The Rot Accelerated with the “Me Generation” By James Reed

There are many existential problems that freedom movement types do not give enough attention to in their usual one-issue solves all approach, such as the CIR movement. If we just give “we the people” a say, then all will be solved. I would like to believe this too, but I think at the end of the day, lying, or self-deception will only make matters worse and not solve problems. Only unrestrained realism, confronting reality, can one begin this process. Remember the same sex marriage vote?

One aspect of this difficulty that disturbs me greatly is that of cultural decadence and degeneracy, well anticipated by that great German historian, Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), who saw the decline and fall of the West coming by means of the growth of destructive forces that destroyed other civilisations such as ancient Rome. There are many such forces we face today, one of the most difficult being the cultural force of hedonism and narcissism, which cripples resistance, since young people are not interested in the big questions, such as saving Western civilisation. Polluted by Leftism and woke in schools, it is now common to support communist China conquering the West and rising to global dominance.

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The Global Financial Enslavement System By James Reed

Dr Mercola has done all freedom fighters a great service by documenting in great detail the immunities, privileges and tax exemptions that 76 international banks and organisations have been given, bestowing upon them more power than even the emperors of old had; they rule the world now, and seek even more power. The world is not enough. Even organisations such as GAVI, Big Pharma, and CERN have similar immunities. This naturally makes it enormously difficult to control them, or even claw back some control against them, as we saw with Big Pharma in the Covid plandemic. It will require changes in government and a long-term political struggle to bring these organisations under control, or better yet, shut them down. But, Rome was not built, or destroyed, in a day. The “give me a solution now” camp will need to be patient and dig in for a long-term battle.

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Censoring Research into Excess Mortality By Brian Simpson

Dr. Spiro Pantazatos, a clinical neurobiologist and researcher at Columbia University, was once a true-believer in the standard Covid narrative, until he did research into the possible connections between the Covid vaccines and excess mortality, the extra deaths beyond the statistical norm, over time. He found a correlation between vaccinated people and higher mortality. While correlation does not prove causation, it is the first step, and Dr Panazatos then cross-referenced his data with that of VAERS deaths, and found the same result. In any half decent society, valuing scientific truth, one would have thought that this result was important and should have been published and debated.  But, medical journal after medical journal rejected the paper. So much for free inquiry and objectivity, but we knew all along that these were systems myths.

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China’s Chip Crisis? By James Reed

Lawrence Person argues that China’s chip industry is doomed. That seemed odd to me as I thought that in IT China was racing ahead. So, I cannot confirm if this report is fully correct, but offering news and a variety of views is what the blog is supposed to do, to encourage critical thinking. I hope this is true, because, better the devil you know than the one you know to be even worse.


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Ever-Rising Excess Mortality By Brian Simpson

We know the time is ripe when not only the mainstream media, but conservative internet sites, are commenting on the excess mortality now see across the world. What this means is a greater number of deaths than the projected statistical norm. What is missing is a causal claim, linking this excess mortality to the Covid vaxxes. However, as detailed below, some US data experts are saying that data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), indicates that excess deaths among the “fully vaccinated” are up 17 percent. In particular, cancer, along with heart attacks is on the rise. All this is being blamed on Covid. But, if this excess mortality continues into the future, then even this ad hoc claim will fail. I suppose then that the mainstream media will just normalise the deaths: “well, we all have to die some day!”


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The Global Political Class Attacks Free Speech By Chris Knight (Florida)

Elon Musk saying, but then retracting, effectively, the idea that he would support free speech on the Twit site, has stirred up hornet’s nest, with the usual non-government suppresses telling him what they want him to do. But, there is also the role of governments, such as the ever-woke EU. They mean business, big time, saying he will face fines, and even criminal penalties  for allowing the internet to be what it once was, an open space for free thought. Sure, some nut in a basement might upset a few people, but the answer is more free speech, not less. The real threats are from the monsters who are putting this global tyranny in place. Over to lawyer, Jonathan Turley.


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The UK: Immigrated to Death By Richard Miller (London)

It is all bad news here in the UK for traditional Britain, with its near two-thousand-year history set to be dissolved. Not only are we set to see the digital currency put up by our New World Order Great Reset PM. As well, immigration is now the main driving force of population increase in England and Wales. It means that the turning of the entire country into a version of non-white London is now set to occur, probably much sooner than the date that has been put forward of 2060. My guess, the way the mass immigration flood is occurring, is that the change will happen about the same time as the US, 10 years of so time. Then the institutions will rapidly fall, as we are seeing already in the US.

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Heart Problems in the Amsterdam Marathon By Richard Miller (London)

We have all been reporting on the sudden deaths of peak athletes, collapsing and dying on the field. Not as dramatic has been the large number of cases of people in the Amsterdam Marathon exhibiting heart problems, and needing resuscitation and other procedures. While the official media is silent about the causes, it is reasonable as a research hypothesis to suppose that in such extreme sporting events, participants’’ hears are placed under great stress, and if the spike proteins are going to spike things up, that would be the time to do it.

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The Covid Lockdown of China, Nationwide, Forever By James Reed

While Covid lockdowns have ended in the West, perhaps to the disappointment of the Covid elites, the situation is different in China, which now Xi is supreme emperor, is doubled down. The CCP has said that the situation is a “grim epidemic situation.” That means that there is not yet zero Covid, which is not likely to ever be reached, since the very conditions for concentrating the virus through viral evolution is focussed. What is of interest here is the oppressive response which has led to people being locked into factories, as detailed below. Even Victoria did not reach these levels of tyranny, allowing people to at least be moved to their homes, which became prisons for solitary confinement.


