The Rise of Matriarchal Marxism By Charles Taylor (Florida)

There has been a massive amount of speculation about why Fox sacked its leading star, Tucker Carlson. The majority opinion is that it was because he finally launched an attack upon Big Pharma, and its corrupting influence upon free speech in the media. There is another tale I read, that old man Murdoch, who was going to marry a particular lady, I have lost track of them, was astonished when it turned out that said lady, at dinner with Tucker and old man Murdock, took out a Bible, read some extracts, and proclaimed that Tucker was a messenger from God! As the couple broke up shortly after, speculation goes that this was due to the events just described. I do not know; probably, all of the above. Good story though.

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Rebel Capitalist on American Debt Default By James Reed

Rebel Capitalist, George Gammon, has a YouTube channel with massive hits. He is generally seen as financially conservative, not apocalyptic, despite the name. But in his latest take he says that the chances of a US default have astronomically increased. What this means is that given US debt underpins the entire global money system, if there was such a default, at dinner time the question asked will be, honey, not what’s for dessert, but, where is our next meal going to come from; and, let’s prepared to adjust our life style to something like the medieval period. He says words to that effect. And, he says of the globalists, such as World Economic Forum types: “We want Armageddon, but not this much Armageddon!” It is like an arsonist, who starts a fire, but finds, that it quickly got out of control, and his escape path is now ablaze too, and that there is no exit.

How likely is such a default? The end of the US petrodollar would fuel this, along with the fast emergence of an alternative trading regime, based around communist China, thus cutting down the present strategy of letting the printing presses run red-hot. I simply do not know if Rebel Capitalist is right, but this has been in the air for some time. Hopefully this is wrong, but as always, best to put away some extra toilet paper, and tins of baked beans. Maybe some clean water as well, just in case. As always see the video and make up your own mind; I am, after all, no expert on this, or anything for that matter.

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Have One Billion People Disappeared? By Brian Simpson

The claim has been made on various dissent websites, such as The Covid Blog, that since Operation Warp speed, the fast tracking of the Covid vaxxes, the population of the planet has decreased radically by what some say is one billion people. Well, this is something one will not read about in the mainstream press, but, regardless, is it true? It is certainly the most extraordinary claim that has been made about events of recent times. The one billion figure arises from totalling excess deaths, as well as record low birth rates, which are far below the statistical norm. Much data is missing so assumptions are made. This no doubt a “high end’ figure, that may or may not be verified in the future. If true now, it definitely shows that a depopulation agenda has been pursued. The Covid Blog speculates that this just the beginning. We pray it is not so; but whatever, we need to keep our eye on Covid vax issues still, as this is still a live issue, pun intended.

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Can Communist China be Undermined? By James Reed

Gordon G. Chang is a leading critic of communist China, and being ethno-racially Han Chinese, can escape the usual white guilt trip the Left like to spin against critics with white skin. He believes that communist China not invincible, and if there is the will to act now, then the West, primarily America, can prevent the greatest tryrannical power from ruling the world. The trick is to starve the dragon of money. It needs America to stop buying its stuff, and if there are no sales, then China, a bicycle economy, topples over. There are numerous economic and financial weaknesses in the Chinese economy that will become quite destructive if America works on a form of economic warfare.

It sounds good, and I think a president like Trump could do some of this, perhaps pushing the communists over the edge, as was done to the USSR. But, at present, Joe Biden acts as an effective agent of China, not even wanting to pursue the issue of responsibility for releasing the Covid-19 virus, so I do not see this counter-attack beginning now. But, something like this needs to be done, or down the track there will be nuclear war with China, whose defence plan includes a first nuclear strike.

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How Islam Overcame the West: Raymond Ibrahim By Richard Miller (London)

Leading author and critic of Islamisation, Raymond Ibrahim, has stated that Islam is set to replace the West, with, unlike in conflicts in the Middle Ages, no kinetic conflict. He is primarily influenced by the European context, which is not as relevant to the United States and Australia, but the point is still to be made. At the symbolic level, the cancellation of St. George Day has been made at Oxford University, and towns throughout Britain. While this has gone on, Christian events have also been regulated or cancelled. Symbolic defenders of Christendom, along with actual warriors who fought battles to prevent Europe being conquered by Muslims, such as Charles Martel (688-741), are now seen by the Leftist multicult class as “racist,” about all this ship of fools can muster. Few indeed, Ibrahim says, are the defenders of Christendom today. As he sees it, given this state of affairs, without a spiritual revival, Europe, and the white world falls. But, unlike the past, I believe, the fall of the West will be a global catastrophe, for today, with nuclear arsenals, and nuclear power stations that are not serviced will go into Chernobyl-like  meltdown, things will not be as in the past. If, and when, the West falls, all fall.

