Wind Power: An Economic, Social and Environmental Disaster By James Reed

Oxford University mathematician and physicist, researcher at CERN and Fellow of Keble College, Emeritus Professor Wade Allison, has undertaken a mathematical examination of the costs of wind power. Wind, along with solar, is the Greens supposed answer to the equally-supposed climate crisis which they allege is the product of fossil fuel use in techno-industrial society. The conclusion of his analysis is: “Wind power fails on every count,” and governments are ignoring “overwhelming evidence” of the inadequacies of wind power, “and resorting to bluster rather than reasoned analysis.” The infrastructure around wind and solar will not only fail, “but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment and be entirely unnecessary.”

Without the technicalities, wind and solar are extremely unreliable compared to fossil fuels. The wind, like sunshine, is not available at all times, and wind speed can drop rapidly with dramatic results. Thus, if the wind speed drops by half, the power available falls by a factor of eight, if the wind speed doubles, the power delivered goes up eight times, and the turbine has to be turned off to prevent its own self-destruction. This is a highly neurotic form of power, that will require vast numbers of wind turbines, produced at a crippling cost, economically and environmentally.

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Left Critical of Xi’s Manic Covid Lockdown Policy By James Reed

The young lad next door, who is doing engineering at a university, to remain unnamed, told me that his mate was trying to get into law, and had to do some courses. One had an essay, on whether the Covid lockdowns went too far. He took the moderate position that lockdowns were justified, but that there were adverse effects indicating that some lockdowns were too severe. He cited the Chinese example, where people were welded into their house and factories, and many committed suicide. He argued that this was going too far as a public health measure. The essay, which was formally correct, with all the references in the correct style, was failed, getting 16 out of 100! That grade is usually given for essays where there is nothing scribble on the page!

I thought about this psychopathological bias when I saw the article at the Left-wing paper/blog, The Guardian, arguing that China’s zero Covid policy went too far. I think that that claim is clearly true, and it is worth noting that at least one Left source has said this. But, I am disturbed about the grade given in the essay, which shows what unjust totalitarian places the Australian universities are. I would expect the same essay, even if it was written by a dissent academic, would be failed, and not given a fair assessment at any Australian university, as defending the Covid status quo is their thing. So, I say, close down these cesspools of injustice!

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Coronavirus HIV Mutants, from the Beginning By Brian Simpson

Our favourite Russian, and it is probably dangerous saying even that now, Igor Chudov, details something that Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier made earlier in the Covid plandemic, that the Covid-19 virus has HIV sequences attached.  Poor Luc Montagnier, now deceased, was cancelled for saying this, even though he was the expert on the HIV virus. But now it has come out that NIH-funded work discussing making coronavirus-HIV mutants was funded. The research project  funded by NIH grant 1R01AI110964 and was titled "Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence," Grant 1R01AI110964 and was given for research conducted by EcoHealth Alliance in cooperation with Dr. Ralph Baric of UNC and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. So, all the main players are assembled. The likelihood of this type of air-borne “neo-AIDS,” evolving rapidly outside of a lab, is diminishingly small.

Reflecting upon all of this, Igor asks if we can trust the science, ever again? But, the real issue, is that science itself is not something to be trusted. Science is an intellectual activity, to be distinguished from the products of science, through technology and industry, which gives us all the things that make up the devices of daily life. But, the mere fact that turning on the switch for electricity to make toast, and it works, does not mean that the scientists have got it right in other fields; every item must be examined individually. In fact, as seen with Covid, it was a scientific disaster, unless one’s goal was to cause all the misery we have seen.

