After Diesel, Think Collapse By Charles Taylor (Florida)

The US has only 25 days of diesel inventory of diesel left, and counting down. George Gammon explains this crisis in detail, but the causes are complex, failed policies over Covid with the mandates, which is the failure of central planning dominating these industries. And now there is the global energy crisis caused by the Ukraine sham, with Russian sanctions. Much can be said about this, as Tucker Carlson waded in.


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Weather Modification to Push Climate Change Agenda By James Reed

A nice piece by independent thinker and journalist Ben Bartee presenting the case that the climate change elites will not hesitate to use weather modification to achieve their totalitarian social goals. As he shows, weather modification technology has existed for some time, and is now a weapon that can be used along side biological warfare in the coming wars. But, weather modification can also be used to cause extreme weather and blame it on climate change. In general, critics of climate change deny that “extreme weather” is in any way extreme, as humanity has experienced those conditions in the past, which is true. But, it is possible that extreme conditions could develop, which would get to the point that most people would simply not accept the climate change critics historical argument. But, at that point, it may well be man-made weather change, but not from industry of normal activities, but by geoengineering “weather machines” and other technologies. We need to watch this carefully, as the ruling elites lie about everything else.


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Queen Ann Coulter on the Crime Wave By Charles Taylor (Florida)

Ann Coulter gives an alarming piece on the crime wave now which has its hands on the throat of America. The stories are the usual shock, horror, but the general cause has been the Democrat’s move to defund police, and basically allow crime to occur, by go-soft measures. It is thought, that even with the obligatory electoral fraud, that a “red wave” will sweep the Republicans intro power, but I am not sure given the level of corruption in this decaying society.

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The Real Pandemic is Wokeness By James Reed

Michael Lind has given a great overview of the present woke phenomenon, and how it has been unquestionable embraced by the corporates, which makes it quite different from political correctness, which was not yet done at the time. What see have seen is far better organisation that occurred in the pre-internet social media days, with increasing power to the woke, who worked their way through the institutions, like the universities, even more thoroughly that the earlier generation of cultural Marxist. It has displaced the old conservative order and is now the new ruling ideology, although conservatives still like to think that they are in control. Not so. There will have to be the battle of the century to over come this, as woke has blended with Leftism to form a new creature.

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Monstrous Killer Graphene Shards, Or Just False News? By Brian Simpson

When I first read about the weird clot-like structures in the veins of the vaxxed who had died and were being embalmed, I was sceptical, but I think the evidence makes the case for such clots plausible. Likewise, with reports of graphene structures in the blood of the vaccinated that possess magnetic properties. This is something that needs investigation, and also could be true, even though it is quite weird too. But the whole Covid thing is quite weird. If it is true, it begs the question about what is going on here, since the vaxxes seem to not be merely a biological construct, but may involve nanotechnology of some sort. But, that is the domain of conspiracy theory, isn’t it?


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Australia, a Cyberattack Magnet By James Reed

Apparently cyberattacks are occurring quite regularly in Australia now, both on business and against government. The latest was an attack upon the Australian Defence Force’s internal communication platform, Forcenet, targeted by a ransomware attack. The platform is organ for communication between serving defence members, Australian public service personnel and their families, and thus reflects the issue of the protection of personal information. But, the wider issue is that when kinetic conflict occurs with communist china over Taiwan, as described in an ABC 24 four corners “War Games” program on November 1, the kid gloves will come off, and essential Australian infrastructure will be subjected to a vast cyber-onslaught. I think what we are seeing now is just testing the waters. Australia needs to get busy hardening its IT structures.

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The Covid Dr Frankensteins Strike Again By Richard Miller (London)

Earlier the news came from an excited establishment who wallow in the latest gain-of-function genetic engineering, that a deadlier form of Omicron had been created by American researchers. And so, not to be outdone, researchers at Imperial College London have hybridised the original Wuhan strain of the disease with both the Omicron or Delta variants separately. As with the American group, it is denied that this is gain-of-function research, which is nonsense since the strain created is supposedly deadlier, and this must be cause of new functions it had gained. Molecular biologist Dr. Richard Ebright said that the new mutant strain, which was injected into hamsters in London, “is insanity, both in terms of the redundancy and waste,” and that it has zero “foreseeable practical applications.” Yet, the technocrats keep getting away with these experiments because people are keeping in their comfort zones and not trying to understand the basics of what is going on, even if it might kill them.