Class Action Law Suit Filed in the Federal Court of Australia By Ian Wilson LL. B

In general, law suits to stop the Covid mandates proved to be unsuccessful in most jurisdictions, including Australia. Thus, in the US the vaccine critique movement were not keen to take matters to the Supreme Court of the United States, as Robert Kennedy Jr noted, in case the court strengthened existing case law. The culture that vaccines are a medical miracle that save lives, come what may, is very strong, let alone the massive socio-economic power of Big Pharma. Still, smaller law suits did succeed about job dismissals, and the times seem to be slowly changing, with more information about vaccine adverse effects now getting out in public, as reported at the blog. Maybe, as with smoking litigation, a sea change is coming. We will see.

Thus, I am cautiously hopeful about an action filed in the Federal Court of Australia, by over 500 Covid vaccine injured Australians, many of whom suffered severe vaccine adverse effects, against the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The plaintiffs allege that the TGA did not fulfil their duty of care to properly regulate the Covid vaccines, thus committing “negligence, breach of statutory duty and misfeasance in public office” in its failure to properly approve and monitor the Covid vaccines, which resulted in harm and damage to the plaintiffs. They all seek damages for loss and pain and suffering that resulted.

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Wearing Face Masks: The Health Risks By Mrs Vera West

In recent times there has been an increasing publication of studies indicating that not only do the standard surgical style face masks fail to stop disease transition, and infection, being largely good for particle protection, but that masks have adverse effects, in themselves. A Germany study has indicated that wearing masks for long periods of time increases carbon dioxide exposure in the body. This in turn has a wide range of ill-health effects, and it does not take long, for wearing masks for more than 5 minutes can lead to chronic exposure of carbon dioxide of 1.41% to 3.2% of inhaled air, while the carbon dioxide content of air is only 0.04% carbon dioxide. The adverse effects include foetal defects and still births, neurotoxicity, and damage to the male reproductive system.

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Covid Vax Injuries in Germany By Richard Miller (London)

Chris Knight has discussed the excess death data from the US, which is shocking, as is that of Australia’s excess deaths. As Chris noted, the US is guarded about its statistics, but sources are available. However, in Germany, German Health Minister and Karl Lauterbach recently denounced “exorbitant” pharmaceutical profits, noted “dismaying” vaccine injuries, and called for the Big Pharma to set aside funds for those who have been harmed. The German press seemingly relieved by his speech then began a discussion of Covid vax injuries, so that the momentum built up, unlike anything seen in any other jurisdiction. has covered the debate, and has given extracts, translated from the German. It seems the focus is upon human interest and personal tragedy, something newspapers like as it gets ratings, or nowadays, online hits. There has yet to emerge a more generalised critique of the vaccines, seeing them as failures, but the points have been made, and the dots can be joined up, intentional or not.

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Over 6 Million Americans Dead Since the Vax Rollout By Chris Knight (Florida)

The excess death toll for America is staggering; the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have confirmed that 6 million Americans have died since the Covid vax rollout in December 2020. Mortality rates per 100,000 people are highest in the vaccinated populations in every age cohort, indicating  that the common cause is the vax, rather than say climate change anxiety, fear of racism, and the like. The US is quite opaque, and guarded regarding Covid vax deaths and statistics, so the, dug deeper into other sources that might reveal what is going on, and in this case found  the data on excess deaths at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC).