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Strip Club Meltdown! Woke Senator Lidia Thorpe Filmed in Verbal Argument Outside Strip Club in Melbourne! By James Reed

Even woke greens need some down time, to relax, at a strip club, apparently. I have never, ever, been to one myself; it is not the sort of thing a good Christian lad would, or should, do. Yet it has been said that politicians do their best thinking in strip clubs, giving them their ideas for stripping away our liberties. Anyway, even so, the woke find white men stealing their land, stripping away their land, even in such places, which is truly tragic, shocking in fact. You wouldn’t believe it, as my dear old mum used to say:


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Joe Biden: Criminal (Former Obama Administration Official) By Chris Knight (Florida)

The evidence of the crimes of Joe Biden are starting to be revealed. First a former Obama administrator claims that when Biden was vice president he received kickbacks arising from his son Hunter Biden’s shonky business deals. Mike McCormick, a former White House stenographer, said: “In February, I went to the FBI and filed one of their tips on their website. If you do that, and you’re lying to them, you go to jail. I’m not lying. I’m telling the truth, and I’m not going to jail,” he said. “Joe Biden is a criminal. He was conducting malfeasance in office to enrich his family. Jake Sullivan is a conspirator in that, and there’s more… Obama officials involved in it, I believe.”

However, it does not end there as Marjorie Taylor Greene has said that the Oversight Committee has evidence of Biden family connections to human trafficking of prostitutes from US, Russia, Ukraine. That truly makes them a crime family. The connection of Joe Biden to this, according to The Washington, is being investigated. It makes Donald Trump’s alleged tryst with a B-grade porn star, pretty insignificant, if true.

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Unstoppable Communist Chinese Hypersonic Missiles By James Reed

War with communist China is inevitable, and could occur any day now. But, it will be a highly destructive war, most likely devastating America, and maybe Australia as well as we know it, although most Australians may not like to think about it, as it is out of the hands of grassroots resistance, sadly. The Pentagon files, allegedly leaked by Jack Teixeira reported that communist China has hypersonic missiles capable of avoiding all US defences. It is not clear how this is known, but the Pentagon does not joke. So, if the communists have this weapons advantage, unlike in Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), why will they not use this advantage, having said that they will destroy America?

This means that when things get kinetic, communist China will attempt to eliminate its enemy as communists always do. History proves it. It is hard to see how a full-on nuclear fist fight will not erupt.

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The Bard Chatbot and Emergent Properties Popping Out of the Black Box! By Brian Simpson

This is a bit of a worry. The Google CEO said that its chatbot Bard learned how to translate Bengali without a programmer teaching it the language. He said that this was a case of emergent properties. It will be something to watch, as these sorts of events could point to some sort of proto-consciousness developing. I do not believe that machines are, or will obtain full consciousness as we know it, but there could be something else that we presently do not fully understand along these lines of emergent properties, without full consciousness. This could result in unpredictable activities, which may turn out to be as dangerous as runway consciousness. It is alarming, but predictable that as usual, the Dr Frankensteins are charging ahead, with no real concern about the consequences, Elon Musk being an exception.

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The Green Push for Everything Electric Will Crash the Grid By James Reed

The easy solution adopted by the Greens to the so-called environmental crisis involves abandoning fossil fuels and putting in place a capitalist economy based upon renewable energy. Actually, most Greens are radical Leftists, and when scratched, metaphorically, bleed red, red for communism. But, neither capitalism, or communism are sustainable on so-called renewable energy sources, which are anything but. Converting the vast majority of a nation over to electricity is not going to work, because the grid cannot cope with this massive expansion in demand, and this is true for all jurisdictions, including Australia and the US. The problem is that the main forms of renewable energy, wind and solar, are not fossil fuel-neutral, and will depend upon a massive use of fossil fuels to get to any where need the level required to make an attempt at replacing fossil fuels. But, the wind does not blow all the time, and the sun sets each day. Batteries can store electricity, but at a cost; they require extensive resources to produce, and massive numbers will be needed.

Meanwhile, while the environmentalist work to deindustrialise the West, the Green Left give their blessings to communist China to build coal-fired power stations, to rule the world. That is the real goal of Left and environmentalism is general: Chinese communist takeover.

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Financial Guru Charles Nenner Predicts Civilisation Collapse Ahead By James Reed

Financial gurus Charles Nenner is very well respected for his accurate economic predictions, such as the global financial crisis, and much more. So, when he writes, I read. Summing up the endgame of the present perfect storm of geo-political crisis, he concludes that the American empire is at an end, something many others have said as well. But, when empires like this face an aggressive competitor, in this case communist China, war is inevitable. And, this war will spiral into a global World War III. The death toll will be 30 percent of all people on Earth, Nenner says. That is highly significant to say the least, and if true, or if the percentage is even higher, it is not likely that techno-industrial civilisation will survive. This is something that should be discussed I think. If one was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer, surely thinking about end of lifer decisions would cross one’s mind? At least one would make a will, if there was not one.