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Covid Vax Injuries and the Airlines By Chris Knight (Florida)

The death of commercial airline pilots is so pronounced here in the US, that the mainstream media is offering explanations for it. The sacred  vaxxes can never be mentioned, so cosmic rays are offered as the main cause, radiation from space. While it is true that there is a cancer risk from loner term exposure to cosmic radiation, what we are seeing with the death of pilots is sudden death mid-flight from cardio-vascular events, such as heart attacks and strokes. It is a reasonable hypothesis that the pilots’ hearts and vascular system are severely damaged by the mRNA spike proteins, and just like the collapsing athletes, the stress of flying brings on a heart attack or stroke.


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The Planned Mass Extinction of Us! By James Reed

Here is more on the hypothesis of the planned mass extinction, contemplated by the globalists associated with the World Economic Forum. Yuval Noah Harari, who is described as Schwab’s “right-hand man,” has said in a video that most people are just “redundant,” and they are thus, by implication, disposable. It is only one step to conclude  from that proposition, that they should be made redundant. Given that the globalists have gone from victory to victory, vaccinating over 5 billion people with the Covid gene therapies being a notable example, and with the climate change narrative also requiring a radical reduction in population, we should be very concerned, since most of us, certainly me, would fall into the useless eater’s camp. In fact, social critics of globalism, have negative value and would be considered to be annoying insect pests at best.

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The Reign of the Climate Change Extremists By James Reed

I saw a Paul Joseph Watson summit news video where he ripped into the Just Stop Oil activists who were tipping food over priceless painting for attention seeking. Some do the classic sit-down on roads, blocking traffic and the police ask them for permission for ambulances to get through, while lives are at stake. That is the UK, but there has been a little bit of criticism in Germany, with the head of the police union in Berlin pointing out the obvious that lives are being endangered by holding up ambulances. There is also a report of one driver being stabbed, probably by a protester. Clearly, once people start dying in this way, public opinion will start to turn sour for the climate change radicals, who as shock troops for the globalists, have been given a dream run.

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Greta Attacks Hypocrite COP27 Climate Change Freak Show By James Reed

Despite mocking climate change hysteric, Greta Thunberg, in the past, I have to agree with her on this one. Time passes quickly and it seemed like yesterday that I was slamming the globalist climate freak-out at COP26, and now COP27 is coming to Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt. Greta whatever you think of her, and for me, that is not much, at least seems sincere. But, as in the last talkfest, we will see the globalists like Bill Gates arrive in private jest, I mean jets, emitting masses of so-called demonic carbon emissions, preaching about the peasants like you and me eating bugs ands eschewing meat, while they chew away on fine foods, as was shown in the last talkfest.

The hypocrisy is breath-taking, as Greta rightly noted.

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Don’t Trust Liz Truss By Richard miller (London)

Liz Truss supposedly texted Antony Blinken “it’s done” a minute after the Nord Stream pipeline explosion according. Why isn’t this getting more attention? Well, the Russians are interested no doubt, and rumour has it, that they will be expressing their displeasure, very soon. One suggestion by a Putin man was cutting internet cables, which would be inconvenient for financial transactions in the City of London.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

US Deploys Six Nuclear-Capable B-52 Bombers to Northern Australia; Why Not Sixteen? By James Reed

This is grand news, as war with both Russia and China is rapidly approaching. While the conservative sites are not feeling angst about this, keeping to “business as usual,” at least the government is ahead of the eight ball on this one, with the Americans deploying up to six nuclear capable B-52 bombers to northern Australia. If I had my way, the coast of Australia would be like a pin cushion with missiles, but alas. And then there is the glorious Pine Gap, hated by Leftists since Marx was a boy. It may get hit by a nuke somewhere along the line, being of vital strategic importance, so why wouldn’t a CCP sub send a nuke on it? While conventional weapons could do the job, my guess is that the CCP will use a nuke, just because they can, and have plenty to go around. If this happens I wonder if the conservatives will start talking about these issues then?

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The Churches and the mRNA Vax By Chris Knight (Florida)

It was not the media alone, working with Big Pharma, the government and Deep State, that got the unprecedented Covid mandates in place. There was a role played by organisations which one would have hoped would have taken a stand for fundamental principles of medical ethics, like the principles of informed consent and autonomy, the dignity of the individual over the masses. The churches, both Catholic and Protestant, were firmly in support of the mandates and vaxxes, although there were brave individuals who look a stand for freedom. But, the likes of the Pope, gave theological justifications for vaxxing the population, appealing to some alleged golden rule of aiding the common good. But, the common good is never aided by supporting injustice. Some US evangelicals, predictably enough made the blasphemous claim that Jesus if he was here in body today would be vaxxed, as if the Son of God who healed many lepers would be troubled by something like Covid-19! Luke 17: 11-19 is but one example, where Jesus heals ten men with leprosy:

11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy[a] met him. They stood at a distance 13 and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”

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Dr Robert Malone on the Mechanics of Bioterrorism By Brian Simpson

Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA platform gives us the details about how this operates as a bioweapon. But the bit that caught my attentions was this: “The problem we have is that the technology to enable individuals to engineer bio-weapons has become so trivial that a college senior working out of their, or somebody of similar education level, they can self-train, working out of their garage with stuff they can get off of eBay, can easily recreate the most lethal pathogen combinations that our government came up with in the bio-warfare program that we ran for years.’ This is a profound threat, since it would prove difficult to stop, as was seen years ago with the Japanese Aum supreme Truth cult, which launched a nerve gas attack on the Toyo subways. The cult worked on the gas development in Australia, seemingly undetected. The worry is that other terrorist groups could do the same, and this would be difficult to stop. One such event would rollout in full-force the bio-security state, a foretaste of which we received with the Covid plandemic.

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Communist China’s Biowarfare Program By James Reed

Dr Robert Malone has published a fascinating piece by Clare Lopez, US writer, detailing the long and gruesome history of communist China’s bioweapons program. Communist China under Mao, beginning in 1949, was influenced by imperial Japan’s bioweapons research in its infamous Unit 731, which conducted biological research upon prisoners of war. Mao did not abandon the Japanese research in China, but kept the program going. Australian author and investigative journalist Sharri Markson writing in her 2021 book, What Really Happened in Wuhan, noted that “Intelligence agencies and Western governments have known for decades that China has a bioweapons program…Chinese military-affiliated scientists were discussing the weaponization of coronaviruses publicly and openly—and they did so five years before the Covid-19 pandemic”. What has occurred is that most nations, except probably Australia, have been involved in a bioweapons arms race, contrary to token treaties that they have signed. We do not know what lethal bugs have been created by gain-of-function genetic engineering, only that in recent days, a US and British research group have created a much more dangerous version of Covid, which if and when released, could prove deadly. It is sheer madness, and needs wide discussion and opposition.

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The Omicron-Specific mRNA Boosters, Fail By Brian Simpson

The Covid narrative is now going off the boil with the general public, in Australia and across the West, since bs can only be kept up for so long in the face of cold hard facts. We saw with Omicron, people who were fully vaxxed getting Covid, which showed that the claim made by Dr Fauci and Biden etc. early in the piece, that the vaxxes prevented transmission, was false. At that point, once people got Omicron, and found it mild, it was hard to maintain the fear mantra that he healthcare system was threatened with collapse.


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Covid Mandate Forgiveness? Never! Justice! By Brian Simpson

An article published in the establishment magazine, The Atlantic, by Professor Emily Oster, entitled “Pandemic Amnesty,” puts the case that those responsible for all their crimes against humanity and common decency seen during the Covid tyrannical mandates, should be given an amnesty, or forgiveness. This is interesting since it is by definition an admission that wrong doing occurred. Yet, none of those responsible for this, such as Trump, Dr Fauci, Bill Gates, down to locals, admit any fault, and if anything, have, and would double down, and will do it all again when the next bioweapons bug is released from some moth-eaten bioweapon’s lab.  


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Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister for the Globalists By Richard Miller (London)

Liz Truss has gone as PM of the collapsing UK to be replaced by the first non-white PM. Rishi Sunak is a World Economic Forum globalist, but they all are now.  The father of Sunak's wife Akshata Murthy is the founder of Infosys, an Indian information technology company, and an "official partner" of the World Economic Forum, which is seeking to develop a global social credit score and central banking digital currency system. Liz Truss would never oppose this, so why did she go down? One hypothesis is a major security breach occurred which some think could lead to World War III, possibly revealing Britain’s role in blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline:



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Now Even the Sociologists are Talking about the Covid Censorship! By James Reed

This is nothing news in content, but the event and mode of reporting is significant. It is no news to readers that a level of censorship and suppression has occurred in the Covid plandemic, which is unprecedented in human history. This has not ended by a long shot, for example, with leading Covid critic, cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, being slowly stripped of his academic affiliations. The article summarised below, documents earlier aspects of this intellectual suppression, and it was published in a mainstream sociology of science and policy journal, Minerva. This may indicate that the truth about Covid may be slowly seeping out. The question then to be asked when all is known, discussed in another article, is : is there a Covid amnesty, and forgiveness? I say; no way should crimes against humanity be lightly dismissed.


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