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Fear Not the Walking Dead, but the Government! By Chris Knight (Florida)

This survey by Rasmussen reports that the majority of US voters, 74 percent, are concerned about the government spying on them, which in fact is done on an industrial scale. Beyond that there is another separate report, even more concerning, reflecting the woke socialism of the times, where Joe Biden gave a speech where he said that "There's no such thing as someone else's child. No such thing as someone else's child. Our nation's children are all our children." While in saner times, this would be taken as a rhetorical flourish, today in these global socialist times, it smacks of the Stalinist-Maoist line that children are the property of the state. And with Biden going for re-election, it hints of the bad things to come in the deconstruction of America, and the West. Australia too is not forgotten by the globalists.

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The Suicide of the West By Peter West

We know things are getting bad when we see in mainstream money mags like the Wall Street Journal, articles entitled, “If Western Civilization Dies, Put it Down as a Suicide,” by Gerard Baker. He is dismayed at the dangers that woke poses to capitalism, as the best people are likely not to be hired over those who meet a woke agenda. Baker does not mention Bud Light beers trans adventure which is an example of ideology trumping business sense, destroying its market base. But, this reflects a wider problem for the West: “If we are losing, it is because we are losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small.”

We say this every day, but now we hear it from a leading business source.

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Covid-19 Third Leading Cause of Death in Hyper-Vaxxed Australia By Brian Simpson

The British Medical Journal has reported that Covid-19 is the third leading cause of death in Australia, based upon 2022 statistics. There was a total excess mortality, that is deaths above the statistical norm of 12 percent, or 20, 200 deaths. Half of these deaths were from Covid. Now here is my talking point. The health authorities said time and time again, that the Covid vaxxes would prevent one getting Covid, which is what a vaccine is supposed to do. People believed them, making Australia one of the most vaxxed countries on Earth. But by the authority’s own words, half of the excess mortality was from Covid. While the vax critics would raise issues about the role the vaxxes played, the point remains that there should never have been such a high death rate, if the vaxxes actually did what the health authorities said they would do. Why take a vax, and a risk of dying suddenly, only to get Covid, and maybe die anyway? 

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The Real Pandemic is Socialism! By James Reed

Old school socialists drew upon the thought of Marx and Engels for their critique of capitalism. This was primarily an economic doctrine, a product of that time, as workers’ conditions were poor relative to today, so there was an opportunity to push the idea of making a better life for the worker. Of course, what Marxism led to was the rule of the elites, seen in both the USSR and Maoist China. Ordinary people were even more oppressed. On the other hand, the vast productive capacity of capitalism did lift everyone, creating wealth that did trickle down. Western Marxists, despaired of seeing a revolution in the West, so began a cultural revolution, which was enormously successful. It involved taking over the universities, which is now complete. Then began the deconstruction of all the philosophies and policies that made the West what it is. That is going full speed ahead now.

Thus, as detailed below, socialism now is essentially the same as the Leftist doctrines of woke, mass immigration, Critical Race theory, enforced equity, multiculturalism and transgenderism; define it as the set of all this and put these brackets around the list of ideologies: {  }. The revolution has taken place as solidly as it did in 1917 in Russia, and is now the dominant ideology. Expect to see all past institutions, including the primacy of the English language dismantled, as is occurring across the southern part of the US. Unless, there is a massive pushback, of course.

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The 10 Myths of Covid By Chris Knight (Florida)

The times are changing, but slowly. The New York Post has moved to debunk some of the enduring myths of the Covid narrative. They say that the public health officials were wrong, but this is so only in retrospect, they were right at the time, they allege, based upon knowledge of the time. Actually, there has been a massive case advanced against this throughout the Covid plandemic, and there was little evidence presented at the time that things like the lockdowns would achieve what was claimed. But, beggars can’t be choosers, and it is good to see an emerging critique of the Covid narrative in the mainstream media.

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Childlessness and Climate Change: Selfishness and Cowardice By Mrs Vera West

Professor O’Donnell Heffington is a professor of history at the University of Chicago and the author of Without Children: The Long History of Not Being a Mother, writes from the opposite political perspective as I do, but it is still necessary to learn how the other half thinks. She has extensively researched climate anxiety, the feeling that young people have that life is ending because of climate change. The statistics about this are below, but I want to cut to the chase here. Gen Z is, for a start, been seen in other surveys ands literature, to be the most woke generation, pro-immigration, pro-leftist ideologies, even though they are competing with migrants, and in general, critical of all aspects of Western civilisation’s past. Western civilisation is too white, racist, and colonial. While one survey could be doubted, too much literature and experience supports this. And as well, Gen Z is even more narcissistic than the baby boomers, which is saying something.