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White Liberal Fright and Flight By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Edward Dutton has presented a good summary piece that gives us an empirical confirmation of what we have always know; that the Left are hypocrites. He summarises the conclusions reached by fellow dissent biosocial researcher, Eric Kaufmann, in an article on white fright published in the Social Science Quarterly. While the Left are engaged in endless virtue-signalling about non-whites, diversity and mass immigration, in general, at the personal level, they seek to protect themselves and families by not living in highly multi-racial areas, and certainly their children go to white schools, and the higher the class the better. This was confirmed by Kaufmann by use of both UK and US data, and I would bet that it is also true for Australia as well. As I see it, while Professor Dutton concludes that this supports the human biodiversity position that people want to be with their own kind, which is no doubt true, I think the more probable hypothesis is that the Leftist seeks white neighbourhoods because the alternatives are not so safe; violent crime and other forms of social breakdown. Thus, the Leftist is about self-promotion and survival, and woke is used by them for just that purpose too.

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Academia and the Covid Narrative By James Reed

Brownstone continues its insightful examination of the politics of the Covid frenzy, this time focussing up academia. While there are fine details for each jurisdiction, in general, with a few exceptions, academics across the disciplines performed in the old fashion way; jump? How high? Or, updated, jabs? How many? There were in Australia only a handful of brave senior academics, most retired and thus at the emeritus level, who took a stand; they had completed their academic careers and cancellation would not be a disaster. These were mainly from STEM, and I cannot remember any Arts/Humanities academics speaking out. If anything, they were religious fanatics for the jab. But, if there was a mass rebellion, just maybe some of the social damage of the Covid lockdowns could have been adverted. But, no, despite all the lip service about freedom and liberty they push, they conformed and supported tyranny.


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UN Report Advocates Legalising Paedophilia! By Mrs Vera West

In this game, on-line journalism, one needs to be sure that sources are accurate, and information needs to be tirelessly run to the ground. When I saw the material about a new report from the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), “The 8 March Principles for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Criminal Law Proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use, HIV, Homelessness and Poverty” advocating the legalisation of paedophilia, sex between adults and children, I thought it might be fake news. But, unfortunately, no.

“Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law,” the report states. As well, it says that lawyers, judges and law enforcement should consider “the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them.”

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Tracking Food Purchases to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint By James Reed

This is happening in New York, but be sure that the US is a testing ground for us in Australia, and it could soon be here, just like is happening with the Central Bank Digital currencies. Notice how going into the banks which still have tellers is a long wait, needing one to take a cut lunch, as many banks just put on one teller, and have lines going out the door. It is the equivalent of the lockdowns, both devious measures to achieve an end, and in the banking case, a move to digital banking.

But I digress. In New York City a credit card company is working with the government to track people’s purchase and to work out their carbon footprint. With Central Bank Digital Currencies, in the future, people using up too much carbon credits will simply be financially executed, and funds frozen, as was done in the Canadian truckers’ protests. The globalist elites push so hard for this as it will give them ultimate control over all aspects of life. Want to protest something that upsets you, some woke agenda? Then be prepared to starve in the brave new world, just around the corner. In the old days they just shot dissents, but today it is more humane to financially destroy them.

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The Fox News Case and Freedom of the Press: Gone! By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The Dominion Voting systems defamation case against Fox News has concluded, with Fox throwing in the towel, and agreeing to pay Dominion Voting Systems $787.5 million (roughly one-quarter of Fox News' reported gross earnings in 2022) to settle its $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit. This was to avoid a protracted trial, but really, they should have gone for it, since the payment was not far off. As I understand it, Fox went down for reporting false statements, that harmed the plaintiff’s reputation. I do not know if the actual machines were tested, or what evidence was heard in court.  But, the issue was about the integrity of the election, and issues like this should be publicly debated, even if ultimately wrong. Anyway, while Leftists are rejoicing, the case creates a precedence for media outlets and others to go after Leftists who pushed things like Russia stole the election for Trump. It will be open lawfare now.

