatened the human future. As Thorp concludes: “The Swine Flu vaccine was immediately removed from the market in 1976 for only 26 deaths and a few cases of Guillain Bare Syndrome. If the above Pfizer 5.3.6 data are not disturbing enough, go to page 12 where the pregnancy loss, miscarriage, fetal death and neonatal deaths are documented in pregnant women given the vaccine: of the 270 pregnant women given the vaccine, 124/270 had complications after administration (page 12). There is extensive documentation of potential fraud, collusion and RICO violations documented by numerous experts. There were 1,366 peer reviewed publications in just 15 months documenting severe complications and death after the vaccine.”


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