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5th Generational Warfare … Against Us! By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone, leading Covid vax critic has been exploring the psycho-political warfare tactics used by the system, which includes the government, Big Pharma, their investors, and the chattering class such as academics who sell all of this. He has concluded that what occurred with the vax mandates and the devious strategies to get the vast majority of the human race subjected to an experimental gene therapies, is 5th generational warfare, of which a psy-ops is but a part. According to these theorists, 5th generation warfare involves much more than kinetic aspects, but is a war of the mind. It is about controlling narratives and what is thought, so that by a kind of intellectual judo, people are defeated, and enslaved without the usual physical means. Done right, they do not even know that they have been enslaved until it is too late, which is certainly what happened with the genetic experiment of Covid. We saw this with the Covid narrative, which has been held until very recently, now with some retreats as the mainstream media are slowly letting bits of the scam out. As they do, the main players are retreating, saying that they never said that people should take the vaccine, with Justin Trudeau being one recent example. But, he did say this, and is on record as doing so. In the future, all such records will no doubt be eliminated in the brave new world the elites are creating.

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France to Join the Third World By Richard Miller (London)

Another warning to France, and by implication the rest of the immigration-mad West has been made by former ambassador Pierre Brochand, who sees mass immigration as leading to ultimate civil war. While the government authorities are coy about immigration statistics, Brochand’s sources indicate that 320,000 new residence permits were granted in 2022. Add to this  156,000 asylum seekers and an additional number of 400,000 illegal immigrants benefiting from welfare largesse. As in most Western countries, pathological liberalism, and bleeding heartism has been a magnet for masses wanting to have a better life. And for the chattering class, there is supposedly an infinite amount of goodies, produced from the hard work of past generations to share for the world. In fact, it is a recipe for collapse. The same can be said for the US, and Australia, a little way behind these places in the Great Replacement.

Brochand said that  “If we do nothing or if we do little, we are going to head either towards a progressive implosion of social trust in France, that is to say towards a society where the quality of life will collapse and where it will be less and less pleasant to live, or, by successive explosions, towards confrontations that will make France a country where one will not be able to live at all.”

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The Trojan Horse Vax By Brian Simpson

Dr Klaus Steger has published a piece at the, not behind the usual paywall, where he goes into detail about something which I think only Dr Malone has emphasised: that the mRNA vaxxes are really not that at all. mRNA is quite fragile in the human body, breaking down quickly, and what the vaxxes have instead is modRNA. This is unquestionably a gene-based therapy, that makes human cells produce billions of the spike proteins of the Covid-19 virus. The modRNA is inside a lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), being fatty compounds inside a nanoparticle (small particle) which, because of  their small size and synthetic nature, overcome biological barriers and even reach cells in the heart and brain. That is the source of the problem leading to adverse effects, leading to antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), making the body more susceptible to a wide range of other illnesses. The immune system becomes “locked in” to the type of protein produced by the modRNA, and hence is unable to adequately deal with even new variants of Covid, when the virus mutates. That is exactly what was observed.


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Medicine Going Woke with Critical Race Theory By Chris Knight (Florida)

I know from emails to the bloggers, that the issue of going to the GP is now stressful, with full bulk billing now gone (it is necessary to pay the full amount, then get Medicare to reimburse; too bad if you do not have the full amount in your account). The Covid mandates certainly brought out the worst in the medical system, even at the local GP level. But, it gets worse, as the drive is beginning now in the US, and Australia next I would bet, to make medicine woke, for the purposes of social justice, diversity, blah, blah. Anti-racism will require conformity to the dictates of Critical Race Theory, and that means fewer white doctors, and ultimately no white doctors at all, as the endgame of Critical Race theory is, no whites at all, as part of the Great Historical payback. Wil whites pass quietly into the night, without even a little white mouse squeak?

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Weird Cattle Deaths By Brian Simpson

While writing on deadly serious topics, many items of human interest come up in my news feed. Most I pass by. I did this with the mysterious cattle deaths in Texas, but then after thinking about it, I decided to cover it, as there is certainly something more to it.


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