One more case to raise sceptical doubts abut the state of the Western legal systems. 

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They Who Dwell in the Shadows By Chris Knight (Florida)

Talk about conspiracy theories being uncovered; I am losing track of the number coming true. For example, the US government has been involved in a mass censorship operation using third party actors, to censor the views of political agents that they saw as in any way problematic. The US State Department's Global Engagement Center (GEC) used a covert corporation led by a former intelligence officer to blacklist conservative media outlets. This was revealed by Elon Musk’s “Twitter files.” What was created, and probably still thrives, is a Disinfo Cloud, acting by big Tech to censor by various means such dissents, most notably Covid vax critics during the height of the plandemic. This mechanism was set into place and has not been dismantled, so we can assume that it is stil operating, working away, day by day.

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The Covid Emergency Lives On, and On By Chris Knight (Florida)

This item illustrates the ideology behind the Covid plandemic, that this was not some one-off event as most ordinary people think, and which they hope is now behind them. On the contrary, no sooner did old Joe Biden declare that the Covid nonsense was over, that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was to be extended by Secretary Becerra at the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS).  He intends to amend the declaration under the Act for medical countermeasures against COVID-19, extending Covid measures out to December 2024. And, when that date is reached, or before, the measures will no doubt be extended once more. Having tasted ultimate power, the technocrats cannot let go. That is the lesson illustrated for us all in whatever jurisdiction we are in.

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Biden and Tax Evasion By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Not only as Hunter Biden been up to all sorts of things with the communist Chinese, as revealed by his lost tap top, but it may be, if an IRS whistleblower is right, that there has been a coverup into his tax evasion investigation. There was “preferential treatment” and false testimony to Congress by a “senior political appointee.” Sounds like business as usual. There is not much more information about where this was coming from, but, it is not too hard to guess.

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mRNA Vaxxes and Safety in Pregnancy By Mrs Vera West

The mRNA vaxxes, released in early 2021 were said by the health authorities, and by all, right down to the local GP, to be safe and effective. This was also said to hold for pregnant women. But a vaccine evaluation report by Pfizer to the TGA Australia, tht was obtained under a Freedom of Information request, casts doubt upon that. The vaccine was known not to stay at the injection site, and did move around the body, reaching the female reproductive system, including the ovaries. There was found to be a doubling of pregnancy loss in the intervention group, as well as there being higher rates of foetal malformations in each of the 12 categories studied. That hardly seems consistent with the claims of safety, and was not publicised at the time. And, outside of these documents, as documented by Dr Naomi wolf and colleagues, the effects upon female fertility and menstrual cycles are significant, and are only just beginning to be fully documented.

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The Remorseless March of Viral Evolution By Brian Simpson

I have covered this topic a number of times at the blog, and the question of viral evolution was one of my arguments given against the reliance upon the Covid vaxxes back at the time of the rollout. My argument was that with the corona viruses, vaccines will be of limited use given the rapid mutation of the virus itself. And, that was proven true by the way variant after variant was found. As well, the Covid vaxxes proved to be of limited effectiveness, with people getting vaxxed, and still getting the disease. What has been proposed is the mass vaccination regime has put evolutionary pressure upon the Covid-19 virus to mutate, and as the vaccines are “leaky” and do not prevent transmission, the virus has spread and will continue to spread. Petrol has been put on a small fire, to make it into a bushfire. If societies were not at the mercy of Big Pharma, the Covid issue could have ben dealt with like any other flu, and herd immunity would have happened long ago.

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Institutionalising Paedophilia By Mrs Vera West

I have two articles to do about the shocking trend of the elites to normalisation of paedophilia and/or the sexualisation of minors, which I take to be the next big woke thing. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donates millions annually to a nongovernmental organization, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF),  which claims that children are born sexual and should learn about "commercial sex work" under 10 years of age! "Sexual activity may be part of different types of relationships, including dating, marriage or commercial sex work, among others," a publication says. If so, just exactly where will this level of liberation goes, given all that has gone before from the 1960s onto the decadence of today. Today, is the way of decay.

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