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Good News from New York City By Chris Knight (Florida)

Across the West, many law suits against the Covid plandemic elites have been filed, and either dismissed, or failed; a few have succeeded. Only the naïve would think that a judicial system, that has been largely populated by Left wing judges, totally sympathetic to globalist ideologies would take a stand against the status quo, founded upon Big Pharma.


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Red Meat and Dairy Food Threatened “But that wouldn’t happen here”. OR “Would it?” By Ken Grundy

Recall the story of the frog being tossed into boiling water and its reaction was to instantly jump out whereas had it been put in warm water gradually reaching boiling point, it would have been unaware of the impending doom.  This is a story applicable to many circumstances.

A trend where the community will suffer is being mostly overlooked.  It will firstly affect farmers and then the public.

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Usable Nukes: Dr Strangelove Rides Again! By James Reed

The 1964 satire, Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, with comic genius peter Sellers, would be worth another look, perhaps being prophetic of modern times. It seems now that the three major nuclear powers do not hold to the strict Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) doctrine, and certainly Russia and communist China do not, with the “escalate to de-escalate” strategy. Communist Chian seems to hold to the do anything to win position. But, he Biden administration’s Nuclear Posture Review, has now proposed that the US will use nukes, “in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners.” And, that is a wide as the Russian and Chinese positions. It means that the policies are now in place where nuclear conflict could occur much more readily than in the past, as a first strike option is now on the cards.


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A Future Russia China War? By James Reed

Many of us are assuming that there is a buddy, or comrade relationship, between Russia and China. But, as detailed below, that is not exactly so, or as the saying goes, the course of “true” (totalitarian) love does not run smooth. There is a brewing conflict between China and Russia over 600,000 square kilometres of Chinese territory near Vladivostok, occupied by Russia since 1860. What is interesting about this is that the same arguments used by both Russia over the Ukraine, and China over the islands in the South China Sea, would put both countries on the path to war. It is difficult to see Russia giving up territory it colonised. On the other hand, China has a historical claim to this territory, about twice the size of France. So, future conflict is inevitable. Maybe after World War III.

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Die-versity Delights in France! By Richard Miller (London)

French President Emmanuel Macron admitted that foreigners commit half of all crimes in Paris. Further some data indicates that the crime rates for foreigners may be even higher. But, that did not phase Macron, who in almost the same breath proclaimed that diversity, and immigration is France’s greatest strength. Well, the French people, like we in the Uk had a choice, and this is what they voted for.  If a stronger stand was taken earlier, this could have been avoided, but the population is not what it once was.


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PM Rishi Sunak Will Usher in a Technocratic Age of Global Totalitarianism Using Central Bank Digital Currencies for Total Financial Slavery By Richard Miller (London)

The globalists finally have decided upon their man to finish off what remains of traditional Britain, maybe even Western liberalism as we knew it, with the new Great Reset man, Rishi Sunak. Forget about race and all that, it is way beyond that now. Sunak will push now for Central Bank Digital Currencies, the end of cash, and the next stage of the UK’s bad “social credit,” that was kick-started during the Covid plandemic. In principle speak up, and get cut off of money. It will control everything.

The issue here is whether the now diverse, passive British population can, or indeed wants, to oppose this, leaving their resistance way past the 11th hour. The fall of ancient Rome, has nothing on us here.

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Covid-19 Virus was a Lab Creation By Brian Simpson

A recent research pawer has concluded that the probability of the covid-19 virus having a natural origin is in the order of 1 in 100 million. These are steeper odds than many lotteries. SARS-CoV-2 has a signature of genetic engineering, with the tell-tale signs of Ralph Baric, PhD’s method of hiding the process of genetic modification, by a process called seamless ligation. I, as well, do not understand the science in any detail, but regardless, it does show that the case for the bat soup hypothesis of natural origin is getting worse by the day.

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Just as Brazil’s Election was Stolen, so Will the Coming US Mid-Terms By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Narcotraffickers were celebrating election of corrupt ex-convict Leftist Lula da Silva as President of Brazil.  The election was openly stolen against nationalist Jair Bolsonaro, who, even given mass turnouts of protesters, seems according to some reports, to have given up, or to have been ordered to.  Brazil may be even more corrupt than the USA, so I expect the claimed “red wave’ here in the USA will be an illusion. My prediction for the US election next week will be a landslide for the Democrats, and a crushing defeat for the Republicans, as election fraud will be committed right in front of Republicans, who will be home on election night enjoying their creature comforts, before such affluence is gone forever. Biden has already said that anyone questioning the coming election is an extremist, anti-democracy, the usual. So, the next great steal is going down, and conservatives are letting it happen, sleep walking, just as in 2020.

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Senator Malcolm Roberts: Stop the Vax! Royal Commission! When Do We Want it? Now! By James Reed

Senator Malcolm Roberts certainly thinks Covid is the issue of our times, that science is relevant to understanding the crime of the century, and that we have not seen the endgame of it yet. There should be an immediate stoppage of the continuing vaccine roll out and calls for a Royal Commission into the whole saga, he argued. And, we  here agree.

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Are You an Extremist? You Know, Not Getting Vaxxed … By Bruce Bennett

As Strange has said: “[The] New Zealand secret service is launching an initiative to help them identify people who may have been 'radicalized'. They say that opposing government policies, including COVID measures, could be a sign you are a terrorist. And if you see such signs in a person, you should dob them in to the police or the Security Intelligence Service… This is totally absurd and strongly resembles the birth of a dictatorship.”  That is putting it mildly, we face global tyranny now, as the good men slept, and the freedoms fought for centuries have been dismantled. Thus, the long, painful task before us is to rebuild.

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Boy Bites Snake … Kills It! By James Reed

Here is a variant of the man bites dog story, where a boy bite and killed a snake. Fascinating indeed. Probably there is a metaphysical message to be read into it as well, if we take the snake as a symbol of evil.

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